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Family Works On Pardon For Kamnan Poh


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You only have to look at the glowing example our dear beloved DPM and his sons act to know the justice system is a mockery. I thought the agenda of the current government and their red friends was to stop these double standards.

No, their agenda is to maximize these double standards, at least as they pertain to anyone in their cadre who has their hands in the cookie jar.

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Man on the run for murder and gangsterism seeking a pardon b4 he sees the clink. Yes! In Thailand!

Especially if your son happens to be a government minister. Maybe someone should check to see if the minister has been harbouring a fugitive and breaking the law? Sadly the DSI are rather too busy. Perhaps Chalerm could lead a rapid and conclusive investigation. I can guess the result already.

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I could be wrong about this, but recalling the past debates about a potential Royal pardon for Thaksin....

I'm recalling that a couple of points were part of any pardon discussion:

--the individual involved has to have served some meaningful portion of their sentence.

--those convicted of corruption typically aren't eligible.

All very correct. However, those were the stipulations placed on any pardon being sought for Thaksin. It would be very naive to think that these would easily apply in this case. However, if political horse trading (and money bunged in the right places) makes these restrictions go away and KP gets his pardon, then the precedent has been set for Thaksin to get in line for his. It is only a matter of time anyway.

I thought I remembered reading here, from the past debate on T, that the King historically had not granted pardons in (adjudicated) cases of public corruption -- as few as those might be.

Presumably that's why those rare few "public servants" who do ever get convicted of official wrongdoing usually tend to scamper out of the country while out on bail or otherwise...

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I am somewhat amazed by this headline. Shouldn't the " culture " minister be working to keep himself out of jail ??? Sometime I feel like I am living inside Alice in Wonderland......

More like living in an asylum where the inmates are running it. Seriously.

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<p>This family's actions and attitudes epitomizes completely the contempt and scorn the corrupt self serving politicians in this country have for the people and indeed the law of the land.

The son is a minister in the current maladministration who vowed in their election crusade that the days of the old privileged amart were gone..Indeed talk is cheap and principles are blatantly non existent

Indeed it seems as if those old privileges have indeed gone and now we see the subsequent rebirth of the new P.T.P. failed abortion privileged classes new child.

It is an ugly malformed, malicious, odious malignant tumour of a monster that pollutes the very air we breath and defiles the society in which we live.

"It is an ugly malformed, malicious, odious malignant tumour of a monster that pollutes the very air we breathe and defiles the society in which we live."

This quote is worthy of Shakespeare, Dickens or Churchill. I love it!thumbsup.gifclap2.gif

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Recieved treatment for over a year...in bangkok. Maybe doctors had been 'leaned-on' or 'bought-off'.

Methinks the really interesting details could be found when the accompanying passengers during the bust are investigated...but these characters are already forgotten!?...now just get the public show and a ticket to disneyland. The real stuff is being played out in the political backrooms....wonder what the surcharge is for a broker in such deals?

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Hope the taxpayer isnt paying for his VIP suite in the hospital.

Asking for a pardon is indeed an insult to the king, wonder if they could be done for LM?

I think the LM laws are used very selectively and seem to have little to do with genuine insults to the king. If it was used in the way you suggest then many members of the Royal Thai Police would be in jail right now.

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<p>This family's actions and attitudes epitomizes completely the contempt and scorn the corrupt self serving politicians in this country have for the people and indeed the law of the land.

The son is a minister in the current maladministration who vowed in their election crusade that the days of the old privileged amart were gone..Indeed talk is cheap and principles are blatantly non existent

Indeed it seems as if those old privileges have indeed gone and now we see the subsequent rebirth of the new P.T.P. failed abortion privileged classes new child.

It is an ugly malformed, malicious, odious malignant tumour of a monster that pollutes the very air we breath and defiles the society in which we live.

It has always been like this though.

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<p>This family's actions and attitudes epitomizes completely the contempt and scorn the corrupt self serving politicians in this country have for the people and indeed the law of the land.

