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GBP to THB Exchange Rate

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touché! i admit that you clearly possess a wealth of no idea laugh.png

So they arent stealing money from savers accounts, they were all democratically elected, that EU stooges havent been placed into position of authority to effectively run those nations.

I need to scratch up on my "doublethink".

THey want to turn it into the US of Europe, the power mad beaurocrats.

and we islanders will fight that with teeth and claws laugh.png

If only that were true Naam.

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So they arent stealing money from savers accounts, they were all democratically elected, that EU stooges havent been placed into position of authority to effectively run those nations.

touché! i admit that you clearly possess a wealth of no idea laugh.png

I need to scratch up on my "doublethink".

THey want to turn it into the US of Europe, the power mad beaurocrats.

and we islanders will fight that with teeth and claws laugh.png

If only that were true Naam.

Naam likes to think everyone in England is desperate to bring back the empire, when in reality all we want is less govt at all levels ... and none at European level. At one time we were a race who enjoyed freedom from govt., we weren't like Europeans who need their govts. to wipe their backsides, and obey govts endless dictats.

After today's budget i wish i had held onto my USD. GBP120 billion of taxpayers money to lend to mugs stupid enough to buy into the property bubble. Id have thought Fanny and Freddy were enough for the govt. to realise state funded mortgages are a bad thing.

That'll be over 1 trillion pound of new private debt once the banks get their hands onto it, they've just kept the plates spinning until after the election .... knowing full well it'll be a LIBLAB coalition that they'll come crashing down on. It just gets worse!

Best hope for the British economy is that the Europeans, Americans, Japs and whoever else can run their economy even worse then the LIBLABCONs.

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Naam likes to think everyone in England is desperate to bring back the empire...

incorrect assumption! the overwhelming majority of Brits are not stupid to crave for something that is impossible. but quite a percentage of them would like the United Kingdom to be more "isle"solated and cook their own soup without foreign cooks advising them what ingredients to use.

that's in my view a rather unwise attitude in a globalised environment. but then... to each his own, respectively chacun à son goût. perhaps i'd have similar thoughts if i lived in my home country and see my tax-€URos wasted on asylum seekers, bailing out ClubMed/Dolce Vita countries or wasting them in Afghanistan achieving zero positive results.


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This is a little aside this EU stuff, should be on a platform of its own, but its a gravy train of emense proportions, led a bunch of nobodys effecting the life of 500 million and if they dont get their own way, they will just keep coming back until they do, through a different door.

I could write you pages on my thoughts about this beaurocratic nightmare, but lets just say its a shambles and leave it at that and I hope we (UK) do leave it at that!

Although Thailand's credit rating has gone up its still in the B's whilst the UK is still in the A's same level as the US and France, perhasp these people who dish out the ratings are a bit to important for their own good, its there view and who do they answer to? Yet they control the lives of so many with their ratings.

With Cyprus problem noe unfurling I agree with CM that its time for the pendulem to start heading up for the rate, but it may be slow and how far will it go is a guess, maybe I will opo into the Fortune Tellers this afternoooon!

The EEC has been a disaster waiting to happen for the last 20 years.the UK need to stop financing Bankrupt Countries,and Cow Towing to stupid EEC Dictats and laws,get out of Europe,seal our Borders,put up a sign "Benefit Office Permanently Closed"and start making our own laws again,and running our own Country again,before we too go down on the Passenger ship,the SS Gravy Train,currently heading full steam for the rocks!

There's an awful lot wrong with this comment but to be honest I doubt it's worth the effort of a lot of typing. This is just a sweeping generalisation which clearly isn't going to be accurate.

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touché! i admit that you clearly possess a wealth of no idea laugh.png

So they arent stealing money from savers accounts, they were all democratically elected, that EU stooges havent been placed into position of authority to effectively run those nations.

I need to scratch up on my "doublethink".

THey want to turn it into the US of Europe, the power mad beaurocrats.

and we islanders will fight that with teeth and claws laugh.png

you're Allemandi what are you doing talking about islanders?

