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Buying Self Protection. (Mace/pepper Spray/tazer Etc.)


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Why do you think you need it? Gotta say that if you think you do need to buy/carry that kind of stuff in Thailand you probably need to look long and hard at your own behaviour.

One does not need to leve the home to need protection this is video from saturday evening the 16/3/2013 in perth western Australia

My wife&daughter and 4 female Freinds + another 2 kids where in the garden 5 meters from front door

Wife and i had a few friends from work visiting Saturday evening for a BBQ

4 girls from her work and 2 kids all enjoying the evening in our garden eating a arrangement of BBQ and Thai food

Kids playing on the blanket on the lawn I was inside relaxing with a movie in bed half asleep I was

When one of the girls saw a guy lurking around behind the cars near the house and then disappear into the house she asked My wife if i had a friend visit ?

then the scream woke me up there is a guy in the house his in the house

I found this fella in my 3 year old daughters room and took him down while wife called police

Who arrived 15 minutes later

I had to hold the ba%#^>|{ down for 15 minutes

Pepper spray wound have been a good help

Link to Video of the intruder being restrained while waiting for police below


Wow thats crazy. I am never one to be paranoid but that makes a guy think. I am happy it worked out best for you and nothing horrid happened. You are a better man that me because I would not be just holding the guy down I would be working on him not walking proper ever again. Good on ya sir!

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The best self protection is being "streetsmart"..don't get drunk, don't get into any stupid discussions in bars, don't stare at people, don't interfere with other peoples business, don't walk around the town at night for the last beer...just chill out and be cool and enjoy yourself..

.......or don't visit Thailand at all. Behaving like normal people, there's no need for any type of self defence weapons in Thailand. smile.png

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Nicely done and well done for preventing a more serious problem. But with all due respect, I don't quite see how that issue has a lot of direct bearing here, on the one hand we're talking about the perceieved need of westerners in Thailand to arm themselves vs the need for westerners (or indeed anyone) to exersise caution at home and be aware of the threat from intruders in their home. Unfortunately there will always be crime anywhere, the question here in Thailand and in this thread is whether westerners really need to arm themselves against that threat.

The reason I put my storey in is just that

Yes we need to be able to protect ourselves in Thailand too not just in the country we originate from I supplied my wife with pepper spray though I doubt she would have the wits with her in a situation on her own but she might

And when my lil girl is old enugh to get her first mobile phone she will also get a peppers pray

The world we live in now is not the world I grew up in

And yes I'm armed when I travel in Thailand

For the protection of my wife and. Child

Atleast outside of the area where my wife grew up in

I would never forgive my self I could not defend my wife and child


I live in Pattaya and only ever go out drinking with the wife. Being a lone guy I have many times become what the attackers assumed would be an easy victim. I ensure my wife's safety first then my own regardless of the actions needed to do that and I have never ended up the victim.

Unfortunately some TV members have never seen this side of Thailand its real and you need to protect yourself just be careful with your weapon of choice....

But you see the problem here don't you, the discussion started with the need for young females to be armed with some form of weapon and now we have males of any age warning how unsafe the place is when they go out drinking and that they also need pepper spray, knives or knuckle dusters - recently in the Chiang Mai forum we had a young chap who felt he needed to buy a gun in order to feel safe here.

So the whole concept of Thailand being unsafe for Westeners propogates and eventually the myth gets believed by everyone or indeed becomes reality, unless it is shut down beforehand. Despite the comments of others I still fail to see why I, and the many thousands of western expats like me, never see any of this darker side that others claim blights their evenings whenever they go drinking, I mean, I go out for a beer in the evening and sometimes stay out until midnight and I go into areas that are considered to be the worst that Chiang Mai has to offer. Despite those risks I somehow manage to return home unbloodied and without having to pack all manner of gases, sprays, pointy objects or similar and I wonder why it is that I can do that when others seem unable.

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Maybe it's semantics. But, the average person, on the street, shouldn't think about self-defense. Instead, they should think about running the hell away! Why go toe-to-toe with someone if they don't have to?

Non-stop yelling/screaming, throwing your valuables to the ground and running in the opposite direction will increase the odds for survival. It beats sticking around to spray someone.

