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Hitler Fashion Statements Confuse, Offend Tourists In Thailand


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Don't be naive thinking that they don't know who Hittler was, I happend to be Jewish, and when I was at colledge-here- I met once one guy in with a t-shirt with a portrait of hitler and saying: "Kill the Jews whereever you find them, Allah will help yoy" i went to the guy and I told him that I was a Jew, I ask him if he knew who Hittler was and he told me that he did , I was surprised, I asked him if he knew how many millions of jews Hittler killed- including my grandpa and almost all his familly- he told me that he knew it and that Thailand was a friend of Hittler, that Jews deserved to die and that was it, I couldnt take it any more so I beat the hell out of him, and after that people is the uni knew that I was a jew, an they attacked me but my buddhist friends helped me( this is not a problem of relligions, I think , since I dont believe in god), so don't think that they dont know who hitler was, and if you can read thai you will see that many young thais( most of them muslims) wear T-shirts preaching hate against the jews etc

I couldnt take it any more so I beat the hell out of him

Please tell me what part of Thailand you live in, so I can avoid you.

Do you make a point of regularly beating the shit out of people who dont agree with your personal point of view?

I live in Bangkok, and if ur can take that some one tell you in ur face that Hittler killed ur grandpa and it was ok, then dont worry, I dont wanna meet you neither.

It may be a bit off topic but you brought it up where you live. I thought you said in another thread you could not stay in Thailand because you do no qualify for a long term visa.

Me??? when??? I am applaying for the citizenship in two weeks, I have more than enough qualifications ,, now I think the troll here is you.

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3 nights ago seen a large group of younger Thais on Walking Street, all of them (including girls) in various Hitler fashion. Could not believe my eyes. What ignorance....PF.

If somebody does not know what the story is behind "Hitler' I would not shun them. whistling.gif

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I can't imagine them doing the same with Pol Pot (better not to give them ideas).

I doubt that the majority of Thais would be able to tell you who Pol Pot was.

i have never met one that did

I'd expect an answer like -- do you mean MK hot pot?

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The very same people who complain about Hilter souvenirs in Thailand probably didn't care when Buddha Images were used as garden ornaments.

True enough, what makes one person laugh is offensive to another.

It's just a fad and will go away, why even bother about it?

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Don't be naive thinking that they don't know who Hittler was, I happend to be Jewish, and when I was at colledge-here- I met once one guy in with a t-shirt with a portrait of hitler and saying: "Kill the Jews whereever you find them, Allah will help yoy" i went to the guy and I told him that I was a Jew, I ask him if he knew who Hittler was and he told me that he did , I was surprised, I asked him if he knew how many millions of jews Hittler killed- including my grandpa and almost all his familly- he told me that he knew it and that Thailand was a friend of Hittler, that Jews deserved to die and that was it, I couldnt take it any more so I beat the hell out of him, and after that people is the uni knew that I was a jew, an they attacked me but my buddhist friends helped me( this is not a problem of relligions, I think , since I dont believe in god), so don't think that they dont know who hitler was, and if you can read thai you will see that many young thais( most of them muslims) wear T-shirts preaching hate against the jews etc

I couldnt take it any more so I beat the hell out of him

Please tell me what part of Thailand you live in, so I can avoid you.

Do you make a point of regularly beating the shit out of people who dont agree with your personal point of view?

I live in Bangkok, and if ur can take that some one tell you in ur face that Hittler killed ur grandpa and it was ok, then dont worry, I dont wanna meet you neither.

It may be a bit off topic but you brought it up where you live. I thought you said in another thread you could not stay in Thailand because you do no qualify for a long term visa.

Me??? when??? I am applaying for the citizenship in two weeks, I have more than enough qualifications ,, now I think the troll here is you.

Not trolling at all. Good on you. Hope you are successful.

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The very same people who complain about Hilter souvenirs in Thailand probably didn't care when Buddha Images were used as garden ornaments.

True enough, what makes one person laugh is offensive to another.

It's just a fad and will go away, why even bother about it?

I don't really mind the comical t-shirts but I don't like the heroic Hitler paintings being openly sold in Pattaya.

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Didn't the Thais bend over for Japan during WW2? Aside from that I'm not sure how well educated they would have been with what went on during that time.

