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Teacher Disciplined At East Pattaya School After Facebook Video Goes Viral

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If I was a parent and seen this video.. wow.. I would probably end up in jail. There is no call for this kind of behavior.. I would make that teachers life so miserable, she would move to another province.

We have a auto license plate here in Arizona that a lot of people here buy and put on their cars..

"It should not hurt to be a child".. I am a strong advocate of child abuse. I won't put up with it in public. If I see a parent smacking their kid around at a mall or store, I get in their face. It's my theory, abuse breeds abuse.

I think you need a dictionary....whistling.gif

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Frankly I'd rather she have that stick than my iPhone!

In Thailand, the teacher is GOD!

this one was well deserved

Totally agree, what a disrespectful little ass.

Referring to the student, right? whistling.gif


Glad there were no mobile phones and youtube when i was a kid other wise i would have got another belting when i got home off mum or dad.

  • Like 1

If I was a parent and seen this video.. wow.. I would probably end up in jail. There is no call for this kind of behavior.. I would make that teachers life so miserable, she would move to another province.

We have a auto license plate here in Arizona that a lot of people here buy and put on their cars..

"It should not hurt to be a child".. I am a strong advocate of child abuse. I won't put up with it in public. If I see a parent smacking their kid around at a mall or store, I get in their face. It's my theory, abuse breeds abuse.

If I see a parent smacking their kid around at a mall or store, I get in their face.

So what gives you the goddam right to tell others how to raise their kids.

Thankfully this is Thailand not the nanny state big brother knows best PC BS crap of the west.

If I see thoroughly modern parents letting their spoilt brat offspring throw a tantrum at a mall or store should I get in their face?

  • Like 2

School is the most widespread and pernicious form of child abuse. Students are forced to do all manner of things they don't want to do - for no good reason - all day every day. The damage from this is incalculable - whether they are beaten or browbeaten into submission makes little difference. The only reason people are not up in arms about this is because the System has brainwashed everybody into thinking schooling is 'all for the children's good'. It is, in fact, the most massive (and successful) social engineering project ever devised.

Before forced mass schooling became the norm everywhere people (contrary to popular belief) were not ignorant morons. I wish that were still the case.

See also: www.johntaylorgatto.com

Of course they were not ignorant morons; they were farmers.


If I was a parent and seen this video.. wow.. I would probably end up in jail. There is no call for this kind of behavior.. I would make that teachers life so miserable, she would move to another province.

We have a auto license plate here in Arizona that a lot of people here buy and put on their cars..

"It should not hurt to be a child".. I am a strong advocate of child abuse. I won't put up with it in public. If I see a parent smacking their kid around at a mall or store, I get in their face. It's my theory, abuse breeds abuse.

If I see a parent smacking their kid around at a mall or store, I get in their face.

So what gives you the goddam right to tell others how to raise their kids.

Thankfully this is Thailand not the nanny state big brother knows best PC BS crap of the west.

If I see thoroughly modern parents letting their spoilt brat offspring throw a tantrum at a mall or store should I get in their face?

On a flight from Manila to Bangkok last year, at the gate I witnessed a vicious American mother slapping around and arm-jerking her 6-7 year old daughter for lagging behind. The accompanying verbal abuse was unprintable. The Filipinos and Thais around her were aghast.

It was so wonderful to be able to speak her native language and tell her what an A$$ she was making of herself in front of a hundred foreigners, and that she knew in the USA she'd be arrested for her behavior. Her vitriol completely turned from her daughter to me, and she proceeded to yell and call me all manner of animals and excrement all the way down the jetway and onto the waiting aircraft.

Not only did she reinforce the A$$ description, but her abusive attention was diverted from her now-relieved looking little girl. After this point, I just smiled all the way. So did all the passengers. We knew what we were doing, even if the perpetrator was oblivious to it.

By the way the milquetoast husband just cowered in the background the whole time. She'd probably already boxed his ears a few hundred times in their marriage.

I'm also for "getting in their face." Help those who cannot help themselves, even at personal risk.


^^^^^, I think we can all agree there is a difference between disciplining and child and abusing a child.

My problem is with those who think giving a child a smack on its backside is abuse.

