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Girl Is Sex Slave To Older Man, How To Help?


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It has come to my attention, if the stories that I am told are true, that a young girl with whom I have become acquainted is being held captive by a man here in CM. It is the usual story. She is an ethnic minority, had some problems at home and he offered to help, promising school, job, etc... He brought her to his home in CM, did none of the things he promised, and lots of things he hadn't even mentioned prior to her coming to CM. She wants to leave but he is demanding she repay money he has spent on her. I will bet that once the money is repaid there will be a new reason why she cannot leave. He beats her and was told that if she leaves he will kill her parents. Again, this is only one side of the story, her side, but it seems to be one that you read about quite often. I believe there are some folks/agencies in CM that can counsel her/help her. Does anyone have information on this?

Thank you, bamboozled.

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I don't think it's that simple when dealing with men like this. She is not captive in the sense that she can never leave the house. She is captive because she cannot leave him...he has threatened to kill her family. And I assume he would search for her, most likely find her, knowing her routine, where she works, etc...and punish her as he sees fit. When you don't have money your options become very limited. I thought of the police but I have the impression they don't do much in these situations.

The story could be false and she could be making it all up for whatever reasons. That is why I would like to be a third party to helping her thus removing any ulterior motives she might have. If I can provide her with info to help herself then she is free to make use of it. Plus, honestly, I don't want some crazy guy after me, killer or not.

I will check Pavena, thank you.

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I don't think it's that simple when dealing with men like this. She is not captive in the sense that she can never leave the house. She is captive because she cannot leave him...he has threatened to kill her family. And I assume he would search for her, most likely find her, knowing her routine, where she works, etc...and punish her as he sees fit. When you don't have money your options become very limited. I thought of the police but I have the impression they don't do much in these situations.

The story could be false and she could be making it all up for whatever reasons. That is why I would like to be a third party to helping her thus removing any ulterior motives she might have. If I can provide her with info to help herself then she is free to make use of it. Plus, honestly, I don't want some crazy guy after me, killer or not.

I will check Pavena, thank you.

Please report your findings. This sounds like some thing we all should know.

Personal experience can vary wildly from printed advertisements.

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Have you seen the bruises on her body? Has she asked you for money to give to him? I have heard stories like this when I was in another country....and I didn't give her any money. When the story involves money, I wonder.

I'm not saying leave her be......and maybe he will target you if you get too close. ok, so you are watching a movie and this plot takes place......what do you do?

Yes, don't be the hero. Let the professionals look into this one....

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I'm not having any luck online in finding organizations to help this girl. She says she is 18 so she is an adult which makes the case difficult to pursue legally. In the States, this might be filed under "domestic abuse" and even there there is not a lot that can be done. She is being held in check by fear.

I didn't see any bruises and she didn't ask for money. Maybe I myself am blowing it out of proportion but when someone tells you a story like this it seems so monstrous and inhuman that you feel you must do something to end it. Come to think of it, she didn't even ask me for help and it might not seem as monstrous to her as it does to me. She rather seems resigned to living like this until fate intervenes in some manner. And that is sad.

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I'm not having any luck online in finding organizations to help this girl. She says she is 18 so she is an adult which makes the case difficult to pursue legally. In the States, this might be filed under "domestic abuse" and even there there is not a lot that can be done. She is being held in check by fear.

I didn't see any bruises and she didn't ask for money. Maybe I myself am blowing it out of proportion but when someone tells you a story like this it seems so monstrous and inhuman that you feel you must do something to end it. Come to think of it, she didn't even ask me for help and it might not seem as monstrous to her as it does to me. She rather seems resigned to living like this until fate intervenes in some manner. And that is sad.

What is your relationship to her? Does she gain anything by lying (not necessarily financial and/or immediate. Maybe even something as simple as undeserved sympathy or attention. Maybe merely a justification to give you as to why she is living with this old man).

I don't care if you answer these questions here but you might want to answer them for yourself.

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The man = Thai or farang?

That is the first question I would ask. If the creep is Thai then there are tougher problems. Farangs have to walk a thin line in Thailand or they get turned into authorities.

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Im not trying to avoid the central scary situation here - but is possible that she could with hard work and time pay of the debt?

Im no expert but in the sex trade a person is bought just like you might buy a car, and then rented out to get return on investment- if that is similar situation here, then perhaps earning income could be viable means of escape. But I hope any agency you find can better advise.

I commend you for investigating and trying to help - its because of people like you, the world becomes a nicer place

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Thanks for the kind words, Simon. I've read various stories about people in these situations, sex workers, enslaved maids, immigrant farmhands, etc... (even in the States, such as in Florida and CA, migrant workers on giant farms are enslaved and don't have freedom -the farms are huge and they are housed far from any place where they might have contact with the outside world), and the pay back amount is always kept just out of reach. If you get close to arriving at the stated amount suddenly there will be a new charge or the terms will change. There never really is an option to pay them back. It is just a carrot dangled in front of their face to give them hope and keep them subdued.

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By the way, SteelJoe, your points are well-taken....

I thought it went without saying, but on reflection perhaps I should add my opinion: if you ARE reasonably sure she is enslaved then you should do whatever you can.

But be careful. VERY.

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Contacting the police come to mind.

That should be done indeed

And NOT at just ONE police station. From what I've heard there is a difference in police stations and some are in league with the sex trade mafia.

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By the way, SteelJoe, your points are well-taken....

I thought it went without saying, but on reflection perhaps I should add my opinion: if you ARE reasonably sure she is enslaved then you should do whatever you can.

But be careful. VERY.

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Agreed......maybe an anonymous letter dropped at the police station or her Embassy might be an option ...

Good luck but be careful..

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You can try to get in touch with Trafcord, which is now called FOCUS (Foundation of Child Understanding). They deal with these types of issues. Their contact info is 053-112-643-4 or 087-174-5797 (24hrs). They work in conjunction with the Chiang Mai Provincial Operation Centre of Prevention and Suppression of Human Trafficking (POCHT).

Don't try to deal with this yourself. As other members of TV have suggested, this is better handled by the authorities and professionals who deal with these issues.

This is the only thing to do. You don't know who you are dealing with and you are only a farang wanting to rescue a Thai woman. Those type of farang are a dime a dozen.

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