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Loking For Marrow Bones


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Anyone seen any marrow bones around town at all? i would like to get one for my dog (great dane) but can't seem to find any. We even asked in bangkok last week but they didnt even know what they were and just kept offering us the usual milk type bones which are hide and not bone!

Thanks for any info,

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Villa market and Foodland in Bangkok have them. They usually have them cut 1.5 inches with meat for soup--sold as beef shank. You may be able to ask the butcher to cut you larger(longer ones). The meat is great for soup. They don't have just the marrow bone without the surrounding meat for sale like I used to get in the US for my dogs.

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Excuse my ignorance Ableguy but what is French Thai beef ?

I'm not sure why it's called French Thai, or "Thai French" is actually the way I've heard it, but it's the best kind of local Thai grown beef. I know several restaurant owners (from frequenting their establishments) and most of the better restaurants have steaks in two varieties; imported and Thai French. I once tasted both an Australian fillet and a Thai French fillet together and the Thai French was more tender and had more flavor even though it was around 200 baht cheaper.. Maybe it is just the name of the company or is a joint venture between a Thai cattle company and a French company, but I don't know. I just know it's good quality local beef.

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Any of the local butchers have them. They usually keep them in the cooler and give them to the vendors for theier soup stock. I get both pork and beef bones when I buy meat at the market, they're always free. Blood too if you're into making blood sausage or pudding.

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