Yes in the situation above I would have had a few choice words to say as well.

I remember being on a flight to Thailand a few years ago, the flight from hell, some left wing Euro trash and their 4 spoilt brat kids running amok, bawling shouting and screaming, using the plane as their own personal playground.

The staff asked, then told these muppets to control the kids, and were met with a torrent of abuse.

Too cut a long story short, the a/c hit turbulence and little Johnny went diving head first into the back of a seat, blood and snot everywhere.

Good got what he deserved, serves the little <deleted> right, that will teach them, etc etc, were some of the comments from other passengers, who had til that point suffered in silence.

Smoking is now banned on flights,personally I think there should be a cage at the back of the aircraft for the airline staff to shove these little runts into if they misbehave.

I am no Victorian, and dont adhere to, children should be seen but not heard, however, any time I travel by coach within Thailand it never fails to amaze me how well behaved Thai children are on these coach trips.

Post # 59 sums it up for me.


I am no Victorian, and dont adhere to, children should be seen but not heard, ...

I definitely think they shouldn't be heard and personally I think the "seen" part is debatable also.

I would never complain if all children were confined to special sections of planes and malls and restaurants, or were just banned completely from them in the same way that other anti-social things like dogs and smoking are.


I am no Victorian, and dont adhere to, children should be seen but not heard, ...

I definitely think they shouldn't be heard and personally I think the "seen" part is debatable also.

I would never complain if all children were confined to special sections of planes and malls and restaurants, or were just banned completely from them in the same way that other anti-social things like dogs and smoking are.

Spoken like a true grandfather who left 'em all back in the old country. tongue.png


Video still up on:

If I was a parent and seen this video.. wow.. I would probably end up in jail. There is no call for this kind of behavior.. I would make that teachers life so miserable, she would move to another province.

We have a auto license plate here in Arizona that a lot of people here buy and put on their cars..

"It should not hurt to be a child".. I am a strong advocate of child abuse. I won't put up with it in public. If I see a parent smacking their kid around at a mall or store, I get in their face. It's my theory, abuse breeds abuse.

If I see a parent smacking their kid around at a mall or store, I get in their face.

So what gives you the goddam right to tell others how to raise their kids.

Thankfully this is Thailand not the nanny state big brother knows best PC BS crap of the west.

If I see thoroughly modern parents letting their spoilt brat offspring throw a tantrum at a mall or store should I get in their face?

Thailand is not a nanny state??

I think you know very, very little about thai culture/society

As a westerner you are simply ignored, no one cares what you think or do as long as it doesnt offend thais

I assure you, for thais it is much more a nanny state than in the west


The kid is smarter than he looks...He put a book in his pants to absorb

the hits. Listen carefully and you can hear it. My girlfriend just told me she used to do that many times when she was in school.. :-)

Easy to speak about the benefits of a firm hand in the schooling process, but if you were watching your kid being beaten like that I am sure you would take a different view....


The kid is smarter than he looks...He put a book in his pants to absorbthe hits. Listen carefully and you can hear it.

Dunno about "smarter" but doesn't a book in the pants make him a smart arse? :unsure:


The kid is smarter than he looks...He put a book in his pants to absorbthe hits. Listen carefully and you can hear it.

Dunno about "smarter" but doesn't a book in the pants make him a smart arse? unsure.png
Hahahaha only if knowledge could transfer through osmosis....
  • Like 1

I agree with the teacher throwing the kids phone on the floor. Cell phones seem to have gotten out of control, and everyone thinks they have a RIGHT to talk anywhere on their phone. I would really love to see the Thai Police do the same, with people on their motor bikes and talking on the phone. Of course, I guess its no difference than holding a baby with one hand while driving!


So you a judge,

This was no ordinary caning. It was a vicious attack by a teacher on a child. Despicable!

Shame on the family for not taking matters further than the headmaster.

The Police should have been involved, and the teacher should have been charged wiht assault. I believe she deserved a prison sentence of minimum 3 months. Further she should have lost her job -all pension etc earned should be lost and she should never be allowed to work with children again.

If I were the parent - and failing the above - I would take matters into my own hands!

