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GBP to THB Exchange Rate

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The mid point is only followed by the bank buy rate in Thailand when the market moves in the same direction , so the days the market turns are the days that it doesn't follow. Follow?

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Yep you are right, I decided to not bring trends into the point I was making - it is not 50% in a trending market, it will lean toward the trend, but the general inadvisability of believing that XE is magically predictive remains, really what the statement:

'What shows on XE is a day or two in front of the banks and money booths, but they nearly always follow'


means is:


'The first currency I decide to put into XE nearly always gets stronger against the second'


Which is of course very incorrect.

Yeah I know/ agree with you.

Jokes that the bar tender still sticks to his guns that he's found some magical market barometer working in mysterious ways beyond the laws of physics , but He; the bartender has discovered it! Since taking years of careful observations! Lol even after the actual mechanics of it had been explained. Like a drunk who's so sure of his chat but can't take in the contrary facts laid out; I know a few others like that unfortunately.

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The mid point is only followed by the bank buy rate in Thailand when the market moves in the same direction , so the days the market turns are the days that it doesn't follow. Follow?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yep you are right, I decided to not bring trends into the point I was making - it is not 50% in a trending market, it will lean toward the trend, but the general inadvisability of believing that XE is magically predictive remains, really what the statement:

'What shows on XE is a day or two in front of the banks and money booths, but they nearly always follow'

means is:

'The first currency I decide to put into XE nearly always gets stronger against the second'

Which is of course very incorrect.

Yeah I know/ agree with you.

Jokes that the bar tender still sticks to his guns that he's found some magical market barometer working in mysterious ways beyond the laws of physics , but He; the bartender has discovered it! Since taking years of careful observations! Lol even after the actual mechanics of it had been explained. Like a drunk who's so sure of his chat but can't take in the contrary facts laid out; I know a few others like that unfortunately.

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Your such a nice fellow, I just love the experts that can explain everything

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Seems like the clairvoyant XE was right. I have followed this for years, what happens on XE follows in the street

So looks to me Thailand has more stable financial system and space to lower rate significantly if needs be. UK has no where to go- just more QE.

So why aren't you moving all your pensions, cash and assets to Thailand?

Xe.com showing an exchange rate at 51.6

XE does not count according to the "experts" on this thread, B51 is available today in Pattaya exchanges for cash, some things do "follow" it would seem, B52 not far behind.

What shows on XE is a day or two in front of the banks and money booths, but they nearly always follow

The reason for the difference has been explained yet you continue to believe that XE is somehow clairvoyant, funny!

i have a Singapore Sling please and hope your cocktail mixing abilities are better than your financial knowledge.

please don't forget the Cointreau!

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Thanks, mccw.

Do you mind if I come across as slightly rude and say you're waffling?

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U did ask. "Eh?"

But I am aware that I do suffer from a bad case of wafflitice at times :)

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The mid point is only followed by the bank buy rate in Thailand when the market moves in the same direction , so the days the market turns are the days that it doesn't follow. Follow?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Yep you are right, I decided to not bring trends into the point I was making - it is not 50% in a trending market, it will lean toward the trend, but the general inadvisability of believing that XE is magically predictive remains, really what the statement:

'What shows on XE is a day or two in front of the banks and money booths, but they nearly always follow'


means is:


'The first currency I decide to put into XE nearly always gets stronger against the second'


Which is of course very incorrect.


Yeah I know/ agree with you.

Jokes that the bar tender still sticks to his guns that he's found some magical market barometer working in mysterious ways beyond the laws of physics , but He; the bartender has discovered it! Since taking years of careful observations! Lol even after the actual mechanics of it had been explained. Like a drunk who's so sure of his chat but can't take in the contrary facts laid out; I know a few others like that unfortunately.

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Your such a nice fellow, I just love the experts that can explain everything

Your welcome. Consider it a social service. :) Better its explained properly and nobody reading this thread looses money based your advise that the XE rate has prophetic powers.

There is no shame or stupidity in getting something wrong or not knowing something; of course, nobody really knows anything until they learn it/ have been party to the information. What is funny is carrying on after its been explained.

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Can put "make me a German" in to you tube and see a recent bbc documentary about how life and economic system in Germany compares with that of the UK.

Key differences are 50% of population are life long renters, they work less hours for more pay yet are more poductive, work ethic and manners, stay at home mothers being the norm.

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An interesting article and quotes here:

"The dollar rose and U.S. surged to record highs on Friday as lingering worries that the Federal Reserve will soon start to scale back its bond-buying program were quelled by assurances the Fed's policy will remain accommodative".

"Even after the U.S. central bank starts to scale back its stimulus, monetary policy is likely to be very accommodative for some time, perhaps for years, Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart said on CNBC on Friday".


Two questions arise: firstly, how will Asian markets view this statement and will it have a trickle down affect on Asia and subsequently on THB? Secondly, will statements such as those mitigate or slow capital outflows? I think the answers are Yes and Maybe!

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May, I ask a few questions?