If cornered, with no place to run, the potential victim must attack first! And not stop until escape is possible. But, this usually takes training. Most people are hesitant/squeamish about hurting their attacker(s).

Good self-defense training is a better way to spend your money. It will teach how anything can be used as a weapon (not just sprays). Students learn how to hit and get hit. And most importantly, they learn environmental awareness techniques to avoid dangerous situations altogether.

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I know spray cans of Pepper Gas work - I used one to save my own life once - and it worked great (no it wasn't in Thailand). Actually the gas I used was Pepper Gas laced with CS riot gas - the best kind. And the spray in the face certainly got the Illegal Alien's attention as he was not able to stab me with the knife he pulled.

By the way ... while some noodle headed TV posters on this thread seem to think that if trouble happens in one's life then the victim must have done something to invite it - risky behavior and all... . And to that - I say Total Rubbish...

My encounter with the knife wielding guy I mentioned above happened while I was foolishly exiting (quite soberly) a supermarket with some midnight snacks after a night of dancing ... I know this is risky behavior - going out a supermarket door with all those lights in the alcove and so many people around. But here he came speeding up in his pickup truck slamming on the brakes screaming at me in hysterical Spanish (which I normally understand - but he was a bit out of control slurring his speech). He rolled down the passenger window still screaming at me - when he pulled a knife and started opening the driver door - I sprayed him through the open passenger door window. He got out - came at me - swung the knife - I blocked it ... about that time the gas took effect ... he dropped the knife - jumped in the truck and careened out the parking lot... i really felt bad about bringing this on myself and recklessly spraying that innocent fellow ... but after lashing myself with a whip I felt atoned and got over it.

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I wonder what the odds are of a maniac, a complete stranger, selecting you out of a crowd of people by driving up to you yelling and screaming and then pulling a knife and attacking you, all without any cause or provocation whatsoever!

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My husband is thai, he doesn't like me to go anywhere without him but of course I'm not happy about that so he makes sure that 1) I have a mobile with me at all times 2) that I know how to call for help 3) that I don't carry too much cash or wear jewlery & that my bag is strapped over my body 4) he warns me to ignore everyone, the taxi & tuk tuk touts, anyone asking me for directions & generally people who try to strike up a convo for no reason. He does this cause he reads the thai news online every day & says that the stories are getting more frequent & the types of crimes are getting bolder & more varied. Now I am a tall well built women who traveled for years alone & knows how to defend myself. People tend not to look at me & think victim, I come from London & make it a habit of walking with purpose & like I will smack anyone who messes with me & yet attempts are still made, imagine if you are petite & not strong, imagine if you have to walk through a isolated area every day as part of your commute. Why shouldn't you at least give yourself a chance.

Attacks on women are indeed becoming more frequent on the Thai news channels. I have two daughters and have started training the eldest in self-defense techniques. She wants to learn Taekwondo, which I don't rate highly for self defense but.. Any suggestions as what to learn - Akido, Filipino kali , Judo, Muay Thai etc?

I'll be taking them everywhere for a long time, especially as the elder one is attracting attention from male youths. She is a tall, fair-skinned/haired beauty who stands out in a crowd. I worry that I'll get into some physical situation with some young punk that says the wrong thing.

Edited by Neeranam
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Police receive extensive training in the use of firearms, batons, mace spray, tasers etc, but they still manage to stuff things up big-time. That includes self-inflicted, and friendly fire accidents.

Yet, any swinging dick can buy weapons like these and more down at the market, and think they are an instant ninja turtle. Carrying offensive weapons are more likely to get someone into trouble, than out of it.

If you find yourself in a dangerous situation, flight is always a safer option than fight.

If that is not an option, apply some street smarts, and use an improvised weapon (such as slamming the car door on the fingers of an attacker, as mentioned in a previous post)

Edited by Radar501
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Nicely done and well done for preventing a more serious problem. But with all due respect, I don't quite see how that issue has a lot of direct bearing here, on the one hand we're talking about the perceieved need of westerners in Thailand to arm themselves vs the need for westerners (or indeed anyone) to exersise caution at home and be aware of the threat from intruders in their home. Unfortunately there will always be crime anywhere, the question here in Thailand and in this thread is whether westerners really need to arm themselves against that threat.