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the whole euro thing was a failure from the start, you cannot apply the same fiscal policies to a widely diverse set of countries, the UK was right to stay out of it - the problem is they didn't stay out far enough - what would have been wrong with having good trade agreements in the Eurozone but keeping it as it was, the small southern states jumped at the idea and lied to get involved now we're all paying for it, nothing wrong with having common laws and standards but a single currency was and policy was never going to work - now it's a mess and will be for the next decade at least

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This is a little aside this EU stuff, should be on a platform of its own, but its a gravy train of emense proportions, led a bunch of nobodys effecting the life of 500 million and if they dont get their own way, they will just keep coming back until they do, through a different door.

I could write you pages on my thoughts about this beaurocratic nightmare, but lets just say its a shambles and leave it at that and I hope we (UK) do leave it at that!

Although Thailand's credit rating has gone up its still in the B's whilst the UK is still in the A's same level as the US and France, perhasp these people who dish out the ratings are a bit to important for their own good, its there view and who do they answer to? Yet they control the lives of so many with their ratings.

With Cyprus problem noe unfurling I agree with CM that its time for the pendulem to start heading up for the rate, but it may be slow and how far will it go is a guess, maybe I will opo into the Fortune Tellers this afternoooon!

The EEC has been a disaster waiting to happen for the last 20 years.the UK need to stop financing Bankrupt Countries,and Cow Towing to stupid EEC Dictats and laws,get out of Europe,seal our Borders,put up a sign "Benefit Office Permanently Closed"and start making our own laws again,and running our own Country again,before we too go down on the Passenger ship,the SS Gravy Train,currently heading full steam for the rocks!

There's an awful lot wrong with this comment but to be honest I doubt it's worth the effort of a lot of typing. This is just a sweeping generalisation which clearly isn't going to be accurate.

Far from a sweeping generalisation ,i think he does not go far enough , we are British i will never consider myself European ,now after saying that i have nothing at all against the other countrys in Europe ,its just a shame they were not all seperate like they were years ago ,vive la differance.

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The history of the EU can be traced back to some French bloke who thought about it around the 1st ww. You will remember at the time Britain had a big empire, Germany wished it had and France had a little one. After the 2nd ww the push was on for No More Wars In Europe, that was the starting point the end game was a European Empire where all countries eventually disappear to become one and you can see how far along the road we have gone and its relentless.

To those who saw in the global world you cannot not be part of a big team, I take your point but I also disagree with it, if the UK left I am sure we could form an alliance with like minded countries to form a new group, some might be from Europe some might be from the old Empire, but if people want you have and the price is right you are in business.

The pound is still going down unfortunately regardless of what is said and done, here we are in the middle of March and the new BOE govenor I understand is a bigger risk taker than Merv, how long before he starts to print money again to try and kick start the UK economy? The effect if goes big time will be a huge gamble, the pound is effectively devalued, imports cost more and inflation takes off in the UK.

I fnay of you have been thinking about moving funds from the UK you need to start thinking about it right now, hope the rate goes up a bit and the Mark Carney does not want to make his Mark with your savings.

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Not sure what's going on over there, but it must be abysmal. The AUD strengthened against the USD/baht overnight, on the back of better employment numbers released yesterday. In other news, the Federal government here basically imploded, publicly and spectacularly: The country is effectively being run by a group of stooges who know their days are numbered - many wont even have seats after the September election - but the currency market ignored that in favour of those employment numbers. I guess a leaking roof doesn't seem so bad when the houses around yours have been flattened in a cyclone ...


Our media did the only thing it could do - despatched a reporter to LAX to ask Ellen Degeneres her opinion on the basis that Ellen was about to board a jet to fly to Australia. It's a shame they couldn't find Kim Kardashian ...

