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Ghosts ?


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Yesterday I did my 90 day report at Kapchoeng and on the way there and back happened to notice an abundance of red shirts hanging outside of the houses of the villages I passed through. Political statement or more superstition? It turned out to be the latter. There's this Phi Mae Mai, apparently, who, having died a widow, (quite a lot of women do, I suppose), seeks revenge by killing men in their sleep. The 'seer' (or con artist) decreed that the ghost does not much like red, so red shirts hung outside the home deter this evil bitch ghost.

I did think that it might be that the 'seer' had a connection with a shirt factory that had done an over-run on red T-shirts. But then, I'm a cynical sort of guy.

I also suggested to my dear one, when I got home, that it might be wise to follow the trend - just for the sake of safety, you understand. 'No need', she said, "Phi Mae Mai only want young and handsome'. I was quite relieved to find that I was not in the high risk group.

Afterwards, I thought again about what she'd said.....

Edited by richardjm65
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Yesterday I did my 90 day report at Kapchoeng and on the way there and back happened to notice an abundance of red shirts hanging outside of the houses of the villages I passed through. Political statement or more superstition? It turned out to be the latter. There's this Phi Mae Mai, apparently, who having died a widow, (quite a lot of women do, I suppose), seeks revenge by killing men in their sleep.


Cool one that - http://goo.gl/AMJwc


Afterwards, I thought again about what she'd said.....


Always a good sign when they're brutally honest with you, it's the baag waan's you gotta be wary of. . .

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Another notable piece on most atheist's throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

I think 'believers' get their knickers far too much in a twist when their beliefs are challenged.

They just try and make pointless arguments as in the article FF posted. Its not about 'believing' in anything, more than not living one's life by a set of imagined ideals put forward by huge corporations.

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I have some Thai neighbors who are sometimes noisy late at night.

To hack the situation I put some speakers next to the wall and a conduit that conducts sounds.

I downloaded some creepy haunted sounds like moaning and creaky footsteps. faint screaming, torture, clanking chains etc.

I play the sounds and the noise from the neighbors abruptly stops. I slowly turn my volume down over a few minutes.

Do they think the condo is haunted with spirits? perhaps they do.

How is that for harnessing the power of the supernatural?

note: I was concerned they might try to use loud noises to scare the spirits away so if they get louder I ratchet up the sound volume.

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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Thai people have a higher degree of awareness than most foreigners.

I've seen a ghost but they don't scare me anymore. How can a non-physical being hurt one?

If they have a highly evolved sixth sense, why is it if in other countries its suddenly tuned off? There are no ghosts outside of Thailand? Or its only a home internal GPS ghost detector thing going on?

My ex was a grown man, ten years older than me, with a respectful fear of thai ghosts..i found it utterly stupefying that an intelligent grown man would believe in the nonsense thai fables .

I honestly believe, that just because we cant see something, doesnt mean it isnt there. I am VERY open to the concept of various energies and being sensitive to them. I DONT however believe in some freaky brain eating monster living down by a banana tree..or other such ridiculous stories.

Believing in that stuff has nothing to do with being tuned into energies, it has to do with growing up being told stories of this ghost and that ghost...as if they are fact. ..Same brain-washing as say bible stories. Believed, not "sensed".

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Yesterday I did my 90 day report at Kapchoeng and on the way there and back happened to notice an abundance of red shirts hanging outside of the houses of the villages I passed through. Political statement or more superstition? It turned out to be the latter. There's this Phi Mae Mai, apparently, who, having died a widow, (quite a lot of women do, I suppose), seeks revenge by killing men in their sleep. The 'seer' (or con artist) decreed that the ghost does not much like red, so red shirts hung outside the home deter this evil bitch ghost.

I did think that it might be that the 'seer' had a connection with a shirt factory that had done an over-run on red T-shirts. But then, I'm a cynical sort of guy.

I also suggested to my dear one, when I got home, that it might be wise to follow the trend - just for the sake of safety, you understand. 'No need', she said, "Phi Mae Mai only want young and handsome'. I was quite relieved to find that I was not in the high risk group.

Afterwards, I thought again about what she'd said.....

Mine assured me that I was not at risk either - (obviously, not for the same reason as you Richard) - simply because I was born under the sign of the monkey.

Three days later, having been to her sister's house (who was displaying said red shirt, despite there being no males in her house), we now have an old Man Utd shirt hanging from a tree smile.png

T. I. T.

Incidentally, the late MIL was a 'seer' and made a decent income from it.

She performed a sort of exorcism on me once when I returned to her daughter after a sabbatical with a girl from Roi Et.

I have not transgressed since.........wink.png

Edited by cardholder
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Have one to tell on the wife .. Now she is very educated sometimes too much.... knows everything .... Thinks ... Back in the states we worked opposite shifts and she was not home , came home one night went to the kitchen to make something to eat and things just seemed out of place . Wife had been having issues with her boss for several days prior which really upset her ..

I went to cook something in the pan in the stove , but its seemed to have an abundance of salt in it , then I noticed the water pitcher was sitting on the corner next to the stove , strange but oh well I cleaned the pan cooked my food and put the pitcher back in the refrigerator .

Next morning before going to work again I asked her what she cooked the day before why was the pan full of salt .. Well I got this blank stare like the one the dog has when it gets caught stealing food off the counter ... I could tell something was up so I pressed on . Seeing I was not going to except some have whitted answer she fessed up . She had had enough of her bosses crap and she Voo Dooed him .

She said she put a bunch of chili pepers in the pan and started frying them when they started to burn she threw salt in the pan and cursed him over and over . She said she didnt belive in it but he was driving her nutz and she had to do something ... I laughed she made me promise I would try it on her ! I asked well what was the water for ... in case I started a big fire I needed somethign to put it out with . I just laughed my butt off ... Next morning she s all smiles I asked her whats up . Tells me she had long talk with her boss and all was well . A couple minutes later I m looking over and shes pouring water down the sink mumbling something ..... I asked what are you doing ..... Im taking the curse off just in case it worked . I just shook my head ...... I do know Thais have what they call an imaginary child suposed to bring them good luck ..... To each there own I guess .

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