The reason I put my storey in is just that

Yes we need to be able to protect ourselves in Thailand too not just in the country we originate from I supplied my wife with pepper spray though I doubt she would have the wits with her in a situation on her own but she might

And when my lil girl is old enugh to get her first mobile phone she will also get a peppers pray

The world we live in now is not the world I grew up in

And yes I'm armed when I travel in Thailand

For the protection of my wife and. Child

Atleast outside of the area where my wife grew up in

I would never forgive my self I could not defend my wife and child


I live in Pattaya and only ever go out drinking with the wife. Being a lone guy I have many times become what the attackers assumed would be an easy victim. I ensure my wife's safety first then my own regardless of the actions needed to do that and I have never ended up the victim.

Unfortunately some TV members have never seen this side of Thailand its real and you need to protect yourself just be careful with your weapon of choice....

But you see the problem here don't you, the discussion started with the need for young females to be armed with some form of weapon and now we have males of any age warning how unsafe the place is when they go out drinking and that they also need pepper spray, knives or knuckle dusters - recently in the Chiang Mai forum we had a young chap who felt he needed to buy a gun in order to feel safe here.

So the whole concept of Thailand being unsafe for Westeners propogates and eventually the myth gets believed by everyone or indeed becomes reality, unless it is shut down beforehand. Despite the comments of others I still fail to see why I, and the many thousands of western expats like me, never see any of this darker side that others claim blights their evenings whenever they go drinking, I mean, I go out for a beer in the evening and sometimes stay out until midnight and I go into areas that are considered to be the worst that Chiang Mai has to offer. Despite those risks I somehow manage to return home unbloodied and without having to pack all manner of gases, sprays, pointy objects or similar and I wonder why it is that I can do that when others seem unable.

Are you male or female?
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One can acquire such stuff everywhere in Thailand if one so wishes. Mace would be legal same as here in Australia to be used as a dog deterrent.

I'm calling Bulls*** on that one nowhere have I seen legally obtainable Mace or pepper spray available to the general public in Australia as far as I am aware it is classed as an offensive weapon & the only people I have seen carrying it are police officers !

Also if it was legal to own I dont think it would be onthe prohibited Items list at arrivals at the airports here.

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But you see the problem here don't you, the discussion started with the need for young females to be armed with some form of weapon and now we have males of any age warning how unsafe the place is when they go out drinking and that they also need pepper spray, knives or knuckle dusters - recently in the Chiang Mai forum we had a young chap who felt he needed to buy a gun in order to feel safe here.

So the whole concept of Thailand being unsafe for Westeners propogates and eventually the myth gets believed by everyone or indeed becomes reality, unless it is shut down beforehand. Despite the comments of others I still fail to see why I, and the many thousands of western expats like me, never see any of this darker side that others claim blights their evenings whenever they go drinking, I mean, I go out for a beer in the evening and sometimes stay out until midnight and I go into areas that are considered to be the worst that Chiang Mai has to offer. Despite those risks I somehow manage to return home unbloodied and without having to pack all manner of gases, sprays, pointy objects or similar and I wonder why it is that I can do that when others seem unable.

Are you male or female?


Let's just remember what the argument is here, the initial debate surrounded the need for female farang tourists to arm themselves against locals. That has subsequently meandered on a course that has included the levels of violence against women in general in Thailand and most recently, the need for farang males to arm themselves in Thailand when they go out drinking at night.

My interest rests solely in the initial argument, violence against female farangs in Thailand.

Edited by chiang mai
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But you see the problem here don't you, the discussion started with the need for young females to be armed with some form of weapon and now we have males of any age warning how unsafe the place is when they go out drinking and that they also need pepper spray, knives or knuckle dusters - recently in the Chiang Mai forum we had a young chap who felt he needed to buy a gun in order to feel safe here.

