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Has The Weather Pattern Has Changed Permanently In Pattaya ?


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It appears to me that the weather pattern has changed permanently in Pattaya ?

Not only did the rainy season last much longer in 2012, but this year's rainy season seems to have started already? The cool dry weather didn't seem to last very long anyway.


In fact it looks like and feels like it was just before Christmas when we were getting rain every day?

Any thoughts?

Edited by Asiantravel
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The reason I am concerned is that the outbreak of dengue fever in Pattaya late last year seemed to have been attributed in part to the rainy season hanging around which suits the mosquitoes.

I'm just wondering if all this rain again will mean even more prolific breeding of the dengue carrying mosquitoes?

The thing is the really like me because I take milk and cereal every morning for breakfast, and apparently they like people who digest lactic acid.rolleyes.gif

I don't want to get dengue fever because it sounds dreadful, so I guess it's keep up the full vigilance and defence again to minimise the risk


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The reason I am concerned is that the outbreak of dengue fever in Pattaya late last year seemed to have been attributed in part to the rainy season hanging around which suits the mosquitoes.

I'm just wondering if all this rain again will mean even more prolific breeding of the dengue carrying mosquitoes?

The thing is the really like me because I take milk and cereal every morning for breakfast, and apparently they like people who digest lactic acid.rolleyes.gif

I don't want to get dengue fever because it sounds dreadful, so I guess it's keep up the full vigilance and defence again to minimise the risk


Yep, the weather has changed permanently in Pattaya starting just this year. It was most astute of you to notice that.

And of course there is a big outbreak of dengue fever getting under way right now! I suggest you either leave ASAP or OMG take your cereal without milk. Otherwise, you're doomed. Sorry--but RIP if the worst happens.

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The reason I am concerned is that the outbreak of dengue fever in Pattaya late last year seemed to have been attributed in part to the rainy season hanging around which suits the mosquitoes.

I'm just wondering if all this rain again will mean even more prolific breeding of the dengue carrying mosquitoes?

The thing is the really like me because I take milk and cereal every morning for breakfast, and apparently they like people who digest lactic acid.rolleyes.gif

I don't want to get dengue fever because it sounds dreadful, so I guess it's keep up the full vigilance and defence again to minimise the risk


Yep, the weather has changed permanently in Pattaya starting just this year. It was most astute of you to notice that.

And of course there is a big outbreak of dengue fever getting under way right now! I suggest you either leave ASAP or OMG take your cereal without milk. Otherwise, you're doomed. Sorry--but RIP if the worst happens.

i am sure the relatives of the deceased will remember your feeble attempt at humour bah.gif

The Public Health Ministry has issued a warning of the need to take precautions against dengue fever, which has claimed 50 lives so far this year.

Pornthep Siriwanarangsan, director-general of the Disease Control Department, said the Bureau of Epidemiology reported that a total of 52,008 people had fallen ill with dengue fever between from Jan 1-Oct 16 this year, and 50 of them died.

Of the total, 20,600 of the patients werein the Central Region, 14,347 in the Northeast, 9,076 in the North, and 7,985 in South.

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The reason I am concerned is that the outbreak of dengue fever in Pattaya late last year seemed to have been attributed in part to the rainy season hanging around which suits the mosquitoes.

I'm just wondering if all this rain again will mean even more prolific breeding of the dengue carrying mosquitoes?

The thing is the really like me because I take milk and cereal every morning for breakfast, and apparently they like people who digest lactic acid.rolleyes.gif

I don't want to get dengue fever because it sounds dreadful, so I guess it's keep up the full vigilance and defence again to minimise the risk


Yep, the weather has changed permanently in Pattaya starting just this year. It was most astute of you to notice that.

And of course there is a big outbreak of dengue fever getting under way right now! I suggest you either leave ASAP or OMG take your cereal without milk. Otherwise, you're doomed. Sorry--but RIP if the worst happens.

i am sure the relatives of the deceased will remember your feeble attempt at humour bah.gif

The Public Health Ministry has issued a warning of the need to take precautions against dengue fever, which has claimed 50 lives so far this year.

Pornthep Siriwanarangsan, director-general of the Disease Control Department, said the Bureau of Epidemiology reported that a total of 52,008 people had fallen ill with dengue fever between from Jan 1-Oct 16 this year, and 50 of them died.