In summary:

- our government is a joke

- our manufacturing industry is largely in tatters

- our mainstream media couldn't find their butts with both hands

- tourism operators have been crying into their cafe lattes for years

For all that, our dollar is close to it's all-time high against the USD at 1.044 : Clearly, the currency market reacts to business confidence, and I'm sure there is no shortage of that in Thailand (and the other Asian Tigers) atm. Thailand may have it's share of problems - no argument - but the people who actually run the factories don't seem too concerned : something for the conspiracy theorists to consider before they start ranting about 'big players seem to be manipulating the strength of the baht'.

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THey want to turn it into the US of Europe, the power mad beaurocrats.

touché! i admit that you clearly possess a wealth of no idea laugh.png

So they arent stealing money from savers accounts, they were all democratically elected, that EU stooges havent been placed into position of authority to effectively run those nations.

I need to scratch up on my "doublethink".

and we islanders will fight that with teeth and claws laugh.png

you're Allemandi what are you doing talking about islanders?

i am a cosmopolitan holding a German as well as a Swiss passport. that entitles me to talk about anything i feel like when i'm bored.


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This is a little aside this EU stuff, should be on a platform of its own, but its a gravy train of emense proportions, led a bunch of nobodys effecting the life of 500 million and if they dont get their own way, they will just keep coming back until they do, through a different door.

I could write you pages on my thoughts about this beaurocratic nightmare, but lets just say its a shambles and leave it at that and I hope we (UK) do leave it at that!

Although Thailand's credit rating has gone up its still in the B's whilst the UK is still in the A's same level as the US and France, perhasp these people who dish out the ratings are a bit to important for their own good, its there view and who do they answer to? Yet they control the lives of so many with their ratings.

With Cyprus problem noe unfurling I agree with CM that its time for the pendulem to start heading up for the rate, but it may be slow and how far will it go is a guess, maybe I will opo into the Fortune Tellers this afternoooon!

The EEC has been a disaster waiting to happen for the last 20 years.the UK need to stop financing Bankrupt Countries,and Cow Towing to stupid EEC Dictats and laws,get out of Europe,seal our Borders,put up a sign "Benefit Office Permanently Closed"and start making our own laws again,and running our own Country again,before we too go down on the Passenger ship,the SS Gravy Train,currently heading full steam for the rocks!

There's an awful lot wrong with this comment but to be honest I doubt it's worth the effort of a lot of typing. This is just a sweeping generalisation which clearly isn't going to be accurate.

Far from a sweeping generalisation ,i think he does not go far enough , we are British i will never consider myself European ,now after saying that i have nothing at all against the other countrys in Europe ,its just a shame they were not all seperate like they were years ago ,vive la differance.

So you think seal our border and shut Benefit Offices is a reasonable comment. How will we trade with Europe? How will people get benefits? There's a lot wrong with the EU for sure but just getting out won't help at all in my opinion.

This Cyrus issue does seem to have helped sterling a bit though.

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From what I am reading the credit rating agencies do not think much much to the UK budget and another down grade could be on the cards, not going to help much if that is the case. Running an economy sure is not easy and I see Mandy has had a dig at Ed balls's solutions which really says it all, its not easy.

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@kimamey post 526

Yes I stand by my previous post,and there is more that needs to be said and done. We can still trade with Europe,which was supposed to be the one purpous of joining the "Common Market" instead of a federal Europe/gravy train,it's now become.

People would get their Benefits from their own Country instead of coming to the UK to gain higher rates.

And finally how do you think the Cyprus Financial crisis,has helped the UK? surely you must know Cyprus will be bailed out by the other members of the EEC.the UK being one Country that will be expected to be part of the bail out! (and probably France and Germany) while there will be plenty of other Countries pleading poverty! and will use the usual boring old opt out...... "Have no money" The sooner the UK have a Referendum on continued membership or not? the better.

Not just benefits scrounges from other countries we need to worry about- stick to your guns , close the benefits offices completely ! Return to a free labour market where people need to work to survive. If there's no work then let them sweep streets or whatever for a below min wage salary. But actually while we're at it tear up the min wage as well. Also the scope of whats available on the NHS needs total rethink / reform - some kind of insurance based payment grounded on life style risks to insert some self responsibility in to the populas. Fair enough.