So the whole concept of Thailand being unsafe for Westeners propogates and eventually the myth gets believed by everyone or indeed becomes reality, unless it is shut down beforehand. Despite the comments of others I still fail to see why I, and the many thousands of western expats like me, never see any of this darker side that others claim blights their evenings whenever they go drinking, I mean, I go out for a beer in the evening and sometimes stay out until midnight and I go into areas that are considered to be the worst that Chiang Mai has to offer. Despite those risks I somehow manage to return home unbloodied and without having to pack all manner of gases, sprays, pointy objects or similar and I wonder why it is that I can do that when others seem unable.

Oh please ! Mate take them rose tinted glasses off and live somewhere with a population of more than 20. Violence is an everyday part of life not just in Pattaya but across the country. As Farrang we are perceived to have vast amounts of money thats makes you a walking target in a lot of areas. Sure if you don't like it move out and all that BS but it is what it is. Would you rather we all work for ToT saying what a safe place this is luring people into a false scene of security and open to attack.

You really need to get your head out the sand and start reading the news mate.

Maybe it's semantics. But, the average person, on the street, shouldn't think about self-defense. Instead, they should think about running the hell away! Why go toe-to-toe with someone if they don't have to?

Non-stop yelling/screaming, throwing your valuables to the ground and running in the opposite direction will increase the odds for survival. It beats sticking around to spray someone.

If cornered, with no place to run, the potential victim must attack first! And not stop until escape is possible. But, this usually takes training. Most people are hesitant/squeamish about hurting their attacker(s).

Good self-defense training is a better way to spend your money. It will teach how anything can be used as a weapon (not just sprays). Students learn how to hit and get hit. And most importantly, they learn environmental awareness techniques to avoid dangerous situations altogether.

Sound advice till it happens. In hindsight how many attacks and injury would of been averted if the person had simply let go of their things? Problem is they are that persons personal property and when the adrenaline kicks in the natural instinct is to protect what is yours.

I know spray cans of Pepper Gas work - I used one to save my own life once - and it worked great (no it wasn't in Thailand). Actually the gas I used was Pepper Gas laced with CS riot gas - the best kind. And the spray in the face certainly got the Illegal Alien's attention as he was not able to stab me with the knife he pulled.

By the way ... while some noodle headed TV posters on this thread seem to think that if trouble happens in one's life then the victim must have done something to invite it - risky behavior and all... . And to that - I say Total Rubbish...

My encounter with the knife wielding guy I mentioned above happened while I was foolishly exiting (quite soberly) a supermarket with some midnight snacks after a night of dancing ... I know this is risky behavior - going out a supermarket door with all those lights in the alcove and so many people around. But here he came speeding up in his pickup truck slamming on the brakes screaming at me in hysterical Spanish (which I normally understand - but he was a bit out of control slurring his speech). He rolled down the passenger window still screaming at me - when he pulled a knife and started opening the driver door - I sprayed him through the open passenger door window. He got out - came at me - swung the knife - I blocked it ... about that time the gas took effect ... he dropped the knife - jumped in the truck and careened out the parking lot... i really felt bad about bringing this on myself and recklessly spraying that innocent fellow ... but after lashing myself with a whip I felt atoned and got over it.

I worked on a number of doors in London's West End and sure I can spot a problem a mile off and 99% predict the events but that doesn't always allow me to ensure my wife's safety. Me I don't care and am quite happy to sort things my way but her safety is more important than either my ego or the need to teach someone a lesson.

Personally I wont carry anything don't need the aggravation with the BiB's so I make use of whats around me and have in the past carried a gun here in Thailand but for reasons not connected to this topic.

Being aware is key hence the reason I wont drink more than 4 or 5 beers over the course of a night. Being prepared for a problem before there is even sight of one allows you time to make a decision that extra time could enable you to avoid confrontation or ensure you are equipped with whatever you feel is needed to resolve things your way.

Personally IMO every female in the world should be allowed to carry mace, well all except my ex- I would be gassed daily if she had it her way!

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Oh please ! Mate take them rose tinted glasses off and live somewhere with a population of more than 20. Violence is an everyday part of life not just in Pattaya but across the country. As Farrang we are perceived to have vast amounts of money thats makes you a walking target in a lot of areas. Sure if you don't like it move out and all that BS but it is what it is. Would you rather we all work for ToT saying what a safe place this is luring people into a false scene of security and open to attack.

