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How To Avoid Child Kidnapping And Loss Of Assets?


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From the previous thread:

Anyway, I'm a new father since a few weeks and my feeling is that if anybody ever attempt to take away my child from me, I will not call the police but will go directly to my wife's family and will burn down her entire village and stay there until I get my child back! I have already told her very clearly that if she ever wanted to leave then she will have to leave my child with me, otherwise I will personally follow her and try everything I can in order to find her (including hiering private detectives) and will physically attempt a murder on her krab

Annonymous - you appear to be extremely immature, insecure and psychotic.

See your GP or health professional before it's too late. I feel for your wife and child, I really do.

Huh, you say the op is extremely immature and psychotic!....have another read of your own post for gods sake.

What are you talking about. blink.png

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I truly have concerns about the welfare of this child and our Annonymous post sounds like someone in distress and is rather sad.

Perhaps you should see a doctor and take some medication to calm your nerves, unless there is more involved here that you`re not telling us, because this is certainly not the normal behavior of a happily married family man.

Some questions:

Do you have a drink or drug problem?

Have you suffered from depression or had any mental issues?

Do you have financial problems?

Has your wife done anything to make you mistrust her?

My sincere advice is:

If you have mental stress, seek help from a doctor.

If you have strong doubts about the loyalty of your wife, then seek advice from a reputable lawyer and form some legal and secure family plan, together with your wife.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Look after yourself, our Annonymous, and take some positive common sense actions, something on the lines of what i have already mentioned about your concerns, live happily and obtain some peace of mind regarding you and your family members.

I have been married to my Thai wife almost 28 years and we`ve only ever had one argument. Problem is we are still having it. So there is always someone worse off than you.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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From the previous thread:

Anyway, I'm a new father since a few weeks and my feeling is that if anybody ever attempt to take away my child from me, I will not call the police but will go directly to my wife's family and will burn down her entire village and stay there until I get my child back! I have already told her very clearly that if she ever wanted to leave then she will have to leave my child with me, otherwise I will personally follow her and try everything I can in order to find her (including hiering private detectives) and will physically attempt a murder on her krab

Annonymous - you appear to be extremely immature, insecure and psychotic.

See your GP or health professional before it's too late. I feel for your wife and child, I really do.

Huh, you say the op is extremely immature and psychotic!....have another read of your own post for gods sake.

Mr Krisb,

Mr Wooloomooloo was quoting from a previous post made by Mr Anonymous in another topic.

Please pay attention at the back!tongue.png

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Why everybody think I'm crazy???

Is it not common sense after reading the 2 stories I have linked above, and reading people saying "never again... never again... next time I'll protect myself more", and when I read that I think "hum, I'm married, should I be worried? how can I protect myself now?" and therefor asking to what steps to do to not be one of the horror stories ending on ThaiVisa!!!

What the hell people, just common sense!

what about most of us who think they would do it again and again because we love out wives, not because they are Thai but because they are beautiful women ...get a life and buy a book on how to treat women.

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The more I get to read your answers and the sadder I get, seriously!

I believe that I have made a serious mistake by opening this thread, I should have asked the right persons directly, the ones who got screwed up, the ones who suddenly lost their child with no reason, the ones who have seen their wife take everything they had (sometime the result of a lifetime work!), the ones who actually suffered from not being prudent.

When I first came to Thailand I was the most caring man on earth, I was the first to share and give everything I had, even credit cards PIN and more, I was not counting nor even considering the possibility that the beautiful girl that kept telling me that she was loving me would eventually abuse my trust. From my perspective I was not alone anymore, we were two, and everything I had would become everything we have, pure love full of innocence.

I had to learn the hard way, most women in Thailand are interested, she left me with nothing but 20 bahts, I didn't know how to pay for hotel or food, in a foreign country with no money nor a return ticket, it took me more than a year to recover from this. Behind their captivating smile, I have personally seen hideous soulless persons.

After a few more bad experiences and after promising to myself to not fall in love again, I did it again and this time I got married. As someone just said a few posts ago, it's statistically proven: it's just a matter of time before it happens again, be it 2 years or 10 years, seems like most mix couples in Thailand are likely to break, just look at this forum and compare it with any western forum... when love already made you blind in the past, you HAVE to accept the reality and conceive the inconceivable and the probable.

From my end, I love my wife and I want only one thing is to stay with her for the rest of my life. I wanted the same with the previous girls I loved, and I was left on the street with nothing to eat, so "be trustful and positive" no thank you, I am realistic and try to get a bit tough for the next time, if any (I hope not, who would hope for something like this?)

Thanks god my own experiences are not as bad as the ones I've read right here on ThaiVisa, and those even worse experiences justify that I be even more careful and should consider all possibilities of kidnapping etc., and because now I have a child it is my responsibility to make sure that no harm is made to him.

Regarding assets, the law is absolutely unfair when it comes to one of the spouse having or earning in one day more than what the other spouse can earn in one month. Why should it be fair that a marriage followed by a divorce make the poor spouse 100x richer than she was before the marriage? Looks to me like marriage is a perfect, legal scam to foreigners.

Edited by Annonymous
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Now you are just sounding pathetic. It is everybody's fault but your own.

She did not take it -- You gave it.