Of the total, 20,600 of the patients werein the Central Region, 14,347 in the Northeast, 9,076 in the North, and 7,985 in South.

For a mortality rate of .0000007 percent (50 / 70M Thai pop.)...I'll takes my chances and even have my cereal with milk!

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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The Public Health Ministry has issued a warning of the need to take precautions against dengue fever, which has claimed 50 lives so far this year.

Pornthep Siriwanarangsan, director-general of the Disease Control Department, said the Bureau of Epidemiology reported that a total of 52,008 people had fallen ill with dengue fever between from Jan 1-Oct 16 this year, and 50 of them died.

Of the total, 20,600 of the patients werein the Central Region, 14,347 in the Northeast, 9,076 in the North, and 7,985 in South.

And 0 patients in the East--but the recent Pattaya Permanent Weather Pattern Change you've so astutely observed means that a vast army of dengue fever-carrying mosquitoes are now swarming throughout the city and seeking out all those who are taking their cereal with milk! No exceptions! You could well be their first victim!

RUN before it's too late!!! Grab your cereal box and a few milk cartons and get the next plane out of the country!

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I have never heard of Mozzies systematically seeking out individual targets - especially people who drink milk !!!

I eat a bowl of Tony the Tigers best Frosties with some Muesli and Milk every morning in Jomtien and I am one of those people that Mozzies avoid.

I rarely get bitten and when I do the result is a tiny pin prick mark. So may be Milk keeps them away....works for me

As for the weather - you can go on the internet and finds reams of utter crap about climate change....which has been taking place on a regular basis for the last 4 billion years since the big red molten metallic rock started to cool down a bit.

The recent weather in Australia is being blamed on climate change - but if you have a memory and have lived for more than 50 years you know that the weather in Oz goes in about 10 year cycles of floods and droughts... a colleague of mine used to love the floods when he was a kid and there was not even one TV crew around to film it and show it to the whole wide world who now stand back totally agog and quote utter <deleted> about climate change....

I came to Pattaya 7 years ago and the very first December I was here every one was telling me how cool it would be and no rain and it was boiling hot and rained every 3rd fricking day !!! But all around me was a massive collection of inebriated western / Scandanavian tourists who would not know if it was raining or snowing. The demographics have changed and now the people around me are from the Soviet block countries who don't give a hoot about the Pattaya weather as for them it is 70 C warmer than Vladivostok....even it rains a bit.

Unless any one is planning on having a Picnic under an Oak tree on a pleasant grassy meadow, or playing Golf or Tennis there is no need to worry about the bleeding weather in any country...suck it up and live it with it - Its called nature.

But... Governments around the world think we can change it all by taxing airplane tickets and buying carbon credits if you plant a tree in Guatamala.....give me bleeding strength...

Research suggests that, in addition to carbon dioxide, some of the substances that people produce and that attract mosquitoes are sweat, lactic acid, uric acid and a chemical called octenol. Lactic acid is emitted through the skin


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Yep, the weather has changed permanently in Pattaya starting just this year. It was most astute of you to notice that.

And of course there is a big outbreak of dengue fever getting under way right now! I suggest you either leave ASAP or OMG take your cereal without milk. Otherwise, you're doomed. Sorry--but RIP if the worst happens.

i am sure the relatives of the deceased will remember your feeble attempt at humour bah.gif

The Public Health Ministry has issued a warning of the need to take precautions against dengue fever, which has claimed 50 lives so far this year.

Pornthep Siriwanarangsan, director-general of the Disease Control Department, said the Bureau of Epidemiology reported that a total of 52,008 people had fallen ill with dengue fever between from Jan 1-Oct 16 this year, and 50 of them died.

Of the total, 20,600 of the patients werein the Central Region, 14,347 in the Northeast, 9,076 in the North, and 7,985 in South.

For a mortality rate of .0000007 percent (50 / 70M Thai pop.)...I'll takes my chances and even have my cereal with milk!

The 55,485 cases last year who didn't end up dying will still have the problem of repeated infections and apparently the second time you get it is much worse. Plus the Thai Public Health Ministry's Disease Control Department has confirmed cases have increased significantly

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Lactic acid (milk acid) is produced by the body as Lactate, when you metabolise or excercise the blood sugar Glucose oxidises (you take in more Oxygen that goes to the blood ) this is what gives you the ache the next day after a hard work out. .