You really need to get your head out the sand and start reading the news mate.

I've lived here full time for ten years and part time for the ten years prior to that in Chinag Mai, Phuket and Bangkok so I'm under no illusion as to the levels of violence in Thailand, Thai on Thai. But my query is about Thai vs farang female which I have always believed to be a much much safer proposition. As for working for TOT, the telephone company, I can't imagine why folks would want to! (you mean Toursit Authority of Thailand TAT).

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Oh please ! Mate take them rose tinted glasses off and live somewhere with a population of more than 20. Violence is an everyday part of life not just in Pattaya but across the country. As Farrang we are perceived to have vast amounts of money thats makes you a walking target in a lot of areas. Sure if you don't like it move out and all that BS but it is what it is. Would you rather we all work for ToT saying what a safe place this is luring people into a false scene of security and open to attack.

You really need to get your head out the sand and start reading the news mate.

I've lived here full time for ten years and part time for the ten years prior to that in Chinag Mai, Phuket and Bangkok so I'm under no illusion as to the levels of violence in Thailand, Thai on Thai. But my query is about Thai vs farang female which I have always believed to be a much much safer proposition. As for working for TOT, the telephone company, I can't imagine why folks would want to! (you mean Toursit Authority of Thailand TAT).

Thank you for correcting a single letter mistake in my post nothing like the old grammar police to step in for added support to a losing argument..

With the influx of Russian girls especially the working kind watch an escalation of girl on girl violence. Oh that will get a few TV'as member a little excited for sure. Thailand is changing this is simply and sadly as sign of the times. IMHO.

(Double checked all my spellings but feel free to correct any mistakes)

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Let me close out my input into this subject and I'll quit pushing the point, the debate I might have expected hasn't materiialised and instead the scope has moved from the safety of of farang females in Thailand, through violence in the Thai vs Thai world and finally to violence in general, with a few unrelated war stories starting to appear!

I continue to believe (because nobody has provided any evidence to the contrary, other than heresay, opinion and unrelated anecdotal evidence) that Thailand remains a pretty safe destination for the western female who avoids taking too many risks and my own personal experiences support this through friends and relatives who have visited over the years, I further think that a lot of the percieved need to arm ourselves here results from escalating levels of violence in our home countries and this results in paranoia that gets transfered to Thailand.

Sure there's a high crime rate here and sure farangs get caught up in it on occaision, but how frequently have so many posters written here that they feel safer walking around Thailand at midnight than they do their home city or town, personally I do and I don't see anything around me to change that view. Over and out.

PS perhaps, I can speak about Pattaya in the context of the above.

Edited by chiang mai
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If one feels intimidated in a bar

1/ try to have your back facing a wall,so nobody is behind u

2/ Always have a nearly empty bottle of beer with u,even if drinking shorts

3/ Carry a strong,thick pen with u,a poke in the eyes can be very traumatic

4/ An elbow smash is far more explosive than a knuckle punch

5/ ALWAYS strike first if a potentional problem starts

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chiang mai, on 18 Mar 2013 - 15:32, said:
Let me close out my input into this subject and I'll quit pushing the point, the debate I might have expected hasn't materiialised and instead the scope has moved from the safety of of farang females in Thailand, through violence in the Thai vs Thai world and finally to violence in general, with a few unrelated war stories starting to appear!

I continue to believe (because nobody has provided any evidence to the contrary, other than heresay, opinion and unrelated anecdotal evidence) that Thailand remains a pretty safe destination for the western female who avoids taking too many risks and my own personal experiences support this through friends and relatives who have visited over the years, I further think that a lot of the percieved need to arm ourselves here results from escalating levels of violence in our home countries and this results in paranoia that gets transfered to Thailand.

Sure there's a high crime rate here and sure farangs get caught up in it on occaision, but how frequently have so many posters written here that they feel safer walking around Thailand at midnight than they do their home city or town, personally I do and I don't see anything around me to change that view. Over and out.

PS perhaps, I can speak about Pattaya in the context of the above.

