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Hitler Fashion Statements Confuse, Offend Tourists In Thailand


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What do you expect from a country full of over 60 million people who don't know that a world exists beyond their borders and who generally despise non-Thais? Nothing new here for those of us who live here. Let the 2 week tourists be surprised. coffee1.gif

Perhaps you'd be happier as a 2 week tourist.

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It's a hot topic on this forum. Is Nazism and Fascism just a fashion trend for "uneducated" Thai people who don't know any better? I think Hitler would have said that the more you lie, the more people believe you (or was that his propaganda minister whatever his name was, don't care but he's relevant to the topic). Now, since I lived in Germany from 1991-1995, and then returned for one year in 2010, I can say that their form of raising the Nazi salute via the media, but obscured so it's not overt, is that they had endless "documentaries" about Hitler on the 3 very boring tv channels, (before cable tv hit Europe big time). Day after day, the ominous Wagneresque music with images of Nazis parading and Hitler saluting them, those images to "never forget" (nie vergessen) really meant, "don't put that hand down, just keep it up, just hide your Swastika" and that is what they did. Then in 2010, when much of the US military had left Germany, the Swastikas are slowly coming out. The double meanings and hidden agendas are not cute, don't imply that people are stupid, the Thai people are definitely not stupid and they know what they are doing. They are empowering their ex-pat financial base and swearing allegiance to Nazis, and they are brainwashing and educating their children to follow so they will receive the financial rewards of more investments more people with a lot o f money moving here. It's very calculated and not some little incident.

oh you wish.. its a fashion joke, Hitler is kind of dare I say funny to them.. a little guy that never smiles... the rest is history
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What do you expect from a country full of over 60 million people who don't know that a world exists beyond their borders and who generally despise non-Thais? Nothing new here for those of us who live here. Let the 2 week tourists be surprised. coffee1.gif

Perhaps you'd be happier as a 2 week tourist.

Hahaha the happiest people in Thailand are the two week tourists !!! It is the long term expats who know everything that go around with sad looks on their faces... :-)
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ok other than Hitler what about Clothing and Apperals and stickers and such with Hugo Chavez or other dictators. I just came back for Savannakhet, Laos which has loads of Soviet flags which most Laos have not clue about. And at the Bus station in Mukdahan, Thailand the little shops around the station had pictures of Dictators of all sorts even one shop that sell Vietnam shirts and have Ho Chi Minh on it. Its like You Love the King but your Running around with Khmer Rouge and Kwai Daengs and all Communism combine. Also, I seen some skinny jeans in Chit Lom street stand that had the iron cross and SS symbols with American print which was <deleted> These people dont even or see what is beyond their own hands. My Brain hurts a lot thinking how Ignorant one can be not to even know your own History. I know more History of SE asia than Asians do. Hints if you dont know your history your bound to repeat it

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ok other than Hitler what about Clothing and Apperals and stickers and such with Hugo Chavez or other dictators. I just came back for Savannakhet, Laos which has loads of Soviet flags which most Laos have not clue about. And at the Bus station in Mukdahan, Thailand the little shops around the station had pictures of Dictators of all sorts even one shop that sell Vietnam shirts and have Ho Chi Minh on it. Its like You Love the King but your Running around with Khmer Rouge and Kwai Daengs and all Communism combine. Also, I seen some skinny jeans in Chit Lom street stand that had the iron cross and SS symbols with American print which was <deleted> These people dont even or see what is beyond their own hands. My Brain hurts a lot thinking how Ignorant one can be not to even know your own History. I know more History of SE asia than Asians do. Hints if you dont know your history your bound to repeat it

kind of hard to forget something stitched on your jeans so your comment is baseless, if you don't want people forgetting its time to get some if these.

These are just shocking shirts to get your attention. .. and when a farang gets mad they laugh

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overherebc, on 09 Mar 2013 - 08:12, said:

bobl, on 09 Mar 2013 - 08:00, said:

Oh, the hitler thread again. Whoopee. All we need now is a thread full of raging farang complaining about being called farang and our day will be complete.

Yesterday a couple of Thai kids laughed as I went past them and when I asked them why they laughed they replied because you are farang that looks like Hitler. House is on the market, car on the market and I'm leaving and going back to UK.

That's so racist. But you are making the right decision.
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26 pages about this!!!!!!!!

When people in the west stop regarding Mao and Stalin etc etc as icons, I'll take pics of Hitler on T shirts seriously.

And, how about Rodman sucking up to the Dear Whatever. Now that's something to be upset about.

Because People actually know what happened before their lfe time. Is that so wrong people give a Hoot? Just because you live in Garbage does not mean your Garbage. This might be true Though How long does it take til your feel like Garbage seeing it day in day out??? You cant parade around Germany with Dicators on your shirt. In Russia you cant have people better than dicators on your shirt without thinking you are a spy, (you would know why if you knew anything)

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I once saw a girl in Lotus wearing a t shirt with a huge swastika on it. I put that down to ignorance.

