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If You Hate Thailand, Why Live Here ?


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I get more pleasure from giving than I ever did from receiving.

You will enjoy Thailand then, the opportunities to give are never ending.


More accurately, as never-ending as the source. Bill Gates seems to be arranging things in such a way that the pleasure he derives from his philanthropy won't end anytime soon.

His methods are a valuable lesson for many here to emulate - make sure you have enough for yourself first and you'll never end up being in need of asking for handouts yourself.

But then there are those for whom the whole idea of "enough" is a foreign concept.

Not true; when I have as much as Mr. Gates, I too will say, that's enough.

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I would never have wanted to eat alone in my room,

I don't think anyone, anywhere wants to eat 'alone in their room' every night.

Perhaps most people who hate Thailand live in a 'room'. Certainly not a dig at you TBL, but I think Thailand takes some money to enjoy. Living in any country away from home, alone in a room, probably isn't going to breed happiness, unless one is getting sex for the first time ever.

I think that having a nice place to live is very important to one's life. If living alone in a Condo then at least a nicely decked out 60sqm one bedroom with nice kitchen and living room, with gym and pool is important. Remember, you're not only renting the condo, you're also renting the quality of your neighbours.

Hmmmmm, sorry, but I disagree with you. Many farangs that live in LOS can not afford more than a room, even if it is a Thai style "apartment ( one large room with a balcony to cook on ).

One of the reasons that I wanted to live here, when I was working in London ( where I could only afford a room, along with thousands of workers ) was to be able to afford to live a life outside of my accomodation. So my accomodation was of little concern. Now that I'm married, that has changed, of course.

Actually, Thailand takes very little money to live in, as long as one does not think accomodation is more important than what one does.

BTW, unless one does it very badly, sex is just as enjoyable the 1,000th time as the first smile.png

Back in the UK eating alone in my house was often my only option. Going out was expensive, two or three times a week was my limit.

Here in Thailand I can eat out almost every meal, and it doesn't cost much more than eating at home.

Back in the UK, not much option for outdoor living, weather too wet and too cold.

Here in Thailand, you can sit outside every day, nice, nice, nice.

Back in the UK, sex was not an option (with a partner I wanted to have sex with).

Here in Thailand ...............

Sorry bit of an off topic rant on why I love Thailand, when I should have been giving reasons of why I hate Thailand .............. but couldn't think of any.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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It's clear that many of you have lost the plot. Whether it's

deliberate, I'm not sure. But let me simplify so even the most hardened

tool can understand:

Complaining about certain aspects of Thailand: OK

Insulting the Thais and Thailand: Not OK

I don't think the OP was even on about the complaining per se, but rather

that some folks appear to despise the Thais and Thailand so much that

it makes no sense for them to remain here. I am equally perplexed.

Some of the knobs on this thread have even suggested that they wanted

nothing to do with the Thais. Clearly, there are many other places on

this planet where you can go to avoid all things Thai. Yet, you choose

to live in the ONE PLACE ON THIS PLANET where the Thais congregate.

Does that make any sense?

That's what the OP is talking about.

Exactly right. The place to go is the Thailand News forum to understand what the OP is talking about, that is where the truly obsessive Thai bashers hang out. No matter which topic is being discussed, the same old faces will be there putting a negative slant on the story. Even if it is a topic which is positive and shows Thailand in a good light they will turn it round and put a negative spin on it. Just in the past couple of weeks we have had cartoons posted depicting Thai people as chimpanzees and neanderthals. There is a world of difference between legitimate criticism if it is warranted, and the continuous blanket dissing of Thailand and all things Thai. One of the main culprits has only been registered for barely 2 months, and already he is not far short of 1,000 posts, i would estimate at least 80% of them would be complaining about Thailand, moaning about Thailand, generally finding fault with every aspect of the country and it's people. And there are plenty more like it. It is almost as if there is a pathological need to do it.

Absolutely spot on. What is it about the Thailand News forum? Is it a requirement to be a total nutbag to post over there? I'll read the news from time to time, but don't even bother participating any more as all I'll do is get into a squabbling session with some Thai-hating primate (apologies to primates in general). They ought to just unplug that whole forum.

