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Women Arrested For Pimping 11-Year-Old Girl On Bangkok's Soi Cowboy


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unfortunately it happens time to time , that is the sad reality of Thailand , greedy pedophile foreigners and poor people . Good action from the Labor Right Promotion Network Foundation.

You are aware this is by far more common in Thai society than "foreign pedophiles "?

Only foreigners pay better

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Shocking Yes.. surprising NO !

It's about time they shut Pattaya down..

What this has nothing to do with Pattaya, its in Bangkok soi cowboy.. I am against any underage abuse even if it were in pattaya, I hope Pattaya never shuts down. Its HEAVEN on earth & friends of mine reason for living ...

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It really shocking, but I remember from Cambodia 10 years ago getting off a bus in PP, the waiting tuk tuk driver (or equ) asked if I like young girls , I said of course, what do I look gay or something? , he then said he could take me to a place with 13 year old girls.. I was rather shocked coz for me a young girl I imagined to be 18 -20 or something.. a few days later after recovering from a bout of food poisening I was bored and wanted to find the equivelant of Sukumvit rd; bars, girls, lights, action, etc. so I asked a driver to take me somewhere I could get a drink with some girls ... he drove about 45 minutes down dusty roads to a run down street lined with tin sheds a real shanty town looking place, and said we're her. I looked around and there were no bars. just a bunch of really dirty smelly girls.. I told the driver that he had it all wrong this is not what I wanted . Anyway after the dusty drive i asked for a beer for me and him before heading back. the Mamasun asked if I liked anything I saw , . I mean these girls really stank... i said no... she said wait a minute I get something special drove off and came back with 3 or 4 young girls ,, I don't know how old they were,, i mean way, way pre- pubescent maybe 10, maybe younger.... I was totally shocked and all I could say was 'what ?are these girls virgins? She no ,, if you want vigins I can get for you.. any way I got out of there as fast as I could.....

So I dont know what the moral of this story is.. it seemed to me that the kids were being offered by their own families who were extremly poor , to the mamasuns to help put food on the table.... I dont know for sure. Is it a inevitable concequence of povety , bad social upbringing or exploitation from pimps?. or a bit of everything probably ... either way I have never noticed any such stuff going on in Thailand , obviously it goes on everywhere to some extent deep under ground.....and hidden from the normal population. . but tackling poverty might be as an important a place to start to get rid of this industry...

I had a similar experience to you but in Nong Khai about 5-6 years ago where I had asked a Tuk Tuk driver where all the girls were and he took me to a shophouse in the middle of town where there must have been a dozen girls I would guess they were all underage, some significantly so. When he realised that wasn't what I meant he was very apologetic and said he thought I was looking for a Lao lady house. From seeing the place there was no way it was operating without full knowledge of the police.

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unfortunately it happens time to time , that is the sad reality of Thailand , greedy pedophile foreigners and poor people . Good action from the Labor Right Promotion Network Foundation.

Poor people looking for a quick buck...sick.

11 is already old, in Cambodia , they use to sell kids as young as 5.

Some people should not be allowed to breed

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This kind of thing happens everywhere.

I'm sorry but I don't share your unfounded optimism.

Thailand is the only place I have been offered child pornography in a well known shopping mall. I have seen young girls 'working' in Thailand and Cambodia but at least Cambodia, albeit with its limited resources and funding, is very visible about attempting to tackle the problem. There are adverts for child protection agencies all over the place and phone numbers to call.

I've never heard a Thai admit there's a problem, let alone seen any literature or recommendations of what to do when confronted with such a situation; what should I have done when I was offered child pornography in Panthip for example?

Aside from one or two arrests of foreigners under the coercion of Western NGO's what is Thailand actually doing to tackle the problem? Thailand remains a hub for human trafficking, and sexual abuse of women and minors is still widespread and apparently culturally acceptable.

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Shocking Yes.. surprising NO !

It's about time they shut Pattaya down..

I think I read somewhere that the sex trade is estimated at US$ 4.3 billion per year or about three percent of the Thai economy.

You tell me which politician wants to shut Pattaya down?

Well if she is serious the one who got her (massive) knickers in a twist over the Nok Air calendar.

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Sad when greed, the lack of basic moral standards and a sick mind get together. As for the guy, they should lock him up and give photos of his own siblings and all youngsters in his family to his fellow paedophile inmates...

