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Best And Worst Experience Of Integrating Thai & Falang

Poo Ying FeFe

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Worst: I grew up in a very 'White' town just outside of London. We used to get rubbish thrown at the house (eggs on the walls and bricks through the window) My Dad's English, my Mum's Thai. The neighbours children would shout racist comments at us and I was regularly asked if my Dad had bought my Mum!

And where ? may I ask was this very "White" town just outside of London???

Edited by MAJIC
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Best: telling fellow farangs that I got the missis from brides online and watching their faces change

Worst: shopkeepers taking advice from others instead of listening to me, I really did want my jok to be without eggs and without intestines and take away, the fact that the woman next to me thinks I wanted it with everything and to eat in is not my problem and has probably cost you money.

wrt to small towns near London, I know em, and they've changed a lot over the years, along with generations, the 60+ and 70+ will be remaining in a post war state of mind wondering why people are taking jobs, 40 - 60 a bit more calm but a bit of not wanting something different attitude will remanin 30 - 40 a little rage occasionally I guess but younger than that more accepting, of course you always get the ignorant, the bigots

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Best: meeting my wife and slipping into village life. Building stuff without waiting 6 months foe a work permit. A lot of best things really.

Worse: my disappointment at street food, we now take our rice cooker with us along with our own rice and chicken as do many Thais. Especially since I found out that they buy their oil from restaurants that have finished with it and the stuff is full of pesticides and other gunk.

It took me two months to find decent coffee.

Oh, and the 'Mai mi' thing where they just turn around and walk away instead of helping further.

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Best: the freedom, the weather, nice people (you have those anywhere)

Worst: never knowing if you are not being cheated when buying something, the visa rules that make it hard to really settle here as you never know what they are going to change, the lack of quality in goods and labor (even if you pay more),

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And where ? may I ask was this very "White" town just outside of London???

Not much privacy in a small town, so it's understandable why some might not want to be too specific. Please just answer the OP or read something else. No need to derail a topic nitpicking about semantics.

Protect the privacy of people who threw garbage at your house, bricks threw the window, and children shouting racial abuse!!

No, protecting the OP's privacy

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Best: Retiring here and getting a good nights sleep every night, and being accepted by my neighbour who has done many things for us and helped us in many situations without question.

Worst: Not learning the language as quickly as I should...and to borrow from Robblok....the lack of quality in products and labour.

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I can't reply to worst because I've been treated pretty well everywhere I've been in Thailand. I take everything in life as a lesson, and even the bad stuff is okay. I just figures it saves me from a worse fate later. For example; if I have a little fender bender accident where all I get is a few scrapes I take it as a lesson to be more careful in the future and maybe I'll survive a far worse situation.

As far as the best goes it's hard to decide between many. I think it's random acts of kindness on my part that I get rewarded from by a child's grin or a old woman's smile.

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The best would be the great Thai people who have helped me along the way and there have been quite a few good ones.

The worst would be the scammers, liars and dodgy shopkeepers / market stall holders who love to scam and / or rip you off every chance they get.

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The worst would be the scammers, liars and dodgy shopkeepers / market stall holders who love to scam and / or rip you off every chance they get.

That's easily remedied. Just shop at places that have fixed, clearly displayed prices.

I don't think the market stalls have anything that major retailers don't have these days, surely?

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If you find a post to be offensive/against forum rules, you can report it. Which you rightly did Sub.

Post in question has been dealt with but this does not constitute a free ticket for other poster to slag off or flame the poster who made the offensive post.

Responding to an offensive comment with another offensive one is equally breaking forum rules.

Please keep that in mind, and play nice.

Happy new year

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