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Thaksin Not To Blame For Soap Being Canned: Pheu Thai

Lite Beer

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Thaksin might not be blamed directly, but I'm pretty sure that the idiots in power got a little hot under the collar.

With the DSI, anything & everything is suspicious and not transparent, if they don't have a "hand in the basket".

They are increasingly becoming a political tool for the PT, I'm temping to call the a sort of "Gestapo".

What a mess this country is heading towards.

1st car scheme - filling up roads faster than ever before (as if we need more cars here)bah.gif

1st home - kinda disappearedcoffee1.gif

rice buying - cheesy.gif

300baht/day wage hike - sick.gif

to name a few

And add the 15,000Baht min salary for new graduates, never really implemented, gone to the bottom of the too hard basket. I know, I have several extended family members who tried politely to raise this one to their employees (including government agencies). Answer - Do you want a job or not?

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cheesy.gif Just love how all the nutbags come out and blame Thaksin for everything. If the sun don't shine, bloody Thaksin, if they burn thier toast bloody Thaksin. It is very entertaining listening to them all.

Go ahead and laugh, perhaps your laughter will turn to deep concern when your kids live in a family and cronies run dictatorship.

DO YOU REALLY THINK that thaksin has the time or inclination to watch such trash? I think not,

I would guess that his time would be on a few things other than this tripe!!!

All the thaksin and red shirt bashers have an OVER active imadgination what a joke!!! GET A LIFEpassifier.gif

Yes, I agree with you, if I was cuddle buddy to this babe, I doubt I'd watch the soap or soups.

post-9891-0-53835700-1357465255_thumb.jp post-9891-0-70167200-1357465347_thumb.jp

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Even if it is true, it does sound pretty stupid to be complaining about a thing like this. While there are serious ramifications if this were true... what is the opposition doing about it except bicker and whine?

I'm starting to root for Thaksin and the reds really. Why? Because they have their sh*t together. The yellow-shirt buffoons had their chance when they seized power -- but all they did was fight and claw over who gets the money. They are no better than the reds when it comes to morals and they are seemingly more incompetent.

For example -- the DSI. The yellows couldn't use them to their advantage -- which they SHOULD have. But the reds? Maximum effect.

So at 12.43pm on the 6th of Jan you make the statment ",,,,what us the opposition doing about it except bicker and whine".

I can't find any comment at that time from the opposition. Please share your source for your comment.

Edited by scorecard
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What next, is he going to issue a statement saying he wasn't to blame for the Holocaust.

Anything to keep his name in print.

the irony!! His opponents in the media, and to a lesser extent people on here keep him in the print far more than any of his supporters. On TV any subject is within 5 posts brought or blamed on Thaksin, and his name is not raised by his supporters or people who are more rational about the situation on here.

As if Thaksin could be bothered about a) trying to view some thai soup opera cool.png if he was watching it, which is probably a 1 in a million chance, he could be bothered to phone up and get them to cut it. Some people are really living in another universe on here.

Chances are he didn't watch the soupy. He is however very aware of how easily his followers can be brainwashed though as are the UDD. Having seen the stark similarities between the soup and Thaksin in regards to corruption, his sons name, the corrupt deputy prime minister etc etc they decided it was in Thaksins and the parties best interests not to have the show broadcast lest the easily led supporters start to see the similarities themselves and (heaven forbid) start to see the reality of the criminals they are supporting.

This is obviously your opinion, not fact.

Opinion -Chances are he didn't watch the soupy. Having seen the stark similarities between the soup and Thaksin in regards to corruption, his sons name, the corrupt deputy prime minister etc etc they decided it was in Thaksins and the parties best interests not to have the show broadcast

Fact - He is however very aware of how easily his followers can be brainwashed though as are the UDD. the reality of the criminals they are supporting

It mystifies me that educated (apparently) westerners that have grown up with a stable government can even argue the the dribble that the PTP spew up on a daily basis and then have the stupidity to defend them...I say again...Brainwashing and easily led...

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Thaksin was attacked for calling the snap elections, which in effect prevented any member of parliament from changing parties. In an editorial, The Nation noted it "fails to take into consideration a major fallacy of the concept [of democracy], particularly in a less-developed democracy like ours, in which the impoverished, poorly informed masses are easily manipulated by people of his ilk. And Thaksin's manipulation has been well documented." This is what I mean by Thaksin shutting the soapy down.

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cheesy.gif Just love how all the nutbags come out and blame Thaksin for everything. If the sun don't shine, bloody Thaksin, if they burn thier toast bloody Thaksin. It is very entertaining listening to them all.