I doubt any suggestion that Milk which is LACTOSE (milk sugar) and becomes Lactase in your stomach attracts anything ...

as for the list of suggested attractions for Mozzies - I think that list means any human, no ?

Cos, no sweat, no CO2, no Uric acid ...you might be dead...and Mozzies need living targets....I believe they attack any animal that has a blood flow...

Also Lactic acid has gained importance in the detergent industry. It is a good descaler, soap-scum remover, and a registered anti-bacterial agent, so washing our clothes in soap might just attract Mozzies as well...or maybe this is all just <deleted>...

any way, never believe anything you see or read on the internet...including the guff I type....or climate change...

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Well, I for one, hope the rainy season continues year round! I like my grass green, and hate to waste the water on it. Yes, I am only thinking of myself. As for milk and those little buggers, they just love to bit me, even if I dont drink milk, and eat lots of garlic and chilli, so who knows why they like one person, and not another.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@monty: Thank you for posting that! People think I'm crazy when I tell them that. I was told that when I chatted with an infectious diseases research doctor on a flight to Bangkok once when I bragged to him that I never got bitten. He assured me I did, with the exact explanation you gave above.

Also, different mosquitoes have different "saliva" so that some mozzies might give you a reaction, while others won't.

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The weather pattern varies,not just in Thailand but all over the world.Wasnt that long ago when we had water shortages here,as there wasnt much of a rainy season,did that pattern change from very wet ,now its back again.?????

I dont think so

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The Public Health Ministry has issued a warning of the need to take precautions against dengue fever, which has claimed 50 lives so far this year.

Pornthep Siriwanarangsan, director-general of the Disease Control Department, said the Bureau of Epidemiology reported that a total of 52,008 people had fallen ill with dengue fever between from Jan 1-Oct 16 this year, and 50 of them died.

Of the total, 20,600 of the patients werein the Central Region, 14,347 in the Northeast, 9,076 in the North, and 7,985 in South.

And 0 patients in the East--but the recent Pattaya Permanent Weather Pattern Change you've so astutely observed means that a vast army of dengue fever-carrying mosquitoes are now swarming throughout the city and seeking out all those who are taking their cereal with milk! No exceptions! You could well be their first victim!

RUN before it's too late!!! Grab your cereal box and a few milk cartons and get the next plane out of the country!

i bet the guy goes bareback too lol

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I rarely get bitten and when I do the result is a tiny pin prick mark. So may be Milk keeps them away....works for me

Are you sure about this? Not all people get marks from mosquito bites. Mosquitos are designed to be able to drink your blood without you detecting them. They can feed on me all night and I'd hardly know it unless it causes a slight itch after they've finished drinking. If you don't itch after they've fed, and you don't mark, you'd never know they've been feeding off you.

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I now have 4 friends who have been hospitalised with Dengue fever this winter.

Dengue can be fatal and is no laughing matter. You do NOT want to catch it.

I had it. Minor infection in my case, wore off in three days. No much point to discuss Dengue, or to warn of it. There is no vaccine, nor cure, nor prevention but to stay away from areas where the Aedes mosquito lives. Who visits or lives in Thailand is exposed, and will inevitably catch it sooner or later. Many people who were sick probably mistook it for the flu.

Something is wrong with the NE Monsoon this year. It forms during the winter when Asia cools down, and the Indian Ocean heats up. The temperature differences produce pressure differences, and they suck air from the continent out to the ocean. The trade wind. During the age of sailing vessels they could go from Asia to Africa only at this time of the year, and return when the Monsoon reverses. Either the ocean is cooler this year, or the continent warmer. The winds shift all over the place, that mixes warm and cool air masses, and produces the untimely clouds and rain. At least over Pattaya. Many regions of Thailand have been in a prolonged drought, I read somewhere.

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Hey tropo, thanks for that. I may be reading it wrongly but it shows the average over 30 years, it does not appear to show the trend over 30 years ??

Yes, and back from 1961 to 1990. The interesting part was the average days of rainfall per month.

I have a lot of pot plants outside to water, so I'm confident in saying that last year there wasn't a day (or drop) of rain the from the end of October 2011 to April 2012. I kept wishing it would rain, but it never did.

This year it has rained far more than the average.

Conclusion: no trends.

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