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Abused Karen Girl To Get Official Help In Applying For Thai Nationality


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Kudos to Thailand for stepping up to the plate and doing something to help this girl. Myself and I am sure others feared

this issue would receive the sweep under the rug treatment, but I think the explosion of this story onto international

media has stopped that.

Well, I think Kudos is to the media not Thailand, they would have swept it under the rug as usual if the media had not caught a hold of this. It will be interesting to see where this goes and if the cops involved actually carry out anything more than lip service. I hope they do, it would make a nice change. I suppose a lot of the outcome depends on how well connected the filth are that carried out the abuse.

I am guessing a firestorm of world wide media attention is headed this way, and this couple' s connection to some penny ante

political figure in the area will not be enough to save them. And you are right, the media is what brought this out. I was just

trying to be kind to the Thai government.... I was watching the Thai news, and they showed a line of school kids lined up

and each giving her a rose...A nice photo op, but what she really needs is burn rehabilitation on a massive scale. Which is what I am working on right now.

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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There is no doubt regarding the extent of the abuse that she has suffered.

Even in a democratic society this term would not be used when discussing the extent of her injuries and the indignities she has suffered, but only as regards the identity people who are on trial for having done so.

If ever there was a time to let the punishment fit the crime, this is it.

i have a pretty thick skin, but this has shocked me to my core.

Edited by candypants
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Look at the upstanding members of society, posing with a kidnapped and tortured child who does not understand anything about this police photo opportunity. Either give the girl immediate citizenship or don't , bu do not let her sit up with the same bastards who knew for three years that she was held captive but let her with the child abusers because than no scars were visible. The same people who sit in as judges and needed 4 days to issue an arrest warrant for the "influential" people that were freed on just 700.000 Baht bail. Any school child with 3 pills in his or her pocket is subjected to a higher bail. The three hotshots on the photo should bow very deep to the world and explain why Thailand locks up people for speaking their mind, but let these terrible perpetrators off the hook. Given the statement from the head of the child shelter they will walk free, the man is afraid and already intimidated. Welcome in Thailand sounds pretty hollow for a migrant child.

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This tragic case has created a huge amount of genuine anger, shock and many are blaming "the Thais".

This is not something that should be labelled a Thai crime, but a human to human crime.

She is Burmese Karen, yet the Burmese army is guilty of terrible crimes against their own people.

Other countries' military have been accused of such crimes.

In India, these things happen all the time to women and children.

Muslim women in Pakistan, Afghanistan and many African countries are mutilated, disfigured and tortured. Similar horrifying things have happened in almost all western countries at one time or another.

I cast blame on the two people responsible. In this sad incident they happen to be Thai nationals. Next time they may be Chinese or Canadian or Austrian..

My point: Don't blame the Thai people. Blame the system that allowed them to do this.

and who is that system comprised of? Thailand is not blameless unless this is addressed.

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This story has gone global, including a couple of dedicated Facebook pages.

The people responsible for this must have a very public trial - fully covered by the media - and then serve lengthy prison sentences. Period.

The police who returned her to these monsters three years ago must be prosecuted and punished for their involvement. Period.

Enough is enough Thailand.

Do the right thing.

Yes there are face book pages and heres one


Thank you, I shared it on my facebook page.. I hope Thailand steps up to the plate here and does the right thing by her. The couple who did this should be in jail. Bail is not an option.

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Kudos to Thailand for stepping up to the plate and doing something to help this girl. Myself and I am sure others feared

this issue would receive the sweep under the rug treatment, but I think the explosion of this story onto international

media has stopped that.

Well, I think Kudos is to the media not Thailand, they would have swept it under the rug as usual if the media had not caught a hold of this. It will be interesting to see where this goes and if the cops involved actually carry out anything more than lip service. I hope they do, it would make a nice change. I suppose a lot of the outcome depends on how well connected the filth are that carried out the abuse.

I am guessing a firestorm of world wide media attention is headed this way, and this couple' s connection to some penny ante

political figure in the area will not be enough to save them. And you are right, the media is what brought this out. I was just

trying to be kind to the Thai government.... I was watching the Thai news, and they showed a line of school kids lined up

and each giving her a rose...A nice photo op, but what she really needs is burn rehabilitation on a massive scale. Which is what I am working on right now.

Keep us posted.. I am sure there are a lot of people who would like to help...

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good on you colonel its a start,now go and sort out the pair of the devils children that done this.

The absolute first thing they must do is make sure everything is on course for the couple who tortured this girl to be given the maximum punishment.

In todays news in the UK similar child torturer dealt with, hopefully the couple that did this get same. There should be no sanctuary for people like these. Might also help if her parents given Thai citizenship as well. www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-21473294
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This story has gone global, including a couple of dedicated Facebook pages.

The people responsible for this must have a very public trial - fully covered by the media - and then serve lengthy prison sentences. Period.

The police who returned her to these monsters three years ago must be prosecuted and punished for their involvement. Period.

Enough is enough Thailand.

Do the right thing.

Yes there are face book pages and heres one


Thank you, I shared it on my facebook page.. I hope Thailand steps up to the plate here and does the right thing by her. The couple who did this should be in jail. Bail is not an option.

I shared it also in the hope of spreading this story global for the sake of this poor little girl.
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Yeah right. Looks good for PR but if memory serves me correct these monster parents are out on bail? So what gives? If they are really sincere in their promise of justice then why not put these two criminals behind bars to show the world Thailand means business for barbaric crimes like these committed by their own people on innocent non-Thais? All a bunch of political whitewash to show they have a picture of money being thrown out to wipe this crime away. Kind of reminds me of the ridiculous Sinsod money I paid for my ex Thai wife displayed in a picture.

