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The very tip of the welfare disaster iceberg Thailand has unwittingly imported.

Desperate as this case sounds it is certainly repeated and certainly will be repeated again and again.

Guys 'Winging-it' in Thailand, emigrating here with neither insurance of the personal funds to cover their own care/repatriation. The bridges burned to back home and a bunch of other guys treading water here, hanging on on subsistence incomes, not saving for their inevitable future needs.

Repatriating the guy might help him, but his recklessness leaves his g/f or his children with facing a grim future.

I'd ask if the family have a garden shed and advise expats winging it here who are setting themselves up for the same mess to go check where their shed is.

If there is no garden shed, building one might be a plan of sorts.

I agree!

The sick man acted extremely irresponsible towards his wife/gf and 3 children, all 5 of them uninsured.blink.png

It's unbelievable sick.gif

To quote the OP again:

1) The guy became sick about 4 - 5 months ago with a problem with his eyes, balance and, I suspect, mental processes. He has no money, and the UK family are unable/unwilling to assist. His visa expired back in June and was not renewed, probably because of a combination of lack of money and his inability to get to an immigration office. I believe he might be excused the overstay if his doctor can produce a letter stating the health situation. He has no medical insurance back-up. I reckon he's lost about a third of his body weight from not eating properly.

2) Though not officially married, he has three children who are not yet in their teens. In better times he took on a nice house and a shophouse, both of which have to be paid for and his partner is way behind with the payments to the bank.

3) She's unable to work as the children need care and he needs 24/7 attention.

4) He was taken to the British Embassy on Monday, his partner hoping for his emergency repatriation. The embassy said they were unable to help and would not even see him.

The only fast way out I see is talk to the bank (fast!) who mortgaged the house and shophouse and ask them to step in with cash money, assuming they are in the womans' name, and in return give both assets back to the bank.

Depends how much his wife loves and cares for him and if she can handle it all since he/she's "way behind with the payments to the bank"

What a disaster

  • Like 1

A few years ago, I tried to help out a SA national who was extremely ill that I knew. He was on a massive overstay, and needed urgent medical attention. I notified his embassy and got nothing, i notified his family and got nothing, I spent weeks taking food and sundries to him to help. I ended up with a 70,000 baht medical bill which I ended up paying, and never getting back. He got scooped up and sent to IDC and subsequently deported. Last year surprisingly he returned to Thailand. I got no thanks from anyone, so whilst it's an awful situation, you may end up getting burnt for doing a good deed. Notify the Tourist Police and The Embassy, and they can take care of it.

I hesitated if I would react or not but decided to go for it.

Some years ago there was a very sick woman on Phuket, a former mod on TV, married to a Thai man (her second Thai husband) who treated and even beat her extremely bad and they were living on an island off Phuket.

She was transported to a hospital on Phuket were she received very good assistance from 2 Ladies (also both Mods on TV) and who did everything possible for her.

Money was needed for her repatriation to the UK but there was no money whatsoever.

NOBODY in her circle, including this lousy husband, had access to fast cash to pay for the hospital and ticket to the UK.

There was an outcry on TV but nobody stepped in.

I had contact (phone) with the woman involved and she asked if I could transfer money to HER or her husband but both Ladies, helping her, advised me not to and she even got angry with me that I didn't send HER the money...

Instead I transferred money to one of the Ladies and she arranged from there.

The woman was repatriated to the UK.

I never met the woman but later when she recovered a bit (and was a mod for a certain period) she even acted very nasty to me. Never said "thank you".

My wife didn't understand WHY I donated such a substantial amount of money for someone I never met and was quite upset about the whole case and right she was.

The woman involved died some time later.

Would I do it again? probably not....sad.png but at the time it was a "call from hell" about/from a dying woman.

Both Lady (ex)-Mods can confirm this story.

  • Like 2

The sick man acted extremely irresponsible towards his wife/gf and 3 children, all 5 of them uninsured.blink.png

It's unbelievable sick.gif

To quote the OP again:

1) The guy became sick about 4 - 5 months ago with a problem with his eyes, balance and, I suspect, mental processes. He has no money, and the UK family are unable/unwilling to assist. His visa expired back in June and was not renewed, probably because of a combination of lack of money and his inability to get to an immigration office. I believe he might be excused the overstay if his doctor can produce a letter stating the health situation. He has no medical insurance back-up. I reckon he's lost about a third of his body weight from not eating properly. - So, he got sick in August, but his visa expired in June? No money to renew the visa nor pay for his undiagnosed issues, and these issues manifested themselves 2-3 months into his overstay......