Chiang Mai please don't take my not sharing the same opinion as you as anything other than offering different angles at looking at the same problem.

Personally I feel safer is South London because I know the place and can predict it but I will agree for the 'average' BM Thailand is safer than home.

The joys/curse of open forums is they always go off topic aint a lot we can do to keep it going in the direction we would like other than to keep posting. If you have points you wish to raise then do so because if you don't I doubt others will. Violence is increasing and spreading yes 99.9% is Thai packs on lone males but that will change and is changing in Pattaya. Pratumnak has seen a number of violent attacks on single or pairs of women and it will only increase.

'I continue to believe (because nobody has provided any evidence to the contrary, other than heresay, opinion and unrelated anecdotal evidence) that Thailand remains a pretty safe destination for the western female who avoids taking too many risks'

The first part of you statement is generally agreed with the exclusions of the rapes in Phuket and Koh Pha Ngan, attacks on Russian ladies in Pattaya/Jomtien with the killing of 2 a couple of years back by the adorable BiB's. If you need evidence just read the TV news letters.

'who avoids taking too many risks' what a get out of jail free card you have pulled! OK so the girl totally wasted and left by her mates is to blame for her attack? Take a look at the way Thai society is going down the drain

Just to balance things up you might wanna check the following.... materiialised, of of, heresay, percieved, transfered, occaision

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If one feels intimidated in a bar

1/ try to have your back facing a wall,so nobody is behind u

2/ Always have a nearly empty bottle of beer with u,even if drinking shorts

3/ Carry a strong,thick pen with u,a poke in the eyes can be very traumatic

4/ An elbow smash is far more explosive than a knuckle punch

5/ ALWAYS strike first if a potentional problem starts

You missed the most important one!

6/ Run like hell after doing all the above before the pack jumps in!

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Neereram, the main thing my dad taught me was the basics, like poking in the eye, kick in the nuts, kicking the shins & the good old ball twist but the main issue most people & particulary women have is the actual hitting part, teaching your girls how to hit hard using a bag or pads will teach them how to put some force into their hits & remove some of the fear of physically striking someone. The idea is to get away & a few well placed kicks or punches will usually do the trick but only if they hurt the attacker enough for them to for their guard imo.

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Police receive extensive training in the use of firearms, batons, mace spray, tasers etc, but they still manage to stuff things up big-time. That includes self-inflicted, and friendly fire accidents.

Yet, any swinging dick can buy weapons like these and more down at the market, and think they are an instant ninja turtle. Carrying offensive weapons are more likely to get someone into trouble, than out of it.

If you find yourself in a dangerous situation, flight is always a safer option than fight.

If that is not an option, apply some street smarts, and use an improvised weapon (such as slamming the car door on the fingers of an attacker, as mentioned in a previous post)

"Yet, any swinging dick can buy weapons like these and more down at the market, and think they are an instant ninja turtle."

Love that quote.

So true.

But I think Boo summed it up best when she said that she walks along the street as if it is her home town. That is the thing to do. Wherever you are walk head held high - like you are on the streets you grew up on.... Random attackers look for victims and if you look like a victim its possible you may become one....Digging around in handbag for a can of mace spray will probably aggreviate the situation. Even if the lady manages to get a direct hit then the old face game comes into play and she has to watch her back for the rest of the month or move.

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Mate you REALLY need to check your facts regarding possession of the items here in Thailand.

In the UK if you discharge Mace/similar its considered and charged the same as discharging a firearm. Had a mate nicked for that one.

Break a jaw with knuckles and you are looking at 5 years back home.

Just because this stuff is so easily available don't think for a second it legal. IMO the BiB's would love to catch a Farrang with what you are looking for.

Personally I found a US company that sold what looked like a plastic climbing karabina when in fact it was a plastic duster. Police here never had a clue

BTW,we're not in the UK!rolleyes.gif

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Police receive extensive training in the use of firearms, batons, mace spray, tasers etc, but they still manage to stuff things up big-time. That includes self-inflicted, and friendly fire accidents.

Yet, any swinging dick can buy weapons like these and more down at the market, and think they are an instant ninja turtle. Carrying offensive weapons are more likely to get someone into trouble, than out of it.