Should print a load of £s to invest in infrastructure and energy self sufficiency - then devalue and export; break up the banks and leave the EU but sign free trade deals.

Never going to happen of course.

The results of worthless benefits and min wage may well come about through inflation though, soon than one might imagine.

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@kimamey post 526

Yes I stand by my previous post,and there is more that needs to be said and done. We can still trade with Europe,which was supposed to be the one purpous of joining the "Common Market" instead of a federal Europe/gravy train,it's now become.

People would get their Benefits from their own Country instead of coming to the UK to gain higher rates.

And finally how do you think the Cyprus Financial crisis,has helped the UK? surely you must know Cyprus will be bailed out by the other members of the EEC.the UK being one Country that will be expected to be part of the bail out! (and probably France and Germany) while there will be plenty of other Countries pleading poverty! and will use the usual boring old opt out...... "Have no money" The sooner the UK have a Referendum on continued membership or not? the better.

Not just benefits scrounges from other countries we need to worry about- stick to your guns , close the benefits offices completely ! Return to a free labour market where people need to work to survive. If there's no work then let them sweep streets or whatever for a below min wage salary. But actually while we're at it tear up the min wage as well. Also the scope of whats available on the NHS needs total rethink / reform - some kind of insurance based payment grounded on life style risks to insert some self responsibility in to the populas. Fair enough.

Should print a load of £s to invest in infrastructure and energy self sufficiency - then devalue and export; break up the banks and leave the EU but sign free trade deals.

Never going to happen of course.

The results of worthless benefits and min wage may well come about through inflation though, soon than one might imagine.

Crikey you are confused one minute you want a free market economy then the next you want to print money, which is stealing from non asset owners to put in the hands of the wealthy elite ... effectively what we already have.

There is a lot more to creating an export market then a weak currency, as most of Africa has a weak currency yet don't seem to manage ... we've never had a trade surplus selling tangible goods (excluding oil) in my lifetime and i'm mid 30s. I'd say we need to start putting tariffs on imported goods from places like Thailand, China as this is what they do to us.

Would your free market economy involve people being able to build on land they own, or do we still need govt. intervention stopping this aided and abetted by boomer generation NIMBY's?

Just asking because if if were ever free to build as in how it was before WW2 before the imaginary greenbelt scam was passed around, then you'll end up with a lot of mortgage debt and no one to rent your places.

Edited by Thailand1977
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Is 'Cosmopolitan' a similar euphemism to 'confirmed bachelor' ? Better yet, 'highly eccentric confirmed bachelor' ? wink.png

(not that there is ANYTHING wrong with that ! Some of my best friends are confirmed bachelors)

i didn't like this bachelor 'thingy' and married nearly 34 years ago a cosmopolitan lady who's number of citizenships/passports, among them a British one, beats my lonely two by 50%.

therefore i also claim the title "long time confirmed cosmopolitan husband" who wins every 9th november the attribute "most cherished, admired and successful husband of the year".


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@kimamey post 526

Yes I stand by my previous post,and there is more that needs to be said and done. We can still trade with Europe,which was supposed to be the one purpous of joining the "Common Market" instead of a federal Europe/gravy train,it's now become.

People would get their Benefits from their own Country instead of coming to the UK to gain higher rates.

And finally how do you think the Cyprus Financial crisis,has helped the UK? surely you must know Cyprus will be bailed out by the other members of the EEC.the UK being one Country that will be expected to be part of the bail out! (and probably France and Germany) while there will be plenty of other Countries pleading poverty! and will use the usual boring old opt out...... "Have no money" The sooner the UK have a Referendum on continued membership or not? the better.

