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Thailand's D S I To Probe Police Station And Flats Building Projects


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DSI to probe police station and flats building projects

Piyanuch Thamnukasetchai

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- Department of Special Investigation (DSI) chief Tarit Pengdith gave the green light yesterday to an investigation into a controversial project to build 396 police stations, worth Bt5.84 billion, and 163 police flats, worth Bt3.7 billion.

The probe will focus on bidding collusion and fraud.

A previous investigation by the Royal Thai Police recommended that the contract be cancelled.

newsjsTarit said the project was a serious crime with premeditated plotting and abuse of authority, and that DSI investigators would next week summon former national police chiefs General Patcharawat Wongsuwan, General Prateep Tanprasert and General Wichean Potephosree and later Democrat MP Suthep Thaugsuban.

The DSI should conclude its investigation into the police-station project in 30 days and its probe into the flats in 50 days.

Pibul Udomsitthikul, an executive from PCC Development and Construction Co (PCC), insisted that the firm had reasons for not completing the project and said they would explain themselves in a press conference next week.

Tarit said DSI had initially found that PCC's winning bid for police stations was Bt540 million less than the Bt6.38 billion median price, while the price proposed by the first runners-up, Sam Prasit Ltd, stood at Bt6.095 billion. So the DSI would check PCC's monetary transactions and look to see if the firm wanted to win the bid at lowest possible price so it could pocket the 15-per-cent advance and the first instalment without ever planning to complete the project.

As for PCC's claim that it did not agree with the merging of the two projects, Tarit asked why - if it had disagreed right from the start - it decided to bid to and propose a price way below the median.


-- The Nation 2013-02-05

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Interestingly, what the article doesn't point out that this project was one of many under the wing of Abhisits and Korns borrowing of 1.43 TRILLION Baht for "investment" in Thailands future during their term in power. The Dust Free roads project was another part of it.

The irony is, firstly their condemnation of the Yinglucks government for borrowing a similar amount to invest in Thailand and secondly to then accuse it of using the investment for corruption. The truth is becoming to come out about the "squeaky clean" abhisit administration, and guess who is up to his neck in it, Suthep (the guy who managed to bring down the first Chuan Leekpai government) TWICE chosen by abhisit as a valued member of his cabinet and deputy - what a value call that was.

Since when is a 50% increase a 'similar amount"?

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Interestingly, what the article doesn't point out that this project was one of many under the wing of Abhisits and Korns borrowing of 1.43 TRILLION Baht for "investment" in Thailands future during their term in power. The Dust Free roads project was another part of it.

The irony is, firstly their condemnation of the Yinglucks government for borrowing a similar amount to invest in Thailand and secondly to then accuse it of using the investment for corruption. The truth is becoming to come out about the "squeaky clean" abhisit administration, and guess who is up to his neck in it, Suthep (the guy who managed to bring down the first Chuan Leekpai government) TWICE chosen by abhisit as a valued member of his cabinet and deputy - what a value call that was.

Since when is a 50% increase a 'similar amount"?

2.2 trillion baht = 50% increase? As usual cherry pick and do not attempt to answer the questions asked. There will now follow post after post discussing the word "similar".

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Simple maths people. Each police station to cost (average) THB14,747,000 - that sounds half reasonable. But 163 police flats at an average of THB22,699,000? I wish the DSI luck in their investigation especially as funds have been allocated and gone but the buildings don't seem to exist now? Not unusual I suppose.blink.png

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Simple maths people. Each police station to cost (average) THB14,747,000 - that sounds half reasonable. But 163 police flats at an average of THB22,699,000? I wish the DSI luck in their investigation especially as funds have been allocated and gone but the buildings don't seem to exist now? Not unusual I suppose.blink.png

This happened upcountry when the government chenged over with the coup. A contractor was furiously trying to eat up the budgetfor a tunnel knowing that the government was going to change, because once the new one comes in, funding basically gets stopped, politicians change, officials change, and very very often new funds get released to complete the unfinished eyesore. The thing sat stationary for about 18 months.

I have little doubt a huge wedge of the budget was trousered, in the hope that no one could possibly allow a bunch of half finished buildings to sit rotting, but alas, more funds haven't been forthcoming. Bearing in mind the geography of where this is going on, it is a political punishment, but that said someone trousered a good wedge of the cash.....

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If there's anything illegal been done then it should be dealt with regardless of who is responsible. That goes for any other dodgy practices as well. If after an unbiased hearing someone from either side of the political divide is convicted they should abide by the sentence imposed.

I admit I support Abhisit.Well as well as I can since I can't vote. I don't agree with him on everything but I think he does OK. There seem to be so few genuine politicians on both sides that it must be difficult to be in a party of significant numbers without having less than perfect members. I'm not a great fan of Suthep but I don't think you can totally blame Abhisit for having him in his government as apparently according to what I've read on here Abhisit was just a puppet of the military so I assume they must have had a say.

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Interestingly, what the article doesn't point out that this project was one of many under the wing of Abhisits and Korns borrowing of 1.43 TRILLION Baht for "investment" in Thailands future during their term in power. The Dust Free roads project was another part of it.

The irony is, firstly their condemnation of the Yinglucks government for borrowing a similar amount to invest in Thailand and secondly to then accuse it of using the investment for corruption. The truth is becoming to come out about the "squeaky clean" abhisit administration, and guess who is up to his neck in it, Suthep (the guy who managed to bring down the first Chuan Leekpai government) TWICE chosen by abhisit as a valued member of his cabinet and deputy - what a value call that was.

