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Thai Students Set For Mass Tablet Computer Handout


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Whilst not in anyway denigrating the accomplishment, and noting that Thai students do well in the International Mathematical Olympiad regularly, what is not seen is the application [or a demonstrably wide quantity] of such skills into the workplace or for that matter academia.

That is the issue which teaching methodologies [be they traditional, unconventional, or technology based] have to address to raise the educational standard of the country.

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Indeed there are undoubtedly flaws in the education system, in my experience there is rather a lot of after school activity instigated by teachers and parents. As always I have a differing slant on things to many and I guess my take on education is no different. You see I have evaluated my education, my career history, my advancement, and the benefit derived from carrying a varied amount of knowledge and understanding garnered through school learning and the learning school of life. So I have arrived at a very simple basic conclusion, the amount of knowledge thrown at an individual is not of high value. The ability of a child to retain knowledge is paramount. Thus I see the tablet as a tool that will encourage use of the memory even if for games, or learning a popular song to sing along to, and thus provide an ability that rote learning in the classroom does not neccessarily develop. Just my thoughts on what I believe to be a useful tool and enabler. As for funding, I believe the reason for your lack of answers can be summed up in a response I occasionally receive from my wife (always in good humour)......"When I know...you can know"

I did agree that tablets can be a useful educational tool but on their own their without proper teaching, programs and back up their usefulness is limited.

Even though you replied to my post I see you did not answer any of my questions.

I take it that means you don't know.

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With the new school year having started let's revisit the topic on schoolkids and students getting a tabletPC, real soon now. LOng, long time ago the e-auction was delayed till the 24th of April (this year that is), then May 10th, May 29th, June 10th and now it would seem mid-June. Still no need to worry, all this year. Delivery also, the ToR draft requires the winner to deliver 25% of the total tablets within 35 days after contracts are signed. All tablets must be delivered within 90 days. That still leaves us with a three month margin before the calendar year is ending.

It seems the draft terms of reference (ToR) were posted on the government's tablet auction website on the 15th of May. Still looking for the website. The other newspaper posted a few details from the ToR, like
- Tablet specifications for Prathom 1 students include a seven-inch display, dual-core 1.5- gigahertz processor, 1 gigabyte of memory and 8 GB of internal storage.
- Tablet specifications for Mathayom 1 students are an eight-inch screen, dual-core 1.5-GHz processor, 1 GB of memory and 16 GB of internal storage.
- Both categories must support Android 4.0, Windows RT, Windows 8 or iOS 6.0.

Windows is a bit of a surprise. Rumour has it needs a bit more 'internal storage' than might be available. Also with the last year tablets having Android 4.0, introducing and other OS could create interesting support problems.

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Indeed good idea Rubl, after 3 years or so with a laptop and no adverse effects to son or machine my son at 6 years old is now finding his way around his new tablet (not school issue). My wife has found the learning apps almost as quickly as my son is finding the games. The tablet is providing great leverage for learning in that I have co-erced my son into one hour slots of gaming. The purchase of these slots is negotiable, for example, homework first, or learning apps first for 20 mins. The Tablet is proving a very useful tool indeed in more ways than I thought. I see his memory working overtime to recall the 'trip' areas and how to avoid them when playing games, so another very beneficial memory use tool.

However, I will point out that I know of one child with a school tablet, that does not use it outside school, I think this is just a simple confidence thing and lack of understanding, boy am I glad I bought that old laptop those 3 years ago familiarity with IT equipment is a great incentive to learn more and also opens the door to increased knowledge. A real benefit for the children of Thailand.

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Eh, surely dear 473geo's circumstances are not completely representative for Thailand and Thai parents, Thai schoolkids, etc., etc.

I'm not talking about potential and capabilities. I'm talking about the tabletPcs the Thai govenment is handing out and which some seem to be able to take home and others not, strict enforcement of MoE provided programs ONLY (or not), etc., etc. Plus of course whether or not the tablets will come in time for use in a school year, in a school with teachers who know how to use/instruct, sufficient power outlets, power, internet acess, etc., etc.

BTW all those tablet PCs from last school year seem to move with the kids from P1 to P2. I assume a new P2 oriented batch of programs have been made available?

