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Hi... can somebody tell me if there is any sort of regulation in this country in regards to keeping cattle ? I am particularly interested if there is any sort of law that regulates the amount of distance that somebody might keep cattle on rented land next to a residential dwelling. Also does this land have to be regularly cleaned and cattle vaccinated and wormed etc on a regular basis like animals in Australia (yes I know this is not Australia and laws and standards are very different)...would be interested to hear any sensible comments and the exact place / department where I may file a complaint. Thanks...

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I remember that I built my cattle feedlot 400 metres from my house around 15 years ago based on best scientific advice available to me at that time.

If you wish to complain to the authorities, the correct authority is your local amphur (district) office. They can investigate and take action. I doubt if they will (I hope not) if the cattle are simply grazing near your boundary but I’m sure they could if the cattle-lot is too close to you.

As far as I remember (I stopped cattle farming around 8 years ago), the only vaccine that was mandatory was Foot & Mouth, and even this was not enforced.



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Thanks Khonwan for your reply ..the cattle are grazing, shitting and everything else 2 and a half meters from my kitchen..they actually wanted to build the cattle shelter right outside my kitchen until I complained to the owner of the land..I have complained nicely to the owner of the land about 4 times now and then he goes and speaks to the cow people and they keep them away for a week or so and then they come back..by the way the cow owners actually own a lot of land themselves 40 Rai but are keeping them near us because it is close to their house..they had about 18 cows on this half a rai but have sold about 8 now..the are all down the side of my house about 2 and half meters from the house. The house smells like a toilet. The flies are terrible and so are the mosquitoes because they toss the cows grass and then when it dries or gets wet it is a breeding ground for mozzies..I have had enough..my husband goes and cleans up on their side just to keep the bugs at bay..he wont say anything to the cow guy because he is some sort of distant cousin ..I have just got out of hospital because I contracted S. Typhi (typhoid) and the DR was also testing me (luckily negative ) for Bruscellosis..do you think I have a case and who do I see at the Amphur ???

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Thanks Khonwan for your reply ..the cattle are grazing, shitting and everything else 2 and a half meters from my kitchen..they actually wanted to build the cattle shelter right outside my kitchen until I complained to the owner of the land..I have complained nicely to the owner of the land about 4 times now and then he goes and speaks to the cow people and they keep them away for a week or so and then they come back..by the way the cow owners actually own a lot of land themselves 40 Rai but are keeping them near us because it is close to their house..they had about 18 cows on this half a rai but have sold about 8 now..the are all down the side of my house about 2 and half meters from the house. The house smells like a toilet. The flies are terrible and so are the mosquitoes because they toss the cows grass and then when it dries or gets wet it is a breeding ground for mozzies..I have had enough..my husband goes and cleans up on their side just to keep the bugs at bay..he wont say anything to the cow guy because he is some sort of distant cousin ..I have just got out of hospital because I contracted S. Typhi (typhoid) and the DR was also testing me (luckily negative ) for Bruscellosis..do you think I have a case and who do I see at the Amphur ???

Depends where you are living. If you are living within the teesabaan area of a city or large town, it is against the law to raise cattle inside these boundaries. But if you living in a rural village I am not sure what the laws are there. Just go down to the local amphur and ask there at the information desk who the appropriate people are to whom you can complain too.

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10 (previously 18) head of cattle on 800 sq.m. of land next to your house would constitute a valid reason to complain to the amphur; this is a feedlot. I believe you will be successful in getting rid of them and hope that you do. I live in a very rural spot but would certainly complain in your situation – I am totally confident that I would win. The person who has the authority is the Nai Amphur (described in English as the district governor or sheriff) but his/her staff should be able to help you, at least in the first instance.

Have you complained to your Poo Yai Baan (village head) yet? I can well imagine him/her being unable to negotiate a suitable solution but I would regard a complaint in the first instance to the Poo Yai Baan then to the Amphur would be the proper protocol and have followed this procedure in the past with a different problem, successfully.

Let us know how you get on.



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And if all that fails .... perhaps you could fight fire with fire, and plant, raise, grow something that disturbs the cattle without doing them any damage. Perhaps the occasional fireworks or pigeon scarer, bees? Sudden and irregular loud noises might work.

My FIL has persisted in a 10 yr terrorist campaign with me to bring his boxing chickens and their cages onto our lawn, when I'm not around, with the inevitable result of the grass disappearing in certain places. My wife has given up the struggle and just says he is old, and she can't stop him.

As luck would have it we recently moved our 2 geese and remaining 2 ducks onto the lawn as a dog was getting at the ducks. Well the geese are a bit territorial and quite smart, and, they don't like the roosters. So FIL is a bit disgruntled that his chooks are being forced back home. The chooks are also a bit reluctant to square off Sumo style to a large goose, so I'm winning - at the moment

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Hi thanks all for your advice..the poo yai is really good at 'greng jai'....it would be useless to ask him so I wont even bother...I have photos etc and will go down to the local amphur myself..I really appreciate everyone's advice...I have been trying to avoid this but they aren't going away (the cattle)...also I noticed today the cow guy's sister who has a small house behind the block of land has got at least 20 metres fenced off on the rented block away from her house with a 'pretend' electric fence to keep the cows away...they certainly have consideration for her but couldnt care less about us even though hubby is a cousin hahahaha...tiime to take action...I was almost thinking of going to the annamai (local medical clinic) and asking the local doctor who can I see at the amphur..ie a name... because when I told my doctor when I was in hospital about the cows so close to our house she was appalled..I guess if I start mentioning plagues of flies, maggots on covered food, huge mosquitoes, typhoid do ya all think they might think there is a bit of a health risk going on with the situation ???? hahahahaha...we live in a rural area but there are houses all around..there is a tessabaan near here too..will let you know the end result...I even asked the guy who owns the land did he want to sell (another different cousin) ..but the answer was no so I have tried every avenue...spraying water helps but then it gets muddy and more flies mozzies and the cycle starts over hahaha

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One thing about this time of year, its dry and the grass will burn . Maybe you will have a lightening storm and the cow pasture will catch on fire from a lightening bolt of course. Grass grown back of course, but it could be a short term solution, which would also give the cowboys something to ponder.

