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Girl Is Sex Slave To Older Man, How To Help?


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Kast, fantastic! Finally real contact info, I appreciate it. I need to get in touch with the girl and make sure she is willing to be helped. As SteelJoe said, it might be a story she has concocted for her own motives. I will post the developments. It might take a few days, however.

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Sounds like you've got some good leads now. Here's what I would have suggested, but it sounds like you've gotten better connections by now. There are many Christian missionary organizations whose job is to liberate women from sexual slavery in Thailand. Normally working in the sex trade, but they should know how to deal with a domestic situation like this.

I would suggest you drop by a large farang church in Chiang Mai -- there are several -- and talk to one of the pastors. They can put you in touch. These mission organizations have long-standing & trusted relationships with Thai legal authorities, law enforcement, and women's/children's groups who can get this woman out of an abusive situation. They also focus on job retraining, so if this woman has no means to support herself, they can train her in job skills to help on that end, as well. They will also provide safe, temporary shelter until she is able to provide for herself.

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Thai's can be rather....mmm...'truth challenged' at times and the chances of her story being authentic is in equal proportion to it being a lie.

As usual, if the money question comes up with a suggestion that the whole problem could disappear if you were to kindly pay-off her debts...is obviously a red-flag. I hate to be thinking along these lines but it comes from living here a long time.

Another indication is her current employment, is it an environment where she could learn to be a "gamer"????

In the least perhaps offer to assist her in a daring escape via bus ticket back to her family.

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USNret....she calls herself a Christian, too, so that might not be a bad option for her. The next step now is to see if she wants to be helped or not.

Good to know, but being Christian is not at all prerequisite. Certainly nearly all the women they help are Buddhist or spiritualist (or nothing). And the focus is not on evangelizing, but on helping women to get out of difficult situations. BTW, I do know people who work in this ministry but they are based in Bangkok. If you like, I can query as to whether they know contacts in CM for this.

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Upcountry Sinclair, I don't know a Thai woman who would speak with her. They tend to look down on hill tribe girls mixed up in these affairs. She probably would not want to talk with them, too.

Her current employment, if it is true, is not gaming territory but I have not authenticated her work place. The ball is in her court now. I let her know that if she wants to get away from him I have some information for her that could help.

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As usual, if the money question comes up with a suggestion that the whole problem could disappear if you were to kindly pay-off her debts...is obviously a red-flag. I hate to be thinking along these lines but it comes from living here a long time.

The problem with that, is that paying off the girl's debts in this situation might really solve the problem. It might not be a scam.

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Upcountry Sinclair, I don't know a Thai woman who would speak with her. They tend to look down on hill tribe girls mixed up in these affairs. She probably would not want to talk with them, too.

Her current employment, if it is true, is not gaming territory but I have not authenticated her work place. The ball is in her court now. I let her know that if she wants to get away from him I have some information for her that could help.

You should be bar for posting such bull and red blood person will go to the police you in action shows you playing with us

PM if yoare serious and my wife will do number on her captive.

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I am amusing that you have a common language in which you communicate? I can understand your reluctance to go to the police particularly as her captor is Thai, he may well be connected and that would be bad news for you and the girl

If you are happy with her story and you feel that you want to help you may consider getting a message to her family and let her family deal with it! I know that appears to be passing the buck but if they live out of the immediate area there is a better chance of something being done with the local police and less chance of her captor being 'connected' with them.

Threats to kill is an offense in its self, then you got the kidnapping etc if guilty he could be looking at some serious time or at least it costing him a shit load of cash!

Does her family know that there have been threats made against them? Maybe that will sufficient to stir them into action of some sort!

But whatever you decide to do I would be inclined to keep your details well and truly out of it, it sounds like you are aware what the consequences can be for 'loss of face'!

Good luck

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One surprising source of help may be the American DEA. Their office in Chiang Mai is off Neimanheiman, and one of their key activities was fighting Human Trafficing. Not what one normally thinks when talking about the Drug Enforcement Agency, but I used to have an aquaintance who was an agent with them, and that was his main daily assignment.

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You might try the Empower organization (Google "Empower Chaing Mai"). I done know much about them but I understand they work with various NGOs on human rights issuesd associated with the sex trade and trafficking and such.

