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Anti-Drug Test By Pissing In The Soi


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Bit unfortunate for folks who have been spiked (I have)... do you think the bib would believe that? whistling.gif


Really the odds of either are so low, much less both happening together, it's like worrying about caught up in a terrorist incident.

But if you really must worry about something, this is a good one I suppose, at least doing the things in your power to reduce the odds is good for you in other ways. . .

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This proves that the police are doing a good job.

What I would do in that situation is cooperate with the police rather than telling them no pee and to pee off and refuse.

Providing you abide by the laws then you have nothing to fear. Get caught with drugs, dealing or taking, then you`re owned, it`s that simple.

The jail houses here are stacked wall to wall with farang inhabitants incarcerated for drug offenses, many serving life sentences.

What happen if your test is still positive for marijuana... this because you smoked some joints -a few days ago- in an Amsterdam coffee shop ?!?

Should I keep a receipt from the cafe as a proof that I did drugs... but oversea and in a complete legality ?!?

a lot of countries including singapore and Malaysia (not sure about LOS) dont care if you have the drugs in your blood or yor pocket. Your still deemed a trafficker

It isn't the drug though. It is metabolites that are stored in your fat cells and can take over 30 days to disappear. Even longer if they take a hair follicle sample.

Why should someone who smoked legally a week before in another country get deported or jailed when he has no "drug" in his system, nor did he illegally solicit/use/carry in Thailand?

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It isn't the drug though. It is metabolites that are stored in your fat cells and can take over 30 days to disappear. Even longer if they take a hair follicle sample.

Why should someone who smoked legally a week before in another country get deported or jailed when he has no "drug" in his system, nor did he illegally solicit/use/carry in Thailand?


If you did a scientific survey of public opinion

"Should a user of drugs illegal in Thailand be allowed to visit here even if he stays clean here and those drugs were legal in his home country?"

I'm pretty darn sure the "Yes" votes would be in the bottom percentile, and even then closer to zero than ten.

Once again, no one's claiming it's fair or that there's any logic behind it, that's just the way it is, that's the way "the law" works here, deal with it however you like, but no point in arguing about it here - nor IMO anywhere else.

It's their country and at least wrt this particular issue, this is the way they like it.

And yes even if they thought tourist dollars would drop by 50% I doubt that would appreciably change the results.

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It isn't the drug though. It is metabolites that are stored in your fat cells and can take over 30 days to disappear. Even longer if they take a hair follicle sample.

Why should someone who smoked legally a week before in another country get deported or jailed when he has no "drug" in his system, nor did he illegally solicit/use/carry in Thailand?


If you did a scientific survey of public opinion

"Should a user of drugs illegal in Thailand be allowed to visit here even if he stays clean here and those drugs were legal in his home country?"

I'm pretty darn sure the "Yes" votes would be in the bottom percentile, and even then closer to zero than ten.

Once again, no one's claiming it's fair or that there's any logic behind it, that's just the way it is, that's the way "the law" works here, deal with it however you like, but no point in arguing about it here - nor IMO anywhere else.

It's their country and at least wrt this particular issue, this is the way they like it.

And yes even if they thought tourist dollars would drop by 50% I doubt that would appreciably change the results.

Its not the way it is, just the way YOU, an alien colonial foreigner think it is

Show some proof, put up or shut up.....

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Its not the way it is, just the way YOU, an alien colonial foreigner think it is

Show some proof, put up or shut up.....


No you shut up! No, you shut up! Now that's constructive dialogue. rolleyes.gif

I've been very clear to state that these are my perceptions of the situation here, I'm sure YMMV wrt to the attitude of the general Thai population toward illegal drug use by foreigners.

However I hope you're not disputing that these sweeps do actually happen more or less regularly, and that trying to argue against that realty based on some kind of "rights of the individual" argument isn't likely to get anywhere?

That's really my main message here, and if you don't like it "You shut up!" laugh.png

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Its not the way it is, just the way YOU, an alien colonial foreigner think it is

Show some proof, put up or shut up.....


No you shut up! No, you shut up! Now that's constructive dialogue.

