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Vfw Offering Large Dukes Pizza At A Discount Price

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The VFW has struck up a deal with The Dukes Riverside a sponsor of TV where they can sell coupons for a large two topping pizza for 350 baht (a 450 baht value). So those of you who like to have a good pizza once in a while can save a little baht and at the same time help the VFW at the same time (The Dukes is donating some money to the VFW for each coupon sold). If interested call Bill at 0873029830, he will make arrangements to get a coupon to you. THIS OFFER IS ONLY GOOD FOR THE DUKES RIVERSIDE.

Thanks for your support

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Tons of people will be interested. Maybe Bill could state a place where they can be picked up to make it easier on him? His phone will be ringing more than (edited for family forum regulations)

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I’m sorry I made a typo on my first posting, the regular price
of the large two topping pizza at The Dukes is 405 baht not 450 baht. So the savings to you will be 55 baht, the correct
post should read as follows:

The VFW has struck up a deal with The Dukes Riverside a sponsor
of TV where they can sell coupons for a large two topping pizza for 350 baht (a
405 baht value). So those of you who like to have a good pizza once in a while
can save a little baht and at the same time help the VFW. The Dukes is donating some money to the VFW for each coupon sold. If interested call Bill at 0873029830, he will make arrangements to get a coupon to you. THIS

Thanks for your support

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Where is the VFW located ???

The VFW does not have a building of their own at this time but the River Market Restaurant allows us to hold our meeting there once a month. Meetings are on the first Saturday of the month and start at 10:30 hours sharp. Any American who has served in the U.S. military that spent time in a combat zone is eligible for membership.

The River Market Restaurant is located along the Ping River behind the Night Market next to the Iron Bridge. If you go to our website and click on the tab for loaction it will give you a map. http://www.vfw-chiangmai.com/


For me a deal that includes hassle, and ends up still costing more than that I would pay back home for a pizza isnt really a good value in my books.

So pop home and get one... wink.png

Indeed. Besides you won't find a pizza in Europe or America for 350 THB. I recently checked a number of places I used to go to in both Europe and USA and the pizzas were around the 15 Euro/USD 20 mark.


The price is actually 433 Baht So a savings of 83 Baht or almost 20%. As BB stated a portion of the proceeds goes to support the US VFW who use the money predominately for charitable purposes.

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For me a deal that includes hassle, and ends up still costing more than that I would pay back home for a pizza isnt really a good value in my books.

So pop home and get one... ;)
Indeed. Besides you won't find a pizza in Europe or America for 350 THB. I recently checked a number of places I used to go to in both Europe and USA and the pizzas were around the 15 Euro/USD 20 mark.

It might be possible to get a pizza cheaper than this in the uk but the quality certainly won't be as good as Duke's nor will there be a charitable donation involved


Veterans of Foreign Wars

The price Dave indicates means that he is also contributing the cost of the tax, a hearty donation all together.


For me a deal that includes hassle, and ends up still costing more than that I would pay back home for a pizza isnt really a good value in my books.

So pop home and get one... wink.png
Indeed. Besides you won't find a pizza in Europe or America for 350 THB. I recently checked a number of places I used to go to in both Europe and USA and the pizzas were around the 15 Euro/USD 20 mark.

It might be possible to get a pizza cheaper than this in the uk but the quality certainly won't be as good as Duke's nor will there be a charitable donation involved

Not a large one.

I wonder if they would accept the coupon in the night bazaar. All they have there is the small ones as they don't have a large oven.


Having been involved with charity fundraising for many many year I have to ask the question that is

central to any fundraising effort.

How much of the purchase price is being donated to the VFW? Unfortunately far too often such "deals"

end up profiting the business involved rather than actually raising any significant funds for the charity.

You might be getting a deal on the purchase of the pizza, provided you were going to buy the pizza

anyway, but unless someone explains what part of the 350 baht is going to the VFW then you really

won't know how much you are helping the VFW?

To employ the buzzword of the times- "transparency" in explaining who keeps what part of 350 baht

really decides who is ultimately profiting?



You wrote- " Are you really as stupid as you portend to be?"- I think your inability to understand the difference between "portend" and "pretend"

speaks enough about your education. I have over 20 years of education and have worked with charities for over forty years so forgive me

from trying to educate you on what fundraising is all about. I won't question your figures on how much it costs to make a pizza and certainly

won't question how much you might be making on the drinks bought by the diners who use the coupon. I will tell you that , in this town,

the cost of tickets for events is often totally eaten up by the hotel/restaurants involved and the charities make their profit on the auctions/raffles/other

sales at the event. The charities involved could of course charge more but they have found that charging more limits the response and can end up

becoming too expensive for may of their volunteers to attend the event.

It doesn't offend me at all, considering the source, but resorting to calling others "idiots" is a very good public relations move. I know I'll

make reference to it quite often when discussing your establishments with others.