I've wondered if foreigners do that in other countries, to read the news every day and criticize the locals? I'd imagine foreigners would have lots to criticize about in America, with all that goes on there. Another gun murder? Another gang-rape? Another senator lying about something? Another religious zealot saying something offensive? More political theater? Another fatality on the roads? Another racial incident? More corrupt government officials? Debt spiraling out of control? I can go on and on. But I certainly wouldn't want to spend every single day of my life trying to find fault with my new home. But that's just me.

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Understood - and with all due respect a month on/month off does not usually give you the 'full picture' of Thais/Thailand.

I accept that everyone is different but many people I see doing the month on/month off thing tend to live like tourists when they are here. I am just suggesting that that lifestyle doesn't always allow you to see the 'real' Thailand.

Maybe in your eyes but I have been in thailand for 5 years now. I have worked for Thai Companys (just not in Thailand) And I speak semi fluent Thai. Maybe I would know more than you think. I have owned a bar and now just loving ym time off there.

Yes - you learn a lot about Thailand by having a bar........

So all bar owner's are ignorant and don't know Thailand Vietnam Cambodia Asia .

I hope you change your mind one day.

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There are wealthy Thais that are contemptable because they THINK they are better than everyone else. I only go by how I see humans treat other people. I don't care what race or colour they are. I don't care how much money they have or how much "school" education they have. The only thing that counts is how they treat others around them. That includes servents, employees or contemporaries.

Yes, the non-rich Thais don't look down on or belittle others at all. No way Jose. :cheesy:

Pick up your luggage from Swampy yet? :D

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It's clear that many of you have lost the plot. Whether it's

deliberate, I'm not sure. But let me simplify so even the most hardened

tool can understand:

Complaining about certain aspects of Thailand: OK

Insulting the Thais and Thailand: Not OK

I don't think the OP was even on about the complaining per se, but rather

that some folks appear to despise the Thais and Thailand so much that

it makes no sense for them to remain here. I am equally perplexed.

Some of the knobs on this thread have even suggested that they wanted

nothing to do with the Thais. Clearly, there are many other places on

this planet where you can go to avoid all things Thai. Yet, you choose

to live in the ONE PLACE ON THIS PLANET where the Thais congregate.

Does that make any sense?

That's what the OP is talking about.

Exactly right. The place to go is the Thailand News forum to understand what the OP is talking about, that is where the truly obsessive Thai bashers hang out. No matter which topic is being discussed, the same old faces will be there putting a negative slant on the story. Even if it is a topic which is positive and shows Thailand in a good light they will turn it round and put a negative spin on it. Just in the past couple of weeks we have had cartoons posted depicting Thai people as chimpanzees and neanderthals. There is a world of difference between legitimate criticism if it is warranted, and the continuous blanket dissing of Thailand and all things Thai. One of the main culprits has only been registered for barely 2 months, and already he is not far short of 1,000 posts, i would estimate at least 80% of them would be complaining about Thailand, moaning about Thailand, generally finding fault with every aspect of the country and it's people. And there are plenty more like it. It is almost as if there is a pathological need to do it.

Absolutely spot on. What is it about the Thailand News forum? Is it a requirement to be a total nutbag to post over there? I'll read the news from time to time, but don't even bother participating any more as all I'll do is get into a squabbling session with some Thai-hating primate (apologies to primates in general). They ought to just unplug that whole forum.

I've wondered if foreigners do that in other countries, to read the news every day and criticize the locals? I'd imagine foreigners would have lots to criticize about in America, with all that goes on there. Another gun murder? Another gang-rape? Another senator lying about something? Another religious zealot saying something offensive? More political theater? Another fatality on the roads? Another racial incident? More corrupt government officials? Debt spiraling out of control? I can go on and on. But I certainly wouldn't want to spend every single day of my life trying to find fault with my new home. But that's just me.

Sure I agree but your doing all the same things they are.. calling critics primates or nutbags. Labeling them haters. Dehumanizing them.

That hardly lifts you above the fray.

