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Dont know much about him apart from what I have just read on various sites, all seem quite positive. Seems to share a bit in common with new Tory leader David Cameron (UK). What does any one know about him? good or bad! Is he ready to become the next Thai PM, is he ready?

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I guess the question is, what has Mark really done during his political career? Sure, he has that boyish charm and he speaks well, but he just doesn't have any sort of track record. I think that's why his support in polls hovers around 30%; people just haven't seen enough to have any confidence in him.

(I hope that his sexual orientation and marital status are beside the point....)


Abhisit, A green horn come out from the weed.

Son, how can I help you see?

May I give you my shoulders to stand on?

Now you see farther than me.

Now you see for both of us.

Won't you tell me what you see?

Very soon you will learns your tricks. :o


Two points:

1. The 90 Day rule. People have to belong to a political party for 90 days before they can run for Parliament. As the April election is only a bit more than 60 days off, anyone who leaves the TRT party will be disqualified as candidates. Consequently, almost all of the same people who are running the country now will still be running the country after the next election.

2. Thailand has a British style Parliamentry system, not a US style Presidential system. This means that the leader of the majorty party will be the next Prime Minister. Thaksin will not be running for President, all he has to do is get re-elected as a MP from Chiang Mai. Since the local voters will be voting for their local MP's, not for Thaksin directly, it is almost certain that the TRT (and Thaksin) will be back in control after the election.

The only way that Abhisit could become PM would be for the Democrats to win a majority, or at least a plurality, it Parliament. SO, IMHO, any discussion about Abhisit becoming PM is purely academic.

Bambina is a very beautiful woman (now)

Also an incredibly intelligent woman and has a heart of gold.


...and a pretty decent cleavage too of course, (if that's her in the pic that is).

he is a fag who married wit a dentist
Bambina is a very beautiful woman (now)

Also an incredibly intelligent woman and has a heart of gold.

A bit of contradiction in the "heart of gold" category.

But anyway... some background:

Abhisit Vejjajiva is a Thai politician. Since February 2005, he has been serving as leader of the opposition Democrat Party.

Abhisit was born in 1964 in the U.K. After graduating from Eton College, he enrolled at Oxford University, where he graduated with a Bachelor’s degree (first class honours) in Philosophy, Politics and Economics and a Master’s degree in economics. He also received his Bachelor’s degree in law from Ramkamhaeng University, Thailand. After graduation, he taught economics at Thammasat University and Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy. He started his career in politics in 1992 as a Democrat MP for Bangkok. He was reelected to the same seat in 1995 and 1996. In the elections of 2001 and 2005, he was returned to parliament as a Party List MP for the Democrat Party. Throughout his political career, he has served as Democrat Party spokesman, Government spokesman, Deputy-Secretary to the Prime Minister for Political Affairs, Chairman of the House Education Affairs Committee and Minister to the Prime Minister’s Office. Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva is married to dentist Pimpen Sakuntabhai. They have two children.


As a side benefit for foreigners, he is very literate and his English is very easily understood and coherent... unlike the PhD "Dr." Thaksin.


Nice resume, but that doesn't necessarily indicate job performance. What has the man accomplished? How does he go about realizing his aims? How he plays the game might be a good indicator of all-important general character. Would he flake out with ultimate power and let it go to his head?


How about something a bit more constructive than "a fag married with a dentist"?

How about a raving queen married with a oral specialist

:oThat's great!

he is a fag who married wit a dentist

Is BambinaA a transvestite or a transsexual?



Give the guy a break everyone. Discuss his merits as a politician, not his personal life, which he chooses to keep private, which is his right.

Also, remember rule number one of the forum rules:

By using this service you agree;

1) You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, referencing suicide, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law.

Nice resume, but that doesn't necessarily indicate job performance. What has the man accomplished? How does he go about realizing his aims? How he plays the game might be a good indicator of all-important general character. Would he flake out with ultimate power and let it go to his head?

www.abhisit.org or The Nation/Bangkok Post news archive searches.