It bothers me slightly but no use dwelling on it as it's not something I can change. It would be interesting though if the shoe was on the other foot. Say if a farang set up some viral campaign to mock something sensitive to Thailand. Eg Burmese invasion or worse yet the chap whose title I will not mention. With social networking I guarantee it would get noticed.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

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"Thai don't even know what it is they are wearing can hardly blame the kids if they haven't been educated about the world outside. My niece was wearing a shirt/shorts that appeared to be made with the Union Jack and when I explained to her what it was she was very suprised. She thought it was just a trendy design. When I suggested that she make some clothing out of the Thai flag she was quite disgusted, saying you can't do that as it is disrepectful to Thailand."

That's silly The Union Flag has long been a fashion symbol and it in no way disrespectful. And taking everything into consideration- given the London Olympics and the Thai love affair with Premiership football, it must be very few indeed who don't know what the British flag looks like. I say this as an Englishman. Although there may be one cultural law for everything Thai , and another for the rest of the world.

This Hitler thing . maybe distasteful to we who know the history. Although as the doll in the video seems to to look a bit like Ronald McDonald , perhaps not so much to get offended about as I think there may be a point to be made there.

Edited by chutai
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Don't be naive thinking that they don't know who Hittler was, I happend to be Jewish, and when I was at colledge-here- I met once one guy in with a t-shirt with a portrait of hitler and saying: "Kill the Jews whereever you find them, Allah will help yoy" i went to the guy and I told him that I was a Jew, I ask him if he knew who Hittler was and he told me that he did , I was surprised, I asked him if he knew how many millions of jews Hittler killed- including my grandpa and almost all his familly- he told me that he knew it and that Thailand was a friend of Hittler, that Jews deserved to die and that was it, I couldnt take it any more so I beat the hell out of him, and after that people is the uni knew that I was a jew, an they attacked me but my buddhist friends helped me( this is not a problem of relligions, I think , since I dont believe in god), so don't think that they dont know who hitler was, and if you can read thai you will see that many young thais( most of them muslims) wear T-shirts preaching hate against the jews etc

I couldnt take it any more so I beat the hell out of him

Please tell me what part of Thailand you live in, so I can avoid you.

Do you make a point of regularly beating the shit out of people who dont agree with your personal point of view?

I live in Bangkok, and if ur can take that some one tell you in ur face that Hittler killed ur grandpa and it was ok, then dont worry, I dont wanna meet you neither.

It may be a bit off topic but you brought it up where you live. I thought you said in another thread you could not stay in Thailand because you do no qualify for a long term visa.

Me??? when??? I am applaying for the citizenship in two weeks, I have more than enough qualifications ,, now I think the troll here is you.

Not trolling at all. Good on you. Hope you are successful.


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Don't be naive thinking that they don't know who Hittler was, I happend to be Jewish, and when I was at colledge-here- I met once one guy in with a t-shirt with a portrait of hitler and saying: "Kill the Jews whereever you find them, Allah will help yoy" i went to the guy and I told him that I was a Jew, I ask him if he knew who Hittler was and he told me that he did , I was surprised, I asked him if he knew how many millions of jews Hittler killed- including my grandpa and almost all his familly- he told me that he knew it and that Thailand was a friend of Hittler, that Jews deserved to die and that was it, I couldnt take it any more so I beat the hell out of him, and after that people is the uni knew that I was a jew, an they attacked me but my buddhist friends helped me( this is not a problem of relligions, I think , since I dont believe in god), so don't think that they dont know who hitler was, and if you can read thai you will see that many young thais( most of them muslims) wear T-shirts preaching hate against the jews etc

I couldnt take it any more so I beat the hell out of him

Please tell me what part of Thailand you live in, so I can avoid you.

Do you make a point of regularly beating the shit out of people who dont agree with your personal point of view?

He may be a troll but saying the Jews deserve to die directly to a Jew invites a beating, quite reasonably. It's hardly a mere point of view. It's a racist, genocidal provocation.

Exactly! an regarding to the trolling thing.... trolling who? i mean this is a personal and sensitive stuff to be kidding with, not a topic to kid about.

Don't listen to these peope mate you did the right thing. Although I would usually say one shouldn't resort to violence in this case it was warranted.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

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What do you expect from a country full of over 60 million people who don't know that a world exists beyond their borders and who generally despise non-Thais? Nothing new here for those of us who live here. Let the 2 week tourists be surprised. coffee1.gif

Maybe so, but on the other side of the world (south of where you appear to come from), there is a country with 5 times our population, who have no idea about anything outside their borders... and that's a supposedly "advanced" country, so in fact I see little difference in that attitude...