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Absolutely spot on. What is it about the Thailand News forum? Is it a requirement to be a total nutbag to post over there? I'll read the news from time to time, but don't even bother participating any more as all I'll do is get into a squabbling session with some Thai-hating primate (apologies to primates in general). They ought to just unplug that whole forum.

I've wondered if foreigners do that in other countries, to read the news every day and criticize the locals? I'd imagine foreigners would have lots to criticize about in America, with all that goes on there. Another gun murder? Another gang-rape? Another senator lying about something? Another religious zealot saying something offensive? More political theater? Another fatality on the roads? Another racial incident? More corrupt government officials? Debt spiraling out of control? I can go on and on. But I certainly wouldn't want to spend every single day of my life trying to find fault with my new home. But that's just me.

To be specific there are two kinds of nutbags/odd posters. One actually posts in other forums and occasionally has a Thai related question and then there are the extremely odd posters who only have ever posted in the Thai News forum for years and never begun a topic on their own. They call people names and post insulting cartoons and in general mock and vilify anything about the current government.

I don't get it. They are not Thai. They can't vote. What do they get out of the constant stream on insults even on threads that have nothing to do with the current government.

There is a similar group in America called Free Republic and it posts a constant stream of hatred directed at liberals but it's posted by Americans. If a bunch of Thais started posting I imagine they would lock them up in the loony bin. Locking them up not because they were violating any laws but because they were nuts/extremely odd.

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I don't get it. They are not Thai. They can't vote. What do they get out of the constant stream on insults even on threads that have nothing to do with the current government.

My impression is that there are some people being paid to do this, probably by both sides.

Not just in TV of course. . .

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I don't get it. They are not Thai. They can't vote. What do they get out of the constant stream on insults even on threads that have nothing to do with the current government.

My impression is that there are some people being paid to do this, probably by both sides.

Not just in TV of course. . .

paid by who? any theories?

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I don't get it. They are not Thai. They can't vote. What do they get out of the constant stream on insults even on threads that have nothing to do with the current government.

My impression is that there are some people being paid to do this, probably by both sides.

Not just in TV of course. . .

Just what this thread needed. A good oldfashion conspiracy theory w00t.gif

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I don't get it. They are not Thai. They can't vote. What do they get out of the constant stream on insults even on threads that have nothing to do with the current government.

My impression is that there are some people being paid to do this, probably by both sides.

Not just in TV of course. . .

paid by who? any theories?


As Cicero said to ask “Cui bono?” - who benefits? Tongue-in-cheek

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I don't get it. They are not Thai. They can't vote. What do they get out of the constant stream on insults even on threads that have nothing to do with the current government.

My impression is that there are some people being paid to do this, probably by both sides.

Not just in TV of course. . .

Correct. Not just on TV....

In the polling booths too. :rolleyes:

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Yes - you learn a lot about Thailand by having a bar........


PM me I would gladly meet you at the Bar and we could dicsuss my understanding of Thailand over a nice pint....

Yep - I was right.

Disappointing though when someone fits a perceived stereotype.

Surely it should be you PM-ing me with an invitation ?

Edited by cardholder
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There often seems to be strong correlation between total number of posts made by a given TV member and negativism.

Also, a large number of compulsive posters, bored to death but know how to type.

let's do some port mortem analysis of certain posters or postings as examples.

I think a lot of people make statements like "Thais do this or that" and the thin skinned or fake offended reader mentally inserts "All Thais" into the statement.

It's really on them if they assume the statement meant to say "All Thais" when it very well have meant to say "Many" "Some" or even "Most" but didn't specify.

Certainly there are people out there just starved for attention and human response and have adopted an antisocial method to get that attention.

Probably just a lonely guy(s) in his underpants pecking away.

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Yes - you learn a lot about Thailand by having a bar........


PM me I would gladly meet you at the Bar and we could dicsuss my understanding of Thailand over a nice pint....

Yep - I was right.

Disappointing though when someone fits a perceived stereotype.

Hmm you lost me. I was being legit. You think even though I don't stay in Thailand for my work it makes a difference? In Canada when I worked I was always in Camp so far isolated and doing the same rotation that would then constitute that I only spent 6 months in Canada in a year as well. And your right that I would offer to buy you a pint in my bar (Not mine soon). I would be happy as hell if someone wanted to discuss this over a beer. So much easier to explain when direct conversation is being had.

