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Hotel Scam?


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Could have been immigration, although I never knew them being so active. But just imagine; you check in to hotel. Hotel makes daily statement to immigration of their guests, mostly via online system. Hotel accidenty say there are you and your nonexistent wife staying there, not just you. Immigration system red flags the entry from the hotel, as they have no record from your nonexistent wife ever entering the country, so they make a house call, looking for her.

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Could have been immigration, although I never knew them being so active. But just imagine; you check in to hotel. Hotel makes daily statement to immigration of their guests, mostly via online system. Hotel accidenty say there are you and your nonexistent wife staying there, not just you. Immigration system red flags the entry from the hotel, as they have no record from your nonexistent wife ever entering the country, so they make a house call, looking for her.

Do not have to imagine. This is 'communist system' has beeb enforced in Vietnam for quite awhile. The main purpose however is the scare off probable mischievous intentions and it seems to work.

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Of course in China they normally bypass the front desk altogether and come knocking on your door, a little annoying if you're trying to sleep but if not somewhat flattering that they make all that effort....oh, those amorous Asians, don't you just love 'em.

The old African version ...

Knock, Knock (at midnight) on your bedroom door !

"Who's there ?"

"C'est l'amour" ("It is Love" !) wub.png

Edited by Ricardo
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No I didn't but don't think that's relevant ..

This is very relevant and worth a check.

They know everything and if he knows, they know definitely.

Did they take a record of your credit card on check-in? If so, I would be very concerned.

Why? Because a few years back a colleague from UK had his cc number stolen (later proved to be the cashier in a medium size retail outlet in Bkk) and when he got his next bill (already back in UK) there was about 10 major purchases spread across two days, all at stores within a 5km radius of the store where the number was stolen, and all items which could be easily resold to gain a sizeable amount of cash.

The UK guy went through hell to get the cc company to accept that it wasn't him who bought the goods.

Actually I would be asking to speak to the hotel manager and pushing for a detailed explanation of the whole thing, possibly even mentioning that you want the hotel's story before you approach the tourist police.

Is there a safe in the room? Are you confident that it's secure? Hotel safes look to be secure and the number code system seems to be secure, but not always true, and some hotels deliberately have staff who know how to get around the code number in the case of guest forgets the code.

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whats the name of the hotel i know this kind of thingy was going on late 80's at a certain hotel off sukamvit rd.bkk.when you checked in was there anyone sat by reception?me thinks you were going to be robbed.

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"Staying in a hotel ... I haven't told anyone I'm here but I get a call from reception who put a girl on saying she is looking for me (my full name and where I'm from!) saying they are looking for my wife ... I say wrong person and hang up .... But strange ... What may they be upto?!"

Could be as simple as someone thought you were hansum ma' and wanted to know if you are married.

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Quite likely to be timeshare people. They get information from hotel staff.

Inform the management, they probably won't care but if there are more complaints maybe eventually they will look into it (or find out how they can make money out of it too).

Anyway, moving to another hotel doesn't sound like a bad idea just in case it is something else.

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