If you had exercised some common sense from the outset, you wouldn't be a paranoid mess now.

As for 100x richer, she would only be entitled to half of what you had earned before the marriage.

i know many people who ar succssfully raising children and many who have successfully raised children here.

you, to the contrary, are fixating on the minority.

the ones who do lose their children are generally the ones who give them up.

Edited by candypants
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From the previous thread:

Anyway, I'm a new father since a few weeks and my feeling is that if anybody ever attempt to take away my child from me, I will not call the police but will go directly to my wife's family and will burn down her entire village and stay there until I get my child back! I have already told her very clearly that if she ever wanted to leave then she will have to leave my child with me, otherwise I will personally follow her and try everything I can in order to find her (including hiering private detectives) and will physically attempt a murder on her krab

Annonymous - you appear to be extremely immature, insecure and psychotic.

See your GP or health professional before it's too late. I feel for your wife and child, I really do.

Huh, you say the op is extremely immature and psychotic!....have another read of your own post for gods sake.

What are you talking about. blink.png

You say you would go directly to her house, burn down the village and have her murdered.

Thats just crazy thinking, and you dont realise this?

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OP a tinfoil hat will stop the aliens beaming their messages into your brain.

I truly feel sorry for your child and his mother. Mental illness such as yours in a relative is a nightmare to deal with.

Best of luck to them.

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Great, so none of you actually tried to address my concerns, why even bother replying? I don't need your criticism just technical information on how to protect the father's side, or in other words, to save my ass as a farang with money married to a village girl with none.

I don't believe in "marriage", for me it is purely a technical aspect, nothing more nothing less. I believe in love and I got married only because it was the only way for me to bring the love of my life with me to Europe. When I ask if I should get divorced in order to save my assets or a child kidnapping, is purely a technical question, and my wife doesn't care about this document that makes us husband&wife, we love each other, married or not we'll keep loving each other and will stay together.

Have you even read the thread I have linked to? How can one, after reading such stories, rest on his two ears and don't think about a potential possibility that this might happen even to us as well? Those people who endured unforgivable experiences with their "ex" were once totally in love and that is why we should all seriously consider the possibility of this happening to anyone, including the most happiest and most in love couples.

Being with a Thai women makes it even more probable as many Thai woman are getting married with westerners only for their money, this is an undeniable fact for anybody who have stayed a few years in Thailand. This is only fair that our assets and our money stays ours and that it is not extorted by the person we thought we loved. It is unfair that a marriage followed by a divorce results on one of the parties ending with 100x more money that she had before, and even 100x more than she could earn by herself in a one year work! Our values are not rated the same way as the local values and this is why the probability of this to happen between a Thai and foreigner is much higher than between same-class people.

Troll thread 1/10 please try harder

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I was just watching something on YouTube yesterday, a true story about a woman obsessed with her kids.

She put tracking bracelets on them and wouldn't let them go to school or have friends. This in-turn caused problems within her marriage and ultimately the husband wanted a divorce.

She couldn't even handle the idea of her husband having a few hours alone with the kids for visitation without her being there and she ultimately killed all 3 of her kids. :(

Sounds like similar thoughts...

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In case of a divorce the children also have a right to their mother, not only their father. Consider what needs to be done when the time comes and take the childrens best intrest as guide line. That might mean that at that tme you are the best person to take care of them or that the mother is the best person to take care of them.

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I just do not understand why the op ever got married in the first place if he has all these worries. Of course he could have had a pre-nuptial agreement before the marriage.

Note...post-nuptial agreements are not legally recognised in Thailand..

I also think that the wife needs legal advice to protect her future interests especially if the op kidnaps and absconds with their child.

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Anonymous, it sounds like there is a significant wealth disparity between you and your spouse at the time of entering into marriage. I will recommend what lawyers recommend in such cases. In your home country, have a prenuptial agreement made up, and then have your wife sign it. If craziness occurs in the future, the assets that were yours at the time of marriage will still be yours.

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You may have a chance to keep half your assets and be granted child visitation rights in a Western country. As long as you are in Thailand, I think your chances of being granted custody of a child and protecting your assets are slim to none.

Being paranoid is certainly not conducive to a happy marriage. What possible good would getting a divorce be to you? Good luck, I think you are going to need it.

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From the previous thread:

Anyway, I'm a new father since a few weeks and my feeling is that if anybody ever attempt to take away my child from me, I will not call the police but will go directly to my wife's family and will burn down her entire village and stay there until I get my child back! I have already told her very clearly that if she ever wanted to leave then she will have to leave my child with me, otherwise I will personally follow her and try everything I can in order to find her (including hiering private detectives) and will physically attempt a murder on her krab

Annonymous - you appear to be extremely immature, insecure and psychotic.

See your GP or health professional before it's too late. I feel for your wife and child, I really do.

Huh, you say the op is extremely immature and psychotic!....have another read of your own post for gods sake.

What are you talking about. blink.png

You say you would go directly to her house, burn down the village and have her murdered.

Thats just crazy thinking, and you dont realise this?

You obviously only read what you want, krisb, and if you aren't paying attention - as chickenslegs pointed out - then don't bother contributing.

Let me succinctly inform you that the quote is that of Annonymous on the other child-kidnapping thread. coffee1.gif

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