Your reply appears to be informative of the fact that you seem to have a close mental relationship with your logo picture.

Edited by personchester
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unfortunately it happens time to time , that is the sad reality of Thailand , greedy pedophile foreigners and poor people . Good action from the Labor Right Promotion Network Foundation.

Time to time? Are you sure it's not more often than that?? I'd say most of us would agree this happens all the time. And you say poor people and greedy foreigners. They are the poor people but were the mamasan's all that poor? One is Cambodian and one is Thai. Statistically I may not be exactly correct but its pretty much taken that only about 10% of the prostitution in Thailand happens in Farang hangouts like Soi Cowboy. 90%+ happens in Thai bars all over the country with pretty much Thai only offenders.

It is shocking that foreginers come to Thailand for this, it happens of course it happens but no one can deny that Thai bribes are being paid to Thai's to keep these places open. Now if any group wants to really fight to stop this horror then that's the first place they should start. Thai authorities must be exposed and the corruption that allows this to continue distroyed. You cannot blame the farang for that.

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Maybe unrelated to the OP....but IMO Soi Cowboy should be bulldozed anyway!

Just as well we have morals crusaders like yourself on TV - I dont know how I'd live my life without your guidance.......

Most of us love Thailand for the fact that it is NOT a nanny state : once that changes, it would be almost impossible to change it back. Think long and hard before you ask the Thai to start bulldozing nightlife precincts.

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Shocking Yes.. surprising NO !

It's about time they shut Pattaya down..

Pattaya??? Bangkok you mean

But who is worse? Sure the accused have the morals of a cesspit but without the likes of 'Jorgen' or whatever the pedo is called, there would be no market for it.

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Incidents like this are the dreadful downside of

Thailand. When you have westerners who will

take advantage of the circumstances of these

poor people. I hope and prayer for this young

girl that she may now have a chance of a better


There also seems to be evidence of non-westerners taking advantage of some circumstances too.
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This kind of thing happens everywhere.

I'm sorry but I don't share your unfounded optimism.

Thailand is the only place I have been offered child pornography in a well known shopping mall. I have seen young girls 'working' in Thailand and Cambodia but at least Cambodia, albeit with its limited resources and funding, is very visible about attempting to tackle the problem. There are adverts for child protection agencies all over the place and phone numbers to call.

I've never heard a Thai admit there's a problem, let alone seen any literature or recommendations of what to do when confronted with such a situation; what should I have done when I was offered child pornography in Panthip for example?

Aside from one or two arrests of foreigners under the coercion of Western NGO's what is Thailand actually doing to tackle the problem? Thailand remains a hub for human trafficking, and sexual abuse of women and minors is still widespread and apparently culturally acceptable.

If I was offered child pornography at Pantip, I would report it to the police and let them know I would also be reporting it to the media and NGOs.

But to contend that because you have not been offered it in a mall back at home, hence Thailand is a hub while the rest of the world isn't is disingenuous, in my opinion. First of all, if there is a "hub", it is Russia, where most of the world's child porn is produced. Second, pedophiles in the west do not go to the mall to buy porn. They buy it online, often with very sophisticated methods to distribute the porn while maintaining secrecy. Luckily, the often are not as good at that as they think, and hundreds of them are caught and arrested worldwide at the same time.

Regardless of the West, I still contend that Thailand is making a real effort to crack down on the child sex trade. They do not arrest "one or two," as you contend. The arrests are far more numerous.

This is not proof, but I do think it is interesting. NGOs often seem to exaggerate the human trafficking in Thailand, where every bar girl is a sex slave, or they still quote that debunked figure of 2.8 million prostitutes in Thailand. Yet this is one area in which they all seem to say that the Thai government is moving in the right direction.

Of course, if only one child is sexually abused, that is one too many.

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Maybe unrelated to the OP....but IMO Soi Cowboy should be bulldozed anyway!

Just as well we have morals crusaders like yourself on TV - I dont know how I'd live my life without your guidance.......

Most of us love Thailand for the fact that it is NOT a nanny state : once that changes, it would be almost impossible to change it back. Think long and hard before you ask the Thai to start bulldozing nightlife precincts.