2) Though not officially married, he has three children who are not yet in their teens. In better times he took on a nice house and a shophouse, both of which have to be paid for and his partner is way behind with the payments to the bank. - Can we assume that he is retired, yet took on 2 substantial financial commitments, whilst 'creating' 3 others with a 6th???

3) She's unable to work as the children need care and he needs 24/7 attentiom - Unclear on this one.. Are the children in school? Who is running the shophouse, or is that a 7th commitment, on a pension, <deleted>....

4) He was taken to the British Embassy on Monday, his partner hoping for his emergency repatriation. The embassy said they were unable to help and would not even see him. Embassies, wherever, you go, are NOT there to dig you out of a hole of your own making

Some may tell me I am cold hearted, and probably wish the same on me in later years, but I struggle to have any sympathy for this guy. This isn't a hole he has dug, its a <deleted>' chasm and, when the money runs out, wants someone else to pick up the pieces.....

But, of course, things like this don't happen in Thailand, the OP is obviously drinking with the wrong crowd....whistling.gifwhistling.gif


The very tip of the welfare disaster iceberg Thailand has unwittingly imported.

Desperate as this case sounds it is certainly repeated and certainly will be repeated again and again.

Guys 'Winging-it' in Thailand, emigrating here with neither insurance of the personal funds to cover their own care/repatriation. The bridges burned to back home and a bunch of other guys treading water here, hanging on on subsistence incomes, not saving for their inevitable future needs.

Maybe you would like to point out some insurance options for the over 60's? I could not even get anyone to give me a quote.

  • Like 1


As far as i can see it, 70k (if you can afford it) is a small price to pay to hold your head high.

Even if you got burned in the end, you probably got more out if it than they did.

Agreed, I know it was the right thing, but it poised me off no end to see that no one else gave a shit. It's pretty sad really. Would I do it again, maybe unlikely, but I would always try and do something.

Don't let a bad experience ruin your good heart.


Very sad The worst scenario would be to dump him on the steps of the British Embassey and walk away ensuring his British passport was with him, they would have to do something then, even returning to the UK would not help as he would not be entitled to medical treatment for the 1st 6 months the poor fella seems to be in a no win situation.

If he could get to the UK and to an Accident & Emergency close to the Airport,even if his Escort could call an Ambulance,I believe he would not be turned away,just because he has been out of the Country for a long while,the adverse Publicity would be enough to get him admitted. Whether he is fit enough to fly,would need a sympathetic Doctors Letter.

Nobody gets turned away from A&E no matter where they come from or what nationality they are. They may have to pay for any treatment after that but I suspect that nobody will ask this guy for payment.

He won't be charged that's a given. In fact I can't remeber ever turning anyone away from treatment when I worked in the NHS, and it didn't matter where they came from. In some cases we even paid for them to be repatriated.


The very tip of the welfare disaster iceberg Thailand has unwittingly imported.

Desperate as this case sounds it is certainly repeated and certainly will be repeated again and again.

Guys 'Winging-it' in Thailand, emigrating here with neither insurance of the personal funds to cover their own care/repatriation. The bridges burned to back home and a bunch of other guys treading water here, hanging on on subsistence incomes, not saving for their inevitable future needs.

Maybe you would like to point out some insurance options for the over 60's? I could not even get anyone to give me a quote.

If you are insured BEFORE you turn 60 for x number of years then many insurance companies will continue that insurance. I think the question is. Is his condition treatable if yes then he could recover. If no then why is he hanging around. Harsh but true.

sent from my Q6

  • Like 1

A few years ago, I tried to help out a SA national who was extremely ill that I knew. He was on a massive overstay, and needed urgent medical attention. I notified his embassy and got nothing, i notified his family and got nothing, I spent weeks taking food and sundries to him to help. I ended up with a 70,000 baht medical bill which I ended up paying, and never getting back. He got scooped up and sent to IDC and subsequently deported. Last year surprisingly he returned to Thailand. I got no thanks from anyone, so whilst it's an awful situation, you may end up getting burnt for doing a good deed. Notify the Tourist Police and The Embassy, and they can take care of it.

I hesitated if I would react or not but decided to go for it.

Some years ago there was a very sick woman on Phuket, a former mod on TV, married to a Thai man (her second Thai husband) who treated and even beat her extremely bad and they were living on an island off Phuket.

