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I enjoy picking up the baht bus at the terminal, as there are always at least two of us when another fare turns up or usually no more than 5 minutes we set off trip into town 10 baht. I enjoy the way the people in the bus sit facing each other so they chat away during the journey. I enjoy the way the bus moves at about 15 klm an hour the sedate journey into town, but when leaving for home the full bus hurtles along at a snappy speed to deliver the laden shoppers....good relaxing fun transport

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I enjoy the local pricing and speed in fixing a puncture, just turn up and you will be on your way in minutes, at a charge around the price of a beer, with a smile and a thankyou for your business.


I enjoy the community spirit, having witnessed the village coming together to transform a flat piece of ground into a wedding venue, the arrival of the women and men to prepare the food, not one person avoiding their share of the workload, the 'party' atmosphere during the completion of their labours. 2 days later all cleared and spick and span, no 'wedding organiser' just everybody knowing what to do and getting on with it, and oh so relaxed, never heard one raised voice thoughout the whole proceedings.

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I love the local seafood restaurants... I enjoy eating superb food from plastic plates and wiping my chin with tissues from a toilet roll... It's unpretentious. Money spent on the taste and not on how everything looks. Yum!!

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geriactric seems to miss the point of the thread ............ which was to be positive and post advantages not whine moan and complain like all the other posts. Can't you be positive just once in your life ? And leave all the complaints for all the other threads ?

But I am glad it got at least a little traction ...... Low Taxes and Freedom seem to be in the lead notwithstanding his tired old sad sack attitude, that is......... OFF TOPIC

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I enjoyed the simple affirmation of my sons birth certificate, lady asked 'who is Papa', my son looked rather confused as to why she would ask such a question and pointed to me, job done, no signed letter or corroboration required from a 'professional'.


One more thing I would add is the cost to build and make home improvements ....... You need to be more selevtive perhaps about the contractor but once you find a good one you can get some nice things done , I had our house wallpapered for next to nothing and saved about 10,000 USD on turning the yard into a tile deck. Both are of equal quality and worksmanship I would have gotten back home.


I love the local seafood restaurants... I enjoy eating superb food from plastic plates and wiping my chin with tissues from a toilet roll... It's unpretentious. Money spent on the taste and not on how everything looks. Yum!!

Got to say the way the cardboard centre is carefully removed and the effect of the pull out tissues is very effective

Here is none more that may only apply because I come from the country ..... but I like all the little shops that are in general one right after the next so when I need a pack of smokes or a coke or a beer I can just walk to my local shopkeeper or when out and about stop at any of the other places. The street food and cooked stuff is another option I like having , I don't use it all that often but I like the option.


I love the market, the way the fish is stunned as you buy, you just can't get any more fresh. I like the way the 'peeling' and cleaning of the pineapple is included in the price, again so very fresh. Love the black grapes at reasonable prices.


geriactric seems to miss the point of the thread ............ which was to be positive and post advantages not whine moan and complain like all the other posts. Can't you be positive just once in your life ? And leave all the complaints for all the other threads ?

But I am glad it got at least a little traction ...... Low Taxes and Freedom seem to be in the lead notwithstanding his tired old sad sack attitude, that is......... OFF TOPIC

I didn't mind geriactickid's comments. He was just telling the truth to balance a topic of La-La land.

Unlike the "kid", I can enjoy Thailand to the fullest because I don't have to live here full time. I always have something to look forward to. I enjoy when I eat a nice Thai meal in the same little Chinese-Thai cafe I get extra service that comes with a genuine smile each day. And, the cost is less than half of what I pay for a coffee in a Canadian cafe. I enjoy that I can jump on my scooter and go zipping through Thai traffic just for the joy of it. I enjoy that I get away from the cold, wet Canadian winters and it costs me less to stay here than it does to stay in my own home in Canada. I enjoy poking around in the Chiang Mai Warorot Chinese market and maybe find some inexpensive blouse or skirt. The only problem with the Warorot market is I can never find the same tiny shop a second time.


I enjoy being able to drop into the local clinic for minor ailments, no appointment necessary, the speed of service and the on the spot purchase of any remedies. I have been fortunate to receive excellent service in the local hospital after an accident that required 30+ stitches, no after effects whatsoever.


geriactric seems to miss the point of the thread ............ which was to be positive and post advantages not whine moan and complain like all the other posts. Can't you be positive just once in your life ? And leave all the complaints for all the other threads ?

But I am glad it got at least a little traction ...... Low Taxes and Freedom seem to be in the lead notwithstanding his tired old sad sack attitude, that is......... OFF TOPIC

I didn't mind geriactickid's comments. He was just telling the truth to balance a topic of La-La land.

