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Cheap Supplements/vitamins.. Where In Thailand?


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Hi I need to buy the following supplements in Thailand. Bangkok or Chiang Mai. Can anyone point me in right direction to buy is for personal use not bulk. thanks



Potassium Iodine

Organic Whey Protien


Cilantro/Corriander (extract liquid)


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Melatonin is illegal here ...amazing thailand. In Chiang Mai and probably other places it is sometimes found in small mom and pop pharmacies

Must be recently illegal, I saw it in Boots last year.

Outrageous price, of course, like any supplement here. Got mine at GNC in Saigon.

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Beware of cheap alternatives. I recently purchased a tub of multivitamins that looked ok from the outside but when I opened the box I found:

a) No cellophane anti tampering seal on the childproof outer cap (Red flag no1)

b ) No airtight inner seal (RF2)

c) No written instructions except those on the box (3)

d) An unhealthy chemical bouquet! (4)

They went straight in the bin.

The shop assistant later suggested the above was normal but I suspect this was "face" rather than factually correct.

Edited by evadgib
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Supplements tend to be pricey here. Your particular list may be hard to come by outside of a GNC which is very expensive. You could try Amway, I hear they sell supplements but I don't know exactly which.

You might find the whey protein in pharmacies in the Silom area, they seem to sell all sorts of things popular with body builders.

Melatonin is not "illegal;" in Thailand but it is unclear if OTC sales are legal. there is some confusion as to its classification with the Thai FDA. In generic form it is listed as a nutritional supplement but the only brand listed in MIMS (Circadin) is categorized with "sedatives and hypnotics", which results in it being scheduled and needing a prescription. If I ever have time I will try to get clarification of this from the FDA.

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