Vicious cow!!!

So,you are a judge, and would sentence her for 3 months , and if not , you would take matters into your own hands....... !!??

​We need more people like you ! [sarcasm]

Prakonchai Nick is not a hair better than the teacher involved and the student who made the video with his or her phone........well.....you know the drill!!


Video still up on:

If I was a parent and seen this video.. wow.. I would probably end up in jail. There is no call for this kind of behavior.. I would make that teachers life so miserable, she would move to another province.

We have a auto license plate here in Arizona that a lot of people here buy and put on their cars..

"It should not hurt to be a child".. I am a strong advocate of child abuse. I won't put up with it in public. If I see a parent smacking their kid around at a mall or store, I get in their face. It's my theory, abuse breeds abuse.

If I see a parent smacking their kid around at a mall or store, I get in their face.

So what gives you the goddam right to tell others how to raise their kids.

Thankfully this is Thailand not the nanny state big brother knows best PC BS crap of the west.

If I see thoroughly modern parents letting their spoilt brat offspring throw a tantrum at a mall or store should I get in their face?

Thailand is not a nanny state??

I think you know very, very little about thai culture/society

As a westerner you are simply ignored, no one cares what you think or do as long as it doesnt offend thais

I assure you, for thais it is much more a nanny state than in the west

I think you know very, very little about thai culture/society

Oh great, another I am more Thai than you post, another I have been here longer than you post, another I speak better Thai than you post.

I know enough about Thai culture/society to advocate international schooling for those who can afford it, I see more than a fair few Thais sending their children abroad to be educated, tells me all I need to know when even the Thais are sending their children abroad.

As a westerner you are simply ignored, no one cares what you think or do as long as it doesnt offend thais

Great isnt it, as a farang I dont give a shit what they think of me, they ignore me and I ignore them, a great relationship, thankfully being a farang I dont need to worry about such concepts as face and status.

I assure you, for thais it is much more a nanny state than in the west

Yes to a certain extent I agree with you, if the Thais are from the (saai) leuat prai/peasant stock what you say is true.


Video still up on:

If I was a parent and seen this video.. wow.. I would probably end up in jail. There is no call for this kind of behavior.. I would make that teachers life so miserable, she would move to another province.

We have a auto license plate here in Arizona that a lot of people here buy and put on their cars..

"It should not hurt to be a child".. I am a strong advocate of child abuse. I won't put up with it in public. If I see a parent smacking their kid around at a mall or store, I get in their face. It's my theory, abuse breeds abuse.

If I see a parent smacking their kid around at a mall or store, I get in their face.

So what gives you the goddam right to tell others how to raise their kids.

Thankfully this is Thailand not the nanny state big brother knows best PC BS crap of the west.

If I see thoroughly modern parents letting their spoilt brat offspring throw a tantrum at a mall or store should I get in their face?

Thailand is not a nanny state??

I think you know very, very little about thai culture/society

As a westerner you are simply ignored, no one cares what you think or do as long as it doesnt offend thais

I assure you, for thais it is much more a nanny state than in the west

I think you know very, very little about thai culture/society

Oh great, another I am more Thai than you post, another I have been here longer than you post, another I speak better Thai than you post.

I know enough about Thai culture/society to advocate international schooling for those who can afford it, I see more than a fair few Thais sending their children abroad to be educated, tells me all I need to know when even the Thais are sending their children abroad.

As a westerner you are simply ignored, no one cares what you think or do as long as it doesnt offend thais

Great isnt it, as a farang I dont give a shit what they think of me, they ignore me and I ignore them, a great relationship, thankfully being a farang I dont need to worry about such concepts as face and status.

I assure you, for thais it is much more a nanny state than in the west

Yes to a certain extent I agree with you, if the Thais are from the (saai) leuat prai/peasant stock what you say is true.

Oh great, another I am more Thai than you post


NO TEACHER has the right to beat or Cain a STUDENT !!!! I have a child in a Thai school and every year I let the teacher know if she beats or cains my child that I will do the same to her !!! If my child acts up or does something wrong then let my know about it and I will deside what kind of punishment my child should have !!!! So far we have never had a problem at school

While I am against canings and such giving the parents the responsability for this is crazy then there is no equal punishment among kids. Just do away with the caning and punish an other way. I know it worked when i went to school no canings just normal punishment extra homework / low points ect / staying after school coming extra early ect.