I've been very clear to state that these are my perceptions of the situation here, I'm sure YMMV wrt to the attitude of the general Thai population toward illegal drug use by foreigners.

However I hope you're not disputing that these sweeps do actually happen more or less regularly, and that trying to argue against that realty based on some kind of "rights of the individual" argument isn't likely to get anywhere?

That's really my main message here, and if you don't like it "You shut up!"

You just dont understand thailand, the nanny state that it is

Thais tow the line of those in power, do you really think that if weed were made legal tomorrow thais would be prostesting as you eluded to??

No, they would be lining up to sell it

Its not the act thats wrong in the thai mind but the fact that the powers say it is and they must obey

Get a grip, seriously....

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I'm not speculating about such an impossible scenario, I'm simply stating that in my experience, the average Thai (who has no personal contact with foreigners) is no more forgiving of illegal drug use than those at the top.

I do think the situation is very different when it comes to sexual "morality" but that's OT, and even there attitudes at least public ones are far more conservative than most visitors think.

Regarding weed specifically, sure they don't feel as strongly about it as they do the really harmful amphetamines etc, but most don't differentiate, and even upcountry where ganja is traditional, it's seen as a very archaic old-person's habit like chewing betelnut, not at all something fashionable enough for young people.

But most people don't distinguish anyway, as far as they're concerned illegal drugs are illegal drugs and sure they're happy to let TPTB draw the lines.

And they do see it as "wrong", same with alcohol and promiscuity in many circles, and I would maintain that attitude comes from religion and personal experience as much as any slavish desire to obey "the law".

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If it was illegal, Loptr, then charges wouldn't come before a court.

Maybe you can legislate new Thai laws at the weekend.

If you google thai narcotics act this answers the legality:

Section 58/1

In case of necessity and there are reasonable grounds to believe that any person or any group of persons consumes narcotics of category I, category II, or category V which is the offence in accordance with this Act in dwelling place, any place,or vehicle, the administrative official, or police official or competent

official under this Act shall have the powers to examine or test or order to receive examination or test that if whether such person or group of persons

have narcotics within their body.

The administrative official, or police official or competent official under this Act of what rank and of what level, who shall have the powers and duties as prescribed in paragraph one, wholly or in part, or must be authorized by any person before taking action,shall be as designated by the Minister, with approval of the Committee, who shall issue a document of authorization to the administrative official, or police official or competent official of this Act.

The method of examination or test under paragraph one shall be in accordance with the rules, procedure and conditions notified by the

Committee as published in the Government Gazette. Whereas in the notification,shall at least state the procedure of showing good faith of administrative

official, or police official, or competent official when carry out their duties, and the procedure related to non-disclosure of the examination and test

resulting to any person who does not have relevant duty, when it appears at the first place that it is suspect that there is narcotics within the body, until

there is examination for the final result.

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Indeed you do.

Hence why you will be required to do a real blood test after failing the preliminary pee test.

You will not be convicted, fined or whatever else on a failed pee test...

Monty sorry your information is a few years out of date.

Failing a pee test (or refusing to take one) the first time gets you 30 days in prison, 2 time is 60 day and so on. I often visit prisoners in BKK and they are now saying failing the first time can get you up to 1 year inside. The person that told me found out the hard way.

You have the right to be pee tested by a doctor but that will simply anger the BiB's. The only testing kits I have seen them use is a small rectangular shaped bit of white plastic. Your pee goes in one half then you wait to see how many blue lines come up 1,2 or 3. The kit can tell if you have not used urine so do think spitting water in it will get you out of trouble. I have never heard of them testing for cocaine its only a single test kit for amphetamine which covers the main drugs being Yabba, ICE and MDMA (Ecstasy).

You have to commit an offense to give them the right to test you they don't need to think you are using or holding. Problem is they could say you didn't indicate when turning or spat on the floor they can and do make anything up to cover their a$$.

I would suggest to anyone that is asked/forced to take a test to make sure you demand they open the plastic wrapper on the kit in front of you.