The son is a minister in the current maladministration who vowed in their election crusade that the days of the old privileged amart were gone..Indeed talk is cheap and principles are blatantly non existent

Indeed it seems as if those old privileges have indeed gone and now we see the subsequent rebirth of the new P.T.P. failed abortion privileged classes new child.

It is an ugly malformed, malicious, odious malignant tumour of a monster that pollutes the very air we breath and defiles the society in which we live.

"It is an ugly malformed, malicious, odious malignant tumour of a monster that pollutes the very air we breathe and defiles the society in which we live."

This quote is worthy of Shakespeare, Dickens or Churchill. I love it!thumbsup.gifclap2.gif

Given the haste in which he was moved to Chonburi, against policy (therefore he and family have some serious clout within the pt mob), and given that the police and all concerned knew where he was for many years, I still wonder why the police actually captured him?

It seems to me that the man (and his family) still have great power and not afraid to use it, therefore the police, in these circumstances very careful how they act, and not likely to do anything proactive.

So just why did they suddenly nab him at a toll booth?

Gotta be a reason, what is it?

Edited by scorecard
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He's doing what all old folks do, when they see themselves shuffling off the mortal coil soon. Finding God and asking forgiveness to try to get into heaven lol.

Being a "good" Buddhist,whistling.gif Somchai will, when he's dead, first burn at the Wat, then be reincarnated as a soi dog.

He would only deserve to be a gnat on a flea on soi dog.

Yeah but the gnat would probably be better fed and have a better life than the host flea or dog

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<p>This family's actions and attitudes epitomizes completely the contempt and scorn the corrupt self serving politicians in this country have for the people and indeed the law of the land.

The son is a minister in the current maladministration who vowed in their election crusade that the days of the old privileged amart were gone..Indeed talk is cheap and principles are blatantly non existent

Indeed it seems as if those old privileges have indeed gone and now we see the subsequent rebirth of the new P.T.P. failed abortion privileged classes new child.

It is an ugly malformed, malicious, odious malignant tumour of a monster that pollutes the very air we breath and defiles the society in which we live.

"It is an ugly malformed, malicious, odious malignant tumour of a monster that pollutes the very air we breathe and defiles the society in which we live."

This quote is worthy of Shakespeare, Dickens or Churchill. I love it!thumbsup.gifclap2.gif

From siampolee above: "... The son is a minister in the current maladministration who vowed in their election crusade that the days of the old privileged amart were gone..Indeed talk is cheap and principles are blatantly non existent ..."

Best line this year, totally spot on!!!

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Hope the taxpayer isnt paying for his VIP suite in the hospital.

Medical care for prisoners is guaranteed and is to be provided for by the Department of Corrections' funding. As he is interred at Chonburi prison, which has no medical facilities of its own, he is temporarily lodged at a hospital outside the prison in Chonburi.

However, in accordance with the Penitentiary Act, and being how he's so seriously sick and all, he should soon be transferred and returned to Bangkok to the Department of Corrections own hospital there. That's why it exists. To receive and medically treat prisoners from all over the whole country.

relevant sections of the Penitentiary Act

Medical Correctional Institution: the only medical correctional hospital located in Bangkok. It is responsible for sick prisoners in the capital city and its surrounding areas. Moreover, if prisoners are in serious condition and cannot be effectively cured by staff of medical center in each prison, patients will be transferred from prisons all around country to the hospital.

- Sick prisoners can request medical treatment free of charge. Sick prisoners that require medical treatment exceeding the capabilities of the prison will be transferred to a nearby public hospital or the Medical Correctional Institution.

- Every prisoner has the right to access to health care and medical services as same as other people do.


Edited by Buchholz
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However, in accordance with the Penitentiary Act, and being how he's so seriously sick and all, he should soon be transferred and returned to Bangkok to the Department of Corrections own hospital there. That's why it exists. To receive and medically treat prisoners from all over the whole country.

relevant sections of the Penitentiary Act

Medical Correctional Institution: the only medical correctional hospital located in Bangkok. It is responsible for sick prisoners in the capital city and its surrounding areas. Moreover, if prisoners are in serious condition and cannot be effectively cured by staff of medical center in each prison, patients will be transferred from prisons all around country to the hospital.