I know little, infact , sod all really, about financial markets etc, I have never been that "flushed" with money over the years to take an active interest. In fact its only since moving to a foreign country that I gave a toss about exchange rates at all.

So, my questions are, why is it so important to you and why do you have this deep interest and concern to dig into it and read various articles, provide links etc to back up comment, have often heated discussions etc, I dont get it, whats the fasicination?

Just trying to understand , no insult, dig or flame intended, just like to get some kind of handle on what I may be missing out on.

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May, I ask a few questions?

I know little, infact , sod all really, about financial markets etc, I have never been that "flushed" with money over the years to take an active interest. In fact its only since moving to a foreign country that I gave a toss about exchange rates at all.

So, my questions are, why is it so important to you and why do you have this deep interest and concern to dig into it and read various articles, provide links etc to back up comment, have often heated discussions etc, I dont get it, whats the fasicination?

Just trying to understand , no insult, dig or flame intended, just like to get some kind of handle on what I may be missing out on.

An excellent question, the answer however will probably be different things for everyone.

The short answer is that I find the subject matter interesting plus the end product is of practical use, the longer answer is:

For my part I have a natural interest in economics and to a lesser extent, socio. economics, I just happen to find it interesting - I think it all started years ago since a part of my career background was in management consulting with a Big 4 accountancy firm so a lot of my work was typically based on economics.

But since I retired and especially living overseas, I came to realize ten years ago that a successful retirement was dependent to some degree on exchange rates. I watched what other people were doing then (and still doing today) and that is fretting constantly about when to change their funds into Baht, worrying if they would be able to stay in Thailand or be forced to return home, many were forced to leave. I therefore wanted to try and understand better the probable direction over time so that I could start to make some more informed decisions rather than simply show up one day at the bank and take my chances.

A third part of my answer is that by keeping this topic open it helps other people understand what makes the economic world tick to a better degree and forces them to learn how things work, in recent pages we've seen people learn that exchange rates have a midpoint, bid and ask price and that the value of GBP/THB is determined mostly by the value of GBP/USD, an expat in Thailand learning those basic things about his personal finances is not a bad thing at all.

The baiting and flaming etc? Lots of people come here expecting "experts" to give them a definitive answer on what the exchange is going to be next Wednesday and when they can't get that information they get disillusioned, ditto when they aren't able to translate the discussion about economics into the answer they need, it makes people feisty but really, it's all about expectations. One poster remarks sums it all up recently when he accused me of being "a guesser" when it comes to estimating exchange rate direction in the future, he seemed to think that somewhere we had a magic crystal ball tucked away perhaps! Other people come here to bait and flame for other reasons which have more to do with their personalities and inability to comprehend but that's simple an everyday feature of social network forums.

EDIT: I forgot to add, for me this is also a learning process and I have learned much from a small number of people over time, I like to think there are others out there who find this a useful learning vehicle also.

Edited by chiang mai
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May, I ask a few questions?

I know little, infact , sod all really, about financial markets etc, I have never been that "flushed" with money over the years to take an active interest. In fact its only since moving to a foreign country that I gave a toss about exchange rates at all.

So, my questions are, why is it so important to you and why do you have this deep interest and concern to dig into it and read various articles, provide links etc to back up comment, have often heated discussions etc, I dont get it, whats the fasicination?

Just trying to understand , no insult, dig or flame intended, just like to get some kind of handle on what I may be missing out on.

An excellent question, the answer however will probably be different things for everyone.

The short answer is that I find the subject matter interesting plus the end product is of practical use, the longer answer is:

For my part I have a natural interest in economics and to a lesser extent, socio. economics, I just happen to find it interesting - I think it all started years ago since a part of my career background was in management consulting with a Big 4 accountancy firm so a lot of my work was typically based on economics.

But since I retired and especially living overseas, I came to realize ten years ago that a successful retirement was dependent to some degree on exchange rates. I watched what other people were doing then (and still doing today) and that is fretting constantly about when to change their funds into Baht, worrying if they would be able to stay in Thailand or be forced to return home, many were forced to leave. I therefore wanted to try and understand better the probable direction over time so that I could start to make some more informed decisions rather than simply show up one day at the bank and take my chances.

A third part of my answer is that by keeping this topic open it helps other people understand what makes the economic world tick to a better degree and forces them to learn how things work, in recent pages we've seen people learn that exchange rates have a midpoint, bid and ask price and that the value of GBP/THB is determined mostly by the value of GBP/USD, an expat in Thailand learning those basic things about his personal finances is not a bad thing at all.

The baiting and flaming etc? Lots of people come here expecting "experts" to give them a definitive answer on what the exchange is going to be next Wednesday and when they can't get that information they get disillusioned, ditto when they aren't able to translate the discussion about economics into the answer they need, it makes people feisty but really, it's all about expectations. One poster remarks sums it all up recently when he accused me of being "a guesser" when it comes to estimating exchange rate direction in the future, he seemed to think that somewhere we had a magic crystal ball tucked away perhaps! Other people come here to bait and flame for other reasons which have more to do with their personalities and inability to comprehend but that's simple an everyday feature of social network forums.