I was going to add that in Thailand most of the locals don't speak English, but then I realised that was not different... haha!

The obvious difference between your reference to the US and Thailand -- aside from your mischaracterization that the people in the US don't know what's beyond their border (which shows ignorance on your part about the US) -- is the fact that if something is deeply offensive to people, the US and other Western countries do their best to mitigate and/or reverse it. Here, people say 'I don't care'. Would Pol Pot become a fashion statement in the US or elsewhere in the West? No, of course not. Here, well, that's another story.

The issue is not so much that Thais don't know about things such as WWII and the Nazis; it's that they just don't give a damn. Any country that claims to have a deep sense of religion (Buddhist or otherwise) with aspirations of developed nation status needs to at least show an ounce of knowledge about sensitive subjects, and particularly when it concerns the genocide of millions of people.

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Google Hitler cat....good fun what comes up, lol

This tread seems to be a textual manifestation of the trend in fashion items in Thailand that so many commentators are bemoaning here.

Edited by Morakot
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Don't be naive thinking that they don't know who Hittler was, I happend to be Jewish, and when I was at colledge-here- I met once one guy in with a t-shirt with a portrait of hitler and saying: "Kill the Jews whereever you find them, Allah will help yoy" i went to the guy and I told him that I was a Jew, I ask him if he knew who Hittler was and he told me that he did , I was surprised, I asked him if he knew how many millions of jews Hittler killed- including my grandpa and almost all his familly- he told me that he knew it and that Thailand was a friend of Hittler, that Jews deserved to die and that was it, I couldnt take it any more so I beat the hell out of him, and after that people is the uni knew that I was a jew, an they attacked me but my buddhist friends helped me( this is not a problem of relligions, I think , since I dont believe in god), so don't think that they dont know who hitler was, and if you can read thai you will see that many young thais( most of them muslims) wear T-shirts preaching hate against the jews etc

I would say you are a troll, if Hitler killed your Grandfather you would know how to spell him.

If you beat the hell out of him, for sure you are the worse of you two. One wearing a TShirts and talks nonsense one is beating people.....

And I would say that u r stupid or a chicken or maybe a combination of both if u see people that intent to kill ur people, that praise Hittler and u dont do something about it, especially when I said to that POS that Hittler had killed my grandpa.
I don't know who Hittler was. But that German dictator is called Hitler and if he would have killed your grandpa you would know how to spell his name.

If it would be true:

Violence is never acceptable even against someone who try to provoke you. He talk nonsense...even most probably criminal nonsense. Surely disgusting nonsense, but still just talk. You are beating "hell out of him", I would see you closer to Hitlers ideology than him (with his SA who beat the hell out of people).

But actually as above....I think it is only trolling. I would say every Jew knows how to spell Hitler and someone who lost relatives would definitely spell him wrong.

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I can't imagine them doing the same with Pol Pot (better not to give them ideas).

I doubt that the majority of Thais would be able to tell you who Pol Pot was.

i have never met one that did

Have you ever met one who knew who Plaek Phibunsongkhram was?

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What do you expect from a country full of over 60 million people who don't know that a world exists beyond their borders and who generally despise non-Thais? Nothing new here for those of us who live here. Let the 2 week tourists be surprised. coffee1.gif

Sorry but this is just nonsense. Some people do or say something stupid and then that's generalized to some rant about 60 million plus people.

I've inserted these same pictures before. The supposedly well-educated & sophisticated British royals kissing up to Hitler and partying in Nazi uniforms. Are you going to generalize these "trend-setters" to all the people in UK? Certainly the British have spent much of the past century living with the delusion that the sun never set on their magnificence and everyone not them was made of lesser stuff.



Edited by Suradit69
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Don't be naive thinking that they don't know who Hittler was, I happend to be Jewish, and when I was at colledge-here- I met once one guy in with a t-shirt with a portrait of hitler and saying: "Kill the Jews whereever you find them, Allah will help yoy" i went to the guy and I told him that I was a Jew, I ask him if he knew who Hittler was and he told me that he did , I was surprised, I asked him if he knew how many millions of jews Hittler killed- including my grandpa and almost all his familly- he told me that he knew it and that Thailand was a friend of Hittler, that Jews deserved to die and that was it, I couldnt take it any more so I beat the hell out of him, and after that people is the uni knew that I was a jew, an they attacked me but my buddhist friends helped me( this is not a problem of relligions, I think , since I dont believe in god), so don't think that they dont know who hitler was, and if you can read thai you will see that many young thais( most of them muslims) wear T-shirts preaching hate against the jews etc
I couldnt take it any more so I beat the hell out of him Please tell me what part of Thailand you live in, so I can avoid you.Do you make a point of regularly beating the shit out of people who dont agree with your personal point of view?
I live in Bangkok, and if ur can take that some one tell you in ur face that Hittler killed ur grandpa and it was ok, then dont worry, I dont wanna meet you neither.
It may be a bit off topic but you brought it up where you live. I thought you said in another thread you could not stay in Thailand because you do no qualify for a long term visa.
Me??? when??? I am applaying for the citizenship in two weeks, I have more than enough qualifications ,, now I think the troll here is you.
Not trolling at all. Good on you. Hope you are successful.