Failing a drug test does not automatically mean you have chosen to consume drugs you could of been spiked or been in a room of people smoking and sucked up some second hand traces but you are processed the same way. I heard it was taken up at the European Court of Rights but TiT it wont change.

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Indeed you do.

Hence why you will be required to do a real blood test after failing the preliminary pee test.

You will not be convicted, fined or whatever else on a failed pee test...

Monty sorry your information is a few years out of date.

Failing a pee test (or refusing to take one) the first time gets you 30 days in prison, 2 time is 60 day and so on. I often visit prisoners in BKK and they are now saying failing the first time can get you up to 1 year inside. The person that told me found out the hard way.

You have the right to be pee tested by a doctor but that will simply anger the BiB's. The only testing kits I have seen them use is a small rectangular shaped bit of white plastic. Your pee goes in one half then you wait to see how many blue lines come up 1,2 or 3. The kit can tell if you have not used urine so do think spitting water in it will get you out of trouble. I have never heard of them testing for cocaine its only a single test kit for amphetamine which covers the main drugs being Yabba, ICE and MDMA (Ecstasy).

You have to commit an offense to give them the right to test you they don't need to think you are using or holding. Problem is they could say you didn't indicate when turning or spat on the floor they can and do make anything up to cover their a$$.

I would suggest to anyone that is asked/forced to take a test to make sure you demand they open the plastic wrapper on the kit in front of you.

Failing a drug test does not automatically mean you have chosen to consume drugs you could of been spiked or been in a room of people smoking and sucked up some second hand traces but you are processed the same way. I heard it was taken up at the European Court of Rights but TiT it wont change.

so does the kit the police use not test for weed?

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Indeed you do.

Hence why you will be required to do a real blood test after failing the preliminary pee test.

You will not be convicted, fined or whatever else on a failed pee test...

Monty sorry your information is a few years out of date.

Failing a pee test (or refusing to take one) the first time gets you 30 days in prison, 2 time is 60 day and so on. I often visit prisoners in BKK and they are now saying failing the first time can get you up to 1 year inside. The person that told me found out the hard way.

You have the right to be pee tested by a doctor but that will simply anger the BiB's. The only testing kits I have seen them use is a small rectangular shaped bit of white plastic. Your pee goes in one half then you wait to see how many blue lines come up 1,2 or 3. The kit can tell if you have not used urine so do think spitting water in it will get you out of trouble. I have never heard of them testing for cocaine its only a single test kit for amphetamine which covers the main drugs being Yabba, ICE and MDMA (Ecstasy).

You have to commit an offense to give them the right to test you they don't need to think you are using or holding. Problem is they could say you didn't indicate when turning or spat on the floor they can and do make anything up to cover their a$$.

I would suggest to anyone that is asked/forced to take a test to make sure you demand they open the plastic wrapper on the kit in front of you.

Failing a drug test does not automatically mean you have chosen to consume drugs you could of been spiked or been in a room of people smoking and sucked up some second hand traces but you are processed the same way. I heard it was taken up at the European Court of Rights but TiT it wont change.

so does the kit the police use not test for weed?

not a street test, i do believe they have the ability to get specific at the station.

cheap cocaine may contain trace amounts of meth, but the testing is more geared toward the thai epidemic of methamphetamine than anything else

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so does the kit the police use not test for weed?

From all I have learned, been told by prisoners and lawyers not they don't care about weed its a class 5 drug the lowest you can get. I visited a guy for a while was stung with 150kg's of weed got 3 years for it BUT if you are even slightly concerned dont take my word for it get it confirmed by a lawyer or a Thai family police contact.

What the hell would I do if they stopped me?! I'm a woman... blink.png

If they actually asked me to do such a thing I'd piss ON them. whistling.gif

now there is a mental image i can work with.

Mental images also 'flooding' in here as well! ;-)

so does the kit the police use not test for weed?

not a street test, i do believe they have the ability to get specific at the station.

cheap cocaine may contain trace amounts of meth, but the testing is more geared toward the thai epidemic of methamphetamine than anything else

I have never heard of anyone being tested for weed and have only ever seen the same test kit used on the streets for randoms, at the police stations and actually in prison. There are now pharmacy's in Pattaya advertising they have amphetamine test kits for sale!