Didnt take long for a Dem basher to appear, only the second post.

And condemnation before any investigation has taken place.

However by your post I assume you know the whole history of the project and will therefore be testifing before the DSI.

And you might like to share your knowledge with us, I await your post.

But then the impartial DSI wouldnt be called in if they didnt think blame could be laid at the door of the Dems.

Wont even comment on the second pile of dog poo.

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If there's anything illegal been done then it should be dealt with regardless of who is responsible. That goes for any other dodgy practices as well. If after an unbiased hearing someone from either side of the political divide is convicted they should abide by the sentence imposed.

I admit I support Abhisit.Well as well as I can since I can't vote. I don't agree with him on everything but I think he does OK. There seem to be so few genuine politicians on both sides that it must be difficult to be in a party of significant numbers without having less than perfect members. I'm not a great fan of Suthep but I don't think you can totally blame Abhisit for having him in his government as apparently according to what I've read on here Abhisit was just a puppet of the military so I assume they must have had a say.

The problem is both parties are corrupt. One may be more corrupt than the other, but, being half corrupt isn't a very reassuring situation.

The dems have apparently 2 more uncorrupted people than the ptp. Yipeeeeee

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People talk about reconcilliation an amnesty. Its not happening because Thaksins got a real boner for these two Dem muppets who appear to be as big as crooks as Thaksin himself. I think Abhisit will end up absconding to far away shores. What an embarrasment. Thaksin will destroy what remains of the the Dem Party. If it were a dog in this mess the RSPCA would want to know why it had not been shot. (no reference to April 2010 intended)

Theres no opposition to PTT which is not good and no army to coup them . Looks like decades of PTT. It has been fun for 3 -4 years running the gauntlet with these pro coup and democrat supporters but if they are to seriously challenge anybody on a thread again it cant be on a political thread bcos the DEM cred is no more.

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Interestingly, what the article doesn't point out that this project was one of many under the wing of Abhisits and Korns borrowing of 1.43 TRILLION Baht for "investment" in Thailands future during their term in power. The Dust Free roads project was another part of it.

The irony is, firstly their condemnation of the Yinglucks government for borrowing a similar amount to invest in Thailand and secondly to then accuse it of using the investment for corruption. The truth is becoming to come out about the "squeaky clean" abhisit administration, and guess who is up to his neck in it, Suthep (the guy who managed to bring down the first Chuan Leekpai government) TWICE chosen by abhisit as a valued member of his cabinet and deputy - what a value call that was.

Didnt take long for a Dem basher to appear, only the second post.

And condemnation before any investigation has taken place.

However by your post I assume you know the whole history of the project and will therefore be testifing before the DSI.

And you might like to share your knowledge with us, I await your post.

But then the impartial DSI wouldnt be called in if they didnt think blame could be laid at the door of the Dems.

Wont even comment on the second pile of dog poo.

A wounded political animal barking in the dark. Its over for the DEms. Maybe the dress making thread is where you could win your first argument

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People talk about reconcilliation an amnesty. Its not happening because Thaksins got a real boner for these two Dem muppets who appear to be as big as crooks as Thaksin himself. I think Abhisit will end up absconding to far away shores. What an embarrasment. Thaksin will destroy what remains of the the Dem Party. If it were a dog in this mess the RSPCA would want to know why it had not been shot. (no reference to April 2010 intended)

Theres no opposition to PTT which is not good and no army to coup them . Looks like decades of PTT. It has been fun for 3 -4 years running the gauntlet with these pro coup and democrat supporters but if they are to seriously challenge anybody on a thread again it cant be on a political thread bcos the DEM cred is no more.

You seem to be commenting on the possibility of Abhisit absconding but not on him staying. Seems a little odd as staying is what he's doing.

It's a bit like me saying I think Yingluck will burst into tears and run away. What an embarrassment.

I haven't seem any sign yet that Abhisit is going to do a Thaksin in fact quite the opposite. He may do as you say but it seems a little early to be commenting on something that seems won't happen.

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I hope they follow the rule of law in this case as well as all other cases. But alas I fear as usual political interference will muddy this issue, so much for transparency, reconciliation and democracy

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Interestingly, what the article doesn't point out that this project was one of many under the wing of Abhisits and Korns borrowing of 1.43 TRILLION Baht for "investment" in Thailands future during their term in power. The Dust Free roads project was another part of it.

The irony is, firstly their condemnation of the Yinglucks government for borrowing a similar amount to invest in Thailand and secondly to then accuse it of using the investment for corruption. The truth is becoming to come out about the "squeaky clean" abhisit administration, and guess who is up to his neck in it, Suthep (the guy who managed to bring down the first Chuan Leekpai government) TWICE chosen by abhisit as a valued member of his cabinet and deputy - what a value call that was.

Since when is a 50% increase a 'similar amount"?

2.2 trillion baht = 50% increase? As usual cherry pick and do not attempt to answer the questions asked. There will now follow post after post discussing the word "similar".

2.2 is approximately equal to 150% of 1.43 (a little more actually, but I try not to be petty). Are you mathematically challenged? Would you say a 4' man is similar in height to a 6' man?

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The Dem bashers are so carried away with the opportunity that there is no way they can stick to the topic, still I suuppose they dont get many chances so have to make the best of every one.

There have been articals about this (the police stations) on PBS Tele for about a month now and I had been wondering when something official would appear.

I await the full, and correct I hope, story with interest.

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