She was transported to a hospital on Phuket were she received very good assistance from 2 Ladies (also both Mods on TV) and who did everything possible for her.

Money was needed for her repatriation to the UK but there was no money whatsoever.

NOBODY in her circle, including this lousy husband, had access to fast cash to pay for the hospital and ticket to the UK.

There was an outcry on TV but nobody stepped in.

I had contact (phone) with the woman involved and she asked if I could transfer money to HER or her husband but both Ladies, helping her, advised me not to and she even got angry with me that I didn't send HER the money...

Instead I transferred money to one of the Ladies and she arranged from there.

The woman was repatriated to the UK.

I never met the woman but later when she recovered a bit (and was a mod for a certain period) she even acted very nasty to me. Never said "thank you".

My wife didn't understand WHY I donated such a substantial amount of money for someone I never met and was quite upset about the whole case and right she was.

The woman involved died some time later.

Would I do it again? probably not....sad.png but at the time it was a "call from hell" about/from a dying woman.

Both Lady (ex)-Mods can confirm this story.

I agree, when you end up on the spot - it's pretty difficult to walk away. It's pretty sad, when either the person or family, don't or wont even acknowledge that someone was prepared to stump up for them.


I still fail to see why everyone thinks he would be better off in the UK

For the price of the plane ticket he can get plenty of medical help here and still be with his loved ones , albiet broke and having imigration issues

For the price of a plane ticket he can get some welfare medial help and then be broke and homeless away from his loved ones.

Call me crazy but if I were him I would rather have all the people wanting to help me send me to a doctor and help me pay my imigration problems.

Maybe I should make a poll and ask people if you needed help because you were sick, would you rather get sent to a doctor and have someone help you pay off imigration and stay with your family or be given a one way ticket back to the UK with the clothes on your back and no money. ...... Seems pretty obvious to me what a person would want but I guess I could be wrong ...... again

It really depends on his illness, if it is something terminal it could end up costing a lot more than a plane ticket if he is to get the proper care. Being stuck in a governement hospital dying wont be much fun. I would think repatriation is a much better option in this case. Aftertall he could end up in IDC untreated.


There have been some interesting responses. I should make clear that I might well agree with some of the more 'robust' posts but the reason for my first post was to seek opinions on what might be possible to improve a bad situation, rather than make judgement on past actions and events. Putting a problem like this out for discussion helps to clarify thought processes and perhaps focuses attention on the immediate problem, which is that of getting an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment before worrying about the immigration and repatriation problems.

I will suggest to the partner that she really has no option other than to try to raise money by selling the house - this means talking with the mortgage provider (probably the bank). I now agree that rather than try for repatriation he should be placed in a hospital as a matter of priority. One step at a time.


he is in his 60's ? Eye problems and Balance,,,,,,,, classic symptoms of diabetics

Has he been tested ? many 1000's of people have it and until something happens have no idea....

If it is diabetics then not expensive to get medication, see a Dr, even 2 days in Hospital here on a drip and injections + medication after for a year would be a lot cheaper that a flight back to UK

Many Thai Pharmacies have a test kit, something like 30 baht will do a test,,,,,, you can go from there......... around where I live a number are run by Drs, or Sons, 2 that I know the Drs are retired and always somewhere within calling distance, one by a Drs wife, he the Dr is always there after 6 pm... = can get the correct medication without paying Hospitals...

Just an idea, maybe nothing like that but could be something simple and not expensive to fix here.

Edit: do a Google search.......... Balance + diabetics and a search........ Eyes + diabetics......

Yes I have diabetics and until I had the test some years ago, believe I was living with it for some years before the test.


As far as i can see it, 70k (if you can afford it) is a small price to pay to hold your head high.

Even if you got burned in the end, you probably got more out if it than they did.

Quality. Totally agree -- and I must add that that post reflects very well on you, sir.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap


The very tip of the welfare disaster iceberg Thailand has unwittingly imported.

Desperate as this case sounds it is certainly repeated and certainly will be repeated again and again.

Guys 'Winging-it' in Thailand, emigrating here with neither insurance of the personal funds to cover their own care/repatriation. The bridges burned to back home and a bunch of other guys treading water here, hanging on on subsistence incomes, not saving for their inevitable future needs.

Maybe you would like to point out some insurance options for the over 60's? I could not even get anyone to give me a quote.

At what age did you come to Thailand ?


he is in his 60's ? Eye problems and Balance,,,,,,,, classic symptoms of diabetics

Has he been tested ? many 1000's of people have it and until something happens have no idea....