Unlike the "kid", I can enjoy Thailand to the fullest because I don't have to live here full time. I always have something to look forward to. I enjoy when I eat a nice Thai meal in the same little Chinese-Thai cafe I get extra service that comes with a genuine smile each day. And, the cost is less than half of what I pay for a coffee in a Canadian cafe. I enjoy that I can jump on my scooter and go zipping through Thai traffic just for the joy of it. I enjoy that I get away from the cold, wet Canadian winters and it costs me less to stay here than it does to stay in my own home in Canada. I enjoy poking around in the Chiang Mai Warorot Chinese market and maybe find some inexpensive blouse or skirt. The only problem with the Warorot market is I can never find the same tiny shop a second time.

I'm similar Rene, (not the looking for blouse or skirt I must point out!) just to keep the record straight I get great service in my home country too. I enjoy Thailand for what is has to offer that appeals, but I also enjoy many aspects of my home country which also appeal. I guess not being full time in Thailand I don't feel the need to draw comparison, I don't see it as a competition.

geriactric seems to miss the point of the thread ............ which was to be positive and post advantages not whine moan and complain like all the other posts. Can't you be positive just once in your life ? And leave all the complaints for all the other threads ?

But I am glad it got at least a little traction ...... Low Taxes and Freedom seem to be in the lead notwithstanding his tired old sad sack attitude, that is......... OFF TOPIC

I didn't mind geriactickid's comments. He was just telling the truth to balance a topic of La-La land.

Unlike the "kid", I can enjoy Thailand to the fullest because I don't have to live here full time. I always have something to look forward to. I enjoy when I eat a nice Thai meal in the same little Chinese-Thai cafe I get extra service that comes with a genuine smile each day. And, the cost is less than half of what I pay for a coffee in a Canadian cafe. I enjoy that I can jump on my scooter and go zipping through Thai traffic just for the joy of it. I enjoy that I get away from the cold, wet Canadian winters and it costs me less to stay here than it does to stay in my own home in Canada. I enjoy poking around in the Chiang Mai Warorot Chinese market and maybe find some inexpensive blouse or skirt. The only problem with the Warorot market is I can never find the same tiny shop a second time.

You seem like a fun person ...... and I enjoy you posts ..... Let's keep it on topic and save all the "balance" for the other 10,000 threads.

To much to ask ? Probabbly,....... but I can try


love the street food, so much choice in every direction, I love markets so much, food and otherwise.

Best of all is the overall atmosphere, the streets have so much character.


driving like a lunatic with low probability of being arrested, seriously I love being able to drive up the hard shoulder , I would get arrested for that in my own county, in fact after 5 mins driving like I do here


I like the fact that, when I ask my wife, when I need more ice in my Whiskey, she doesnt complain and gets it, without me having to promise the world.

What!! Do yoy have to ask for more ice or a refill? I'm shocked, what's the world coming to? sad.png

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Ahh, the good old thread that praises the lack of basic standards and enforcement of some simple regulations Some love it. Well, if I was 60 and in the waning days of my life, I might have the perspective of not caring either. However, for those that value their lives and those of their families and friends, I say phooie. In Thailand,the lack of standards and enforcement impacts our lives on a daily basis. Well water is regularly poisoned because there is no enforcement of basic environmental protection laws. Most well water users are oblivious to the presence of aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals that have entered the water table. Those that dump, can do so with no worries as enforced cleanups let alone local authorities concern is non existant. It is inexcusable that the tap water in Thailand is not potable. Thailand has a decent water supply, yet it cannot deliver potable water to its inhabitants.It cannot even provide a secure reliable power grid. How can a country develop when it lacks basics such as this? Yes, there are wonderful aspects of Thailand, but there are wonderful aspects to western countries too. For all the people that grumble about the UK or Australia or USA, where would you rather deal with litigation? In the western court system, where there is some semblance of efficiency and judicial integrity or in Thailand, where it is no secret that foreigners feel thay are treated unfairly.

Sure, the property taxes are not there, but then you get filthy sois, no professional police, a limited fire service and marginal EMS access.

It's wonderful until your house catches fire or are injured. The 30 baht insurance plan is not of much use if you are in a rural area and need cancer care. It won't pay for the additional living expenses when you have to travel to Bangkok to obtain it. Nor does the 30 baht program cover all the extras that quickly add up. My friend is already out of pocket 150,000 for his cancer care despite his 30 baht access.

I suggest that if one wants a decent lifestyle and proper medical care, and to live in a secure clean environment, the costs will add up quickly and will approach the cost of living in some western countries. The most appropriate way of explaining this is the airplane model. Air Asia offers relatively cheap flights, but if you want to take baggage, to change your flight, a decent seat etc., you pay an extra charge. Western living is like flying TG. It's all in, and the service and equipment is creaky and old, but you have the security of knowing that if something happens TG will respond. TG still offers a meal on its short flights, the FAs might not be young and attractive like on FD, but there is a sense of security when flying on TG.