Go ahead and laugh, perhaps your laughter will turn to deep concern when your kids live in a family and cronies run dictatorship.

DO YOU REALLY THINK that thaksin has the time or inclination to watch such trash? I think not,

I would guess that his time would be on a few things other than this trip!!!

All the thaksin and red shirt bashers have an OVER active imadgination what a joke!!! GET A LIFEpassifier.gif

Thais watch "Trash" soap operas every day. Surely you appreciate that. They make Benny Hill look complicated.

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"Former PM Thaksin stays overseas and he certainly could not view this drama, so he had nothing to do with this matter,"

But Thais in new Zealand can, I am reliably (?) informed. I suppose they could have more expertise with telecommunications..........

Not to mention Thaksin's owned a Satellite TV company, and a Communications company

and has enough money to have a team of low paid interns copy ANYTHING off the tv and send him copies weekly or daily.

And all it takes is an underling here, currying favor, to call and say little sister or his interests here

are being subverted by this TV show,putting 'thinly veiled charactatures of his clan' on the Thai tube,

and might make the public THINK... and thinking is not encouraged if it isn't being directed by Team Thaksin.

Even if the report is exaggerated, it is still a report.

Edited by animatic
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"Former PM Thaksin stays overseas and he certainly could not view this drama, so he had nothing to do with this matter,"

But Thais in new Zealand can, I am reliably (?) informed. I suppose they could have more expertise with telecommunications..........

Not to mention Thaksin's owned a Satellite TV company, and a Communications company

and has enough money to have a team of low paid interns copy ANYTHING off the tv and send him copies weekly or daily.

And all it takes is an underling here, currying favor, to call and say little sister or his interests here

are being subverted by this TV show,putting 'thinly veiled charactatures of his clan' on the Thai tube,

and might make the public THINK... and thinking is not encouraged if it isn't being directed by Team Thaksin.

Even if the report is exaggerated, it is still a report.

I'd go with the underling theory, as an example there's the precedent of the... was it a deputy minister? running to fill a police report over the cabin assistant that ranted about throwing coffee at Thaksin's daughter.

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Even if it is true, it does sound pretty stupid to be complaining about a thing like this. While there are serious ramifications if this were true... what is the opposition doing about it except bicker and whine?

I'm starting to root for Thaksin and the reds really. Why? Because they have their sh*t together. The yellow-shirt buffoons had their chance when they seized power -- but all they did was fight and claw over who gets the money. They are no better than the reds when it comes to morals and they are seemingly more incompetent.

For example -- the DSI. The yellows couldn't use them to their advantage -- which they SHOULD have. But the reds? Maximum effect.

I sincerely hope you don't teach English

You are making the arguement for the Democrats with those statements. DSI should not be used as apolitical tool at all. It just shows the red shirts are manipulative and abusing there power. AND in the case of the DSI obviously throwing maney to certain parties to make them pliable to the twisted red shirt ideology.

The yellow-shirt buffoons had their chance when they seized power -- but all they did was fight and claw over who gets the money. Abhisit introduced the policy that all Democrat MPs would have to declare their assets and any involvement in private companies as opposed to only members of the cabinet. Thaksin would never have made it as a Democrat under those conditions as would 99% of the PTP members.

If your comments were sarcasim however I take my hat off to you. I could not have written a better fairy tale myself.

I think the moderators need to look at how postings from the Android app get stacked

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Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra was not behind the abrupt termination on Friday night of the soap opera "Nua Mek 2"

Well, whoever was behind it, did us all a great favour. The question is, why don't they terminate all the soap operas?

Control of the masses!

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Sunisa Lertpakawat, deputy spokesperson for Pheu Thai, said it was "impossible and insensible" for Thaksin to interfere with this matter.

"Former PM Thaksin stays overseas and he certainly could not view this drama, so he had nothing to do with this matter," she said.

This is a denial? "was impossible and insensible to interfere", "overseas and could not view", therefor "nothing to do with this" ?

Personally I think it's just that this lady might not have gotten over k. Thaksin yet and still pines for him.

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"Former PM Thaksin stays overseas and he certainly could not view this drama, so he had nothing to do with this matter,"

But Thais in new Zealand can, I am reliably (?) informed. I suppose they could have more expertise with telecommunications..........

Go into any Thai Video shop in Sydney or any other Oz city and they will have the latest episodes for hire . Maybe they are trying to say Khun T doesn't want to mix it with the low - so Thais who staff these shops where all the expat Thais go. Could it be be different in Dubai ?