Any females would be tested back at the station but they would need a female police officer there as well and they are pretty thin on the ground mostly confined to sting operations or as I said before you could try insisting you want a doctor to do it at a hospital. Personally if I was a girl I would hitch, squat and pi$$ all over his feet!

Cheap cocaine is still about half the price of ICE so there is no way anyone is going to cut coke with ICE paracetamol certainly! I do however totally agree the Yabba/Ice problem is out of control I have noticed over the years it was only ever small busts now we are seeing weekly 10kg's+ of ICE and 100k's of Yabba being seized.

The BKK HiSo have taken to ICE big time as its considered a lot more well HiSo to smoke ICE using the glass stuff rather than that toxic Yabba that is chased off foil just like a smack head. Sure same drug/similar feeling but just not as socially accepted.

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A bit of light reading for those interested....


Thai researchers develop rapid amphetamine test kit

Thai researchers from the state-run Mahidol University successfully designed a cheap device which can detect illegal substances like amphetamine and ecstasy in urine specimens within three minutes, the Thai News Agency reported Wednesday.

Thai researchers from the state-run Mahidol University successfully designed a cheap device which can detect illegal substances like amphetamine and ecstasy in urine specimens within three minutes, the Thai News Agency reported Wednesday.

Kawee Rattanabannangkul of the Microbiology Department said that a team of scientists had conducted the research for two years with funding from the National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC).

The test kit, which is as small as a toothpick, can indicate amphetamines within three minutes after dipping the strip into urine. The positive result can be observed as soon as one colored band forms on it. Conversely, if two-colored bands appear, they indicate the negative result, he said.

The price of the assay device, about 8 baht (20 US cents) to 10baht (25 cents) each, is much cheaper than imported products, which cost more than 40 baht (1 dollar), he said, adding that with a high sensitivity, the test kit is 98 percent accurate.


The problem is the kits mentioned above were developed years ago and could not detect non-urine sample so water would get a negative result. The picture above is similar to what I have seen many times with 3 lines on it.

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You have the right to be pee tested by a doctor but that will simply anger the BiB's.

surely a secondary test not done on the side of the road to clear your name and an angry copper is better than being bunged up in prison for 6 months?

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You have the right to be pee tested by a doctor but that will simply anger the BiB's.

surely a secondary test not done on the side of the road to clear your name and an angry copper is better than being bunged up in prison for 6 months?

Just because you have the right doesn't mean you will get the offer or chance TiT. Thing is the testing kits they use are so accurate its not like you fail a breath test and try and get a lower reading as ANY drug trace means you have serious problems.

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Hehehe, you're signature is: "Better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!"

You just removed any doubt!


Perhaps I missed something, but I don't see any substantive meaning in this post, just a general expression of contempt.

It would be more constructive if you would point out what is incorrect in simple1's post, and provide us with your version of more accurate facts.

Edited by FunFon
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If I got asked I would make sure that my aim was poor and piss on his feet.

Don't forget to leave a few drips running down the cup when you hand it back too.

Being a local business man, member of 6 chambers of commerce, and ex-director of 2 chambers of commerce I would happily sit at Thonglor police station and wait for the media to get a hold of the story so that the police can explain why people are being harassed in the middle of the day by corrupt police trying to extort money.

In what country were all of your EXs?

Hehehe, you're signature is: "Better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!"

You just removed any doubt!tongue.png

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You lot have a lot to learn. You can be executed in SE Asia for trafficking so it remains that personal use is taboo and summary testing part of the territory in busy nightlife areas.

I keep my nose clean as possible in LOS and always have done.

Thank you o learned one.

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Pots calling kettles black comes to mind. . .

I just don't use signatures I can't live up to:D

If I have a comment to a constructive discussion, I will post it for sure. But to a non-constructive reply like ''

In what country were all of your EXs?" and then sign with "Better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!", I myself can only give an equal reply.;)

That's all I've got to comment, nothing more, nothing less:)

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