It worked on me,might not work on everyone and as I have understood Thai schools cant fail pupils.


Video still up on:

If I was a parent and seen this video.. wow.. I would probably end up in jail. There is no call for this kind of behavior.. I would make that teachers life so miserable, she would move to another province.

We have a auto license plate here in Arizona that a lot of people here buy and put on their cars..

"It should not hurt to be a child".. I am a strong advocate of child abuse. I won't put up with it in public. If I see a parent smacking their kid around at a mall or store, I get in their face. It's my theory, abuse breeds abuse.

If I see a parent smacking their kid around at a mall or store, I get in their face.

So what gives you the goddam right to tell others how to raise their kids.

Thankfully this is Thailand not the nanny state big brother knows best PC BS crap of the west.

If I see thoroughly modern parents letting their spoilt brat offspring throw a tantrum at a mall or store should I get in their face?

Thailand is not a nanny state??

I think you know very, very little about thai culture/society

As a westerner you are simply ignored, no one cares what you think or do as long as it doesnt offend thais

I assure you, for thais it is much more a nanny state than in the west

I think you know very, very little about thai culture/society

Oh great, another I am more Thai than you post, another I have been here longer than you post, another I speak better Thai than you post.

I know enough about Thai culture/society to advocate international schooling for those who can afford it, I see more than a fair few Thais sending their children abroad to be educated, tells me all I need to know when even the Thais are sending their children abroad.

As a westerner you are simply ignored, no one cares what you think or do as long as it doesnt offend thais

Great isnt it, as a farang I dont give a shit what they think of me, they ignore me and I ignore them, a great relationship, thankfully being a farang I dont need to worry about such concepts as face and status.

I assure you, for thais it is much more a nanny state than in the west

Yes to a certain extent I agree with you, if the Thais are from the (saai) leuat prai/peasant stock what you say is true.

I wasn't in any way saying I'm Thai in any shape way or form. Simply stating that if you think Thailand ain't a nanny state then you don't know squat about thai culture.

Also; separate your speaking points...use different color or something....very confusing.


Video still up on:

If I was a parent and seen this video.. wow.. I would probably end up in jail. There is no call for this kind of behavior.. I would make that teachers life so miserable, she would move to another province.

We have a auto license plate here in Arizona that a lot of people here buy and put on their cars..

"It should not hurt to be a child".. I am a strong advocate of child abuse. I won't put up with it in public. If I see a parent smacking their kid around at a mall or store, I get in their face. It's my theory, abuse breeds abuse.

If I see a parent smacking their kid around at a mall or store, I get in their face.

So what gives you the goddam right to tell others how to raise their kids.

Thankfully this is Thailand not the nanny state big brother knows best PC BS crap of the west.

If I see thoroughly modern parents letting their spoilt brat offspring throw a tantrum at a mall or store should I get in their face?

Thailand is not a nanny state??

I think you know very, very little about thai culture/society

As a westerner you are simply ignored, no one cares what you think or do as long as it doesnt offend thais

I assure you, for thais it is much more a nanny state than in the west

I think you know very, very little about thai culture/society

Oh great, another I am more Thai than you post, another I have been here longer than you post, another I speak better Thai than you post.

I know enough about Thai culture/society to advocate international schooling for those who can afford it, I see more than a fair few Thais sending their children abroad to be educated, tells me all I need to know when even the Thais are sending their children abroad.

As a westerner you are simply ignored, no one cares what you think or do as long as it doesnt offend thais

Great isnt it, as a farang I dont give a shit what they think of me, they ignore me and I ignore them, a great relationship, thankfully being a farang I dont need to worry about such concepts as face and status.

I assure you, for thais it is much more a nanny state than in the west

Yes to a certain extent I agree with you, if the Thais are from the (saai) leuat prai/peasant stock what you say is true.

