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Too Much Time On My Hands


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I currently work 2 months on 2 months off offshore.

Whilst I enjoy my time off in CM I am not married or with kids so I find myself restless.

I have always been a very busy active person and have many hobbies but I don't feel like I am actually contributing anything during my down time.

What I would really like to do is some voluntary work but really am at a loss as to what to do.

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How old are you? 11?

Do you lack the imagination to be able to entertain yourself in a country where if you have a few quid, the country is proverbially your oyster?

- Hire a car. Go out into the amazing countryside around CM. Find a trail. Park. Go for a walk. Enjoy the scenery which is among the finest on this planet.

- Go to the pub. Get roaring drink. Have a scrap. Get a dolly. Go home.

There you go. There's 2 nice ideas to get you started...

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1. Learn Thai

2. Teach English

If you do the latter informally among the neighbors for no money, I'd be very very surprised if you got any flack for it, especially in a poor rural area.

If you want to be 100% legit, go in search of a temple and offer to teach their monks, but they need to arrange for the volunteer WP. That'll be a nice little project in and of itself.

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How old are you? 11?

Do you lack the imagination to be able to entertain yourself in a country where if you have a few quid, the country is proverbially your oyster?

- Hire a car. Go out into the amazing countryside around CM. Find a trail. Park. Go for a walk. Enjoy the scenery which is among the finest on this planet.

- Go to the pub. Get roaring drink. Have a scrap. Get a dolly. Go home.

There you go. There's 2 nice ideas to get you started...

He could teach "common sense 101" at the local university...tongue.png

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I have had EVERY day off for the past 5 months and I have run out of time for all the things I want to do. There are all sorts of trails up Doi Sutthep in Chiang Mai to go hiking. There are thousands of side roads heading off in all directions in Thailand. Buy a good, reliable motorbike and a GPS and the whole country is yours to explore.

But, I also agree with the post to learn the Thai language. That will completely change how you view this lovely country. Ignore all the obvious annoying things that everyone notices. We can't change that. Just concentrate on the good stuff.

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Apart from going out and about as others have suggested, learn to do something on-line. Plenty of courses available to improve yourself.

Get into reading some books too, downloaded from the internet to an i-pad or similar.

Learn some family history - that can be great fun for the right people especially with all the on-line resources available.

What about local sports? I have some great photos and made a few Thai friends from local football tournaments.

Take a camera out with you, try for some photo shots you could put out on the internet.

plenty of things to do in life :)

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Get it on with a farmer's daughter and take up farmingwink.png .

Seriously, the OP needs to focus. He realizes already he is in a luxury position(6 on/ 6 off) so now it is time to explore his own whishes.

If he wants to volunteer then i say do so! Helping others while altruistically asking nothing in return is one of life's treasures.

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Get it on with a farmer's daughter and take up farmingwink.png .

Seriously, the OP needs to focus. He realizes already he is in a luxury position(6 on/ 6 off) so now it is time to explore his own whishes.

If he wants to volunteer then i say do so! Helping others while altruistically asking nothing in return is one of life's treasures.

just as well your working out peoples rotations then....he is doing 8/8 not 6/6...tongue.png

in reality he only has 7 weeks to fill anyway as most self-respecting offshore guys spend the first week blind drunk when they get home...biggrin.png

Edited by Soutpeel
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Get it on with a farmer's daughter and take up farmingwink.png .

Get it on with the farmer, it worked for me!

You mean you played hide the sausage with farmer before you married his daughter...jeez...most people just pay sin sot Tommo

BTW..did he say he loved you the following morning ?

Edited by Soutpeel
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Get it on with a farmer's daughter and take up farmingwink.png .

Get it on with the farmer, it worked for me!

You mean you played hide the sausage with farmer before you married his daughter...jeez...most people just pay sin sot Tommo

BTW..did he say he loved you the following morning ?


Never heard of a woman farmer huh. . .

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Why are you in CM?

Disposable Income! No family commitments! Able bodied? Sound Mind? Under 65?

Take the following countries cut up pieces of paper put them in a hat and pick one. Then tomorrow go to the airport get an airline ticket to BKK and on wards. Adventure, fun, romance....or.....sit in some condo in CM watching porn and eating popcorn with one hand.





El Salvador

New Mexico (usa but worth a visit)

Easter Island - not so much for the destination but in getting there

Papa New Guinea


Fanning Island


Pacific Riviera (Mexico)

Northern Italy


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Why are you in CM?

Disposable Income! No family commitments! Able bodied? Sound Mind? Under 65?

Take the following countries cut up pieces of paper put them in a hat and pick one. Then tomorrow go to the airport get an airline ticket to BKK and on wards. Adventure, fun, romance....or.....sit in some condo in CM watching porn and eating popcorn with one hand.





El Salvador

New Mexico (usa but worth a visit)

Easter Island - not so much for the destination but in getting there

Papa New Guinea


Fanning Island


Pacific Riviera (Mexico)

Northern Italy


After 8 weeks offshore..he may not feel like travelling, has that occured to you, most guys spend enough time on airlines and helicopters

and one assumes with his disposable Income, he doesnt need to sit and watch porn he can go out and get the real thing if he so desires and after 8 weeks offshore one suspects he is all porned out anyway....tongue.png

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So when you ask for suggestions like this -- or get it whether you asked for it or not -- you get info on what the person answering would do. You need to figure out (as Mr. Rogers might put it) what makes you special and then it'll all fall into place.