If it is diabetics then not expensive to get medication, see a Dr, even 2 days in Hospital here on a drip and injections + medication after for a year would be a lot cheaper that a flight back to UK

Many Thai Pharmacies have a test kit, something like 30 baht will do a test,,,,,, you can go from there......... around where I live a number are run by Drs, or Sons, 2 that I know the Drs are retired and always somewhere within calling distance, one by a Drs wife, he the Dr is always there after 6 pm... = can get the correct medication without paying Hospitals...

Just an idea, maybe nothing like that but could be something simple and not expensive to fix here.

Edit: do a Google search.......... Balance + diabetics and a search........ Eyes + diabetics......

Yes I have diabetics and until I had the test some years ago, believe I was living with it for some years before the test.

Personnally I would consult with your medical collegue "CMtourist" he says its a simple imflamation of the brain which needs a "shot of steriods"...!!!...you both cant be right...


The very tip of the welfare disaster iceberg Thailand has unwittingly imported.

Desperate as this case sounds it is certainly repeated and certainly will be repeated again and again.

Guys 'Winging-it' in Thailand, emigrating here with neither insurance of the personal funds to cover their own care/repatriation. The bridges burned to back home and a bunch of other guys treading water here, hanging on on subsistence incomes, not saving for their inevitable future needs.

Maybe you would like to point out some insurance options for the over 60's? I could not even get anyone to give me a quote.

If you are insured BEFORE you turn 60 for x number of years then many insurance companies will continue that insurance. I think the question is. Is his condition treatable if yes then he could recover. If no then why is he hanging around. Harsh but true.

sent from my Q6

Exactly...I large numbers of TV's finest are of the opinion that Thai's are stupid, but how stupid is it to move to a 3rd word country and not having the right to recourse to free public services and not making provision for a "get out " or getting themselves insurance...very irresponsible IMHO.....

  • Like 1

I will suggest to the partner that she really has no option other than to try to raise money by selling the house - this means talking with the mortgage provider (probably the bank).

Exactly my thoughts.

Her reaction and action to this will be interesting...


he is in his 60's ? Eye problems and Balance,,,,,,,, classic symptoms of diabetics

Has he been tested ? many 1000's of people have it and until something happens have no idea....

If it is diabetics then not expensive to get medication, see a Dr, even 2 days in Hospital here on a drip and injections + medication after for a year would be a lot cheaper that a flight back to UK

Many Thai Pharmacies have a test kit, something like 30 baht will do a test,,,,,, you can go from there......... around where I live a number are run by Drs, or Sons, 2 that I know the Drs are retired and always somewhere within calling distance, one by a Drs wife, he the Dr is always there after 6 pm... = can get the correct medication without paying Hospitals...

Just an idea, maybe nothing like that but could be something simple and not expensive to fix here.

Edit: do a Google search.......... Balance + diabetics and a search........ Eyes + diabetics......

Yes I have diabetics and until I had the test some years ago, believe I was living with it for some years before the test.

Personnally I would consult with your medical collegue "CMtourist" he says its a simple imflamation of the brain which needs a "shot of steriods"...!!!...you both cant be right...

That's not what I said at all.

I believe its against forum policy to deliberately alter a poster's quote. Deliberately misquoting them in a misleading manner must be against that policy in spirit if not the letter.

What I actually said was, "Imagine if he has a simple inflamation in the brain . . ."

This is not a troll board. And this topic is a serious discussion on the options available to a real person in an awful situation. If you want to be inflammatory please do so elsewhere

  • Like 1

The very tip of the welfare disaster iceberg Thailand has unwittingly imported.

Desperate as this case sounds it is certainly repeated and certainly will be repeated again and again.

Guys 'Winging-it' in Thailand, emigrating here with neither insurance of the personal funds to cover their own care/repatriation. The bridges burned to back home and a bunch of other guys treading water here, hanging on on subsistence incomes, not saving for their inevitable future needs.

Maybe you would like to point out some insurance options for the over 60's? I could not even get anyone to give me a quote.

If you are insured BEFORE you turn 60 for x number of years then many insurance companies will continue that insurance.

What? All the insurance companies I know - you stop payments, they drop you - doesn't matter how long you paid premiums, no matter what your age. You then want to re-up with a pre-existing condition? You think they'll just happily have you back into their family of policy holders? 55555555555555555


The very tip of the welfare disaster iceberg Thailand has unwittingly imported.

