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Whinging Farangs


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Not all farangs are whingers. I'd wager though that if people who (locals and farangs included) had to put up with the lives that most whingers have to endure, you'd be whinging too.

Not an absolute rule of course. I know for myself, I was actually whinging quite a bit myself when I first got here. That goes away though (for most folks hopefully) as one's quality of life increases.


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I took my mate to Bangkok, Phuket and samui. All he ever did was whinge his ass off 24 7.

We would get on the plane and he is whinging about the look of it, we get off the plane he is whinging about the smell, we get in a taxi he is saying do you think he is going to rip us off, we go to a pub and he asks do you think this beer is fake, we go to KFC and i get is this chicken real chicken, we talk the streets he goes it smells, girls came up to him and he says are they really girls, we go to the beach and he complains its too hot.

i could write paragraphs of alot more, it just seems like there is alot of them here also.

But one thing i want to whinge about is why do the pubs close fo <deleted> early, its like going to an under 18's party or something

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> Not all farangs are whingers.

Of course not. Yet among the ones who are, Thaivisa.com seems very popular, second only to Stickman reader submissions. :D


> upon entering a Family Mart they say "FamilyMart, Sawadee Ka" the

> former part of which is not nescessary as I know where I am.

After 3 big Changs it could be useful though. Don't want to walk into a dental clinic by mistake. :o The 'branding' explanation does make sense.. I shall advise the auntie who runs the minimart down the soi to shout "Pa Kaew's Shop, Sawadee Jooowwww" everytime someone comes in. Oh wait, I forgot I'm boycotting her shop because she doesn't accept the 7-Eleven silvery stamps. Well vote with yer feet I always say. Except when you're a Democrat, then you don't vote at all.

Anyway this reply has now made this discussion so lame that it should probably go to Entertainment & Expat life, if not even darker niches of TV.com.

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What pishes me off is people telling me I am not entitled to an opionion or the right to express it.

This forum was made for you to vent all your "opinions" about Thailand.

So you are pissed off because some people have "opinions" on whinging farangs?? :o

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What pishes me off is people telling me I am not entitled to an opionion or the right to express it.

This forum was made for you to vent all your "opinions" about Thailand.

So you are pissed off because some people have "opinions" on whinging farangs?? :o

People are whinging about threads about whinging farangs, because there are 3 or 4 of these every month, and it is just wasting bandwidth, they serve no purpose other than to clog up valuable space, if you want to make comment on whinging farangs, pick one of the thousands that have gone before and post your complaints, problems there.

I posted this a long time ago, please watch this before posting drivel topics. :D


It needs volume, and please pay attention to point 2

Edited by daleyboy
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Being overcharged at a restaurant thinking us stupid farang will not look at the bill.

Having security guys downstairs at my condo building checking your comings and goings.

Yes like others have said those plastic bags for everything.

Walking on the street and school boys walk into you expecting you to get out of their way. Not just school boys but anyway.

Tuk Tuk's following you and saying "hey" or whistling to get your attention.

Paying more for anything just cause you are white.

Getting into a taxi and he doesn't want to go to that destination.

Going to the local internet cafe at 11am and there are no available computers just school boys playing games instead of being at school.

Having my electricty bill NOT in an envelope so others can see it.

The Building Handyman knocking on my door once then walking in to my condo.

ummm enough?

Strange things in Thailand here

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Nice cartoon, although I just had a look at your topics. Where to buy Robinsons orange thread, have-a-go-at-me thread, etc. I suppose drivel is in the eye of the beholder.

Ahh but the threads i post havent been talked about before, unlike the op which is repeated about 3 or 4 times a month, so yes mine might be drivel but they are original drivel :D

Why is the robinsons thread drivel? It is posted in the relavant forum, and it is asking a question that i would like answered. I used the search function to see if a thread already existed asking where i could buy robinsons squash but because there were no results i posted. :o

Edited by daleyboy
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Nice cartoon, although I just had a look at your topics. Where to buy Robinsons orange thread, have-a-go-at-me thread, etc. I suppose drivel is in the eye of the beholder.

Ahh but the threads i post havent been talked about before, unlike the op which is repeated about 3 or 4 times a month, so yes mine might be drivel but they are original drivel :D

Why is the robinsons thread drivel? It is posted in the relavant forum, and it is asking a question that i would like answered. I used the search function to see if a thread already existed asking where i could buy robinsons squash but because there were no results i posted. :o

You're right, it's not drivel. I think that half of what's posted on this whole forum is gossip at best anyway. It's taken far too seriously. So what if someone posts something that's been asked before? Not everyone spends 24 hours a day on the internet talking rubbish on this forum.

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I started the thread, and yes i cant spell for shit


In Oz they spell it whingeing farang. The Aussies often refer to the English as whingeing Poms. I hope you're not offended if you happen to be a Pom.

Cheers :o


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I started the thread, and yes i cant spell for shit


In Oz they spell it whingeing farang. The Aussies often refer to the English as whingeing Poms. I hope you're not offended if you happen to be a Pom.

Cheers :D


I'm an Aussie and I (and the dictionary) spell it without the "e". (Whinging)

Unfortunately Donz is also Australian :o

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I'm an Aussie and I (and the dictionary) spell it without the "e". (Whinging)

Unfortunately Donz is also Australian :o

Croc mate,

It depends what dictionary you're looking at. I'm using THE DINKUM DICTIONARY (A ripper guide to Aussie English) and there you will find whingeing pom between whinge and whinger. :D


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I don't like people who stop walking right in front of me just before they are about to step onto an escalator and turning around.

I don't like being hit by cars in certain soi's because they are too narrow and the drivers are too impatient to wait for cars travelling the opposite direction to pass. Usually resulting in being hit by a rearview side mirror.

I don't like taxi's in thailand at all, unfortunately they are a necessity.

I don't like seeing 60-75yr old men with 18-25yr old women.

I don't like two-tier pricing.

I don't like corruption in the bangkok customs postal office. The manager in that office wouldn't even be classed as a human being as far as I'm concerned.

I don't like thai repairmen mainly because of the workmanship involved and the mess that they inevitably leave behind.

I don't like being told that delivery will happen between 10am and 5pm and it shows up the next day at 6.30pm.

In saying all of this... there are many more things I like about thailand then dislike.. so this list is quite a small minority.

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I don't like seeing 60-75yr old men with 18-25yr old women.

I'm a 60-year old bloke with a 45 year-old Thai wife. Should the opportunity present itself to swop her for the right 18-25 year-old I might just do that. And you better stop whingeing about it. :o

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I don't like seeing 60-75yr old men with 18-25yr old women.

I'm a 60-year old bloke with a 45 year-old Thai wife. Should the opportunity present itself to swop her for the right 18-25 year-old I might just do that. And you better stop whingeing about it. :D

I thought that was the whole point?

Kind of like watching your investment grow.

Marry a 20 year old Thai lady now, then in 20 years after that investment has matured you cash her in for a new one. :o

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I don't like seeing 60-75yr old men with 18-25yr old women.

I'm a 60-year old bloke with a 45 year-old Thai wife. Should the opportunity present itself to swop her for the right 18-25 year-old I might just do that. And you better stop whingeing about it. :D

I thought that was the whole point?

Kind of like watching your investment grow.

Marry a 20 year old Thai lady now, then in 20 years after that investment has matured you cash her in for a new one. :o

:D :D

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I don't like being hit by cars in certain soi's because they are too narrow and the drivers are too impatient to wait for cars travelling the opposite direction to pass

So you do like being hit by cars in other Sois then? :o Much more fun if they're wide and the drivers take their time :D

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