I wasn't in any way saying I'm Thai in any shape way or form. Simply stating that if you think Thailand ain't a nanny state then you don't know squat about thai culture. The MOST MOST MOST important thing about Thai society is that there is the Father and his children. Thai people consider themselves children of you know who, this is fundamental. Surely you know this if you have lived in Thailand, you don't need to be Thai to know that.

Also; separate your speaking points...use different color or something....very confusing.


NO TEACHER has the right to beat or Cain a STUDENT !!!! I have a child in a Thai school and every year I let the teacher know if she beats or cains my child that I will do the same to her !!! If my child acts up or does something wrong then let my know about it and I will deside what kind of punishment my child should have !!!! So far we have never had a problem at school

While I am against canings and such giving the parents the responsability for this is crazy then there is no equal punishment among kids. Just do away with the caning and punish an other way. I know it worked when i went to school no canings just normal punishment extra homework / low points ect / staying after school coming extra early ect.

It worked on me,might not work on everyone and as I have understood Thai schools cant fail pupils.

Gotta agree with Geckosdiving. My child starts school next year, and I will certainly be having a conversation with the teacher regarding her " right"to beat my child..... :-) As in ain't going to happen.....

If the Thai education system cannot fail a child, what the hell is the point in trying to beat discipline into them? A complete waste of time. If correct behavior was not instilled by the parents, the school has no hope of doing it..


NO TEACHER has the right to beat or Cain a STUDENT !!!! I have a child in a Thai school and every year I let the teacher know if she beats or cains my child that I will do the same to her !!! If my child acts up or does something wrong then let my know about it and I will deside what kind of punishment my child should have !!!! So far we have never had a problem at school

While I am against canings and such giving the parents the responsability for this is crazy then there is no equal punishment among kids. Just do away with the caning and punish an other way. I know it worked when i went to school no canings just normal punishment extra homework / low points ect / staying after school coming extra early ect.

It worked on me,might not work on everyone and as I have understood Thai schools cant fail pupils.

Gotta agree with Geckosdiving. My child starts school next year, and I will certainly be having a conversation with the teacher regarding her " right"to beat my child..... :-) As in ain't going to happen.....

If the Thai education system cannot fail a child, what the hell is the point in trying to beat discipline into them? A complete waste of time. If correct behavior was not instilled by the parents, the school has no hope of doing it..

I feel punishment should be done by the school not parents (i am against caning and such) if you don't let it be done by the school you get parents that don't think their little prince did anything wrong and will never punish him. You keep an unruly child then in school making it harder for everyone. So yes I believe punishment should be at school.

You might be a good parent geckosdiving maybe too but there are enough who are not and will not do a thing and so you keep childeren who face no concequence of their action.


NO TEACHER has the right to beat or Cain a STUDENT !!!! I have a child in a Thai school and every year I let the teacher know if she beats or cains my child that I will do the same to her !!! If my child acts up or does something wrong then let my know about it and I will deside what kind of punishment my child should have !!!! So far we have never had a problem at school

While I am against canings and such giving the parents the responsability for this is crazy then there is no equal punishment among kids. Just do away with the caning and punish an other way. I know it worked when i went to school no canings just normal punishment extra homework / low points ect / staying after school coming extra early ect.

It worked on me,might not work on everyone and as I have understood Thai schools cant fail pupils.

Gotta agree with Geckosdiving. My child starts school next year, and I will certainly be having a conversation with the teacher regarding her " right"to beat my child..... :-) As in ain't going to happen.....

If the Thai education system cannot fail a child, what the hell is the point in trying to beat discipline into them? A complete waste of time. If correct behavior was not instilled by the parents, the school has no hope of doing it..

I feel punishment should be done by the school not parents (i am against caning and such) if you don't let it be done by the school you get parents that don't think their little prince did anything wrong and will never punish him. You keep an unruly child then in school making it harder for everyone. So yes I believe punishment should be at school.

You might be a good parent geckosdiving maybe too but there are enough who are not and will not do a thing and so you keep childeren who face no concequence of their action.