Contradictions galore here........Bambina said he's a bit of a shirtlifter, but he seems to have a normal married life with two kids, and s/he claims he's married to "Wit", who's a dentist, but your information shows she's called "Pimpen." Mai khaojai............... :D

Anyway, as other's have said, his personal orientation is (mostly) his own business, but of more concern to the Thai people at this juncture is whether he has what it takes to lead the country out of a political morass, clean up the stable a bit and restore confidence in the democratic institutions, especially the parliamentry and judicial systems. It's a huge task and not for the faint-hearted, so good luck to him if he thinks he can manage it, as intellectually he's pretty well qualified. :o

he is a fag who married wit a dentist

Bambina is a very beautiful woman (now)

Also an incredibly intelligent woman and has a heart of gold.

A bit of contradiction in the "heart of gold" category.

But anyway... some background:

Abhisit Vejjajiva is a Thai politician. Since February 2005, he has been serving as leader of the opposition Democrat Party.

Abhisit was born in 1964 in the U.K. After graduating from Eton College, he enrolled at Oxford University, where he graduated with a Bachelor’s degree (first class honours) in Philosophy, Politics and Economics and a Master’s degree in economics. He also received his Bachelor’s degree in law from Ramkamhaeng University, Thailand. After graduation, he taught economics at Thammasat University and Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy. He started his career in politics in 1992 as a Democrat MP for Bangkok. He was reelected to the same seat in 1995 and 1996. In the elections of 2001 and 2005, he was returned to parliament as a Party List MP for the Democrat Party. Throughout his political career, he has served as Democrat Party spokesman, Government spokesman, Deputy-Secretary to the Prime Minister for Political Affairs, Chairman of the House Education Affairs Committee and Minister to the Prime Minister’s Office. Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva is married to dentist Pimpen Sakuntabhai. They have two children.


As a side benefit for foreigners, he is very literate and his English is very easily understood and coherent... unlike the PhD "Dr." Thaksin.

Give the guy a break everyone. Discuss his merits as a politician, not his personal life, which he chooses to keep private, which is his right.

Also, remember rule number one of the forum rules:

By using this service you agree;

1) You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, referencing suicide, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law.

I agree. It seems, only sriracha john has afforded the members any comment worthy of reading.

Stating the 'he is a 'fag' from the opening commenteer, was completely 'way out of order'.

I noticed the slanderous comment yesterday but didnt bother replying til today.

Personally, i feel that it is Aphisit's age which is his advantage. It took the Democratic Party years to see the end of the party's aging mentor Maj Gen Sanan, and thus offer the 'opportunity' to a new generation of politicians.

The voter has the choice to stay with the old brigade of politicians, which have been running the country for decades or 'take a chance' and pass on the task of leadership to a 'bright new light.

Give him his dues, Aphisit is a man of credibility. I say......give him a chance.

Living in Suphanburi the heart of The Chart Thai Party, i look forward to the return of Mr Chuwit !!

Contradictions galore here........Bambina said he's a bit of a shirtlifter, but he seems to have a normal married life with two kids, and s/he claims he's married to "Wit", who's a dentist, but your information shows she's called "Pimpen." Mai khaojai............... :D

I would submit that her "Wit".... is actually a typo of "with" so it's, "married with a dentist."

Anyway, as other's have said, his personal orientation is (mostly) his own business, but of more concern to the Thai people at this juncture is whether he has what it takes to lead the country out of a political morass, clean up the stable a bit and restore confidence in the democratic institutions, especially the parliamentry and judicial systems. It's a huge task and not for the faint-hearted, so good luck to him if he thinks he can manage it, as intellectually he's pretty well qualified. :o

he is a fag who married wit a dentist

Bambina is a very beautiful woman (now)

Also an incredibly intelligent woman and has a heart of gold.

A bit of contradiction in the "heart of gold" category.

But anyway... some background:

Abhisit Vejjajiva is a Thai politician. Since February 2005, he has been serving as leader of the opposition Democrat Party.