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You know what Rubl, from what I have experienced, and the widespread use of Iphones etc the kids will mange to educate the teachers given time...smile.png ......bring on the tablets the more the merrier......you carry on complaining about the delivery schedule if you can find nothing better to do.......

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Dear geo, you seem to forget that the tablet PCs and the applications on them form an integral part of the school curriculum. That's not something you would just let the kids figure out. The curriculum is also meant to ensure that ALL kids have the same benefits of education, facilities and so on.

When the kids do things outside the curriculum, which will help them, have parents to support them with facilities, etc., etc., that's good. Unfortunately not all Thai have the means to provide much in additional facilities. Lots of kids depend on what the schools provided in 'knowledge'.

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You know what Rubl, from what I have experienced, and the widespread use of Iphones etc the kids will mange to educate the teachers given time...smile.png ......bring on the tablets the more the merrier......you carry on complaining about the delivery schedule if you can find nothing better to do.......

Geo.. you have experienced nothing that is relevant to the OP. Your child has parents who have the means to provide a decent education (you) AND provide additional learning gadgets/material. The vast majority of Thai parents do not fit into either category.

I have recently spoken to a school director who told me that the tablets are ok (problems charging and batteries) BUT they have decided that resources would be better spent on Interactive whiteboards which have just been fitted to 4 classrooms capable of being used by ALL the students. That's kinda what the gripes are about. The best use of resources.

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I listen - I forget

I see - I know

I do - I understand

Don't know where I plagiarised that from guys but I base my comments on a life of learning, you base yours on outdated structure and rote learning, stiffled idividualism and a curriculum to match.....time to move on

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I listen - I forget

I see - I know

I do - I understand

Don't know where I plagiarised that from guys but I base my comments on a life of learning, you base yours on outdated structure and rote learning, stiffled idividualism and a curriculum to match.....time to move on

You assume - baselessly

To have tabletPCs thrown into the schools without a proper curriculum which integrates the use of the tabletPCs, you throw away money and opportunity. The Thai school curriculum is not going to improve in this way.

The schooling system is supposed to create an equal base for all kids. That's not the case at the moment. TabletPCs will not help. With some parents having problems to buy proper clothes for their kids to go to school it is hilarious to assume that tabletPCs 'are the way to go'. You simply forgot a few steps in between which have to be gone first.

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I listen - I forget

I see - I know

I do - I understand

Don't know where I plagiarised that from guys but I base my comments on a life of learning, you base yours on outdated structure and rote learning, stiffled idividualism and a curriculum to match.....time to move on

You assume - baselessly

To have tabletPCs thrown into the schools without a proper curriculum which integrates the use of the tabletPCs, you throw away money and opportunity. The Thai school curriculum is not going to improve in this way.

The schooling system is supposed to create an equal base for all kids. That's not the case at the moment. TabletPCs will not help. With some parents having problems to buy proper clothes for their kids to go to school it is hilarious to assume that tabletPCs 'are the way to go'. You simply forgot a few steps in between which have to be gone first.

Any word on the recent OTPC-sponsored tablet app contest curiously-named Hack-A-Thon?


Did the winner hack the PM's website and call her naughty names?

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I listen - I forget

I see - I know

I do - I understand

Don't know where I plagiarised that from guys but I base my comments on a life of learning, you base yours on outdated structure and rote learning, stiffled idividualism and a curriculum to match.....time to move on

You assume - baselessly

To have tabletPCs thrown into the schools without a proper curriculum which integrates the use of the tabletPCs, you throw away money and opportunity. The Thai school curriculum is not going to improve in this way.

The schooling system is supposed to create an equal base for all kids. That's not the case at the moment. TabletPCs will not help. With some parents having problems to buy proper clothes for their kids to go to school it is hilarious to assume that tabletPCs 'are the way to go'. You simply forgot a few steps in between which have to be gone first.

Any word on the recent OTPC-sponsored tablet app contest curiously-named Hack-A-Thon?


Did the winner hack the PM's website and call her naughty names?

It looks more like a Google Developer Group (GDP) event using the tabletPCs provided by the government under the "One TabletPC per Child" (OTPC) program. Not sure the MoE was involved.

Mind you till now only P1 kids had a tabletPC and to organize a 'hackathon' for them seems a bit overdone.

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"the world's largest handout of the devices for education"

I think education was a typo it should say for play!

