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Ankle Bracelet Monitoring For Criminals Hits Thailand


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Ankle bracelet monitoring hits Thailand
By Coconuts Bangkok


BANGKOK: -- In an announcement made yesterday, the Ministry of Justice revealed that it had approved the use of electronic monitoring for criminals, meaning that Thai wrongdoers can now be tracked through the use of ankle bracelets, wristbands and other high-tech paraphernalia.

Electronic monitoring, which has been used in locations such as the United States since the 1980s, will only affect a small percentage of Thailand’s prisoner population.

Prisoners who are too sick to withstand incarceration, who have family members to take care of or who “deserve mitigation” will be able to serve out their sentences strapped to an ankle or wrist bracelet, rather than behind bars.

Full story: http://www.coconutsbangkok.com/uncategorized/ankle-bracelet-monitoring-hits-thailand/

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2013-03-25

RELATED - 26 March

Thai Corrections Dept Not Ready To Enforce New Law On Electronic Monitoring Of Offenders

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Thanks for this timely information. Wife recently bought me a present for my birthday and I was not sure what it was. Looks just like the item in the photo.

Is she trying to tell me something or does she not trust me any more ? Still beats the long length of string tied to the ankle when I go out.

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I wonder what the contract price will be for supply and how many will be ordered. That will be interesting. Prices range between USD300 and USD600 per unit or a cost of USD$4 a day or around USD120 a month. The perfect chance for someone to bid USD900 including freight, but bet they supply the 300 item and pocket the rest.

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Simple fact is they are so corrupt n this failed society that these will only be used by the richest to escape prison.

I don't agree. "Prisoners who are too sick to withstand incarceration, who have family members to take care of or who “deserve mitigation”. This just about includes everyone who will appear in court on any charges, as all have 'family members to take care of' whilst those 'well connected' deserve mitigation.

Conclusion: expect to see the ankle bracelet moved up the Thai fashion list as the next 'must have' accessory.

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should be used on farangs who were involved in a violent crime, paid some money for bail and then flee the country. Might cut down on the runners.

Seems like it is mostly Thais who skip and do the classic runner to Cambodia, but I do not add up all the numbers so I could be wrong.... The Thai couple who tortured the young Burmese girl for example. Cannot recall any farangs who skipped to avoid punishment for a serious crime. Farangs who commit serious crime seem to generally be refused bail, unless of course a massive bail was paid, then the police are perfectly happy if you skip so they can keep the money. Was a famous case of this in Pattaya a while ago...

But it seems to me that these bracelets would be great for people on bail to help insure they do not skip. But I suspect it will be used for hiso criminals to relax at their mansions while they " do their time"....

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Simple fact is they are so corrupt n this failed society that these will only be used by the richest to escape prison.

I don't agree. "Prisoners who are too sick to withstand incarceration, who have family members to take care of or who “deserve mitigation”. This just about includes everyone who will appear in court on any charges, as all have 'family members to take care of' whilst those 'well connected' deserve mitigation.

Conclusion: expect to see the ankle bracelet moved up the Thai fashion list as the next 'must have' accessory.

Exactly. Like teeth braces. The kids back home hate them because they are ugly. Here they are a status symbol.

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These have been in use in Britain for a few years now and there are easy ways of detaching and reattaching them. In Liverpool, teenage scallies make skag and weed money for wearing them for older, more experienced criminals.

Corect - In my old neighborhood(USA), a teen girl on probation put hers on the family dog. She was caught when her parents saw that she wasn't in bed asleep - they called the cops who put out a search. She got time in Juvenile Hall (Kiddy Jail) for her escapade.

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Simple fact is they are so corrupt n this failed society that these will only be used by the richest to escape prison.

I don't agree. "Prisoners who are too sick to withstand incarceration, who have family members to take care of or who “deserve mitigation”. This just about includes everyone who will appear in court on any charges, as all have 'family members to take care of' whilst those 'well connected' deserve mitigation.

Conclusion: expect to see the ankle bracelet moved up the Thai fashion list as the next 'must have' accessory.

I was thinking the same thing.. in two months, every student at every university will be wearing these as a fashion statement.

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How do they take a shower with one of those on?

Pretty easy... they stand under the shower..... and.....and....turn the tap on...The one's in the UK are waterproof smile.png

They are water proof to a point. You can shower with them, but you can't submerge them like taking a bath or going swimming.

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This should be interesting. Are they going to make the owners help pay for the cost of these devices by charging them a monthly fee, just like where I am from? Who will escort offenders, when they have to travel outside their designated limit? What agency will monitor the offenders? Many, many questions come to mind,about these devices. I think this is just some BS pipe dream that someone has thought up, (scheme, I believe the term is), to try and fool the public as well as the criminal.

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