Abhisit was born in 1964 in the U.K. After graduating from Eton College, he enrolled at Oxford University, where he graduated with a Bachelor’s degree (first class honours) in Philosophy, Politics and Economics and a Master’s degree in economics. He also received his Bachelor’s degree in law from Ramkamhaeng University, Thailand. After graduation, he taught economics at Thammasat University and Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy. He started his career in politics in 1992 as a Democrat MP for Bangkok. He was reelected to the same seat in 1995 and 1996. In the elections of 2001 and 2005, he was returned to parliament as a Party List MP for the Democrat Party. Throughout his political career, he has served as Democrat Party spokesman, Government spokesman, Deputy-Secretary to the Prime Minister for Political Affairs, Chairman of the House Education Affairs Committee and Minister to the Prime Minister’s Office. Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva is married to dentist Pimpen Sakuntabhai. They have two children.


As a side benefit for foreigners, he is very literate and his English is very easily understood and coherent... unlike the PhD "Dr." Thaksin.


He's quite popular in the Upper South, widely perceived as being very clean.

But then, the Southerners are just a tad biased against Taksin. The man is generally reviled down here and his performance after the terrible flooding in Hat Yai only cemented the notion that he would not help the South (esp after his comment about first helping those who voted for him).


His nickname is 'Lor Yai' and there are a few women I've met who say they are democrat... because 'Abhisit lor dee' :o

Anyway, his trackrecord is basically that of an intellectual academic type, and he has never really worked in the private sector.

The reason for Democrat strength in the south is at least in part because of Chuan Leekpai (last Democrat PM and predecessor to the predecessor of Lor Yai) and partly because the TRT guys have made such a balls up of things down there.

I don't know him myself, but I know quite a few democrats. My guess is he is part of the 'new blood' that has often been democrat, but more recently in 2000 was switching to TRT in BKK, all the academics hopefuls and the like who genuinely want to make a difference as opposed to gangster jao por style running things. HIs management style from what I understand is very collaborative and he listens well (i.e. the opposite of our friend Mr T).

His sidekick 'lor lek' Apirak who is the BKK governor has previously worked significant time in the private sector such as True and prior to that Fritolay if I recall correctly, but there are mixed reports for his success.

His baby face and age count against him somewhat (most country leaders tend to be a little older) but based on some of his parliamentary addresses he is very coherent, and IMHO he combines the honesty and hard work for the people ethic of Chuan, but adds the ability to communicate. Leadership skills and whether he can control the likes of Sanoh are another question; that was Chuan's downfall, so hopefully they have developed beyond that. As Thai Pauly says, if he is good enough, he is old enough.

Realistically, I think it will be BKK going away from TRT to other parties mostly democrat despite the city corruption stuff going on, Isaan probably still mostly TRT as money politics rules out there, the north TRT of course and the south democrat.

If they get enough seats, they will be genuine opposition combined with Chart Thai and so on, and I think then he will make his mark for 4 years as leader of the opposition, after which he will perhaps be able to genuinely contest the next election.


he is a fag who married wit a dentist

Bambina is a very beautiful woman (now)

Also an incredibly intelligent woman and has a heart of gold.

A bit of contradiction in the "heart of gold" category.

But anyway... some background:

Abhisit Vejjajiva is a Thai politician. Since February 2005, he has been serving as leader of the opposition Democrat Party.

Abhisit was born in 1964 in the U.K. After graduating from Eton College, he enrolled at Oxford University, where he graduated with a Bachelor’s degree (first class honours) in Philosophy, Politics and Economics and a Master’s degree in economics. He also received his Bachelor’s degree in law from Ramkamhaeng University, Thailand. After graduation, he taught economics at Thammasat University and Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy. He started his career in politics in 1992 as a Democrat MP for Bangkok. He was reelected to the same seat in 1995 and 1996. In the elections of 2001 and 2005, he was returned to parliament as a Party List MP for the Democrat Party. Throughout his political career, he has served as Democrat Party spokesman, Government spokesman, Deputy-Secretary to the Prime Minister for Political Affairs, Chairman of the House Education Affairs Committee and Minister to the Prime Minister’s Office. Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva is married to dentist Pimpen Sakuntabhai. They have two children.


As a side benefit for foreigners, he is very literate and his English is very easily understood and coherent... unlike the PhD "Dr." Thaksin.

He sounds like a man I'd vote for... Tell me if I'm wrong but isn't Taksin degree in criminal justice?

NEVER make a cop into a politician... BIG mistake!


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