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Well done Thaksin another thing we have to thank our great leader for saving all the children in Thailand from sitting at home watching shit soaps on TV, lucky for us he just sits in Dubai watching Thai crap on his TV.

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Even if it is true, it does sound pretty stupid to be complaining about a thing like this. While there are serious ramifications if this were true... what is the opposition doing about it except bicker and whine?

I'm starting to root for Thaksin and the reds really. Why? Because they have their sh*t together. The yellow-shirt buffoons had their chance when they seized power -- but all they did was fight and claw over who gets the money. They are no better than the reds when it comes to morals and they are seemingly more incompetent.

For example -- the DSI. The yellows couldn't use them to their advantage -- which they SHOULD have. But the reds? Maximum effect.

Wow! super logic,right or wrong has no meaning! as long as you win from strength and win,as long as you have your sh*t together,and competent to take advantage.

Let us hope children do not learn to agree with your way of thinking.

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Thaksin not to blame for soap being canned: Pheu Thai

If there is no smoke without fire,why does Pheu Thai bother to even answer the question?

Because if they don't people will say, if it is not true, why do the PTP not come out and deny it. If they comment it is 'there is no smoke without fire' if they don't comment people will comment that they are not denying it so there must be some truth behind it. They cannot win.

Can channel 3 not just come out and say why it was cancelled? surely that is the easiest way to clear it up, bit of a mountain out of a molehill to be honest.

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Thaksin not to blame for soap being canned: Pheu Thai

If there is no smoke without fire,why does Pheu Thai bother to even answer the question?

Because if they don't people will say, if it is not true, why do the PTP not come out and deny it. If they comment it is 'there is no smoke without fire' if they don't comment people will comment that they are not denying it so there must be some truth behind it. They cannot win.

Can channel 3 not just come out and say why it was cancelled? surely that is the easiest way to clear it up, bit of a mountain out of a molehill to be honest.

If channel 3 told the truth, k. XYZ (those are not his initials) told us to cancel the show, would they still be in his good books, owed a political favour? Or would they find that their licence renewal had just hit an "unforeseen problem"?

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Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra was not behind the abrupt termination on Friday night of the soap opera "Nua Mek 2" on Channel 3, a spokesperson for the ruling Pheu Thai Party said yesterday.

Sunisa Lertpakawat, deputy spokesperson for Pheu Thai, said it was "impossible and insensible"

Thaksin biographer and alleged action on the side Sunisa is no stranger to a bit of soap opera style tearing up herself...

Pheu Thai deputy spokesperson Sunisa Lertpakawat was a Lieutenant and an anchor for Army-run Channel 5 who jetted off to London to interview ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra in June 2007. At that time it was said

"She is now in trouble so deep she can hardly fathom it. The month she spent chasing Mr Thaksin for the interviews could give the army enough grounds to dismiss her for taking leave without informing her superiors.

Government officials in this country are governed by stringent disciplinary regulations which make it mandatory for them to secure permission prior to travelling overseas, even for holidays"

Maybe no defamation suit will be filed

The histrionics of discharged AWOL Army Lieutenant, failed Pheu Thai Party MP candidate, and current Pheu Thai Party Deputy Spokesman Sunisa Lerpakawat's are unforgettable.


" I have no negative image as a politician and I am not corrupt. Luckily, I grew up at a time when people were taught not to be corrupt. I am a member of the young generation who are clean," she said.

Author Of Books On Thaksin To Contest Poll


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rubl, on 2012-02-19 10:02:10, said:

Pheu Thai deputy spokesperson Sunisa Lertpakawat was a Lieutenant and an anchor for Army-run Channel 5 who jetted off to London to interview ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra in June 2007. At that time it was said

"She is now in trouble so deep she can hardly fathom it. The month she spent chasing Mr Thaksin for the interviews could give the army enough grounds to dismiss her for taking leave without informing her superiors.

Government officials in this country are governed by stringent disciplinary regulations which make it mandatory for them to secure permission prior to travelling overseas, even for holidays"

Maybe no defamation suit will be filed

The histrionics of discharged AWOL Army Lieutenant, failed Pheu Thai Party MP candidate, and current Pheu Thai Party Deputy Spokesman Sunisa Lerpakawat's are unforgettable.


" I have no negative image as a politician and I am not corrupt. Luckily, I grew up at a time when people were taught not to be corrupt. I am a member of the young generation who are clean," she said

Was that a dishonorable discharge for going AWOL for over a month?.