If you find yourself in a dangerous situation, flight is always a safer option than fight.

If that is not an option, apply some street smarts, and use an improvised weapon (such as slamming the car door on the fingers of an attacker, as mentioned in a previous post)

What if you don't have a car,should you ask your attacker to wait while you go and rent one?What utter nonsense you've written there,as I said before it's exactly because of people like you that criminals exist!

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But you see the problem here don't you, the discussion started with the need for young females to be armed with some form of weapon and now we have males of any age warning how unsafe the place is when they go out drinking and that they also need pepper spray, knives or knuckle dusters - recently in the Chiang Mai forum we had a young chap who felt he needed to buy a gun in order to feel safe here.

So the whole concept of Thailand being unsafe for Westeners propogates and eventually the myth gets believed by everyone or indeed becomes reality, unless it is shut down beforehand. Despite the comments of others I still fail to see why I, and the many thousands of western expats like me, never see any of this darker side that others claim blights their evenings whenever they go drinking, I mean, I go out for a beer in the evening and sometimes stay out until midnight and I go into areas that are considered to be the worst that Chiang Mai has to offer. Despite those risks I somehow manage to return home unbloodied and without having to pack all manner of gases, sprays, pointy objects or similar and I wonder why it is that I can do that when others seem unable.

Are you male or female?


Let's just remember what the argument is here, the initial debate surrounded the need for female farang tourists to arm themselves against locals. That has subsequently meandered on a course that has included the levels of violence against women in general in Thailand and most recently, the need for farang males to arm themselves in Thailand when they go out drinking at night.

My interest rests solely in the initial argument, violence against female farangs in Thailand.

No.your interest rests solely in telling us all what a warm and fuzzy place the world is,where crime and criminals are utterly non-existant!

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If one feels intimidated in a bar

1/ try to have your back facing a wall,so nobody is behind u

2/ Always have a nearly empty bottle of beer with u,even if drinking shorts

3/ Carry a strong,thick pen with u,a poke in the eyes can be very traumatic

4/ An elbow smash is far more explosive than a knuckle punch

5/ ALWAYS strike first if a potentional problem starts

Or just carry some Pepper Spray and use that!

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But you see the problem here don't you, the discussion started with the need for young females to be armed with some form of weapon and now we have males of any age warning how unsafe the place is when they go out drinking and that they also need pepper spray, knives or knuckle dusters - recently in the Chiang Mai forum we had a young chap who felt he needed to buy a gun in order to feel safe here.

So the whole concept of Thailand being unsafe for Westeners propogates and eventually the myth gets believed by everyone or indeed becomes reality, unless it is shut down beforehand. Despite the comments of others I still fail to see why I, and the many thousands of western expats like me, never see any of this darker side that others claim blights their evenings whenever they go drinking, I mean, I go out for a beer in the evening and sometimes stay out until midnight and I go into areas that are considered to be the worst that Chiang Mai has to offer. Despite those risks I somehow manage to return home unbloodied and without having to pack all manner of gases, sprays, pointy objects or similar and I wonder why it is that I can do that when others seem unable.

Are you male or female?


Let's just remember what the argument is here, the initial debate surrounded the need for female farang tourists to arm themselves against locals. That has subsequently meandered on a course that has included the levels of violence against women in general in Thailand and most recently, the need for farang males to arm themselves in Thailand when they go out drinking at night.

My interest rests solely in the initial argument, violence against female farangs in Thailand.

No.your interest rests solely in telling us all what a warm and fuzzy place the world is,where crime and criminals are utterly non-existant!

You wont find a single quote of mine that suggests that, but if that's your interpretation of what you have read, so be it.

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Neereram, the main thing my dad taught me was the basics, like poking in the eye, kick in the nuts, kicking the shins & the good old ball twist but the main issue most people & particulary women have is the actual hitting part, teaching your girls how to hit hard using a bag or pads will teach them how to put some force into their hits & remove some of the fear of physically striking someone. The idea is to get away & a few well placed kicks or punches will usually do the trick but only if they hurt the attacker enough for them to for their guard imo.