In a permanent market I saw model figures of Hitler and his side kicks. Now, that must be for customers who know what it's abut. In the same town, there's a place where Hitler's birthday is celebrated every year by Germans. Perhaps they buy the models.

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26 pages about this!!!!!!!!

When people in the west stop regarding Mao and Stalin etc etc as icons, I'll take pics of Hitler on T shirts seriously.

And, how about Rodman sucking up to the Dear Whatever. Now that's something to be upset about.

Because People actually know what happened before their lfe time. Is that so wrong people give a Hoot? Just because you live in Garbage does not mean your Garbage. This might be true Though How long does it take til your feel like Garbage seeing it day in day out??? You cant parade around Germany with Dicators on your shirt. In Russia you cant have people better than dicators on your shirt without thinking you are a spy, (you would know why if you knew anything)

Hmmmmm. You had a problem with the quote function.

However, I think you give people too much credit. Most of the people I've known in my life don't give a rat's about the past.

Anyway, living in a "free society" means that you or I or anyone else can't dictate what anyone else chooses to say on their T shirt. If we could, it would be a society that I wouldn't want to live in.

BTW, can't stop at Hitler- Mao, Stalin, Che et al have to go. Can't have people with dictators and murderers on their shirts, as though Thais actually know or care what is on their T shirt- often, they have meaningless phrases written. It's just something that looks good or trendy.

When they start having mass rallies and demanding death to whichever people they don't like, that's when I'll take it seriously.

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What do you expect from a country full of over 60 million people who don't know that a world exists beyond their borders and who generally despise non-Thais? Nothing new here for those of us who live here. Let the 2 week tourists be surprised. coffee1.gif

ignorance is not just limited to thais. people in advanced economies with higher levels of education make similar errors. a few years back, some american firm did a marketing piece with blatant asian-american stereotypes. you think they would know their own citizens better.

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ok other than Hitler what about Clothing and Apperals and stickers and such with Hugo Chavez or other dictators. I just came back for Savannakhet, Laos which has loads of Soviet flags which most Laos have not clue about. And at the Bus station in Mukdahan, Thailand the little shops around the station had pictures of Dictators of all sorts even one shop that sell Vietnam shirts and have Ho Chi Minh on it. Its like You Love the King but your Running around with Khmer Rouge and Kwai Daengs and all Communism combine. Also, I seen some skinny jeans in Chit Lom street stand that had the iron cross and SS symbols with American print which was <deleted> These people dont even or see what is beyond their own hands. My Brain hurts a lot thinking how Ignorant one can be not to even know your own History. I know more History of SE asia than Asians do. Hints if you dont know your history your bound to repeat it

2 ChokDeeMak

The "Soviet" flags which you saw in Laos are actually the flag of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party - the ruling communist political party in Laos.

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ok other than Hitler what about Clothing and Apperals and stickers and such with Hugo Chavez or other dictators. I just came back for Savannakhet, Laos which has loads of Soviet flags which most Laos have not clue about. And at the Bus station in Mukdahan, Thailand the little shops around the station had pictures of Dictators of all sorts even one shop that sell Vietnam shirts and have Ho Chi Minh on it. Its like You Love the King but your Running around with Khmer Rouge and Kwai Daengs and all Communism combine. Also, I seen some skinny jeans in Chit Lom street stand that had the iron cross and SS symbols with American print which was <deleted> These people dont even or see what is beyond their own hands. My Brain hurts a lot thinking how Ignorant one can be not to even know your own History. I know more History of SE asia than Asians do. Hints if you dont know your history your bound to repeat it

2 ChokDeeMak

The "Soviet" flags which you saw in Laos are actually the flag of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party - the ruling communist political party in Laos.

Just like these??


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What do you expect from a country full of over 60 million people who don't know that a world exists beyond their borders and who generally despise non-Thais? Nothing new here for those of us who live here. Let the 2 week tourists be surprised. coffee1.gif

I find your comments relating to Thai's a huge generalization, If this is how you see Thailand why would you choose to live here, appreciate the Country for what it is and stop under estimating the Thai people, they are more switched on than you think!

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What do you expect from a country full of over 60 million people who don't know that a world exists beyond their borders and who generally despise non-Thais? Nothing new here for those of us who live here. Let the 2 week tourists be surprised. coffee1.gif

I find your comments relating to Thai's a huge generalization, If this is how you see Thailand why would you choose to live here, appreciate the Country for what it is and stop under estimating the Thai people, they are more switched on than you think!

I find your comment relating to Thai's about them being switched on is a huge generalisation, If I told you that I dislike every country on Earth equally what would you say next, Would you then wonder why I choose to live on planet Earth?

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