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Prison Stories

Star Dust

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I have a friend who spent some time in the IDC and he was a big lad,if young.He came out after not long,severely shaken with a nice black eye.I haven't spoken to him at length about it,only on Facebook.
His girlfriend was pregnant at the time and he was blacklisted for 99 years so she went to England to have the baby and they're living there now as a family.
I've seen him post on Facebook 'If I knew then what I know now...'!

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The 99 year blacklist is just arbitrary though. For most (the UK Embassy tell me) you just have to wait 2 or 3 years then ask to come back. They may say no and so you wait a year and ask again. Normally within 5 years most can return. I know of one Englishman caught at the airport with heroin who was blacklisted, but managed to return after a wait of 9 years.

I'd be crestfallen if I were blacklisted. Thankfully right now it looks like I've dodged a bullet by being deported just for visa overstay. The British Embassy and others have told me it's done with, I was deported for visa overstay, so it's a moot point now that I did time on a drug charge. Lawd, I hope that really is true!

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I think you have clearly crossed a line here. You are making personal insults to the OP, where all he has done is write down his experiences for us to read and comment on. When is it right that you then insult him calling him "drama queen".

I know your not going to, but be a man and apologise and move on.

Thanks for the offer an apology, but it really isn't necessary.

I, unlike others, do not wish to air my dirty laundry on a public forum. It's called choice. I will tell you I was in cell #5.

Please explain how two other posters who have actually been in IDC back me up and say that it isn't that bad, yet, there is not a single poster other than the OP that says it's Hell?

I stand by every word I've posted.

I'll now leave this thread and leave it to the drama queens and their acolytes.

Edited by KarenBravo
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crap for brains?

What do you mean - arranging for your wife to bring a mobile phone and cash whilst in (police cells?) prior to awaiting transfer for deportation; why would you expose your wife to the risk of arrest? Being knowledgeable about Thai defamation/slander laws land & keep on posting details of his illegal activities upon return to Thailand or intent to return? Bravado & not caring about consequences. Sorry but you really have to question who has "crap for brains"

Edited by simple1
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Having stayed in samui prison albeit only 3 nights whats being written is spot on ,as for the state of living conditions its not too bad ,apart from the open showers and toilets where 400 other imates can watch you from any point of the prison makes having a poo very difficult even when eating the 3 day old food served to you ....

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First post here, hi all. There is an element of drama to the story but I'm sure he was there. Yeah, s**t happens, my friend. Sure there are few rights for prisoners in Thailand but thats up to the Thai justice system because we are in Thailand! When in foreign countries we can't behave like we are at home. In most of these stories there usually is the part about how angry the writer got with the Thai official. Epic fail. Then the story is downhill from there on. "They do stuff different in Thailand!" But there is a big difference how Farangs are treated today regarding immigration issues, especially since 9/11. We no longer are granted multiple tourist visas or held in high regard just because we are Farangs or treated with the same respect at border crossings due to the increased demand for security and screening of ALL foreigners. Security used to be pretty lax and smiley immigration and police officers would be the norm. There was not as much pressure on Thai officials to perform years ago.

With the influx of tourists who book their dream holiday on line, get picked up from the airport in a limo and whisked off to their hotels without reading any information about the cultural do's and donts or about the penalties for crimes in Thailand can expect a shock it they are caught breaking the law. The huge increase of bad behaviour by foreigners in Thailand since the Lonely Planet packing traveller days is in part a result of the Internet age where everything is at our fingertips and the glossy information is sanitised for the sheeple. Dont be lazy.Get educated on your destination before you travel!!

IDC is a breeze compared to most if the Thai prisons.

How's Darren Tom?

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First post here, hi all. There is an element of drama to the story but I'm sure he was there. Yeah, s**t happens, my friend. Sure there are few rights for prisoners in Thailand but thats up to the Thai justice system because we are in Thailand! When in foreign countries we can't behave like we are at home. In most of these stories there usually is the part about how angry the writer got with the Thai official. Epic fail. Then the story is downhill from there on. "They do stuff different in Thailand!" But there is a big difference how Farangs are treated today regarding immigration issues, especially since 9/11. We no longer are granted multiple tourist visas or held in high regard just because we are Farangs or treated with the same respect at border crossings due to the increased demand for security and screening of ALL foreigners. Security used to be pretty lax and smiley immigration and police officers would be the norm. There was not as much pressure on Thai officials to perform years ago.

With the influx of tourists who book their dream holiday on line, get picked up from the airport in a limo and whisked off to their hotels without reading any information about the cultural do's and donts or about the penalties for crimes in Thailand can expect a shock it they are caught breaking the law. The huge increase of bad behaviour by foreigners in Thailand since the Lonely Planet packing traveller days is in part a result of the Internet age where everything is at our fingertips and the glossy information is sanitised for the sheeple. Dont be lazy.Get educated on your destination before you travel!!

IDC is a breeze compared to most if the Thai prisons.

How's Darren Tom?

Last I've had word from Darren a couple of month ago. He's still top of his class in Muay Thai. I've sent a letter down to Kho Samui about 2 weeks ago, but still awaiting a response. I'm trying to track down the whereabouts(which prison) of Tim Oliver Korbel, the German, who got done for cooking ICE. I guess Bang Kwang, but can't be sure. A week before my release there was a rumor going around prison that all foreign prisoners already sentenced were going to be sent to BKK. I don't think Darren was, because he was still on appeal. Not sure, though. Haven't heard of Jimmy as well. He was really skinny when I got out.

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Having stayed in samui prison albeit only 3 nights whats being written is spot on ,as for the state of living conditions its not too bad ,apart from the open showers and toilets where 400 other imates can watch you from any point of the prison makes having a poo very difficult even when eating the 3 day old food served to you ....

