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Bangkok Sinking Faster


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If there's a risk of flooding due to rising sea levels, filling in the Gulf of Thailand will add to the land mass and therefore help raise the sea level albeit a fraction but at least the rising sea level will help flush out the sewers of Bangkok and reduce the stench somewhat.....

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maybe time to move out to the mountains ?


You seem to have strong feelings about this. Can you tell us more? Why do you say "No!!!"? (I'm not trying to argue. I'm genuinely interested in your opinion)

He, like me....probably live a peaceful life in the mountains now.....so we dont want it changed because several million people are drowning.

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Dropping in to comment on how pathetic TV posters are now. The first three comments are ridiculous political motivated comments with no value or reference to the topic of Bangkok's plight with sinking. TV, what a waist of time with moderation aimed at nothing but spanking bad little boy for swearing at each other. What a waist of time.

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This is an opportunity, you're looking at the future Venice of Southeast Asia.

That is, if you don't mind navigating around spent Red Bull bottles and the miscellaneous floating turd.

Not sure if you're aware, but Bangkok used to be known as "The Venice of Asia" due to all the klongs. You know, all the klongs that used to help drain off the water into the gulf but were filled in for urban development?

Here in Isaan, after the last floods, most of the canals, dykes, ditches and rivers have been, or are being dredged, deepened.... What will the advantage of this be? the rain/floods will run off much faster thus helping to alleviate flooding. Where will this run-off of excess water go to? Bangkok of course. You don't need to be an academic in water drainage technology to realise this.

Seems to me there's a PERFECT opportunity for construction companies that KNOWS how to stilt (housing) buildings...on Thai Government's tab of course hit-the-fan.gifthumbsup.gifcrazy.gifcoffee1.gif



The up side to it is the boats will be cheaper than autos. I wonder if the Government will give a tax break to first time boat buyers.

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What do they drinking on the last picture ? Water refreshed or alcohol brand hidden ? This room should be strongly air-conditionned as all official buildings but not enough to refresh their drinks !

The Venice of Orient hold well its name, sinking as the original !

Edited by Westaurel
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Dropping in to comment on how pathetic TV posters are now. The first three comments are ridiculous political motivated comments with no value or reference to the topic of Bangkok's plight with sinking. TV, what a waist of time with moderation aimed at nothing but spanking bad little boy for swearing at each other. What a waist of time.

You that concerned about 3 one liners about a city where no one seems to realize that on 40 years they will be wading to work?

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Anyone who thinks the people in power care about Bangkok sinking is deluded. These people are already buying huge area's of land and property in other countries ready for 'the family' to abandon ship as soon as it looks like their feet are going to get wet. The poor souls left behind will be left to sink or swim whilst still being taught that they must 'know their place' in the greatest country on the planet.

What will be done.....lip service that's what, and that's all.

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maybe time to move out to the mountains ?


You seem to have strong feelings about this. Can you tell us more? Why do you say "No!!!"? (I'm not trying to argue. I'm genuinely interested in your opinion)

He, like me....probably live a peaceful life in the mountains now.....so we dont want it changed because several million people are drowning.

Maybe the particle count is too high from the burning?
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Dropping in to comment on how pathetic TV posters are now. The first three comments are ridiculous political motivated comments with no value or reference to the topic of Bangkok's plight with sinking. TV, what a waist of time with moderation aimed at nothing but spanking bad little boy for swearing at each other. What a waist of time.

If they start topics with vacuous articles devoid of any in depth analysis, facts or figures, then it isn't surprising if the posts that follow continue in that vein.

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Sink baby sink.

Short time ago, global warmist idiots were saying the melting ice from global warming will have water level rising and will soon have Bangkok under water. Now they find out, as most already knew, Bangkok is singing as is many other locations in the world and not rising sea levels. There were many alarmists in Thailand that also got on the lets make some money on global warming. Alt energy such as windmills that use more energy than the save or having poor people turn off one light they have to save energy and save the world.

At least we know Bangkok along with its airport are sinking, and the flooding will not be caused by Greenland Ice melting

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Sink baby sink.

"as most already knew, Bangkok is singing as is many other locations in the world and not rising sea levels."

It is not possible for 'as is many other locations', unless sea level is rising.

Edited by DekDaeng
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Now I understand why k. Plodprasop wants THB 120 billion to build a giant wall around Bangkok. Please give the man a budget before I get wet feet rolleyes.gif

Problem with a giant wall is that you have to then pump all rainfall when the tide is in. & during floodtime. One proposal was for a wall across the top of Bangkok Bay - then all floodwater from Chiang rai down would need to be pumped.

Pumping - more CO2.

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Sink baby sink.

"as most already knew, Bangkok is singing as is many other locations in the world and not rising sea levels."

It is not possible for 'as is many other locations', unless sea level is rising.

It is possible, because robokop was talking about singing rolleyes.gif

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Everyone in the north talks about this--mainly Chiang Rai. I've been subjected to unprompted discussions numerous times by complete strangers, more specifically, Thai guys in their late 20's - early 30's, who know little English and stumble through lengthy explanations.

I've never heard this topic brought up by anyone in Bangkok.

I have never heard it brought up other than here at Thai visa
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Holy shit, I can remember a newsclip from 1976, which told us about the sinking of the plains Bangkok is built onto. The BTS wasn't built said year, and the most recent flood was almost forgotten.

Why is it still a secret to many, thatv cities built on delta silt are prone to sink ?

Is THIS such a story ? I would rather call it the obvious.

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