Actually I usually like and admire your responses on TV Mr.Worldwide. But when it comes to soi Cowboy I have to disagree. In fact I partake regularly in the the nightlife precincts all over Thailand. However my experiences on soi Cowboy have always been less then desirable. In fact completely opposite from similar style precincts just a few blocks away. My money has never been well spent there, as it has in other nightlife areas. Maybe it's a personal thing with me, but I'll always pass on soi Cowboy when seeking some extracurricular fun. I have heard similar experiences from many others that have gone there as well. It just isn't what it used to be.

By no means do I want the edgy side of Thailands adult nightlife to go away. But aside from the Chinese and Japanese businessmen....I doubt soi Cowboy would really be missed much.

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Sad when greed, the lack of basic moral standards and a sick mind get together. As for the guy, they should lock him up and give photos of his own siblings and all youngsters in his family to his fellow paedophile inmates...

Dude, the Swedish guy was part of the sting operation. He was one of the good guys.

Not according to the article. He fled Thailand.

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This kind of thing happens everywhere.

Thailand is the only place I have been offered child pornography in a well known shopping mall. I have seen young girls 'working' in Thailand and Cambodia but at least Cambodia, albeit with its limited resources and funding, is very visible about attempting to tackle the problem. There are adverts for child protection agencies all over the place and phone numbers to call.

Visible ? Sure. Genuine ? Er, no.

To stop the problem, you need to cross the border and ask the NGOs working the Mekong Delta how many Vietnamese kids are trafficked into Cambodia each year. Ask them what percentage of customers they estimate are non-Cambodian and what percentage are Cambodian men. Ask them why Hun Sen ignored a known problem until the pressure on his govt to do something got to the point where aid dollars were at stake. Finally, ask a Cambodian man if he knows where to find the brothels that the authorities seem to have so much trouble locating, except for the well-publicised raids that seem to go like clockwork. Any Barang fool who goes out there looking for something he knows is illegal only has himself to blame, but this wont be solved until the West starts to address the poverty and corruption at the heart of the problem, and change the attitudes of Cambodian men towards children.

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Sweet, but those "Social Development" shelters are nothing more than a "lock-up" where foreign NGO's play with children out of sight of Thai courts. Sometimes they keep them locked up for many many years. Saving a girl is fine, not willing to keep an eye on children and delivering them foreign NGO's is as criminal as pimping out a 11 year old.

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Maybe unrelated to the OP....but IMO Soi Cowboy should be bulldozed anyway!

Just as well we have morals crusaders like yourself on TV - I dont know how I'd live my life without your guidance.......

Most of us love Thailand for the fact that it is NOT a nanny state : once that changes, it would be almost impossible to change it back. Think long and hard before you ask the Thai to start bulldozing nightlife precincts.

Actually I usually like and admire your responses on TV Mr.Worldwide. But when it comes to soi Cowboy I have to disagree. In fact I partake regularly in the the nightlife precincts all over Thailand. However my experiences on soi Cowboy have always been less then desirable. In fact completely opposite from similar style precincts just a few blocks away. My money has never been well spent there, as it has in other nightlife areas. Maybe it's a personal thing with me, but I'll always pass on soi Cowboy when seeking some extracurricular fun. I have heard similar experiences from many others that have gone there as well. It just isn't what it used to be.

By no means do I want the edgy side of Thailands adult nightlife to go away. But aside from the Chinese and Japanese businessmen....I doubt soi Cowboy would really be missed much.

Cowboy is an institution - I dont spend a lot of time there either, but bulldozing it would be the thin edge of the wedge. Stickman and his sycophantic horde like to trot out the possibility from time to time, but I sincerely hope it never happens ? Wa. Square was something else again - clearly well past its prime - but there is still life in Cowboy IMO, even if many of the bars seem to have moved to a pricing policy that defies logic. TiT, I guess.

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Incidents like this are the dreadful downside of

Thailand. When you have westerners who will

take advantage of the circumstances of these

poor people. I hope and prayer for this young

girl that she may now have a chance of a better


Westerners only huh ?

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Sad when greed, the lack of basic moral standards and a sick mind get together. As for the guy, they should lock him up and give photos of his own siblings and all youngsters in his family to his fellow paedophile inmates...

You are advocating the proliferation of child pornography, you dolt--but the sad part is there are those who liked your statement.

To paraphrase George Carlin, think of how stupid the average person is, then realize half of them are dumber than that,

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