You might also consider getting a nice dog, Blue Heelers may give the cows a run, just a couple of thoughts. good luck

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Hi you are all right but unfortunately the law of Karma states " if I burn the grass, more than likely my house will catch on fire "' because yes its a HUGE pile of rice straw stored in the open end of a water tower right next to our fence...have now spoken to hubby and told him that I will go myself to Amphur to keep him out of it...just going to print off my pics etc etc...and go make my case...though a huge pime rib bar b q complete with a few hard core, red or blue healers and maybe some country and western music might be the way to go hahahahaha..wish me luck

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Is there any way You could try an eltric fence yourself, a unit is about 1500 bart plain wire and bamboo posts, will keep the cattle away ,extsend it a bit see what happens... . .ask the police ,if it is illlegal, in any way. thay should help

All the best and good luck


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Hi I just got back from the Amphur ...told my story to about 6 people before I got the right guy.(Pawat ??? sorry bout the spelling) ..he listened to my story and then rang the Poo Yai Baan who he told to go and talk to the cow guy..that was this morning and at 2pm I know that he hadnt spoken to cowman because he was out there loading up more straw (rice cuttings)...The guy at the Amphur was helpful but it will be interesting to see if this Poo Yai does anything..will let you all know B-))

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By not giving Poo Yai Baan a chance to sort the problem before going behind his back to his boss, you have probably earned yourself an enemy for life. He’ll be forced by his boss, Nai Amphur, to act but I expect this will be remembered should you need a favour from him in the future.



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No sorry you do NOT know why I went straight to the Amphur...I have not gone behind his back !!!! A year ago when I was making my Tabien Baan the Pawat (another one ..a woman who knows us from when we were married 6 years ago.. ) asked for us to get the Poo Yai to come to the Amphur and sign my papers as witness...he lied to us for a month and said it was done ..every time we went to the Amphur the woman would get really angry and ask WHY hadnt we told the Poo Yai to come there..in the end SHE HAD TO RING HIM AND TELL HIM TO COME..also he doesnt like my husband or me (for no reason other than he is friends with my husbands sister who hates us)...we knew him before on a personal level before he became Poo Yai 4 years ago...his time is up this year cause he turns 60 so he is doing as little as possible till his time is up.. Does this explain is why I went to the Amphur..the Tesabaan told me to go there as well ages ago but after this last episode of being admitted to hospital I have had enough..I dont care if he hates me cause he already does anyway hahahahaha a Poo Yai's job is to help EVERYONE in his area ...and by the way I am working as a "look jaeng '..am employed by the Tesabaan here at the moment so I can always ask someone there I guess if he doesnt help ie go to the Nayok or go to the tessabaan and ask for a name next time ..I went to the Amphur today because I rang somebody this morning and they gave me a name ..i didnt go thinking it would come back to this Poo Yai...I thought I was seeing somebody from the animal regulation department..think they are Bonne Saat or something ..you know who looks after pigs cows chickens etc..anyway thats the story ...thanks for your advice anyway ...

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Yes, fair enough, Padped – you obviously have a bit of a history with this guy. For anyone else not having such a history, going to the amphur before the poo yai baan could well create such a history.

For anyone pursuing an official complaint, be prepared for potential consequences: my case involved a farm neighbour, his ex-poo yai baan father-in-law, police, Sor Por Kor, forest police provincial deputy chief, poo yai baan, Or Bor Dors, Nai Yoke Or Bor Dor, signed petition by villagers, and the Nai Amphur. I won but also had to deal with a death threat from the ex-poo yai baan (who is a known but unconvicted killer several times over) due to his loss of face.



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OMG so you have been through the mill !!!!! Nah dont think it will get to that.(well I hope not anyway)..It is obvious to all the people around here how bad this situation is with these catttle...now I have just asked my husband if the Poo Yai actually saw the cowman yesterday...apparently cowmans daughter rang my husband last night and said that he had seen her father and they all want me to talk it over on Monday..I wont be doing this...I heard the Pawat say on the phone to the Poo Yai yesterday that he was to go and tell cowman to get the cows off the land away from our house..that it was against government law to keep cattle like this near a house and with flies, mosquitoes and keeping rice cuttings piled up in a tower next to our house (fire risk) and not to mention me being hospitalized Also if the guy didnt do it that the Poo Yai was to get back to to the Pawat...There was NO TALK about me having a little chat about it...there is no room for discussion....NOW I will have to go and get the land owner and talk to him cause he is at least a bit educated and has told this cowguy off before...then if all else fails I will go back to the Pawat...this Poo yai is not doing as he was told and I am not goiing to be forced into an argument with .cowman ...with all this greng jai going on maybe I will try some of my own ....wish me luck...

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