You're welcome. Let us know how it turns out.

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Please, not this thread again.

Thais don't get it. They think they have the right to offend everyone in Thailand, and that no one can offended them

I don't think they have a clue about offending anyone with the Hitler (or Union Jack) fashion. In my experience they don't go out of their way to cause offence to anyone. They wouldn't wear something to cause offence - that's against their culture and would draw attention to themselves. Their problem is cultural and historical ignorance combined with a complete inability to put themselves in anyone else's shoes apart from their own.

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Please, not this thread again.

Thais don't get it. They think they have the right to offend everyone in Thailand, and that no one can offended them

Are you sure you are not getting the Thais mixed up with Muslims?

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What do you expect from a country full of over 60 million people who don't know that a world exists beyond their borders and who generally despise non-Thais? Nothing new here for those of us who live here. Let the 2 week tourists be surprised.

Sorry but this is just nonsense. Some people do or say something stupid and then that's generalized to some rant about 60 million plus people.

I've inserted these same pictures before. The supposedly well-educated & sophisticated British royals kissing up to Hitler and partying in Nazi uniforms. Are you going to generalize these "trend-setters" to all the people in UK? Certainly the British have spent much of the past century living with the delusion that the sun never set on their magnificence and everyone not them was made of lesser stuff.

So because Harry was stupid enough to do that we shouldn't lambast anyone outside the uk who follows suit? Get a clue.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

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Don't be naive thinking that they don't know who Hittler was, I happend to be Jewish, and when I was at colledge-here- I met once one guy in with a t-shirt with a portrait of hitler and saying: "Kill the Jews whereever you find them, Allah will help yoy" i went to the guy and I told him that I was a Jew, I ask him if he knew who Hittler was and he told me that he did , I was surprised, I asked him if he knew how many millions of jews Hittler killed- including my grandpa and almost all his familly- he told me that he knew it and that Thailand was a friend of Hittler, that Jews deserved to die and that was it, I couldnt take it any more so I beat the hell out of him, and after that people is the uni knew that I was a jew, an they attacked me but my buddhist friends helped me( this is not a problem of relligions, I think , since I dont believe in god), so don't think that they dont know who hitler was, and if you can read thai you will see that many young thais( most of them muslims) wear T-shirts preaching hate against the jews etc

That's a messed up story man! Is there antisemitism junk going on in Thailand? The guy probably got mixed up with a bunch a skinheads or some other hate mongering group.

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Please, not this thread again.

Thais don't get it. They think they have the right to offend everyone in Thailand, and that no one can offended them

Are you sure you are not getting the Thais mixed up with Muslims?

Oh , so now the new racism - Islamaphobia - rares its ugly head. The irony is tangible.

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*NEWS FLASH*..... Government declares crack down on Hitler!

"A high ranking official declared they will crack down on Hitler and all Nazi activities, including taking the war to Germany, the origin of McHitler if necessary. They have vowed to not rest until the perpetrators of Nazism are brought to justice and Thailand is a hub of Anti-Hitler fashion"

Edited by wade72
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Stalin next? He killed more people than Hitler.

It is best not to make too much of this childish fashion for young kids.

Big scale wars are a thing of the past. Both my Grandfathers were killed in WW1 by the Germans but now I love Germany and the German people.

Also,Thailand was occupied by the Japanese in WW2. Why dont Thai kids wear Tee shirts promoting the Emperor of Japan.He was responsible for the deaths of many Thai people.

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Looks more like Charly Chaplin. There isn't a single Swastika to see in the video, or SS rune, or any Nazi symbol, but a couple of stars resembling the David's star. Don't have those Jewish organisations better things to do, like Iran looking for nucular weapons?

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