I have no problem with my home country and cannot see myself as renouncing my citizenship or even changing my legal status, just to avoid taxes. I am fortunate to maintain a legal residence that allows me many priviliges and rights that I could never have in Thailand. That doesn't mean I am bashing Thailand. I like Thailand too. The people, the food, and the climate (at times). I am fortunate enough to have a decent income (for now) so that I don't have to worry about taxation or lifestyle options. I suppose when I am terminated or retire or burn out, then my perspective will change.

I realize you are not bashing Thailand and I am not criticizing your post but this is a thread that the topic is Thai Advantages and you are pointing out Thai disadvantages. smile.png


"Ahh, but what of the neighbour who opems a small slaughterhouse upwind or a bordello in close proximity? Wouldn't be a pleasant location then would it?"

I can see the problem with the slaughterhouse but fail to see the objection to the bordellowhistling.gif

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I like the fact that, when I ask my wife, when I need more ice in my Whiskey, she doesnt complain and gets it, without me having to promise the world.

What!! Do yoy have to ask for more ice or a refill? I'm shocked, what's the world coming to? sad.png

My wife is still laughing as i reply, thats what i likethumbsup.gif


"Ahh, but what of the neighbour who opems a small slaughterhouse upwind or a bordello in close proximity? Wouldn't be a pleasant location then would it?"

I can see the problem with the slaughterhouse but fail to see the objection to the bordellowhistling.gif

A lot of guys on Thai Visa don't like bordellos. I have never figured it out myself. Childhood trauma perhaps. smile.png


I like the way in Thailand you can actually burn off unwanted rubbish....without being finedsmile.png

I also enjoy fireworks on New year, and you can readily obtain what you want from over the counter....

Krisb loves it....but he burns everything in sight.....including village.....ha ha ha ha


driving like a lunatic with low probability of being arrested, seriously I love being able to drive up the hard shoulder , I would get arrested for that in my own county, in fact after 5 mins driving like I do here


Yes, and I DO laugh when I do that. The other day coming from Doi Sutthep, and hitting the "frozen" city traffic, I followed 3 other scooters onto the sidewalk and past 20 "parked" cars and back onto the road again... to arrive at the head of the line at the light. YIKES! I could imagine what would happen if I did that in Canada!


"Ahh, but what of the neighbour who opems a small slaughterhouse upwind or a bordello in close proximity? Wouldn't be a pleasant location then would it?"

I can see the problem with the slaughterhouse but fail to see the objection to the bordellowhistling.gif

A lot of guys on Thai Visa don't like bordellos. I have never figured it out myself. Childhood trauma perhaps. smile.png

I think he meant "another bordello".

Or maybe he's one of those amongst us who can endure hardship better than temptation



The ones that come to mind for me, here in LOS we can virtually do anything on our own land (ok the wife's land) without any red tape or council approval etc.

Example, when we built our outdoor kitchen and extended the garage so I could have a "sports bar" with snooker table, we just phoned a local builder, bought all the materials and cut down a few (well more than a few) pine trees that my wife and I planted about 5 years ago, and went ahead and had them built.

To achieve the same back in Oz would have been a nightmare.

Good point. I read an article where a city council in Florida passed an ordinance that allows it control over your choice of interior paint colors.

Yes, you read correctly, INTERIOR, as in, your own freaking living room.

Then again, you would not believe the number of pink houses where I live. Maybe someone should .... no, wait, forget it.


The ones that come to mind for me, here in LOS we can virtually do anything on our own land (ok the wife's land) without any red tape or council approval etc.

Example, when we built our outdoor kitchen and extended the garage so I could have a "sports bar" with snooker table, we just phoned a local builder, bought all the materials and cut down a few (well more than a few) pine trees that my wife and I planted about 5 years ago, and went ahead and had them built.

To achieve the same back in Oz would have been a nightmare.

I agree with your specific example but supposing you had neighbours (close) who did the same but instead of a sports bar put in a karaoke club or an industrial unit of some sort......

Some sort of half way house in regulations I think would be better.

I think it is great that car licences do not have points and losing them for driving infractions (especially speeding) - but it does not encourage good driving skills.....

Edit - but i do like your first two examples

Actually a points system for licenses was implemented several years ago but few people ever reach the point of suspension because they can bribes instead. However, automated fines such as those for shooting red lights in Bkk after being recorded on a camera are points off your license. Most are for taxis, so I don't know whose license gets charged if it is co-op owned. Anyway about 40% of the taxis are unregistered and driven by people without licenses. So they probably don't care.

  • 3 months later...

"Thai Time"... is definitely an advantage.

If like me, you put things off till the last minute and dislike rigidness, then you are in the right place. Thai Time is your ticket to freedom, especially if you organise business with Thai people (quote: Not All Thai People!) because you are suddenly working in sync :)

Happy days.

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