Er, um, can we take a rain check on re dinner, something more pressing has arisen, we'll get back to you. rolleyes.gifbiggrin.png

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Read the above thread about the Dutchman beaten by 6 Thais and then decide your best way to achieve safety.

I did in fact read that and my first observation was that he wasn't he female hence it probably wasn't relevant to this debate! But then curiosity got the better of me and I read more, regardless. I concluded that there was something more to the story than was reported, after all, it's not uncommon for westerners to walk down the street without being attacked so I was trying to understand what the real story was behind it all. After 10 nano seconds I gave up and relaised that trying to bottom the real world version of anything printed in The Sun, the Mirror, The Daily Mail, The Star, The Pattaya Whatisit, The (insert your tabloid name here) was actually futile and a complete waste of time.

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But I think Boo summed it up best when she said that she walks along the street as if it is her home town. That is the thing to do. Wherever you are walk head held high - like you are on the streets you grew up on.... Random attackers look for victims and if you look like a victim its possible you may become one....Digging around in handbag for a can of mace spray will probably aggreviate the situation. Even if the lady manages to get a direct hit then the old face game comes into play and she has to watch her back for the rest of the month or move.

Agree dont look like a potential victim and you are more likly to be left alone. These pathetic poor excuses for men that attack women prey on the weak. Walk tall and carry a Glock I say.

Mate you REALLY need to check your facts regarding possession of the items here in Thailand.

In the UK if you discharge Mace/similar its considered and charged the same as discharging a firearm. Had a mate nicked for that one.

Break a jaw with knuckles and you are looking at 5 years back home.

Just because this stuff is so easily available don't think for a second it legal. IMO the BiB's would love to catch a Farrang with what you are looking for.

Personally I found a US company that sold what looked like a plastic climbing karabina when in fact it was a plastic duster. Police here never had a clue

BTW,we're not in the UK!rolleyes.gif

Wow what a worthwhile post thank you for reminding me where I live. Would of been helpful if you were to post the equivalent Thai punishments and added some value to your post.....

No.your interest rests solely in telling us all what a warm and fuzzy place the world is,where crime and criminals are utterly non-existant!


Let's just remember what the argument is here, the initial debate surrounded the need for female farang tourists to arm themselves against locals. That has subsequently meandered on a course that has included the levels of violence against women in general in Thailand and most recently, the need for farang males to arm themselves in Thailand when they go out drinking at night.

My interest rests solely in the initial argument, violence against female farangs in Thailand.

'No.your interest rests solely in telling us all what a warm and fuzzy place the world is,where crime and criminals are utterly non-existant!'


Chiang Mai sorry you need to reread your posts here is just one quote of yours......

'I continue to believe (because nobody has provided any evidence to the contrary, other than heresay, opinion and unrelated anecdotal evidence) that Thailand remains a pretty safe destination for the western female who avoids taking too many risks and my own personal experiences support this through friends and relatives who have visited over the years, I further think that a lot of the percieved need to arm ourselves here results from escalating levels of violence in our home countries and this results in paranoia that gets transfered to Thailand.'

Kinda backup what Bluenose BKK is saying IMO.

I have also stated example of female tourist attacks which if you really want will hunt down the links for proof.

I doubt there are many BM's that know people that carry guns in the UK (Bluenose BKK leave it!) but in Thailand its all part of being Thai yoof (deliberate spelling CM).

All cities in the world have good and bad areas. I'm sure you could spend all your life walking around Siam and hot have a problem. Go out to other areas and you will be in a world of pain in minutes. I would walk around Rotherhithe any time of the day or night but you would never get me walking down Haggerston even with a police guard.

Generalizing saying BKK is safe is total BS Chiang Mai sorry its the part of BKK you are in thats the problem. Pattaya for the most part is safe but if you like drinking till 8am in JP bar you are going to see plenty of ugly stuff. If I remember rightly there have also been a number of reported rape cases in Chiang Mai how does that fit into your perception?

CM this certainly is not personal I just feel your outlook is somewhat distorted from reality. Maybe its age, wealth or life choices I don't know but Thailand is in many areas pretty ugly. That said I have lived here 10 years as well and being 43 and hope to have many more.....

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