EDIT: I forgot to add, for me this is also a learning process and I have learned much from a small number of people over time, I like to think there are others out there who find this a useful learning vehicle also.

Firstly, thanks for taking the time to explain,it does help and give me a better understanding not just about the rates etc, but a little about the main players here too. I particulary agreed with your comments in the second paragraph regarding "successful retirement and exchange rates etc", that seemed to be directly appropriate to me. I will continue to watch and listen from the sidelines. Thanks again.

Edit: Stimulating discussion, and an active interest in any subject is always good for the grey matter ! More so in retirement I would say.

Edited by CharlieH
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BUT ,and this is what the thread is primaraly about ,what do those of you that know more than us think is going to happen between the Thai baht and the pound,i ask now ,what do you think will happen in the coming ,say year or so to the Thai economy will it go up or down ,taking the Baht with it ,i know no one has a crystal ball ,but a best guess would do.wai2.gif

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BUT ,and this is what the thread is primaraly about ,what do those of you that know more than us think is going to happen between the Thai baht and the pound,i ask now ,what do you think will happen in the coming ,say year or so to the Thai economy will it go up or down ,taking the Baht with it ,i know no one has a crystal ball ,but a best guess would do.wai2.gif


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Let me just add that I'll leave it to the people who view this thread to decide why it is that some posters choose to spend so much of their time baiting, flaming, baiting and attacking other posters rather than participating in the discussion, after a short time of it I typically put such folks on "ignore" and life becomes so much easier.

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BUT ,and this is what the thread is primaraly about ,what do those of you that know more than us think is going to happen between the Thai baht and the pound,i ask now ,what do you think will happen in the coming ,say year or so to the Thai economy will it go up or down ,taking the Baht with it ,i know no one has a crystal ball ,but a best guess would do.wai2.gif

My best guess is that in the short term THB will weaken but in the medium term it will strengthen. I think that GBP is too strong against USD not only for the sake of UK exports but also by recent historical levels also. So if the US does start to taper soon (and the article I posted this morning said that's really not likely), or if they were to taper aggressively (and the article I posted said this morning said that's really doubtful), that would mean that USD will likely strengthen, either way, GBP/USD will fall, I believe.

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Watching some money prog the other day they were saying that the fed stopping tapering would not affect the UK greatly.

Only indirectly in that USD may strengthen against GBP as a result, the likely consequence of that is that GBP will weaken against THB,

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BUT ,and this is what the thread is primaraly about ,what do those of you that know more than us think is going to happen between the Thai baht and the pound,i ask now ,what do you think will happen in the coming ,say year or so to the Thai economy will it go up or down ,taking the Baht with it ,i know no one has a crystal ball ,but a best guess would do.wai2.gif

My best guess is that in the short term THB will weaken but in the medium term it will strengthen. I think that GBP is too strong against USD not only for the sake of UK exports but also by recent historical levels also. So if the US does start to taper soon (and the article I posted this morning said that's really not likely), or if they were to taper aggressively (and the article I posted said this morning said that's really doubtful), that would mean that USD will likely strengthen, either way, GBP/USD will fall, I believe.

Pray to your God,We will all have a better chance of forecasting then.

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So you don't believe in technical chart analysis for example?

T.A. is for daytraders only.

Of course it is, but it would have been good if we could have arrived at that answer via a different route!

Route 66 or Highway I95?

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I know Thailand has lots of Dollars tucked away ,but the also have lots of problems ,many of them and believe will not come out in the life of this govt ,also there is another major event to come ,we all know what that is , i also think that they are going to not be as competative once the Asian E.U comes in ,another bloomin disaster waiting to happen down the line ,just like ours (ok Naam i know you love it) Thailand may just be the hub of disasters waiting to happen ,( see a got a "hub" in) none of us really know but i would like to see at least 55 to the pound

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I know Thailand has lots of Dollars tucked away ,but the also have lots of problems ,many of them and believe will not come out in the life of this govt ,also there is another major event to come ,we all know what that is , i also think that they are going to not be as competative once the Asian E.U comes in ,another bloomin disaster waiting to happen down the line ,just like ours (ok Naam i know you love it) Thailand may just be the hub of disasters waiting to happen ,( see a got a "hub" in) none of us really know but i would like to see at least 55 to the pound

i'm not sure whether my statistical remaining life time will suffice to experience the "Asian EU"

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May, I ask a few questions?

I know little, infact , sod all really, about financial markets etc, I have never been that "flushed" with money over the years to take an active interest. In fact its only since moving to a foreign country that I gave a toss about exchange rates at all.

So, my questions are, why is it so important to you and why do you have this deep interest and concern to dig into it and read various articles, provide links etc to back up comment, have often heated discussions etc, I dont get it, whats the fasicination?

Just trying to understand , no insult, dig or flame intended, just like to get some kind of handle on what I may be missing out on.

Having a quick look at a 10 year graph...around 60 seems to be around the "average".



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