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I saw this deal passing by in my mailbox and was wondering if anyone is familiar with this device. Is it a good one? Did it actually help you save a ticket?
the link is http://dealthailand.com/deal/454 and i'm not sure if im allowed to post a link, but im in no way affiliated with them. :)
here a link to a cheaper price, http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/HOT-Police-Radar-Detector-GRD-350-RUSSIAN-LANGUAGE-for-yur-Car/900998_653482446.html
anyhow, its about the product itself.. would love some reviews by expats driving in thailand :)


I'd be a bit suspicious of their 360 degree claim. I'd rather have a detector with a 90 degree beam that is concentrating on what's in front of the car.

Besides that, how many physical speed detectors have the police got?


Off topic, but does anyone have a gps file or know a website showing speed trap locations? Heading down to Koh Chang from Chiang Mai at the weekend, & would prefer to put my foot down.


Off topic, but does anyone have a gps file or know a website showing speed trap locations? Heading down to Koh Chang from Chiang Mai at the weekend, & would prefer to put my foot down.

Its clear to Nakasawan.Then its random ,no worries its only 100 Bht,for their Chang.coffee1.gif


By the time you have detected the radar signal, they will probably have detected you. Plus, it won't detect laser speed guns.


My experience with an imported radar detector in Thailand is as in post #7. They either have you 'painted' already or, they make it up anyway.

My favourite is the 2 in the morning speed traps north-bound between Korat and Khon Kaen where they use BS-band radar. It's almost as amazingly undetectable as the silly MiB, standing in the fast lane, waving a strobe light!


My experience with an imported radar detector in Thailand is as in post #7. They either have you 'painted' already or, they make it up anyway.

My favourite is the 2 in the morning speed traps north-bound between Korat and Khon Kaen where they use BS-band radar. It's almost as amazingly undetectable as the silly MiB, standing in the fast lane, waving a strobe light!

He Pops Up in Yasethon, and Kalasin about 5.0. Am as well w00t.gif , ive got a Cobra 3 Band detector but it clutters the dash up, once the novelty had warn off , sod it , i just pay up,they dont get payed much for standing in the Fast Lane.coffee1.gif


Thx for the replies folks, I guess the police uses very modern technology nowadays.

Regarding post #2, u mean obey the Thai traffic laws? You must be insane. If I'd follow the rules I would be dead already ;-)

Sometimes driving at slow or normal speeds can be very very dangerous. Just one of million examples :-)

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