The world's largest handout of devices - full-stop. Has anybody actually proved what educational benefit will be gained by using the tablets?

A nice 'headline grabber' to (mis)lead the world that Thailand is at the forefront.

Now, in 10 years, when the youngest recipients near the end of their basic education, Thailand will be the hub of education, or will it be just the same but with tablets rather than textbooks?

Ah well, look on the bright side. Won't need to pay for new text books any more.

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I listen - I forget

I see - I know

I do - I understand

Don't know where I plagiarised that from guys but I base my comments on a life of learning, you base yours on outdated structure and rote learning, stiffled idividualism and a curriculum to match.....time to move on

You assume - baselessly

To have tabletPCs thrown into the schools without a proper curriculum which integrates the use of the tabletPCs, you throw away money and opportunity. The Thai school curriculum is not going to improve in this way.

The schooling system is supposed to create an equal base for all kids. That's not the case at the moment. TabletPCs will not help. With some parents having problems to buy proper clothes for their kids to go to school it is hilarious to assume that tabletPCs 'are the way to go'. You simply forgot a few steps in between which have to be gone first.

School uniform clothes, new back pack recently purchased under 1000 baht for a term.........it costs more in school donations, it costs about the same for a school daytrip, please refrain from your mocking hilarity if you do not fully understand the cost of schooling. The uniforms are not expensive nor is the stitching of the name on the shirt. Do you have first hand knowledge about kitting out a school child?

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I listen - I forget

I see - I know

I do - I understand

Don't know where I plagiarised that from guys but I base my comments on a life of learning, you base yours on outdated structure and rote learning, stiffled idividualism and a curriculum to match.....time to move on

You assume - baselessly

To have tabletPCs thrown into the schools without a proper curriculum which integrates the use of the tabletPCs, you throw away money and opportunity. The Thai school curriculum is not going to improve in this way.

The schooling system is supposed to create an equal base for all kids. That's not the case at the moment. TabletPCs will not help. With some parents having problems to buy proper clothes for their kids to go to school it is hilarious to assume that tabletPCs 'are the way to go'. You simply forgot a few steps in between which have to be gone first.

School uniform clothes, new back pack recently purchased under 1000 baht for a term.........it costs more in school donations, it costs about the same for a school daytrip, please refrain from your mocking hilarity if you do not fully understand the cost of schooling. The uniforms are not expensive nor is the stitching of the name on the shirt. Do you have first hand knowledge about kitting out a school child?

Do you mean there's more to school than just a tabletPC? I wouldn't have guessed from your remarks.

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"the world's largest handout of the devices for education"

I think education was a typo it should say for play!

The world's largest handout of devices - full-stop. Has anybody actually proved what educational benefit will be gained by using the tablets?

A nice 'headline grabber' to (mis)lead the world that Thailand is at the forefront.

Now, in 10 years, when the youngest recipients near the end of their basic education, Thailand will be the hub of education, or will it be just the same but with tablets rather than textbooks?

Ah well, look on the bright side. Won't need to pay for new text books any more.

We buy the text books for our children they work at home, of course there is no replacement for actually writing Thai script, intially in a book where children follow the dotted line, you could make the same comment regarding the interactive whiteboards in this scenario, the tablet is not the all dancing, singing solution, but some people here are so behind the times they do not realise there are hundreds of tablets at 3000 baht in use in my rural area already, purchased privately cheap in Cambodia, in my family alone there are 4 tablets among the children only one from schooling and I only bought one! So it would actually make sense to keep Thai education abreast of this technology......or let intelligent human beings capable of so much more, rot in prehistoric confidence draining rote learning school curricum.

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I listen - I forget

I see - I know

I do - I understand

Don't know where I plagiarised that from guys but I base my comments on a life of learning, you base yours on outdated structure and rote learning, stiffled idividualism and a curriculum to match.....time to move on

You assume - baselessly

To have tabletPCs thrown into the schools without a proper curriculum which integrates the use of the tabletPCs, you throw away money and opportunity. The Thai school curriculum is not going to improve in this way.

The schooling system is supposed to create an equal base for all kids. That's not the case at the moment. TabletPCs will not help. With some parents having problems to buy proper clothes for their kids to go to school it is hilarious to assume that tabletPCs 'are the way to go'. You simply forgot a few steps in between which have to be gone first.

