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Women Arrested For Pimping 11-Year-Old Girl On Bangkok's Soi Cowboy


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All I can say is, never mind the talking about it any more, Every puts there points Across goes on about a week and then nothing till the next time it happens and you can blame the women but most girls in Thailand are sent out by there mum and dad from the village to do what they can to live it the sick pedoo that fule this if they where no longer around which I know will never happen as there are so many sick in the head people out there and along the road there are bar full of young girls 20 to 30 that look young what fun is there hurting a young girl that know nothing about life, I tell you there is propbly a pedo next to most of you now find them and see how they feel to be scared in a room alone with a big man and what them piss them self, jail they get out after a couple month mabe a year and the young girl is scared for life the mum propbly know no better as it most likely happen to her

Weed them out don't give the scum a seconds peace and then scare them they don't deserve to live with no pain yes cut there balls off so no more hurting the young girls and boys post-175429-0-71368100-1361501071_thumb.

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Shocking Yes.. surprising NO !

It's about time they shut Pattaya down..

I think I read somewhere that the sex trade is estimated at US$ 4.3 billion per year or about three percent of the Thai economy.

You tell me which politician wants to shut Pattaya down?

(I acknowledge that the sex trade is in every town in every province).

I agree - in fact which politician in any country campaigns on a platform of attacking the sex trade? Everyone likes to pretend this is another country's problem. But it goes on everywhere - including all those developed Western countries.

Well done to the authorities for rescuing one young girl. Hope the pimps and "customer" receive appropriate punishment in accordance with the law.

Edited by Baerboxer
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In Thailand, children are the property of their parents and it is culturally acceptable for them to do with them whatever they wish to protect their livelihoods. Thailands government celebrates the economic benefits of prostitution, developing a highly successful national plan to support its sex-tourist industry, despite its connections to child prostitution. Thailands current period of dramatic economic growth labeled the Asian Miracle is reliant on the sex-tourist industry. The demand for new prostitutes has increased, resulting in the widespread recruitment of child prostitutes through debt peonage arrangements in small brothels.

Many Thai foundations claim to help the victims of child prostitution but merely coerce them into sweatshop work by subjecting them to arrest without warrant.

Evangelical Christian's, exploit the issue of sex slavery to grow their follower base and political strength. Their captors and their rescuers so heavily exploit these women and children and as such, the line between captors and rescuers has become increasingly blurry. Hence, the true voice and story of these girls is unheard. Self-styled US vigilantes have raided brothels in the past to rescue women, which resulted in gun battles and other disappointing results. For example, girls rescued in these raids and similar escape from their rescuers within the first 24 hours. 678 girls reported that Trafcord [an anti-trafficking NGO] continually interrogated them as if they were hardened criminals and are threatened their release will be delayed if they do not reveal the identity of their traffickers.

The Thai State government depresses agricultural prices, which enables landowners and loan sharks to exploit farmers and accumulate capital. This is because Thailand did not have a history of technological development or capital formation. The ruling class sought to specialize in sex-tourism to stimulate the accumulation of capital. The growth of the Thai economy is based on impoverishment of peasants and intensive exploitation of labor. Peasants are indebted, incomes plummet as prices decline, forcing many into low paid industrial and 'service' employment.

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In Thailand, children are the property of their parents and it is culturally acceptable for them to do with them whatever they wish to protect their livelihoods. Thailands government celebrates the economic benefits of prostitution, developing a highly successful national plan to support its sex-tourist industry, despite its connections to child prostitution. Thailands current period of dramatic economic growth labeled the Asian Miracle is reliant on the sex-tourist industry. The demand for new prostitutes has increased, resulting in the widespread recruitment of child prostitutes through debt peonage arrangements in small brothels.

Many Thai foundations claim to help the victims of child prostitution but merely coerce them into sweatshop work by subjecting them to arrest without warrant.
Evangelical Christian's, exploit the issue of sex slavery to grow their follower base and political strength. Their captors and their rescuers so heavily exploit these women and children and as such, the line between captors and rescuers has become increasingly blurry. Hence, the true voice and story of these girls is unheard. Self-styled US vigilantes have raided brothels in the past to rescue women, which resulted in gun battles and other disappointing results. For example, girls rescued in these raids and similar escape from their rescuers within the first 24 hours. 678 girls reported that Trafcord [an anti-trafficking NGO] continually interrogated them as if they were hardened criminals and are threatened their release will be delayed if they do not reveal the identity of their traffickers.