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Why are you in CM?

Disposable Income! No family commitments! Able bodied? Sound Mind? Under 65?

Take the following countries cut up pieces of paper put them in a hat and pick one. Then tomorrow go to the airport get an airline ticket to BKK and on wards. Adventure, fun, romance....or.....sit in some condo in CM watching porn and eating popcorn with one hand.





El Salvador

New Mexico (usa but worth a visit)

Easter Island - not so much for the destination but in getting there

Papa New Guinea


Fanning Islandws and arrows to protect you


Pacific Riviera (Mexico)

Northern Italy


Papa Nuigini....cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

You are locked in the Hotel area at night with little men armed with bows and arrows to protect you from the locals wandering around the barbed wire fencesw00t.gif

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Why are you in CM?

Disposable Income! No family commitments! Able bodied? Sound Mind? Under 65?

Take the following countries cut up pieces of paper put them in a hat and pick one. Then tomorrow go to the airport get an airline ticket to BKK and on wards. Adventure, fun, romance....or.....sit in some condo in CM watching porn and eating popcorn with one hand.





El Salvador

New Mexico (usa but worth a visit)

Easter Island - not so much for the destination but in getting there

Papa New Guinea


Fanning Islandws and arrows to protect you


Pacific Riviera (Mexico)

Northern Italy


Papa Nuigini....cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

You are locked in the Hotel area at night with little men armed with bows and arrows to protect you from the locals wandering around the barbed wire fencesw00t.gif

Thats ok the OP maybe working Nigeria so well used to things like that

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Why are you in CM?

Disposable Income! No family commitments! Able bodied? Sound Mind? Under 65?

Take the following countries cut up pieces of paper put them in a hat and pick one. Then tomorrow go to the airport get an airline ticket to BKK and on wards. Adventure, fun, romance....or.....sit in some condo in CM watching porn and eating popcorn with one hand.





El Salvador

New Mexico (usa but worth a visit)

Easter Island - not so much for the destination but in getting there

Papa New Guinea


Fanning Islandws and arrows to protect you


Pacific Riviera (Mexico)

Northern Italy


Papa Nuigini....cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

You are locked in the Hotel area at night with little men armed with bows and arrows to protect you from the locals wandering around the barbed wire fencesw00t.gif

Thats ok the OP maybe working Nigeria so well used to things like that

Here is OK....as long as you get off the beaten track, I feel......but thats my opinion !!!!.. NUIGINI, Never ! The op will find his groove eventually.

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I think I can relate to the OP's problem. For a farang living alone and outside of tourist-hubs, this can become an issue. Of course, one can do tours with the motorbike, but at some point, all the backroads have been discovered. Volunteer work is fine. But even in remote aereas, Thai's know that the farang needs a work-permit. If a neighbor doesen't like the farangs nose, he may "signal" him. After that= visa problems!

A little bit of "wine, woman and song" could help. But in the "boonies" it may be reduced to "wine and song". The "woman-factor" is usually linked to some kind of "committement". The OP may not be ready for this.

Feast or famine.

For a farang staying on his own: In Pattaya it can be feast. In the boonies it can be famine.

If in the shoes of the OP, (with regard to his comfortable financial background), I would consider moving. Not smack in the middle of a tourist-hub. But lo and behold, even today, just some short 20 km outside of Pattaya (for example), one can find very quiet and peaceful settings.


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Why are you in CM?

Disposable Income! No family commitments! Able bodied? Sound Mind? Under 65?

Take the following countries cut up pieces of paper put them in a hat and pick one. Then tomorrow go to the airport get an airline ticket to BKK and on wards. Adventure, fun, romance....or.....sit in some condo in CM watching porn and eating popcorn with one hand.





El Salvador

New Mexico (usa but worth a visit)

Easter Island - not so much for the destination but in getting there

Papa New Guinea


Fanning Island


Pacific Riviera (Mexico)

Northern Italy


After 8 weeks offshore..he may not feel like travelling, has that occured to you, most guys spend enough time on airlines and helicopters

and one assumes with his disposable Income, he doesnt need to sit and watch porn he can go out and get the real thing if he so desires and after 8 weeks offshore one suspects he is all porned out anyway....tongue.png

What occurred to me is a grown man being able to work off shore 8 weeks on/off and not being able to find "something" fulfilling to do with his time off. I work here in Thailand full time (6 days a week 10-12 hours a day) with a family and still manage to find outreach programs and support programs in my local village that can make use of my time and money........

Check out a list of Christian organizations in Thailand that are in need of assistance (donations mostly but you have to do some research), children's homes (SOS Homes for orphaned children), people living with hiv/aids, food banks, assisting victims of violence, Good Sheperd Sisters organizations, Father Ray foundation, Mercy Centre in Bangkok, Sarnelli House in NE. I have more if none of these are of interest.

If serious it will take time and effort to get a proper visa and work permit but if a simple person like myself can do it.....

Edited by rct99q
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