I disagree somewhat. Rather than having a teacher with perhaps mental problems strike your child, the role of the school should be to inform the parent of poor behavior of the child. Then the parent can perform what discipline they feel is correct. If the child is acting out to the extent that he is disturbing the process of learning for the other children, then he needs to be removed and sent home...
I feel punishment should be done by the school not parents (i am against caning and such) if you don't let it be done by the school you get parents that don't think their little prince did anything wrong and will never punish him. You keep an unruly child then in school making it harder for everyone. So yes I believe punishment should be at school.

You might be a good parent geckosdiving maybe too but there are enough who are not and will not do a thing and so you keep childeren who face no concequence of their action.

I disagree somewhat. Rather than having a teacher with perhaps mental problems strike your child, the role of the school should be to inform the parent of poor behavior of the child. Then the parent can perform what discipline they feel is correct. If the child is acting out to the extent that he is disturbing the process of learning for the other children, then he needs to be removed and sent home...

I told you I am against corporal punishment, so that would not even come into question. I am talking removing childeren or punishing them alternatively. Letting them stay after school or make them come early extra homework ect.

It would be crazy if parents are the judge of their childerens misbehaving as in general they are blind for the mistakes of their child. A few might be good enough to do it but the majority is not. This will result in kids getting away with it and disturbing class for others.


Video still up on:

If I was a parent and seen this video.. wow.. I would probably end up in jail. There is no call for this kind of behavior.. I would make that teachers life so miserable, she would move to another province.

We have a auto license plate here in Arizona that a lot of people here buy and put on their cars..

"It should not hurt to be a child".. I am a strong advocate of child abuse. I won't put up with it in public. If I see a parent smacking their kid around at a mall or store, I get in their face. It's my theory, abuse breeds abuse.

If I see a parent smacking their kid around at a mall or store, I get in their face.

So what gives you the goddam right to tell others how to raise their kids.

Thankfully this is Thailand not the nanny state big brother knows best PC BS crap of the west.

If I see thoroughly modern parents letting their spoilt brat offspring throw a tantrum at a mall or store should I get in their face?

Thailand is not a nanny state??

I think you know very, very little about thai culture/society

As a westerner you are simply ignored, no one cares what you think or do as long as it doesnt offend thais

I assure you, for thais it is much more a nanny state than in the west

I think you know very, very little about thai culture/society

Oh great, another I am more Thai than you post, another I have been here longer than you post, another I speak better Thai than you post.

I know enough about Thai culture/society to advocate international schooling for those who can afford it, I see more than a fair few Thais sending their children abroad to be educated, tells me all I need to know when even the Thais are sending their children abroad.

As a westerner you are simply ignored, no one cares what you think or do as long as it doesnt offend thais

Great isnt it, as a farang I dont give a shit what they think of me, they ignore me and I ignore them, a great relationship, thankfully being a farang I dont need to worry about such concepts as face and status.

I assure you, for thais it is much more a nanny state than in the west

Yes to a certain extent I agree with you, if the Thais are from the (saai) leuat prai/peasant stock what you say is true.

I wasn't in any way saying I'm Thai in any shape way or form. Simply stating that if you think Thailand ain't a nanny state then you don't know squat about thai culture.

Also; separate your speaking points...use different color or something....very confusing.

Also; separate your speaking points...use different color or something....very confusing.

I concur, something to do with a software update.

Next time we have a beer I will be more than happy to discuss the nanny Thai state, you know as well as I it cant be discussed here.

Will bring the wife with me, she will be more than happy to contribute to the discussion, she herself has been on the receiving end of negative comments, due to the fact she wont play the subservient/submissive role, the Thais refer to her "bad ways" as the result of being a "mia farang"


I wasn't in any way saying I'm Thai in any shape way or form. Simply stating that if you think Thailand ain't a nanny state then you don't know squat about thai culture.

Also; separate your speaking points...use different color or something....very confusing.

Also; separate your speaking points...use different color or something....very confusing.

I concur, something to do with a software update....

As a side-note, I've made a couple of complaints about this, but was told to jump through some new hoops to counteract the new software. Maybe if you added to the outcry, we could get the software reverted to "the good old way"? A note to a mod or a post on the Forum Support Desk thread might help.

Just now, I tried fixing this response so it's outside the "quote box" using the mod's instructions. Impossible.

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