The Thai State government depresses agricultural prices, which enables landowners and loan sharks to exploit farmers and accumulate capital. This is because Thailand did not have a history of technological development or capital formation. The ruling class sought to specialize in sex-tourism to stimulate the accumulation of capital. The growth of the Thai economy is based on impoverishment of peasants and intensive exploitation of labor. Peasants are indebted, incomes plummet as prices decline, forcing many into low paid industrial and 'service' employment.

Who can argue with this. The Thai government, which arrested these women and saved the child, wanted and/or is to blame for a Cambodian women to hire a Thai translator to help her sell a Cambodian child for the purposes of rape to a Swedish man. Sounds logical to me but lets not forget to also blame the socialist country of Sweden which encourages their males to rape children by making life too easy for their people thereby allowing men to have too much free time to let their mind wander and obsess about raping little girls and because the country is more concerned with airport revenue from international travelers they don't put their citizens through a psychological tests before allowing their citizens to travel to poorer countries where it is easier to exploit children. And what of the Cambodian government's part in this too? Maybe we should treat these adults involved as victims and send them to better nations under refuge status because if it not for their governments they would clearly be upstanding citizens and not pimps and child rapists. (emoticons unavailable but clearly sarcasm)

Edited by Nisa
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Eradicating poverty and education for girls will pretty much kill this particular business. NGOs thrive on the industry ... gets them lots of donations and volunteers.

And so it should.....from what you seem to allude to, you do not like people supporting anyone that wants to get children out of this type of dilemma.
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I could not care less about the pedophile, rot or die I don't care. I care about the girl and her life. The story did not use the word rape or forced. Was the Swede a shitty scum bag --- I didnt read that bit. was she pimped or sold ? I dont know I dont think It matters. Why is sex always assumed . Would it be too much to imagine the guy may want to adopt, you jus dont know, you just attack and kill kill. Ever heard of hearing both sides of a story.


what a cretin you are.....just meet and adopt an 11yo in soi cowboy....


I have no idea where you would meet and adopt an 11 year old ---do you? It would seem like a good place to start. As you are so wise tell us Oh great one where do you meet 11 year olds to adopt or take care of and offer a family life away from squaller and deprivation.

Wouldn't an orphanage be a more logical place to go to adopt a child?

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Maybe unrelated to the OP....but IMO Soi Cowboy should be bulldozed anyway!

That won't fix the problem at all, the girls will go elsewhere. Anyhow every that is there, is there out of their own free will, including the workers. No one is forcing you to go there are they?

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Happens everywhere.

Everywhere in Thailand?

Never been offered an 11 year old in the UK that's for sure!

Maybe you are naive, but this has happened in Australia, and has most definitely has happened in USA many times, probably more times there than in Thailand.

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It really shocking, but I remember from Cambodia 10 years ago getting off a bus in PP, the waiting tuk tuk driver (or equ) asked if I like young girls , I said of course, what do I look gay or something? , he then said he could take me to a place with 13 year old girls.. I was rather shocked coz for me a young girl I imagined to be 18 -20 or something.. a few days later after recovering from a bout of food poisening I was bored and wanted to find the equivelant of Sukumvit rd; bars, girls, lights, action, etc. so I asked a driver to take me somewhere I could get a drink with some girls ... he drove about 45 minutes down dusty roads to a run down street lined with tin sheds a real shanty town looking place, and said we're her. I looked around and there were no bars. just a bunch of really dirty smelly girls.. I told the driver that he had it all wrong this is not what I wanted . Anyway after the dusty drive i asked for a beer for me and him before heading back. the Mamasun asked if I liked anything I saw , . I mean these girls really stank... i said no... she said wait a minute I get something special drove off and came back with 3 or 4 young girls ,, I don't know how old they were,, i mean way, way pre- pubescent maybe 10, maybe younger.... I was totally shocked and all I could say was 'what ?are these girls virgins? She no ,, if you want vigins I can get for you.. any way I got out of there as fast as I could.....

So I dont know what the moral of this story is.. it seemed to me that the kids were being offered by their own families who were extremly poor , to the mamasuns to help put food on the table.... I dont know for sure. Is it a inevitable concequence of povety , bad social upbringing or exploitation from pimps?. or a bit of everything probably ... either way I have never noticed any such stuff going on in Thailand , obviously it goes on everywhere to some extent deep under ground.....and hidden from the normal population. . but tackling poverty might be as an important a place to start to get rid of this industry...

As far as I know what you described, was called Km-11 a bit outside PP, but that does not exist any more, since long time!

They shut that place down, not long after your visit!

Cambodia's nightlife, mostly concentrated in PP today, is in comparison to TH and the Philippines limited.

Not one GoGo Bar in the whole country, no "special" shows ect.

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Shocking Yes.. surprising NO !

It's about time they shut Pattaya down..