Unless she's actually in the flesh trade, then I don't think they can really help. They are more about "empowering" (geddit?) girls in the industry to look after themselves and not get taken for a ride (obviously not in the literal sense). And a good job they do, too.

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As usual, if the money question comes up with a suggestion that the whole problem could disappear if you were to kindly pay-off her debts...is obviously a red-flag. I hate to be thinking along these lines but it comes from living here a long time.

The problem with that, is that paying off the girl's debts in this situation might really solve the problem. It might not be a scam.

Yes,the flip-side of that is equally true.......Just today my wife had to bail out her older sister from a loan shark ordeal she got herself into. She borrowed 30,000 @ 20% interest.....not per annul, but per DAY!!.....that's 6,000 baht a day in interest w00t.gif .... who would believe such staggering stupidity?.....but this stuff does happen here,a lot. So family,being what it is,she went to HER bank and pulled the balance of the downtown extortionist.

The point I'am making is that people here can and do get themselves into very deep,hot water,perhaps bamboozal's girl in question is no exception.

In spite of the comfy & enticing veneers...Thailand IS a 3rd world country,proceed with caution.

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its horrible to say but if he's Thai you are getting into very deep water - what i would do is contact other Thais, quietly, but beyond doing that (horrible as it is) it is a very dangerous enterprise to go further - and whoever suggested the Police must be a noob here - good luck and very much hope that girl get's out of this mess

PS the advice would be different, of course, had the guy been farang and this is a horrible fact of life here. IF she could get away on her own and needed the bus fare - give it and wish her luck and let it go

Edited by binjalin
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its horrible to say but if he's Thai you are getting into very deep water - what i would do is contact other Thais, quietly, but beyond doing that (horrible as it is) it is a very dangerous enterprise to go further - and whoever suggested the Police must be a noob here - good luck and very much hope that girl get's out of this mess

PS the advice would be different, of course, had the guy been farang and this is a horrible fact of life here. IF she could get away on her own and needed the bus fare - give it and wish her luck and let it go

Noob?? Lol, If you were being held against your will wouldn't you want someone to get law enforcement involved?

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We are talking about being held captive by a thai. We don't know the background of that man. If he's rich and influential, you will be in very deep waters if your identity is exposed.

In Thailand, life is cheap to many. Especially with $$.

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We are talking about being held captive by a thai. We don't know the background of that man. If he's rich and influential, you will be in very deep waters if your identity is exposed. In Thailand, life is cheap to many. Especially with $$.

If the guy is afraid of getting hurt, then he could inform the police anonymously. The girl will probably be dead by the time this guy gets around to reporting this incident, lol.

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The reason to leave the police out of it at this stage is because the girl,apparently being a hill-tribe, can possibly be an illegal-alien to boot.

Discussing this topic with my wife, she claims exploitation of tribe girls by Thai's can swing from the common to the cruel and that this story,as we know at this point, is very likely to be true.

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its horrible to say but if he's Thai you are getting into very deep water - what i would do is contact other Thais, quietly, but beyond doing that (horrible as it is) it is a very dangerous enterprise to go further - and whoever suggested the Police must be a noob here - good luck and very much hope that girl get's out of this mess

PS the advice would be different, of course, had the guy been farang and this is a horrible fact of life here. IF she could get away on her own and needed the bus fare - give it and wish her luck and let it go

Noob?? Lol, If you were being held against your will wouldn't you want someone to get law enforcement involved?

of COURSE....... number ONE... anyone, seriously, in this position MUST get law enforcement involved - please don't misunderstand me - this is essential!!!!!!!!!!!

PS but not in Thailand

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its horrible to say but if he's Thai you are getting into very deep water - what i would do is contact other Thais, quietly, but beyond doing that (horrible as it is) it is a very dangerous enterprise to go further - and whoever suggested the Police must be a noob here - good luck and very much hope that girl get's out of this mess

PS the advice would be different, of course, had the guy been farang and this is a horrible fact of life here. IF she could get away on her own and needed the bus fare - give it and wish her luck and let it go

Noob?? Lol, If you were being held against your will wouldn't you want someone to get law enforcement involved?

of COURSE....... number ONE... anyone, seriously, in this position MUST get law enforcement involved - please don't misunderstand me - this is essential!!!!!!!!!!!

PS but not in Thailand

At best the police will send her back to the guy. The Thai police have a history of doing this. You have to get Pavena on this. End of story.

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