Desperate as this case sounds it is certainly repeated and certainly will be repeated again and again.

Guys 'Winging-it' in Thailand, emigrating here with neither insurance of the personal funds to cover their own care/repatriation. The bridges burned to back home and a bunch of other guys treading water here, hanging on on subsistence incomes, not saving for their inevitable future needs.

Maybe you would like to point out some insurance options for the over 60's? I could not even get anyone to give me a quote.

If you are insured BEFORE you turn 60 for x number of years then many insurance companies will continue that insurance.

What? All the insurance companies I know - you stop payments, they drop you - doesn't matter how long you paid premiums, no matter what your age. You then want to re-up with a pre-existing condition? You think they'll just happily have you back into their family of policy holders? 55555555555555555

blink.png Why would anyone stop paying insurance premiums ? That's rather foolish, isn't it?

If you drink beer in a bar, no matter how long you've been drinking in that bar, you still have to pay, no matter how long you've been a client.

You HAVE to pay for what you have committed yourself to.

It's a 2-way story.


Some people have pre-existing condition even at 30 or 40, time all these are excluded [there get out of paying saying the present problem is related to a pre-existing condition] for a Policy + price, for many in there 50's and 60's it is not an option unless you have more money then sense, or would not miss 3 - 4,000 baht per month.

You have to way up what it cost at a Hospital here, Drs..., poss long term medication etc......


As far as I can tell here is the Do Gooder count :

Do Gooders willing to buy a plane ticket 2

Do Gooders willing to pay for a doctor visit 0

Amazing Thailand

In the end both will be ZERO.

With a wife and 3 children, a house and a shophouse, WHY would anybody pay for his ticket?

I know of millions of people, starving to death at this very moment, but they have nothing, absolutely nothing, except their own skinny body, dying of hunger sick.gif

Let's wait for the outcome of the OP's talk with the woman (and possibly the man involved)


What does the doctor says if wrong with him.Eyes,balance.Has he ever had head trauma,bike accident etc.Does he fall all over all time.Is he having seizures???


Yes, overstay will still be charged. Even when sick and with a doctors note. If one can't make it, one needs to send someone else to immigration.

He should needs 20,000 baht to pay for the overstay.

The Birtish Embassy will be of little help. They can assist in contacting family, but they will not pay for repatriation themselves. That is considered his own responsibility.

But first I would check if he is allowed to fly, as that will determine his options, and if he needs an escort or other facilities during travel.

As always, Mario2008 gives very focused & wise comment.


To late to edit post 51, just had a phone call from an Insurance Company on here......... for me would cost 8,433 baht per month !!!!!!! or 98k yearly... You would need to have a lot of sickness and accidents to justify paying this amount.

Few years ago with Thai Insurance was 3,800 baht per month..........


<p>My friends father came back to England aged 80 in 2011 to die after being in Thailand for over 20 years, after 18 months of staying in a nursing home costing the taxpayer thousands per week he died.


I still fail to see why everyone thinks he would be better off in the UK

I agree. But it does depend on his medical condition. If he requires long-term nursing, and has no assets, the UK probably would be the best place for him. Those, however, who do have assets above £16k (or have they increased that figure?) would be required to pay for nursing, and if I was in such need I would spend those assets in Thailand where the money would go further.

On the other hand, if he could receive treatment to enable him to have some sort of life he should at least get a proper diagnosis before he decides what to do. I must say I don't think much of his partner, to whom he seems to have outlived his usefulness, so she just tries to dump him at the British Embassy. I must be one of many who are helping to support aged and ill family of our loved ones. It's a pity to think that the Thai ethos of "looking after family" doesn't appear in some cases to extend the other way, even to the limited extent of getting some checks done at a local hospital.


To late to edit post 51, just had a phone call from an Insurance Company on here......... for me would cost 8,433 baht per month !!!!!!! or 98k yearly... You would need to have a lot of sickness and accidents to justify paying this amount.

Few years ago with Thai Insurance was 3,800 baht per month..........

You think Baht 100,000 will be enough to stay 2 weeks in hospital in case you get seriously ill or had an accident? Is it also enough to pay for eventual surgerywink.png

  • Like 1

As far as I can tell here is the Do Gooder count :

Do Gooders willing to buy a plane ticket 2

Do Gooders willing to pay for a doctor visit 0

Amazing Thailand

You think it would be any different elsewhere?

Lot's of other people have their own responsibilities, and doesn't mean they have to help out this bloke.

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