School uniform clothes, new back pack recently purchased under 1000 baht for a term.........it costs more in school donations, it costs about the same for a school daytrip, please refrain from your mocking hilarity if you do not fully understand the cost of schooling. The uniforms are not expensive nor is the stitching of the name on the shirt. Do you have first hand knowledge about kitting out a school child?

Do you mean there's more to school than just a tabletPC? I wouldn't have guessed from your remarks.

I'll take that as a no then Rubl

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School uniform clothes, new back pack recently purchased under 1000 baht for a term.........


unless you produce proof.

Even for a public Thai school, 3 weeks ago a basic set of school uniforms with requisite scout addition, runs proportionally significant more than 1,000 baht, by itself, without adding the optional school back pack.

It's been all over the news.

Rising Cost of School Uniforms Affects Parents

How much do school uniforms cost in Chiang Mai

Thai Parents Brace For Higher Student Uniform Costs


Edited by Fred B
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School uniform clothes, new back pack recently purchased under 1000 baht for a term.........


unless you produce proof.

Even for a public Thai school, 3 weeks ago a basic set of school uniforms with requisite scout addition, runs proportionally significant more than 1,000 baht, by itself, without adding the optional school back pack.

It's been all over the news.

Rising Cost of School Uniforms Affects Parents

How much do school uniforms cost in Chiang Mai

Thai Parents Brace For Higher Student Uniform Costs


I bought for my son last week Fred......you must shop at the wrong places, shoes fit from last term.

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Tablets, but I never really wanted to buy one .... But ..... likely going to be a lot on the 2nd hand market real soon.

Why you can get unused for 3000 baht?......or do you shop at the same place as Fred?

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I genuinely dont get this at all. It must be because im new to the country and maybe youve all discussed this last year or something. Im seeing lots of people saying its necessary and lots of people talking about tea money but im not seeing many people talking about its actual value in a class room. So i figure ive just completely misunderstood... these things are supposed to be used in a classroom right? Isnt there a reason that Japan completely bans mobile phones whilst korea collects them all in homeroom and returns them at the end of the day? Ive also had the fun pleasure of trying to teach classes "FUN" interactive activities in the computer lab now and again. You need to be in three places at once if you want them to actually do what youre after instead of (unsubtly) shutting down the window of the game theyve been playing when their mates nudge them that youre coming. Its bad enough trying to keep them focused when they have access to their own desks and the contents therein. Give them the contents of the internet and i shudder to think what its going to be like.

Edited by weecree
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. So I have arrived at a very simple basic conclusion, the amount of knowledge thrown at an individual is not of high value. The ability of a child to retain knowledge is paramount.

* Knowledge being "thrown" at a student is probably not of high value. Knowledge properly taught is considerably more so.

* The ability to retain knowledge is important but the ability to attain knowledge, understand it, review it critically and analytically, and the desire to seek it are what is paramount. These things are what education should instill.

* The idea that memorizing is what we need to improve is widely dismissed and has been throughout the world (including Thailand even though they retain a huge gap between theory and practice) for many decades.

I agree that your conclusion is simple and basic. :)

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School uniform clothes, new back pack recently purchased under 1000 baht for a term.........


unless you produce proof.

Even for a public Thai school, 3 weeks ago a basic set of school uniforms with requisite scout addition, runs proportionally significant more than 1,000 baht, by itself, without adding the optional school back pack.

It's been all over the news.

Rising Cost of School Uniforms Affects Parents

How much do school uniforms cost in Chiang Mai

Thai Parents Brace For Higher Student Uniform Costs


I bought for my son last week Fred......you must shop at the wrong places, shoes fit from last term.

Fair enough, you're just different than all those many people discussed in the three articles, plus all those discussed in other available articles, as well as everyone I know that paid more than your set of school uniforms and a school back pack for under 1,000 baht.

Without proof, we'll take your word for it. rolleyes.gif

Anyway, we're veering off topic. Back to the latest delays on the delayed OTPC program.

Long, long time ago the e-auction was delayed till the 24th of April (this year that is), then May 10th, May 29th, June 10th and now it would seem mid-June.

Edited by Fred B
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Still no tablets in our village school.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

What's your problem, according to most here you are not missing out on anything of value for the kids education.......or are you? smile.png

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