You wrote- " Are you really as stupid as you portend to be?"- I think your inability to understand the difference between "portend" and "pretend"

speaks enough about your education. I have over 20 years of education and have worked with charities for over forty years so forgive me

from trying to educate you on what fundraising is all about. I won't question your figures on how much it costs to make a pizza and certainly

won't question how much you might be making on the drinks bought by the diners who use the coupon. I will tell you that , in this town,

the cost of tickets for events is often totally eaten up by the hotel/restaurants involved and the charities make their profit on the auctions/raffles/other

sales at the event. The charities involved could of course charge more but they have found that charging more limits the response and can end up

becoming too expensive for may of their volunteers to attend the event.

It doesn't offend me at all, considering the source, but resorting to calling others "idiots" is a very good public relations move. I know I'll

make reference to it quite often when discussing your establishments with others.

I am really having a hard time trying to figure out what you are talking about. 20 years of education and you think that an organization making money off of some thing is getting hardly any thing. They are the ones who started this thread. Me with my 12 years of education think that they did it because they are making money off of it. Silly me.

Maybe I should return for 8 more years of schooling so I can grasp it as you do. You might have a leg to stand on if it was the Dukes promoting it but an idiot knows that when it is promoted by the organization gaining from it they are doing so because they stand to gain from it.

By the tone of your writing I take it you had a negative opinion of Dukes to begin with.

Do you think it is wrong for Dukes to make money off of the deal?

You sir are just another reason I distrust academia.

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L&J - your cynicism is really unjustified in this instance. What you say about the economics of charity events is undoubtedly true in many cases (although I don't see that it matters if the main income from a fundraiser derives from the "fringe" events and wonder why you cast it in a negative light). Hospitality businesses can't survive if they operate at no margin for too much of their turnover and, as I'm sure you know, they are approached constantly to host all kind of functions in the name of good works.

You bring up the question of how much might be made on drinks bought by coupon users in a pejorative way designed to make it sound as if there is something wrong with the concept. Do you feel that The Duke's hospitality should extend to giving diners discount on everything?

This was a very simple proposition put to us by two willing and reputable organisations and questioning the motives or probity of the deal (however obliquely) on the grounds of transparency was really uncalled for. Can you really wonder at the reaction?

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I won't be bothered to explain a charitable contribution made by an individual or business and a "promotion" by a

business and a charity to ostensibly to raise funds for a charity. The question I initially posed was a request to

understand how much the VFW was getting from this promotion? That is totally legitimate, particularly in light

of how some of these "promotions" work ( one of the world's largest charity fundraiser is the Girl Scout Cookie Sale

in the USA- do a little research and find where more than 90% of the purchase price ends up going).

What I got was an answer and a feeble attack on my education and sanity. Stupidity and simplicity make a good



Thanks, this thread is my first laugh of the day, I mean where else can a simple info. thread about a pizza coupon (100B.per to VTWthumbsup.gif ) devolve to such an entertaining farce?


theDukes has answered the fund distribution so we can stop with the rhetoric now.

True and it was uncalled for in the first place. The VFW do some fine work. I personally know of two widows they have helped to get there pensions. Why any one would begrudge them the right to make money is beyond me.

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Such a good offer in spite of one persons opinion I thought I would bring it to the head of the class for one more opportunity to be noted and taken advantage of.

And they actually deliver it just like Pizza with no delivery charge.



You wrote- " Are you really as stupid as you portend to be?"- I think your inability to understand the difference between "portend" and "pretend"

speaks enough about your education. I have over 20 years of education and have worked with charities for over forty years so forgive me

from trying to educate you on what fundraising is all about. I won't question your figures on how much it costs to make a pizza and certainly

won't question how much you might be making on the drinks bought by the diners who use the coupon. I will tell you that , in this town,

the cost of tickets for events is often totally eaten up by the hotel/restaurants involved and the charities make their profit on the auctions/raffles/other

sales at the event. The charities involved could of course charge more but they have found that charging more limits the response and can end up

becoming too expensive for may of their volunteers to attend the event.

It doesn't offend me at all, considering the source, but resorting to calling others "idiots" is a very good public relations move. I know I'll

make reference to it quite often when discussing your establishments with others.

The problem is that you are dissecting a very laudable attempt at raising funds for VFW. Why do you have to get involved? this is Chiang Mai, not middle America -(same would apply if it were a British charity) As you are soo concerned about the actual profit involved and whether David has the temerity to earn a few baht out of his endeavours, you should feel morally bound to call up the number quoted and make a direct donation - no strings attached.

BTW guys, if anyone can organise a coupon to be brought to The Olde Bell, I'll happily stump up 350 Baht as I'm a sucker for Duke's pizzas and have several friends in VFW.

Ignore the detractors!!

Cold Beer, Warm Atmosphere

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