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True Epl Coverage


Are you cancelling TrueVisions?  

173 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you going to cancel True due to them not getting the EPL?

    • Yes. Have already or will be cancelling my True subscription.
    • No. I will keep it but may also change my viewing package.
    • Never had True Sports package

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The guy that came and took my equipment away yesterday said 'loads' of people (not just farangs) have cancelled in Chiang Mai due to losing the EPL and the office is struggling with the amount of package downgrades from 2,000 Baht to 500 baht appx.......good on them The King of Sports.

It's only by mass amounts of people walking away that shows them what their customers really want. True probably didn't expect a backlash like this just over the EPL and it shows just how little they know about their audience. Maybe, just maybe, it will kick them into action and start negotiations with CTH. Once customers walk, it is always harder to get them back.

Have you got satellite TV and a well stocked beer fridge in your but n ben yet mrboj?

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Cancelling wasn't an issue with them at all. I called the main call centre in Bangkok and asked to cancel. "No problem, Sir" - they didn't ask why, be funny about it or anything.

2 days later my True is off now. I've removed the boxes and thrown them in the store room.

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Cancelling wasn't an issue with them at all. I called the main call centre in Bangkok and asked to cancel. "No problem, Sir" - they didn't ask why, be funny about it or anything.

2 days later my True is off now. I've removed the boxes and thrown them in the store room.

I don't think anyone said cancelling was an issue did they?

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Cancelling wasn't an issue with them at all. I called the main call centre in Bangkok and asked to cancel. "No problem, Sir" - they didn't ask why, be funny about it or anything.

2 days later my True is off now. I've removed the boxes and thrown them in the store room.

I don't think anyone said cancelling was an issue did they?

No. I was just reporting how it went when I cancelled mine.

Nothing like trying to cancel a service back home, they don't give up too easily. :)

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The guy that came and took my equipment away yesterday said 'loads' of people (not just farangs) have cancelled in Chiang Mai due to losing the EPL and the office is struggling with the amount of package downgrades from 2,000 Baht to 500 baht appx.......good on them The King of Sports.

It's only by mass amounts of people walking away that shows them what their customers really want. True probably didn't expect a backlash like this just over the EPL and it shows just how little they know about their audience. Maybe, just maybe, it will kick them into action and start negotiations with CTH. Once customers walk, it is always harder to get them back.

Have you got satellite TV and a well stocked beer fridge in your but n ben yet mrboj?

We have had a dish up for a few months but it's for all the Thai stuff (I think). I haven't spent enough time there to sort it out properly yet and the only game I have been up in the boonies for was the United v City one but for that I went to Khon Kaen to meet up with MrRed and nev. What happens to the coverage of the EPL is a major game changer for me as to what I will get installed.

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The guy that came and took my equipment away yesterday said 'loads' of people (not just farangs) have cancelled in Chiang Mai due to losing the EPL and the office is struggling with the amount of package downgrades from 2,000 Baht to 500 baht appx.......good on them The King of Sports.

It's only by mass amounts of people walking away that shows them what their customers really want. True probably didn't expect a backlash like this just over the EPL and it shows just how little they know about their audience. Maybe, just maybe, it will kick them into action and start negotiations with CTH. Once customers walk, it is always harder to get them back.

Have you got satellite TV and a well stocked beer fridge in your but n ben yet mrboj?

We have had a dish up for a few months but it's for all the Thai stuff (I think). I haven't spent enough time there to sort it out properly yet and the only game I have been up in the boonies for was the United v City one but for that I went to Khon Kaen to meet up with MrRed and nev. What happens to the coverage of the EPL is a major game changer for me as to what I will get installed.

If its 899 Baht a month your place will become the local bar.....you should set a charge for admission! laugh.png

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Cancelling wasn't an issue with them at all. I called the main call centre in Bangkok and asked to cancel. "No problem, Sir" - they didn't ask why, be funny about it or anything.

2 days later my True is off now. I've removed the boxes and thrown them in the store room.

I don't think anyone said cancelling was an issue did they?

No. I was just reporting how it went when I cancelled mine.

Nothing like trying to cancel a service back home, they don't give up too easily. smile.png

I know what angry is getting at, sometimes when you try to cancel a service they want to know why and can you downgrade etc...a chum of mine cancelled true last week and was given the third degree, but in a friendly way.

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I hope the CTH sat boxes include a PVR option - or that it's possible to use a dreambox with PVR.


I waited over ten years for a decent PVR system with True, and they finally delivered about six months ago. It's brilliant. It's the only thing that has been stopping me canceling.