BUT... in the Land of Non-Accordance... # 2 Son disagrees

A son of convicted murderer and former fugitive Somchai Khunploem made known that doctors have detected arrhythmia in his father and recommended that he be kept in hospital for observation.

President of the Chonburi Provincial Administrative Organization (PAO) Witthaya Khunploem, who is one of Somchai’s sons, revealed that although his father’s condition is stable, he needs to remain in intensive care, as his pre-existing conditions could lead to additional complications.

Witthaya confirmed that his family is not considering a hospital transfer for the time being.

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This is getting funnier by the day. First he cannot breath. Then it is some mysterious brain clot.

Then now it is heart arrhythmia . What is on the list for tomorrow new serious malady?? Cancer?

The sad part is that this crap is thrown out to the public, and with true arrogance they actually do not really care if you believe it or not. The lesson learned from this sordid episode of Thai " justice" is that if you kill people you will not be punished. This does not bode well for the future of Thailand when Thai people think it is no problem to kill some one.... If you are rich anyway..

Now that I think about it there are not that many rich people in Thailand, so even if they go around and kill people they would not take that much of a bite out of the overall Thai population.....clap2.gif

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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I bitterly remember the text in Bangkok Post concerning the death of Ah-Kong or Ampol Tangnopakul or "Mr. SMS" in Klong Prem Central Prison's hospital:

"Dr Kittibun Techaporn-anan, 39, the resident doctor, said he was with the hospital director when Ampon died.

He said a ward nurse had contacted him to say Ampon's heart had stopped and they were trying to revive him.

He could not attend to help because he had been instructed by the hospital director to welcome the director-general of the Corrections Department, who was visiting the prison."

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Hope the taxpayer isnt paying for his VIP suite in the hospital.

Medical care for prisoners is guaranteed and is to be provided for by the Department of Corrections' funding. As he is interred at Chonburi prison, which has no medical facilities of its own, he is temporarily lodged at a hospital outside the prison in Chonburi.

However, in accordance with the Penitentiary Act, and being how he's so seriously sick and all, he should soon be transferred and returned to Bangkok to the Department of Corrections own hospital there. That's why it exists. To receive and medically treat prisoners from all over the whole country.

relevant sections of the Penitentiary Act

Medical Correctional Institution: the only medical correctional hospital located in Bangkok. It is responsible for sick prisoners in the capital city and its surrounding areas. Moreover, if prisoners are in serious condition and cannot be effectively cured by staff of medical center in each prison, patients will be transferred from prisons all around country to the hospital.

- Sick prisoners can request medical treatment free of charge. Sick prisoners that require medical treatment exceeding the capabilities of the prison will be transferred to a nearby public hospital or the Medical Correctional Institution.

- Every prisoner has the right to access to health care and medical services as same as other people do.


So the taxpayer is footing the bill.

Possibly this is something that should be given attention in the media, banner headlines something like:


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This is looking a lot like "Uncle Junior" on the Soprano's tv show. If Thai soaps had this type of behaviour on television, no one would watch it, because it would be unbelievable.

The Thais would watch it as the attractive stars and the remote lifestyles entrances them, mainly due to the fact that the greater majority of Thais are indeed firmly fixed in their social class.T.V. dreams help to keep the cork in the bottle of emotions, thus the rigid stratas of society are preserved for the few and the adoration of corrupt power mad creatures is assured

No chance,any such programme getting air time. Any such programme would be pulled as it would tarnish the image of the politicians as was recently the case with a Thai soap that highlighted corrupt politicians.

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The poor guy is sick.

They should release him and let him spend his final days at home with his family. ....

He has been at home all these years when not so sick, and should have been in the big house.

Sympathy and care factor at this point=0

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