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Thailand Should Brand Itself Asean's Leader


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Thailand should brand itself Asean's leader

Philip Kotler

BANGKOK: -- Thailand should take the lead as the "United States of Asean" and take advantage of the Kingdom's rich, religious culture as its selling points in branding itself ahead of the Asean Economic Community (AEC) in 2015, said marketing guru Philip Kotler.

"Thailand has a beautiful culture and is one of the major Buddhist countries in Southeast Asia. The country is religious-oriented and has a good harmony and principles of good living. These should be the selling points of Thailand," he said.

"You need to think about Asean in branding the country and think about what should be the brand idea behind Thailand. You need to find out the best way to brand Thailand," he said.

Kotler, an 81-year-old distiguished professor at the Kellogg School of Management of Northwestern University in the US, has been dubbed "the father of marketing management" and is the author of the book "Marketing 3.0". He spoke at the exclusive training session on "Values Driven Marketing" held yesterday by the Krungthep Turakij newspaper and TV channel.

Revealing the global trends of the growing middle class, consumer empowerment and the rise of "Chindia" (China and India), he said business momentum would gravitate to where the growth is.

Up to now, multinational corporations from the "triad" powers of Europe, the US and Japan had created most of the new products. However, there are now emerging multinationals from China, India, Brazil, Russia, Turkey, South Africa, Thailand and Mexico. They have strong ambition, vision and confidence and want to become global giants themselves, Kotler said.

"Traditional marketing is dead," he said, pointing to the changes taking place in which companies can no longer rely on the traditional four Ps of marketing - product, place, price and promotion. Instead of sales-oriented strategies, Kotler said companies need to have a real purpose that sets their brand apart from others, creating genuine brand loyalty and ultimately contributing back to society to spur demand for their products.

Asia has adapted Western ideas to become a marketing powerhouse, with such countries as Japan and South Korea leading the pack in creating a culture of consistent improvement or what Kotler called "creative destruction".

One such brand that has exceeded expectations is Samsung, which has built itself up from being a parts supplier to electronic brands of the West to become a leading producer of smart phones and televisions. For every product, Samsung assigns a team to "creatively destroy" by looking for flaws and finding out how the product can be better developed. Kotler sees Samsung as a "mega-brand" that will continue to lead.

"Samsung is not afraid of Apple," says Kotler. Instead he says, the company is more concerned about China producing cheaper options. An example is Japanese car brand Toyota facing competition from cheaper brands in India and China.

-- The Nation 2013-03-07

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I think it would be good for Mr. Kotler to acquire a long term visa and stay in Thailand for one year. It would be interesting to hear what he has to say at the end of the one year.

Two years would be better.Then he would have to deal with immigration a few times.

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The man says:

Thailand should brand itself Asean's leader

Something very critical is missing - the capability!

Any serious marketing consultant knows well to make a serious assessment and profile what a company / an organization / a country is capable of and then either:

- Set goals (stretch a little) that are actually achieveable. Or

- Fast track some seriousy development work to quickly gain ground in capability then set some higher goals (with recognition that this is all mid to long-term).

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Thailand and its politicians can't even hold their own in the mens room let alone internationally. Quote from Siampolee

This will set off many trains of thought, all arriving at the same terminus. Who provides the service of unzipping, extracting, shaking the drips off the end and returning the family jewels to their former resting place? Does TAT know about this service and if so, why aren't they advertising the fact worldwide? Forget wats,the crummy culture and high grade tourists, this is a winner.

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Thailand the new hub of a "beautiful culture and is one of the major Buddhist countries in Southeast Asia. The country is religious-oriented and has a good harmony and principles of good living. These should be the selling points of Thailand," ?

trying to find some reply but I am still speechless after reading this article ....

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Thailand has a beautiful corruption and is one of the major corruption
countries in Southeast Asia. The country is corruption-oriented and has a
good corruption and principles of good corruption.

These should be the selling points of Thailand. I would also throw in beautiful xenophobia as this will greatly impact on its ability to be the Hub of ASEAN.

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