I think I read somewhere that the sex trade is estimated at US$ 4.3 billion per year or about three percent of the Thai economy.

You tell me which politician wants to shut Pattaya down?

(I acknowledge that the sex trade is in every town in every province).

"Shut everything down"? Pattaya, Patong, Bangkok ect.

And, where, do all the Falangs and Expats find their "Big Love"? On the rice field?

About 10-15 years ago I was reading, it was estimated at that time that the Isaan Sex workers,

send, bring about $ 280.000.000.- (280 Million Dollar) home to their Isaan families) more as the Thai Authorities, sent to Isaan at the same period.tongue.png

Please not ask me now for a LINK. rolleyes.gif

Not forget all the houses, land purchases, Pick Ups, cars and Motor Bikes only existing in Isaan,

(Mixed race children to!) because of the "(in)famous" Red Light Districts in TH

I know what I am talking about from experience!whistling.gif

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Shocking Yes.. surprising NO !

It's about time they shut Pattaya down..

I think I read somewhere that the sex trade is estimated at US$ 4.3 billion per year or about three percent of the Thai economy.

You tell me which politician wants to shut Pattaya down?

(I acknowledge that the sex trade is in every town in every province).

"Shut everything down"? Pattaya, Patong, Bangkok ect.

And, where, do all the Falangs and Expats find their "Big Love"? On the rice field?

About 10-15 years ago I was reading, it was estimated at that time that the Isaan Sex workers,

send, bring about $ 280.000.000.- (280 Million Dollar) home to their Isaan families) more as the Thai Authorities, sent to Isaan at the same period.tongue.png

Please not ask me now for a LINK. rolleyes.gif

Not forget all the houses, land purchases, Pick Ups, cars and Motor Bikes only existing in Isaan,

(Mixed race children to!) because of the "(in)famous" Red Light Districts in TH

I know what I am talking about from experience!whistling.gif

Sick country and sick tourism.

Where is Chalerm when you need him?

Probably wobbling around with his ear medicine and fear of going south.

There is truth in what you post.

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There's a difference in stopping people exploiting under age girls and trying to shut down a bar/gogo where girls work out of their own free will. IMO there is nothing wrong with the latter and the beefing up of the safety zone in cowboy suggests its here to stay so you can all get of your high horses.

The 2 women who were pimping the girl out deserve to be made an example of though.

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unfortunately it happens time to time , that is the sad reality of Thailand , greedy pedophile foreigners and poor people . Good action from the Labor Right Promotion Network Foundation.

Do you mean that it only happens in Thailand and not in other European or Western countries?

Actually, the USA is No. 1 in the world. When you think about all the headlines here about sex, it seems to mostly be westerners. I'm sure there predilections only exist when they travel, never in their own countries.

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Shocking Yes.. surprising NO !

It's about time they shut Pattaya down..

I think I read somewhere that the sex trade is estimated at US$ 4.3 billion per year or about three percent of the Thai economy.

You tell me which politician wants to shut Pattaya down?

(I acknowledge that the sex trade is in every town in every province).

"Shut everything down"? Pattaya, Patong, Bangkok ect.

And, where, do all the Falangs and Expats find their "Big Love"? On the rice field?

About 10-15 years ago I was reading, it was estimated at that time that the Isaan Sex workers,

send, bring about $ 280.000.000.- (280 Million Dollar) home to their Isaan families) more as the Thai Authorities, sent to Isaan at the same period.tongue.png

Please not ask me now for a LINK. rolleyes.gif

Not forget all the houses, land purchases, Pick Ups, cars and Motor Bikes only existing in Isaan,

(Mixed race children to!) because of the "(in)famous" Red Light Districts in TH

I know what I am talking about from experience!whistling.gif

Sick country and sick tourism.

Where is Chalerm when you need him?

Probably wobbling around with his ear medicine and fear of going south.

There is truth in what you post.

Sex trade is universal; they don't call it the world's oldest profession for no reason. When I worked in Riyadh Saudi Arabia, maybe the most conservative close-minded place on the planet, they had an active but hidden sex trade. Funny thing was you couldn't see a woman hardly anywhere in public, but they had an open street walking area for gays, go figure.

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unfortunately it happens time to time , that is the sad reality of Thailand , greedy pedophile foreigners and poor people . Good action from the Labor Right Promotion Network Foundation.

Do you mean that it only happens in Thailand and not in other European or Western countries?

Actually, the USA is No. 1 in the world. When you think about all the headlines here about sex, it seems to mostly be westerners. I'm sure there predilections only exist when they travel, never in their own countries.

Thailand, Cambodia, India, Brazil and Mexico have been identified as leading hotspots of child sexual exploitation.


