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Is Your House / Home A Disgusting Mess?


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I woke up this morning and realized that my house was a mess. I've spent the whole day cleaning it.

In England, though, my house was always immaculate.

Here in Thailand, I've been to many apartments / houses occupied by farangs and have often noticed that domestic cleanliness is sometimes a little lacking.

How about you?

Is your place super clean? Or do you adopt a more relaxed attitude to the presence of cobwebs and lizard droppings?

Do you clean your house often, or have you learned to tolerate a bit of "structured disorder"?

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I grew up with a mother who was obsessive about a clean house. It drove me nuts as a child.

Now, my house is indeed a bit messy. In the beginning, I hated it because I think my mother's obsession wore off on me. However, with time I have found that the house feels much more relaxed when a bit messy (though mom hates it when visiting).

Wish it was cleaner sometimes, but then again, the relaxed attitude to most things is why I live here. So, I just gotta take the bad with the good.

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In Bangkok it depends my feet.

When they get black underneath it's time to clean the floor which is every other day at the most.

Once I start cleaning I get into a frenzy and usually clean the whole pad.

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We can't afford a maid. But we kidnapped this young girl from......and use her as a household slave.....and..


When she feels like it, then she cleans, and when I feel like it, then I clean it.When we're lazy, it's messy.

I think that having a spotless house is not really a priority, unless you have all day time doing nothing else, but to make everything look perfect.

I like a little bit messy, it's cosy wink.png

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When I first moved here, I hired a cleaning lady and within a week, the fuggin' motorbike taxis and the massage parlour girls knew my name, what I did for a living and that I used red Rizla cigarette papers.

Needless to say, I dispensed with Nosey Parker's services in favour of relying on my own efforts.

Ok so the place doesn't get cleaned every day but at least I keep my privacy.

Ain't that the truth.

Not sure about the red Rizzlas though. I always preferred green papers and a pouch of Old Holborn.

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Andrew, you obviously haven't got a gal or guy in you life. Fix that and things might change eh. smile.png


I have a Significant Other. We live together. But neither of us are particularly interested in spending time to keep things immaculate.

We try to keep the house ha-sip ha-sip.

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cleaning is strictly women's work and my wife does it all . She will mop the floor anything from 3 to 10 times a day . I take the rubbish out . We do have 2 kids though so you've got to keep on top of it . Live in Saudi Arabia so sand is a problem . Hate that sand !

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Since the introduction of hoover's in Phetchabun around about 16 months ago our house has been transformed.

Not that it was ever dirty,just that the Thai sweepy sweepy brush made more mess than it cleaned.


Edited by stoneyboy
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In the UK, back when I was single my flat was a mess.

When my girlfriend was coming over, I literally had to clean prior to her arrival.

Now, of course, we're married and she complains about my not cleaning but she tends to be excessive, but in odd ways, i.e. The floor tends to get cleaned religiously, but a stain on the wall in the kitchen can get ignored for weeks..

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My partner works 6 days a week,so i do a light clean every day,wash and iron,and do half the shopping.My stepson is a right dirty little bugger though,at 12 yo, i think he should do better.

After retiring at 50 and been here 9 years,i find this to be no problem whatsoever,much easier than working,and i can do my chores anytime,day or night,albeit i do everything daytime as the gf will butt in when she finishes work lol.

I couldnt sit on me fat ass,while the gf works from 7am to 4pm, i couldnt have a slave,oops maid,i need privacy, and i am not a snob,however if we both worked then no problem.As long as i have legs that work i will always help the gf and do my share,only natural to me,in a relationship,no sexism for me.

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My wife works at the local school five days a week so I take care of the laundry, dishes and some light tidying up. She takes care of the floors and all shopping.

Our home is clean but it is cluttered and that bothers me. That doesn't bother her, so it remains cluttered.

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