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The Thai Public Health System


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  • 8 years later...

Newbie to AN and looking for information. Sorry if already provided - been looking around. 


There are 'Premium Clinics' in Thailand that are special clinics available to the public in some government hospitals. I am aware of the 'Premium Clinic' associated with the big Government Hospital in Chiang Mai - the Sriphat Centre. When we lived there we used that Clinic in Chiang Mai and it was great.  It cost much more than the Government Hospitals, but was much cheaper than the Private hospitals. That is definitely an option for any Expat living in Chiang Mai. But we are looking to live elsewhere when we move back to Thailand (in Aust now) and one of the deciding factors for which City will be the availability of medical services - and Premium Clinics comes into it.


Can anyone provide details or a list of the Premium Clinics available in all of Thailand.  There is a website that offers to provide that list, but you must pay to become a member.  Given that they are all Government provided Clinics, I am sure they are listed somewhere within the bowels of the Thai Medical Bureaucracy, but I definitely do not want to go in there.


Can anyone advise of any other Premium Clinics that they are aware of, and if they have used them maybe a quick review?


Thanks - Bob


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If you are referring to the clinics set up by Doctors from the Hospitals, to my knowledge they are pretyy much in most major towns, just like many of the Dentists who work in Govt by day and have their own practice outside of that.

Gynocologists and other "specialities" also do this.


I am not aware of any "list" though, sorry.



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