Always the same with True. They make one step forward with regards one thing, and then take two steps back at the same time with regards something else. Such a frustrating company. Hopefully CTH will shake things up.

Further to my comment above, i just called True Visions to downgrade from Gold to Knowledge, and was told that by doing so they will not allow me to use PVR anymore. Bloody annoying that. Already paid for the equipment, and i'm paying an extra couple of hundred baht to use the service, and they would obviously continue to receive this income stream if they allowed me to go on using it with the Knowledge package. Screw them. I'll wait until CTH are up and running and cancel with True altogether. They don't have a clue about customer service, and up until now, they haven't had to. Things might just be about to change though...
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I hope the CTH sat boxes include a PVR option - or that it's possible to use a dreambox with PVR.


I waited over ten years for a decent PVR system with True, and they finally delivered about six months ago. It's brilliant. It's the only thing that has been stopping me canceling.

Always the same with True. They make one step forward with regards one thing, and then take two steps back at the same time with regards something else. Such a frustrating company. Hopefully CTH will shake things up.

Further to my comment above, i just called True Visions to downgrade from Gold to Knowledge, and was told that by doing so they will not allow me to use PVR anymore. Bloody annoying that. Already paid for the equipment, and i'm paying an extra couple of hundred baht to use the service, and they would obviously continue to receive this income stream if they allowed me to go on using it with the Knowledge package. Screw them. I'll wait until CTH are up and running and cancel with True altogether. They don't have a clue about customer service, and up until now, they haven't had to. Things might just be about to change though...

Yes I too find True not symphateic or helpful.

I have been checking out www.uk-tv.asia.com which someone on the forum suggested I look at.

For the English expat well worth a look. The freeTV channels in the demo mode are really enough for me as I don't tend to watch many hours of TV a day. I can watch match of the day and later tonight can watch the England v Brazil match. What is even better, I can not only download programs to watch at a later date but can watch programs from the past five days without having to download.

At the moment the demo mode only gives you 6 programmes to watch but if you want others (a total of 13 channels) you can subscribe for only 490B per month.

I have a couple of things I am following on True but when they finish it will be one less customer True have.

Definetely worth a look. Might not suit your taste but nothing to lose.

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If you want Setanta it is on the cheaper Entertainments package with True. A downgrade on True plus the full CTH package is probably going to be not a lot more than the True Gold package is now and should get you a lot more channels to potentially watch. Whether having loads of channels is a good thing - we'll wait and see.

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If you want Setanta it is on the cheaper Entertainments package with True. A downgrade on True plus the full CTH package is probably going to be not a lot more than the True Gold package is now and should get you a lot more channels to potentially watch. Whether having loads of channels is a good thing - we'll wait and see.

I checked the Truevision's website they dont have Setanta on the cheaper packages anymore only on Gold upwards,Please correct me if I'm wrong

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If you want Setanta it is on the cheaper Entertainments package with True. A downgrade on True plus the full CTH package is probably going to be not a lot more than the True Gold package is now and should get you a lot more channels to potentially watch. Whether having loads of channels is a good thing - we'll wait and see.

I checked the Truevision's website they dont have Setanta on the cheaper packages anymore only on Gold upwards,Please correct me if I'm wrong

I have just downgraded to the super entertainment package for 790 and you still get Setanta plus true sports 2 5 6 7 Setanta is on true sports extra 1 channel 117 plus other sports channels

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The guy that came and took my equipment away yesterday said 'loads' of people (not just farangs) have cancelled in Chiang Mai due to losing the EPL and the office is struggling with the amount of package downgrades from 2,000 Baht to 500 baht appx.......good on them The King of Sports.


It's only by mass amounts of people walking away that shows them what their customers really want. True probably didn't expect a backlash like this just over the EPL and it shows just how little they know about their audience. Maybe, just maybe, it will kick them into action and start negotiations with CTH. Once customers walk, it is always harder to get them back.

To be fair, you would imagine they knew what would happen to their revenue stream re EPL but had to downplay it less they contributed to the mass exodus. I would also imagine CTH aren't making it as easy for TRUE to remain connected to such a lucrative market (would you?) nor would TRUE have expected anyone to come in with a bid triple the amount they were paying.

TRUE set their stall out with regards to negotiation with their European Championship's policy so I seriously doubt they will start showing any humility now and as long as they have a huge portion of members only using them as an aerial and leverage those numbers into advertising deals I don't see much changing - cost of EPL vs revenue gained against eyeballs on ad exposure revenue eh!?

Ultimately if not locked into any kind of contract then we get to vote with our cash - I'd rather not have the inconvenience however I do want my football however I don't want a tower of cable boxes under the TV to enable me to watch it!!