Were you there after Feb. 2012, and if so, did you see Jimmy? He's British, tall and skinny, likes to study Thai.

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First post here, hi all. There is an element of drama to the story but I'm sure he was there. Yeah, s**t happens, my friend. Sure there are few rights for prisoners in Thailand but thats up to the Thai justice system because we are in Thailand! When in foreign countries we can't behave like we are at home. In most of these stories there usually is the part about how angry the writer got with the Thai official. Epic fail. Then the story is downhill from there on. "They do stuff different in Thailand!" But there is a big difference how Farangs are treated today regarding immigration issues, especially since 9/11. We no longer are granted multiple tourist visas or held in high regard just because we are Farangs or treated with the same respect at border crossings due to the increased demand for security and screening of ALL foreigners. Security used to be pretty lax and smiley immigration and police officers would be the norm. There was not as much pressure on Thai officials to perform years ago.

With the influx of tourists who book their dream holiday on line, get picked up from the airport in a limo and whisked off to their hotels without reading any information about the cultural do's and donts or about the penalties for crimes in Thailand can expect a shock it they are caught breaking the law. The huge increase of bad behaviour by foreigners in Thailand since the Lonely Planet packing traveller days is in part a result of the Internet age where everything is at our fingertips and the glossy information is sanitised for the sheeple. Dont be lazy.Get educated on your destination before you travel!!

IDC is a breeze compared to most if the Thai prisons.

How's Darren Tom?

IDC wasn't hell for me. But it is for those who have to stay there for a long time.

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crap for brains?

What do you mean - arranging for your wife to bring a mobile phone and cash whilst in (police cells?) prior to awaiting transfer for deportation; why would you expose your wife to the risk of arrest? Being knowledgeable about Thai defamation/slander laws land & keep on posting details of his illegal activities upon return to Thailand or intent to return? Bravado & not caring about consequences. Sorry but you really have to question who has "crap for brains"

On Kho Samui? No. My wife wasn't in any danger. Quite the opposite. She always came with my son, and the police even let me out of the cell to hold my son. (sometimes) And of course the police new that she brought me my cash in. They actually recommended it. They said I'm gonna need it in IDC. But about the phone of course they had no idea. The Bophut police station was ok, compared to Surathani, and Ranong. I could purchase what I wanted using a motorbike taxi driver. He even recharged the phone battery when needed.

The Thais smuggeled in much worse things than I did.

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did you say you had 60.000BHT in your underwear, and it was taken from you.

At the time of your arrest or however it played out were you wandering around with that much cash in your pocket.

Yes, it was taken from me on arrival in IDC. But they gave it back. They offered to keep it safe for me. It's like an Prison Account. I declined to do so. I preferd to have it on me.

And no. At the time of my arrest I had just 2 or maybe 300 Baht.

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I think you have clearly crossed a line here. You are making personal insults to the OP, where all he has done is write down his experiences for us to read and comment on. When is it right that you then insult him calling him "drama queen".

I know your not going to, but be a man and apologise and move on.

Thanks for the offer an apology, but it really isn't necessary.

I, unlike others, do not wish to air my dirty laundry on a public forum. It's called choice. I will tell you I was in cell #5.

Please explain how two other posters who have actually been in IDC back me up and say that it isn't that bad, yet, there is not a single poster other than the OP that says it's Hell?

I stand by every word I've posted.

I'll now leave this thread and leave it to the drama queens and their acolytes.

Suit yourself, no offence taken. People, I guess, have different views about their experiences with IDC, depending on how long they had to stay there, or depending in what situation they were in.

I rather stand alone with my opinion, then group up with peoples opinions that reveal nothing but arrogance.

I stand by every word I've posted as well, and the people who could back me up are unfortunately still in IDC today.

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Thanks for sharing Star Dust, I will now think twice before hoping on my motorbike after a few drinks, better to pay 40 baht mb taxi for a ride home than end up in IDC because a thai crashes into you

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I think you have clearly crossed a line here. You are making personal insults to the OP, where all he has done is write down his experiences for us to read and comment on. When is it right that you then insult him calling him "drama queen".

I know your not going to, but be a man and apologise and move on.

Thanks for the offer an apology, but it really isn't necessary.

I, unlike others, do not wish to air my dirty laundry on a public forum. It's called choice. I will tell you I was in cell #5.

Please explain how two other posters who have actually been in IDC back me up and say that it isn't that bad, yet, there is not a single poster other than the OP that says it's Hell?

I stand by every word I've posted.

I'll now leave this thread and leave it to the drama queens and their acolytes.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out!

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I got out of Samui Jan 2011. The worst place for me was 9 days at Surat on the way to IDC. That place was filthy with just one small dish of watery rice per day and tap water to drink.

31 days I have been in that filth hole. they waited until there were enough Burmese, so it was worth the drive. Ranong was dirty as well, and weird. Been there 5 days.

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A friend of mine spent 4 weeks in a 1m x 1.5m concrete hole with no ventilation,toilet,bedding,naked with two junkys on cold turkey. The cell was covered in excrement, no water and one stale bread roll a day. No communication and no reason for the incarceration then went to court and was released. The judge said" you was fourtunate it could have been a lot longer".Admittedly this was not Thailand but Spain 20 years ago!

Puts foriegn prisons in perspective.

Edited by Chittychangchang
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A friend of mine spent 4 weeks in a 1m x 1.5m concrete hole with no ventilation,toilet,bedding,naked with two junkys on cold turkey. The cell was covered in excrement, no water and one stale bread roll a day. No communication and no reason for the incarceration then went to court and was released. The judge said" you was fourtunate it could have been a lot longer".Admittedly this was not Thailand but Spain 20 years ago!

Puts foriegn prisons in perspective.

Strange but I believe I can still smell the excrement!

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