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7-11 Closed Soi Reggae


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Dumb question as usual with me.... So curious, sorry.

I noticed the 7-11 at begin of soi Reggae was destructed/closed.

Do you know why?

It is not rare to see 7s built, but destructed.....!?


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They built the Tesco express in the same junction.

Two 7-11 and one Tesco express does not work.

You have the same on ghost road now.

Two 7-11 and one Tesco express in the same junction. crazy.gif

They actually closed one 7-11 on the road between Dao market and ringroad before.

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Two years ago i met a pensioned police inspector from Bankok, or so he told me anyway.

He was totally obsessed with 7-11. He told me that he was investigating them for ages and could tell exactly how many 7-11's there were on the island and where the money to finance that particular 7-11 came from.

Real funny and interesting guy. He was totally sure that there was something fishy going on.

He regrettably died last year from lung cancer.

Not really OT but it came to mind.smile.png

Edited by ikbenhet
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Several years ago the official answer was given as 58 x 7/11 & 35 x FM. I have no idea what the current figures are but it surely exceeds 200 combined. Anyone driving between Bkk-Samui Hospital & the far end of Maenam or vise-versa at night will note that you can see at least one 7/11 or FM as you pass another.

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