Sent from Android please excuse errors in type or judgement

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I would also imagine CTH aren't making it as easy for TRUE to remain connected to such a lucrative market (would you?) nor would TRUE have expected anyone to come in with a bid triple the amount they were paying.

I find it hard to believe that the bid from CTH came from nowhere. I think True must have known that CTH were going to bid against them and i think they must have had some inclining as to what their bid would be. These sorts of things are rarely ever kept totally secret.

And when you look at the figures, the amount that True had been paying for Premiership in the past, versus how much revenue they were able to pull in from subscriptions, they really had been raking it in, thanks i guess to having no competition.

Ultimately if not locked into any kind of contract then we get to vote with our cash - I'd rather not have the inconvenience however I do want my football however I don't want a tower of cable boxes under the TV to enable me to watch it!!

No need for any towers as far as i can see. Throw out the True box and have the CTH box installed to replace it.
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If you want Setanta it is on the cheaper Entertainments package with True. A downgrade on True plus the full CTH package is probably going to be not a lot more than the True Gold package is now and should get you a lot more channels to potentially watch. Whether having loads of channels is a good thing - we'll wait and see.

I checked the Truevision's website they dont have Setanta on the cheaper packages anymore only on Gold upwards,Please correct me if I'm wrong

I have just downgraded to the super entertainment package for 790 and you still get Setanta plus true sports 2 5 6 7 Setanta is on true sports extra 1 channel 117 plus other sports channels

That's ok if you like rugby otherwise it's not really worth it. What sports worth watching are on TS 2,5,6,7? Apart from the PL all the other big events are shown on FOX Plus, although the Boxing is on TS 5...I may consider having this in the bedroom.

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I would also imagine CTH aren't making it as easy for TRUE to remain connected to such a lucrative market (would you?) nor would TRUE have expected anyone to come in with a bid triple the amount they were paying.

I find it hard to believe that the bid from CTH came from nowhere. I think True must have known that CTH were going to bid against them and i think they must have had some inclining as to what their bid would be. These sorts of things are rarely ever kept totally secret.

And when you look at the figures, the amount that True had been paying for Premiership in the past, versus how much revenue they were able to pull in from subscriptions, they really had been raking it in, thanks i guess to having no competition.

>Ultimately if not locked into any kind of contract then we get to vote with our cash - I'd rather not have the inconvenience however I do want my football however I don't want a tower of cable boxes under the TV to enable me to watch it!!

No need for any towers as far as i can see. Throw out the True box and have the CTH box installed to replace it.

I think you'd be quite surprised at how easy it is to keep TRUE in the

dark and put together a successful bid - the trick is to 1. Know the

people you're dealing with have the financial wherewithal to complete

and 2. Make sure you're still in a position to get your commission at the end.

Please don't burn our house down we weren't involved in this or any

other deal EPL or Euros

As regards "towers" I'm thinking Champion's League and my daughter's hunger for Oggy and the Cockroaches on Cartoon Network

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As most of the games for UCL will be on at 2a.m I'll be watching only a few, especially in the group stages. WETV, in Chiangmai, showed all the big games via their Vietnam channels all season. This was also the first season TRUE had the rights to them. They've either done a deal with them, or more than likely blatant piracy! Wouldn't be surprised if other local cable operators did the same. That UKTV programme is good. Struggled to get one or two channels working at times, particularly during live sports broadcasts. Although it did work for the french open on ITV, who also share UCL with SKY back home. Can't complain when it's free, can't see it happening for much longer mind you.

I did consider the supersports package with TRUE. But I think they only offer Sport HD2 and I know that the Manyoo vs Real Madrid game and the final were on HD1. On that basis I think I'll save my 495 bht!

Only other sticky point is World cup Qualifiers, that being said only 4 left for England, so again not worth it.

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Oddly, TRUE's website gives different channels available for supersports package depending if you view it in Thai or English! Thai version shows TS2,5,6,7 and TSHD2. English version only offers TS2!

Another monumental <deleted> up by "The kings of sport" .

Edited by bangkok blue
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I'll probably keep True because of Setanta but will change the package to entertainment or get Setanta over the internet . As for the usurpers I'm curious to find out if they are going to keep all the build up and review shows with John Dyke and co. Apart from Dong Hutchison and a couple of other hopeless cases, I probably enjoyed these chatshows more than most of the games. so I'm going to wait and see what the new boys have got.. I'm also concerned about advertising during the games. If they suddenly cut away to advertise KFC, Red Bull etc then I'll just drop it and concentrate on other stuff.

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