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The Village Cat

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Absolutely adorable. Take it as a complement that she has selected your yard.

Please get some good quality cat food for Mama, she needs it now. And then get her to a Vet in a few weeks to avoid a repeat. You'll accrue much good karma!

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Thanks for all your comments. I've been feeding them cat food, kitten food and water, and the kittens have been eating the food as well as drinking from mum.

But I have some sad news. They all disappeared about two days ago. I have no idea where they went. The food I left out is uneaten. I do see and feed the male cat, who usually accompanies the female, but he looks pretty lonely too.

It's quite worrying. sad.png

I'll post some old vids when I've sorted through them - but the one above is the one I'll treasure.

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Our condo complex has a no pets policy. There were some feral cats who were smart enough not to get caught and expelled. We had a serious flying rat (pigeons) problem. Bird crap everywhere. I suspect from the smell in certain areas, there were also rats. Someone was finally smart enough to encourage the cats to stay and multiply. The flying rat problem has been substantially reduced and the rat smell is gone. Other than the occasional cat fight and squalling, the cats are no problem. I even noticed a large bag of cat food on the grounds, so some good soul is actually looking after the cats.

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Oops, sorry people. I must check my "Notifications" settings - didn't get any emails about your comments.

The good news is, I got a visit from the mother a couple of days ago and gave her some food, and from the father tonight but he wandered off before I could give him some food. I think they both must've moved the kittens to a more "des res" - desirable residence - but I can't hear them meowing.

I uploaded another video of the kittens that I took a few weeks ago: :)

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Another update: I just went out to see if any felines were around, and another one that I have been feeding came up the drive. Then I saw the mother's boyfriend - "Ballsy" - and another couple in the soi. I don't think either of the other couple were the mother (it was quite dark) but they all came over from a house on the other side of the soi. So the chances are they have moved over there - something wrong with my cat food? rolleyes.gif - and hopefully are being cared for there.

I still have more videos that I haven't posted yet, so I will upload some later.

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More likely the place near you was perceived by Mama Cat as vulnerable to threats. Maybe dogs, maybe other aggressive cats or unkind people, who knows. Cats know their kittens are small and vulnerable and seek to find secure hideaways for them.

What I love about these cats is the bind between the 2 parents, which is unusual.

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Said Patsycat:

I love the nibbling of the toes..

(Something's gone wrong with the "quote" system).

I didn't! :o They've got sharp little teeth!

I saw mum again tonight. She came waltzing up the drive as if nothing has happened, meowing her head off. :) So I gave her some food which she ate and then she scurried off over the road. Just like a woman - gets a better offer and she's gone! :D

No sign of the kittens though, but I'm sure they're OK over the road.

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It must be the season for orange tabby kittens.

An adorable orphaned kitten about 6 weeks old came to me today (I am an absolute magnet for stray cats). As it happened I found her just as I was getting ready to drive my dog to Cambodia where I will join him on Sunday (he goes overland, the cat flies with me). SO I took the kitten as well and she's now en route to Phnom Penh where I hope to find her a good home...quickly, as when I arrive on Sunday with the Cat who owns me, fur wil seriously fly if the kitten has to stay with me.

If my cat wasn't so jealous I would have been seriously tempted to keep this little angel. She (I think she, can't be sure at this age) was so sweet and affectionate...


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Gingers are more often male.

The ‘ginger gene’ which produces the orange colour is on the X chromosome. Females have two X chromosomes and so need two copies of this gene to become ginger, whereas males need only one. This means there are roughly three males to one female ginger cats. Ginger toms father tortoiseshell or ginger females. If both parents are ginger, then all their kittens will be ginger too.


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Yes, I know. But no visible balls on this one. Still, may just be the young age if so it'll be apparent in about 2 weeks I think.

S/he reportedly weathered the trip to Phnom Penh just fine and I am busily trying to persuade people I work with to adopt her.

About 10-12 years back there was a magnificent ginger tabby Tom in the neighborhood, strolled about majestically as if he owned it all. I am sure he is my cat's father (as she's female, both her parents must have been gingers) and she inherited his bossy temperment. He's now long gone but his genes live on in the local feline community...

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Update: Little Pumpkin was adopted yesterday and has moved on to her new home. I miss her already, but the dog and cat are quite pleased she is gone.

I actually ended up with 3 separate households vying to have her...she was such an adorable and beautiful kitten!

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