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The Best Thing About Today Was....


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I met a new friend from Chiang Rai who also spoke Chinese and introduced me to some new northern food.


Ah, who knows.....I will try the good 'ol positive, feel-good thread. It's far too easy to talk about negative things.

So what was the BEST thing about TODAY??

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I managed to take a walk today that I have not been physically up to for a month. Also got to stop for my favorite breakfast at Sunnui's.

The wife located a case of 1.45 mml bottles of Pepsi Max.

Got to admit I did get a little frustrated trying to find a web page for Nok Air. Just means I will have to stop into their office when we go to see GI Joe. That makes a guaranteed good day for later this week.

Yes I stopped in to AIS and talked about my air stick disconnecting when ever it felt like it (I can reconnect right away) but it is a nuscience. I was told that they are working on the equipment and it will all be sorted out in May. I choose to believe it.

All in all a good day.

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I managed to take a walk today that I have not been physically up to for a month. Also got to stop for my favorite breakfast at Sunnui's.

The wife located a case of 1.45 mml bottles of Pepsi Max.

Got to admit I did get a little frustrated trying to find a web page for Nok Air. Just means I will have to stop into their office when we go to see GI Joe. That makes a guaranteed good day for later this week.

Yes I stopped in to AIS and talked about my air stick disconnecting when ever it felt like it (I can reconnect right away) but it is a nuscience. I was told that they are working on the equipment and it will all be sorted out in May. I choose to believe it.

All in all a good day.

http://www.nokair.com/nokconnext/aspx/index.aspx Oops! did I spoil you anticipated fun day?

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The best thing about today was getting a ticket to Krabi. I'm off for a few weeks to Ao Nang beachto get away from the smokey smog in Chiang Mai. Then it's back to Canada for 6 months of clear air.

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Yesterday: Episode 15 of The Walking Dead was available online. Watched and enjoyed with beers.

Today: New chain and handlebar grips on the Triumph, only a week to go until my daughter visits for the first time. :)

Tomorrow and as far forward as I can see: Living in CM despite the smog and the whingers.......



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Another day and off to a good start. An old friend called me, I got to sleep in and thanks to LenanRus I got the Nok air web page.

I don't have a smart phone and that is a good thing as I am tech challenged and would just get confused.

I do have a new kindle e reader and have just about figured it out. Loaded a bunch of stories now have to figure out how to book mark them but I think with persistence I will manage that.

Shaping up to be a good day. I enjoy warehouse 13 and the wife has agreed to forgo 50 minutes of her Thai soaps for me.LOL

I shouldn't be so sarcastic about her TV watching she does watch a lot of news shows and some comedy shows that remind me of Milton Berle.

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My allergic reaction to this smoke is dying down! I've never had it so bad in my life but all in all, I still love it here.

Next year it will be family holidays away from the heavy smoke, and I always remind myself that a bad day here is better than a good day back where I came from....wherever that was.

Happy days....

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Hope your next holiday isn't anywhere in SEA as I just got back from Vietnam and it's smoky just like over here

My allergic reaction to this smoke is dying down! I've never had it so bad in my life but all in all, I still love it here.

Next year it will be family holidays away from the heavy smoke, and I always remind myself that a bad day here is better than a good day back where I came from....wherever that was.

Happy days....

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The best thing about today was getting a ticket to Krabi. I'm off for a few weeks to Ao Nang beachto get away from the smokey smog in Chiang Mai. Then it's back to Canada for 6 months of clear air.

I sincerely hope you enjoy it more than I did. I was disappointed.

Could be all I ever heard was good things. No body mentioned that there was no reclining chairs with umbrellas on the beaches or that if you have tender feet the sand is a bit to grainy.

The walk along the beach side walk was a pleasant one.

Next time I go for a beach holiday it will be Cha am.

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Best thing about today:

New York 7° and 3 inches of snow

Maryland 8° and 2 inches of snow

Billings Montana 2° and 4 inches snow

Chicago 4° and 6 inches of snow...

Chiang Mai 38° and sunny (despite the smog)

Edited by rideswings
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Let's see. I spied two camel toes on Suthep road.

Got some long procrastinated stuff done in my smog bunker.


Threw a dart on the map of northern Thailand.

Don't let a native catch you doing that!

Best thing? Getting up at the crack of Dawn. whistling.gif

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