Strange you would think so negitivly about someone you don't know.

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Yes - you learn a lot about Thailand by having a bar........


PM me I would gladly meet you at the Bar and we could dicsuss my understanding of Thailand over a nice pint....

Yep - I was right.

Disappointing though when someone fits a perceived stereotype.

Hmm you lost me. I was being legit. You think even though I don't stay in Thailand for my work it makes a difference? In Canada when I worked I was always in Camp so far isolated and doing the same rotation that would then constitute that I only spent 6 months in Canada in a year as well. And your right that I would offer to buy you a pint in my bar (Not mine soon). I would be happy as hell if someone wanted to discuss this over a beer. So much easier to explain when direct conversation is being had.

Strange you would think so negitivly about someone you don't know.

Scotty, my point is just that.

I think there MUST be a different perspective from someone who splits their time between Thailand and elsewhere. No disrespect about having a bar but I would only believe that would further narrow the view of Thais/Thailand in general.

That said, opinions are like arse-holes, and we all have one. Always happy to discuss over a beer.

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Yep - I was right.


Disappointing though when someone fits a perceived stereotype.

Hmm you lost me. I was being legit. You think even though I don't stay in Thailand for my work it makes a difference? In Canada when I worked I was always in Camp so far isolated and doing the same rotation that would then constitute that I only spent 6 months in Canada in a year as well. And your right that I would offer to buy you a pint in my bar (Not mine soon). I would be happy as hell if someone wanted to discuss this over a beer. So much easier to explain when direct conversation is being had.

Strange you would think so negitivly about someone you don't know.

Scotty, my point is just that.

I think there MUST be a different perspective from someone who splits their time between Thailand and elsewhere. No disrespect about having a bar but I would only believe that would further narrow the view of Thais/Thailand in general.

That said, opinions are like arse-holes, and we all have one. Always happy to discuss over a beer.

Cool beer is always a good way! I guess me working 30 / 30 for the last 12 years would only make me think I got the whole picture as its been such a long time to see the world 50% of the time... I will be back in 3 weeks and more than willing to grab a beer if your around. Learning will only further improve my wanting to stay in Thailand full time

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Well I think some misunderstand why some comment negatively, yes ok me also, it's because we wish better for this

country but it seems to take forever for anything to happen

and the correct way. Like others have said letting off a little steam is good plus it gives the moderators a job or life would be so boring for them :)

I love living here but I love this country more than alot of locals do, I don't litter or spit on the street etc.etc.etc.

I think you should the Thais why they want to leave.

Edited by LindsayBKK
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The question is not 'Do you hate Thailand?', it is 'Does Thailand hate you'?

Deeeeeeep, man.

That is actually a very good question thumbsup.gif Because most Thais from the lowest on the social ladder to the socalled hi-so's have a build in contemt for anything not THAI. Wonder how many farang husbands here really know, what their Thai partner is thinking of them?? w00t.gif

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The question is not 'Do you hate Thailand?', it is 'Does Thailand hate you'?

Deeeeeeep, man.

That is actually a very good question thumbsup.gif Because most Thais from the lowest on the social ladder to the socalled hi-so's have a build in contemt for anything not THAI. Wonder how many farang husbands here really know, what their Thai partner is thinking of them?? w00t.gif

When you get home from the hospital and she has to care for your basic functions you get a pretty good idea.biggrin.png

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The question is not 'Do you hate Thailand?', it is 'Does Thailand hate you'?

Deeeeeeep, man.

That is actually a very good question thumbsup.gif Because most Thais from the lowest on the social ladder to the socalled hi-so's have a build in contemt for anything not THAI.

But they're so smiley and nice. rolleyes.gif

I think the Thais-are-so-nice newbees are the funniest.

I had an old retiree tell me about the 250 rai rubber plantation he bought. All in his girlfriend's name. I was immediately told it is okay as Buddhists, it isn't in the Thai nature to steal.

I almost choked on my sandwich. :cheesy:

Edited by Almera
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