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Even if it is true, it does sound pretty stupid to be complaining about a thing like this. While there are serious ramifications if this were true... what is the opposition doing about it except bicker and whine?

I'm starting to root for Thaksin and the reds really. Why? Because they have their sh*t together. The yellow-shirt buffoons had their chance when they seized power -- but all they did was fight and claw over who gets the money. They are no better than the reds when it comes to morals and they are seemingly more incompetent.

For example -- the DSI. The yellows couldn't use them to their advantage -- which they SHOULD have. But the reds? Maximum effect.

"Maximum effect."

Oddly enough, I admire the Democrats (not the yellows ... that's a broader grouping) for not using the DSI to persecute their political opponents when they were in-power, but perhaps others think that law-enforcement agencies exist only for political use, as you appear to ?

Doesn't the Big Boss complain constantly/endlessly/interminably/whiningly about political cases against him, from his time in-office several years ago, as being politically-motivated ... even when they're not ? So why would the Red-Shirt/UDD-led coalition-government's 'use' now of the DSI be suddenly laudable ? wink.png

No Double Standards !

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rubl, on 2012-02-19 10:02:10, said:

Pheu Thai deputy spokesperson Sunisa Lertpakawat was a Lieutenant and an anchor for Army-run Channel 5 who jetted off to London to interview ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra in June 2007. At that time it was said

"She is now in trouble so deep she can hardly fathom it. The month she spent chasing Mr Thaksin for the interviews could give the army enough grounds to dismiss her for taking leave without informing her superiors.

Government officials in this country are governed by stringent disciplinary regulations which make it mandatory for them to secure permission prior to travelling overseas, even for holidays"

Maybe no defamation suit will be filed

The histrionics of discharged AWOL Army Lieutenant, failed Pheu Thai Party MP candidate, and current Pheu Thai Party Deputy Spokesman Sunisa Lerpakawat's are unforgettable.


" I have no negative image as a politician and I am not corrupt. Luckily, I grew up at a time when people were taught not to be corrupt. I am a member of the young generation who are clean," she said

Was that a dishonorable discharge for going AWOL for over a month?.

For many nations' military, over a month AWOL is called desertion. It's also classed as a felony.

However Sunisa's discharge was classified, it didn't stop Thaksin's biographer from rising in the ranks of the Thaksin Thinks, Pheu Thai Acts Party.


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rubl, on 2012-02-19 10:02:10, said:

Pheu Thai deputy spokesperson Sunisa Lertpakawat was a Lieutenant and an anchor for Army-run Channel 5 who jetted off to London to interview ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra in June 2007. At that time it was said

"She is now in trouble so deep she can hardly fathom it. The month she spent chasing Mr Thaksin for the interviews could give the army enough grounds to dismiss her for taking leave without informing her superiors.

Government officials in this country are governed by stringent disciplinary regulations which make it mandatory for them to secure permission prior to travelling overseas, even for holidays"

Maybe no defamation suit will be filed

The histrionics of discharged AWOL Army Lieutenant, failed Pheu Thai Party MP candidate, and current Pheu Thai Party Deputy Spokesman Sunisa Lerpakawat's are unforgettable.


" I have no negative image as a politician and I am not corrupt. Luckily, I grew up at a time when people were taught not to be corrupt. I am a member of the young generation who are clean," she said

Was that a dishonorable discharge for going AWOL for over a month?.

For many nations' military, over a month AWOL is called desertion. It's also classed as a felony.

However Sunisa's discharge was classified, it didn't stop Thaksin's biographer from rising in the ranks of the Thaksin Thinks, Pheu Thai Acts Party.


The title of the book reminds me of a sitcom many years "car 54 where are you".

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It wasn't too long ago that a soap about the police was pulled under similar circumstances because it painted many police in a bad light. I don't know why people read so much into the soaps though. For the most part they are pretty far fetched. This particular soap was way out there, think "The Munsters meet Yes Minster and Marvin the Paranoid Android".

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It wasn't too long ago that a soap about the police was pulled under similar circumstances because it painted many police in a bad light. I don't know why people read so much into the soaps though. For the most part they are pretty far fetched. This particular soap was way out there, think "The Munsters meet Yes Minster and Marvin the Paranoid Android".

There is a certain disconnect between fantasy and reality when all you are fed is soap opera for 4 hours a night every night.

Is noticeable that the main news comes on after at 10.30 pm.

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