Not just benefits scrounges from other countries we need to worry about- stick to your guns , close the benefits offices completely ! Return to a free labour market where people need to work to survive. If there's no work then let them sweep streets or whatever for a below min wage salary. But actually while we're at it tear up the min wage as well. Also the scope of whats available on the NHS needs total rethink / reform - some kind of insurance based payment grounded on life style risks to insert some self responsibility in to the populas. Fair enough.

Should print a load of £s to invest in infrastructure and energy self sufficiency - then devalue and export; break up the banks and leave the EU but sign free trade deals.

Never going to happen of course.

The results of worthless benefits and min wage may well come about through inflation though, soon than one might imagine.

Crikey you are confused one minute you want a free market economy then the next you want to print money, which is stealing from non asset owners to put in the hands of the wealthy elite ... effectively what we already have.

There is a lot more to creating an export market then a weak currency, as most of Africa has a weak currency yet don't seem to manage ... we've never had a trade surplus selling tangible goods (excluding oil) in my lifetime and i'm mid 30s. I'd say we need to start putting tariffs on imported goods from places like Thailand, China as this is what they do to us.

Would your free market economy involve people being able to build on land they own, or do we still need govt. intervention stopping this aided and abetted by boomer generation NIMBY's?

Just asking because if if were ever free to build as in how it was before WW2 before the imaginary greenbelt scam was passed around, then you'll end up with a lot of mortgage debt and no one to rent your places.

In the interests of our nation I'd say individuals should be able to build what ever they want on their own land. (Except for a bit of oversight in areas of outstanding natural beauty).

The government is currently battling the nimbys and local council megalomaniacs to try and loosen the planning restrictions to allow at least bigger annexes and extensions so families or friends can create accommodation for themselves.

Devaluation in today's way will be terrible for economy because we import so much energy; if we invested in ourselves to produce this it would sort out the deficit and bring down debt over time. Far more effective and useful than printing money to give to bankers and the welfare state gravy train.

Tariffs would only lead to counter measures and isolation. However I'm sim pathetic to some degree but can't be bothered to debate it in any detail.

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@kimamey post 526

Yes I stand by my previous post,and there is more that needs to be said and done. We can still trade with Europe,which was supposed to be the one purpous of joining the "Common Market" instead of a federal Europe/gravy train,it's now become.

People would get their Benefits from their own Country instead of coming to the UK to gain higher rates.

And finally how do you think the Cyprus Financial crisis,has helped the UK? surely you must know Cyprus will be bailed out by the other members of the EEC.the UK being one Country that will be expected to be part of the bail out! (and probably France and Germany) while there will be plenty of other Countries pleading poverty! and will use the usual boring old opt out...... "Have no money" The sooner the UK have a Referendum on continued membership or not? the better.

Not just benefits scrounges from other countries we need to worry about- stick to your guns , close the benefits offices completely ! Return to a free labour market where people need to work to survive. If there's no work then let them sweep streets or whatever for a below min wage salary. But actually while we're at it tear up the min wage as well. Also the scope of whats available on the NHS needs total rethink / reform - some kind of insurance based payment grounded on life style risks to insert some self responsibility in to the populas. Fair enough.

Should print a load of £s to invest in infrastructure and energy self sufficiency - then devalue and export; break up the banks and leave the EU but sign free trade deals.

Never going to happen of course.

The results of worthless benefits and min wage may well come about through inflation though, soon than one might imagine.

Crikey you are confused one minute you want a free market economy then the next you want to print money, which is stealing from non asset owners to put in the hands of the wealthy elite ... effectively what we already have.

There is a lot more to creating an export market then a weak currency, as most of Africa has a weak currency yet don't seem to manage ... we've never had a trade surplus selling tangible goods (excluding oil) in my lifetime and i'm mid 30s. I'd say we need to start putting tariffs on imported goods from places like Thailand, China as this is what they do to us.

Would your free market economy involve people being able to build on land they own, or do we still need govt. intervention stopping this aided and abetted by boomer generation NIMBY's?