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Had there not been any international coverage in the media I doubt this poor young girl would be receiving any of the official support she is, she probably would have got a few photos, some empty platitudes, and then when all settled down and no one was watching she may have been slipped back into Myanmar, if she didn't have an accident on the way.

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This story has gone global, including a couple of dedicated Facebook pages.

The people responsible for this must have a very public trial - fully covered by the media - and then serve lengthy prison sentences. Period.

The police who returned her to these monsters three years ago must be prosecuted and punished for their involvement. Period.

Enough is enough Thailand.

Do the right thing.

Yes there are face book pages and heres one


I share it as well on my fb profile. I suggest to publish the photos of these animals too who tortured this little girl. Let the world know who are these bastards.

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#8 "They should be promoted to tandem motorbike highway patrol in Yala province"

Why so comfortable on a motorbike - let them walk

in case you actually don't know, motorbike security patrols are favorite targets of Yala (southern) terrorists.

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#8 "They should be promoted to tandem motorbike highway patrol in Yala province"

Why so comfortable on a motorbike - let them walk

in case you actually don't know, motorbike security patrols are favorite targets of Yala (southern) terrorists.

Now,now we must be PC. DPM ear medicine has stated there are no terrorists in this country.
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IMO it would have an appropriate humane gesture for the female PM to meet this girl, bring her some toys. Perhaps that would go against the grain of nationalism.

I sure could envision aun san suu kyi doing it had it been a thai girl enslaved and tortured in burma.

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IMO it would have an appropriate humane gesture for the female PM to meet this girl, bring her some toys. Perhaps that would go against the grain of nationalism.

I sure could envision aun san suu kyi doing it had it been a thai girl enslaved and tortured in burma.

You know you are right. I posted almost the same thing on Facebook. But what the hell the girl is from Burma. Ad you know what that means to a Thai.
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IMO it would have an appropriate humane gesture for the female PM to meet this girl, bring her some toys. Perhaps that would go against the grain of nationalism.

I sure could envision aun san suu kyi doing it had it been a thai girl enslaved and tortured in burma.

You know you are right. I posted almost the same thing on Facebook. But what the hell the girl is from Burma. Ad you know what that means to a Thai.

Given the thai nationalism one must wonder what they think of a Burmese woman awarded a Nobel prize, and highly respected around the globe, much more so than any thai politician I can think of.

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IMO it would have an appropriate humane gesture for the female PM to meet this girl, bring her some toys. Perhaps that would go against the grain of nationalism.

I sure could envision aun san suu kyi doing it had it been a thai girl enslaved and tortured in burma.

You know you are right. I posted almost the same thing on Facebook. But what the hell the girl is from Burma. Ad you know what that means to a Thai.

The female PM is also a mother. It does not bode well for Thailand on the world stage. You'd think she'd have at least one songle adviser that would prompt her to do such a goodwill gesture. Maybe that little girl will grow up to become a human rights attorney / war crimes prosecutor.

Edited by atyclb
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IMO it would have an appropriate humane gesture for the female PM to meet this girl, bring her some toys. Perhaps that would go against the grain of nationalism.

I sure could envision aun san suu kyi doing it had it been a thai girl enslaved and tortured in burma.

You know you are right. I posted almost the same thing on Facebook. But what the hell the girl is from Burma. Ad you know what that means to a Thai.

Agree, why no comment whatever from the PM, nothing. And she claims to be a champion of womens rights / womens development, etc.

Also, why no comment from Pavena, normally she's always up front (or at least in the photo op) when there are issues of abuse of children and women. Also no comment from Pavena.

Tomorrow is the 18th, the day the couple must report back to police, just waiting to see what happens.

- Step 1 - Will they even report? Given the seriousness of the crime It wouldn't surprise me if they are too scared to report / appear, fear of lynching on the spot. But let's wait and see.

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IMO it would have an appropriate humane gesture for the female PM to meet this girl, bring her some toys. Perhaps that would go against the grain of nationalism.

I sure could envision aun san suu kyi doing it had it been a thai girl enslaved and tortured in burma.

You know you are right. I posted almost the same thing on Facebook. But what the hell the girl is from Burma. Ad you know what that means to a Thai.

Agree, why no comment whatever from the PM, nothing. And she claims to be a champion of womens rights / womens development, etc.

Also, why no comment from Pavena, normally she's always up front (or at least in the photo op) when there are issues of abuse of children and women. Also no comment from Pavena.

Tomorrow is the 18th, the day the couple must report back to police, just waiting to see what happens.

- Step 1 - Will they even report? Given the seriousness of the crime It wouldn't surprise me if they are too scared to report / appear, fear of lynching on the spot. But let's wait and see.

I think YL simply read a script about whatever her brother intends to accomplish. Likely she has had everything done for her throughout her life. Jobs, promotions, titles, positions simply handed to her because of the family name and money. Growing up like this does little if anything for personal development, intellectual skills, character. I think she simply doesn't know any better. I wonder how many more people are in the situation this little girl was in.

You can find Aung San Suu Kyi's Nobel acceptance speech on youtube. I highly recommend it

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I take your point about YL just reading the script from big brother..

So ultimately same point, shows how little compassion the whole mob have.

It seems the YL government is somewhat out of touch as you say. The positive side is the thai language chat groups (pantip.com) echo outrage.

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The English language press was a bit more coy but the Thai language media reorted that the Thai couple cut off the girl's nipples and parts of her ears with scissors, in addition to keeping her in a puppy's cage and pouring boiling water on her.

Why they have been given bail is beyond me.

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