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Speeding Brit Rear Ends Lady Thai Motorbiker


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Her fault but we know who will get the blame..

How is it her fault if she was in front ?

Seems he should be more careful and take more time

The story implies that she swerved in from of him. Which the car damage does suggest happened. Therefore more her fault than his. But these accidents are always some blame on both parties.

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I hope he has good insurance...

Accidents like this are normally carelessness on the part of two or more drivers.

I would have avoided saying "driving at high speed" , translated into Thai that is an admission of speeding.

It does seem stupid to admit to driving at high speed and then accelerating to pas another vehicle.... If that is not a case of bad reporting.

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Her fault but we know who will get the blame..

Sounds like his fault. If there was a bike nearby, he should have been watching it, not looking in mirror and overtaking cars.

Sorry,cannot agree,more likely she cut in front of him,this happens to me every week,so far I've been very lucky not to have been involved in a accident with one of these m/cycle people,

They know where they want to go,and presumably they think the other motorist should also know,what they are about to do.

Sorry davejones, but I also think you're talking out yer batty...if one never looked in ones mirror or overtook when there was a bike nearby, then you'd never get anywhere. As suggested, these small brown people have no regard for other road users other than themselves - I mean, just take a look at how many of them have their mirrors turned into the middle so they can look at themselves while they're driving....<deleted>'s that all about..?? They pull out in front of you without stopping, signalling or looking and if they want to change lanes, then thats exactly what they do. I'm not of course suggesting that because of this, the farang MUST be guilt free - if he was, as he says, driving at 'high speed' (which for his sake I hope translates to 'the upper end of the posted speed limit') then chances are he'll end up getting the blame anyway, whether guilty or not...thats just the way it is. Why nothing's ever done about them having no licences, tax, insurance, kids driving around with no helmets etc etc etc annoys me too....they never ever going to learn any road-sense until they start pushing these basics....and to top it all off, they ALL think they're great drivers....every single one of them an accident waiting to happen. coffee1.gif

How can Thai motorcyclists presumably know what other drivers are going to do? They don't even know the other drivers are there, because they never look.
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Her fault but we know who will get the blame..

Rush to judgment. There is no evidence it was her fault. Looks like the Brit may have been overtaking on the left which is a very dangerous practice.

how do you over take on the left? in Thailand
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was she wearing a helmet & if she suddenly cut of the car and breaks, that she got what she deserved, not ?

but hey, the car was driving by a farang, so he is guilty and will pay ... that is the thai's law

Let's be serious here, folks.

If you are a foreign visitor in any country in the world, don't you think a higher degree of caution is necessary?

And isn't it a bit crude and inhumane to suggest that the lady deserves the serious injuries, even if in the wrong?

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A bit off topic, but would a car cam be of any use in cases like this (I'm planning to buy one) ?

That is why most people buy them. It would help your case, but remember the Thai thought that the biggest one is the usually pays the bill - Big car versus small bike...

I Googled the name and there is a well known drummer from Ontario, Canada with only one letter different and looks middle aged.

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Her fault but we know who will get the blame..

A bit off topic, but would a car cam be of any use in cases like this (I'm planning to buy one) ?

The way I see it: a car cam is like a double edged sword: it can prove you're innocent, but it can also prove without doubt that you're at fault. So perhaps get one that you can yank out of the dashboard/off the inside roof of the car in the space of a few seconds and without leaving a trace, just in case there's any evidence that needs to be disposed of quickly..shock1.gif

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Her fault but we know who will get the blame..

Rush to judgment. There is no evidence it was her fault. Looks like the Brit may have been overtaking on the left which is a very dangerous practice.

how do you over take on the left? in Thailand

In Thailand you overtake wherever there's a blank piece of real estate.

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Is that name an anagram?

Probably Italian. They owned the UK many hundreds of years ago.

I must have not been paying attention in my History lessons, please elaborate.

errm the Romans ( what have they ever given us ?)

Paved roads. Maybe we could blame them for accidents like this? rolleyes.gif

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Her fault but we know who will get the blame..

A bit off topic, but would a car cam be of any use in cases like this (I'm planning to buy one) ?

Yes they are very good.....my camera has a great shot of the rear passenger of a car I nearly ran into.....their fault.

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Probably Italian. They owned the UK many hundreds of years ago.

I must have not been paying attention in my History lessons, please elaborate.

errm the Romans ( what have they ever given us ?)

Paved roads. Maybe we could blame them for accidents like this? rolleyes.gif

Roads only, "the paving" was only completed by the Scottish invention - Tarmacadam!!thumbsup.gif

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Is that name an anagram?

Probably Italian. They owned the UK many hundreds of years ago.

I must have not been paying attention in my History lessons, please elaborate.

errm the Romans ( what have they ever given us ?)

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Her fault but we know who will get the blame..

Sounds like his fault. If there was a bike nearby, he should have been watching it, not looking in mirror and overtaking cars.

I agree most of it his fault these scooters just pop out all the time if she had looked in her mirror.

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I'm glad he stopped. Just from a human perspective. Someone needed to make sure the woman got to hospital etc.

So long as he's got first class insurance (and can speak Thai or knows someone that he can trust that can translate), it should be fine. To be honest, with the way some motorcyclists drive here, I'm surprised it's not a more common occurence.

(or is it news because he stopped...?)

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Her fault but we know who will get the blame..

Rush to judgment. There is no evidence it was her fault. Looks like the Brit may have been overtaking on the left which is a very dangerous practice.

How do you work that out.. Its a dual carriageway and if you look at the damage to the car then you can tell that she has pulled out without looking.. A thing that 99% of the idiots here do

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