Just asking because if if were ever free to build as in how it was before WW2 before the imaginary greenbelt scam was passed around, then you'll end up with a lot of mortgage debt and no one to rent your places.

In the interests of our nation I'd say individuals should be able to build what ever they want on their own land. (Except for a bit of oversight in areas of outstanding natural beauty).

The government is currently battling the nimbys and local council megalomaniacs to try and loosen the planning restrictions to allow at least bigger annexes and extensions so families or friends can create accommodation for themselves.

Devaluation in today's way will be terrible for economy because we import so much energy; if we invested in ourselves to produce this it would sort out the deficit and bring down debt over time. Far more effective and useful than printing money to give to bankers and the welfare state gravy train.

Tariffs would only lead to counter measures and isolation. However I'm sim pathetic to some degree but can't be bothered to debate it in any detail.

But China and Thailand have tariffs and they are booming, the US used tariffs up until Reagan left and he was seen as the poster boy for capitalism.

With regards to energy England and Wales are built upon coal, we've almost endless supplies of it but so long we are a leading member of the greeny fascist global warming scam that is where it'll stay.

Irony is China will be using more and more of it to build the products we buy so by default we are using more coal.

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Crikey you are confused one minute you want a free market economy then the next you want to print money, which is stealing from non asset owners to put in the hands of the wealthy elite ... effectively what we already have.

There is a lot more to creating an export market then a weak currency, as most of Africa has a weak currency yet don't seem to manage ... we've never had a trade surplus selling tangible goods (excluding oil) in my lifetime and i'm mid 30s. I'd say we need to start putting tariffs on imported goods from places like Thailand, China as this is what they do to us.

Would your free market economy involve people being able to build on land they own, or do we still need govt. intervention stopping this aided and abetted by boomer generation NIMBY's?

Just asking because if if were ever free to build as in how it was before WW2 before the imaginary greenbelt scam was passed around, then you'll end up with a lot of mortgage debt and no one to rent your places.

In the interests of our nation I'd say individuals should be able to build what ever they want on their own land. (Except for a bit of oversight in areas of outstanding natural beauty).

The government is currently battling the nimbys and local council megalomaniacs to try and loosen the planning restrictions to allow at least bigger annexes and extensions so families or friends can create accommodation for themselves.

Devaluation in today's way will be terrible for economy because we import so much energy; if we invested in ourselves to produce this it would sort out the deficit and bring down debt over time. Far more effective and useful than printing money to give to bankers and the welfare state gravy train.

Tariffs would only lead to counter measures and isolation. However I'm sim pathetic to some degree but can't be bothered to debate it in any detail.

But China and Thailand have tariffs and they are booming, the US used tariffs up until Reagan left and he was seen as the poster boy for capitalism.

With regards to energy England and Wales are built upon coal, we've almost endless supplies of it but so long we are a leading member of the greeny fascist global warming scam that is where it'll stay.

Irony is China will be using more and more of it to build the products we buy so by default we are using more coal.

England tried coal in the 50s, 60s and 70s. Clouds of smog wafted over English cities and the air was foul with the smell of burning coal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

43.x at the bank

40.x on the credit card

I did say the 40 was not far away

Euro debacle doesn't seem to of helped at all.

How's your bets going forward next 2-6 months or year end?

Well it looks grim and the Thai policy rate is still at 2.75% way above the level of what we see at home and that will not help us, it is hurting Thai exports as well as the exporters confirm but the BOT sits on its hands. Amazing but not surprising.

Expect for QE from the BOE soon and it looks grimmer still.

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For what it is worth I received this in a mail this morning regarding a UK banks "International Financial Outlook" - part of it was -

"GBP is the best performing G10 currency since our last Outlook, possibly reflecting heightened uncertainty in the euro area. We have raised near-term targets for GBP crosses but still look for it to trend lower in the year ahead. GBP/USD is forecast at 1.45 at end 2013"

If correct and, as most suspect, the $US drops further against the baht then that would make the pound/baht ........w00t.gif

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