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This thread seems to have less to do with child prostitution and everything to do with being a holier-than-thou wowser. Some truly inspiring responses here - 'bulldoze Cowboy', 'demolish Pattaya' - it would be fascinating to see just how many Farang would be left in Thailand if some of you had right of refusal at Swampy ....

Personally, I detest smoking - can we add smokers to the list of people who wont be allowed in ? Please ? What's that - you enjoy the odd cigarette ? You filthy, filthy bastard - I bet you wear socks with sandals too wink.png

Many of us love Thailand because it is so tolerant, but a lot of what I see on TV is 'no - I want some order in this chaos !'. My suggestion is that you move to Singapore ASAP.

So you want to see thailand more tolerant towards underage sex offenders ?
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This thread seems to have less to do with child prostitution and everything to do with being a holier-than-thou wowser. Some truly inspiring responses here - 'bulldoze Cowboy', 'demolish Pattaya' - it would be fascinating to see just how many Farang would be left in Thailand if some of you had right of refusal at Swampy ....

Personally, I detest smoking - can we add smokers to the list of people who wont be allowed in ? Please ? What's that - you enjoy the odd cigarette ? You filthy, filthy bastard - I bet you wear socks with sandals too wink.png

Many of us love Thailand because it is so tolerant, but a lot of what I see on TV is 'no - I want some order in this chaos !'. My suggestion is that you move to Singapore ASAP.

So you want to see thailand more tolerant towards underage sex offenders ?

Are many sex offenders underage??

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This thread seems to have less to do with child prostitution and everything to do with being a holier-than-thou wowser. Some truly inspiring responses here - 'bulldoze Cowboy', 'demolish Pattaya' - it would be fascinating to see just how many Farang would be left in Thailand if some of you had right of refusal at Swampy ....

Personally, I detest smoking - can we add smokers to the list of people who wont be allowed in ? Please ? What's that - you enjoy the odd cigarette ? You filthy, filthy bastard - I bet you wear socks with sandals too wink.png

Many of us love Thailand because it is so tolerant, but a lot of what I see on TV is 'no - I want some order in this chaos !'. My suggestion is that you move to Singapore ASAP.

So you want to see thailand more tolerant towards underage sex offenders ?

Hear, hear, yeah, tolerance for violent sex offenders. As we all "know", at least according to modern western authorities, now murder is a crime of passion and wanking off to kiddy porn is a crime of violence. George Orwell would just shoot himself if he could hear us now. I totally agree with Mr. Worldwide. Is it possible to be tolerant of everything except what you are intolerant of.

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diddums, feel free to bait me - you know as well as everyone else here that I was trying to separate adult P4P from child exploitation. We can play these games, or we can move on - I vote we move on.

You're a bigger man than me and my hero now.
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Swede suspected of “buying” 11 year old Thai girl


BANGKOK: -- A 65 year old Swede is suspected of buying sex with an 11 year old girl in Thailand via two women. The Swede is now wanted by the Thai police but has left the country.

The identity of the Swedish man is still unknown. Thai police say that they have contacted the Swedish authorities to exchange information.

The girl was supposedly sold to the 65 year old in Soi Cowboy in Bangkok. Since then he has been with the girl on February 2 and February 5.

Two women, 32 and 46, have been arrested in Bangkok, suspected of having sold the girl to the Swede.

The Swedish man is also suspected of having bought sex from other underage girls. Thai investigators also believe that he has filmed the act in several cases to later sell the material abroad, says Pol Maj Gen Chavalit Sawaengphuet, head of Thai police’s group for anti-trafficking.

In Bangkok, there are two liaison officers from Nordic police cooperation. Their tasks include sex crimes against children. The police are aware with the case but cannot give any comments.

If the man has traveled to Sweden, Swedish police will take over the investigation. If it is evident that he is guilty, he can be prosecuted in Sweden.

“We have worked successfully and have been able to trap multiple felons with the help of the police in these countries, such as Thailand,” says Björn Sellström from the Swedish authorities.

The two arrested women, 32 and 46 years old, have been identified. In addition to sex crimes they are also suspected of trafficking, seeing as the 11 year old girl is from Cambodia. One of the women says that she has taken care of the girl, after her mother traveled back to Cambodia. The woman also says that the Swedish man approached her to buy sex from the girl, but that she did not ask for any money.

The other woman claims that she was hired as a translator. She says she never knew that he bought sex with the girl, only that he rented two rooms in a hotel.

The eleven-year-old girl has now been taken over by a Thai rehabilitation program.

Source: Aftonbladet

Source: http://scandasia.com/swede-suspected-of-buying-11-year-old-thai-girl/

-- ScandAsia 2013-02-23

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