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Xena Brake Disc Lock And Alarm, Any Views?


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I am using one but not the one with alarm. I got the double lock one as it is stonger than the alarm one. And at malls, mostly bikes touch each other at parking so alarmed model i am sure will be disturbing.

I never had a glitch so far. It never stuck or something and practical enough to use.

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loserlazer thanks, yes I too thought the cramped jostling in some parking areas would create premature activation.

I am actually looking to see if there are models where the alarm can be manually overridden or muted if required? However it seems like once locked it is automatically armed!

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i asked that too and you cannot turn of the alarm and if you want to turn it off why buy it?

Thats why i bought the x2 model http://www.pandarider.com/XENA/product-disclock-X2.html - panda rider sells them.

also, x2 model has 14 mm lock and alarm models are 6 mm - 10 mm.

i also have an x1 - 6 mm - model that i was using with my cbr250 but x2 is better, safer, stronger and you cannot lock it without the key which is a cool feature x1 does not have. As if you forget the key of x1 at home and if you are not aware of this and lock the disc, it is badlaugh.png especially if you are far away from your home!

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I have one, and my bike has never been stolen. As mine got older the alarm got more sensitive and kept going off. I found that if you attach to the bottom of the disc, rather than the side, then it solved the problem.

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I was given a cheaper, no name model that someone bought in SP320 for 500b, around one year ago.

It's fantastic.

It was so good that I went down and bought another one that we slip onto the security gate inside our front door every night as a front door alarm.

Both still perfect after one year and showing no signs of letting up. :)

Highly recommended.

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I have one, and my bike has never been stolen. As mine got older the alarm got more sensitive and kept going off. I found that if you attach to the bottom of the disc, rather than the side, then it solved the problem.

Yes, hanging vertical makes them less sensitive to premature noise ejaculation.

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Highly recommend the Xena alarming disk lock. Just get the cheaper one at around 1600 baht, there is no real need to pay 4500 baht for the stainless steel one. Both are almost impossible to remove with out the key or a blow torch. The lock is a deterrent not a guarantee, it makes so much noise that even most animals stay away after setting it off a couple times. Thieves are lazy people, they steal what they can fast and easy, you put an annoying alarm on your bike that goes off when they move it they will normally just leave it and move to the next targeted victim because they don't want to work to steal anything much less be caught by anyone.

Of course if it's a Million Baht bike I would still be concerned but if you can afford a million baht bike or rather a very expensive bike you should have a house to park it at or somewhere secure. All in all I think it's worth the money and I live in a house smile.png with very nice Thai neighbors.

Edited by commande
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Highly recommend the Xena alarming disk lock. Just get the cheaper one at around 1600 baht, there is no real need to pay 4500 baht for the stainless steel one. Both are almost impossible to remove with out the key or a blow torch. The lock is a deterrent not a guarantee, it makes so much noise that even most animals stay away after setting it off a couple times. Thieves are lazy people, they steal what they can fast and easy, you put an annoying alarm on your bike that goes off when they move it they will normally just leave it and move to the next targeted victim because they don't want to work to steal anything much less be caught by anyone.

Of course if it's a Million Baht bike I would still be concerned but if you can afford a million baht bike or rather a very expensive bike you should have a house to park it at or somewhere secure. All in all I think it's worth the money and I live in a house smile.png with very nice Thai neighbors.

i prefer to trust on a 14 mm lock than a 6 mm lock with an alarm, alarmed ones looks like bicycle locks and does not give me any trust, they look flimsy and i really cannot understand if really someone bother removing the battery of an alarmed lock? So every time you are in a crowded, tight parking space, you remove the battery first - which i am sure not that easy - and then lock your bike? it sounds a bit stupid to me actuallybiggrin.png

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Highly recommend the Xena alarming disk lock. Just get the cheaper one at around 1600 baht, there is no real need to pay 4500 baht for the stainless steel one. Both are almost impossible to remove with out the key or a blow torch. The lock is a deterrent not a guarantee, it makes so much noise that even most animals stay away after setting it off a couple times. Thieves are lazy people, they steal what they can fast and easy, you put an annoying alarm on your bike that goes off when they move it they will normally just leave it and move to the next targeted victim because they don't want to work to steal anything much less be caught by anyone.

Of course if it's a Million Baht bike I would still be concerned but if you can afford a million baht bike or rather a very expensive bike you should have a house to park it at or somewhere secure. All in all I think it's worth the money and I live in a house smile.png with very nice Thai neighbors.

i prefer to trust on a 14 mm lock than a 6 mm lock with an alarm, alarmed ones looks like bicycle locks and does not give me any trust, they look flimsy and i really cannot understand if really someone bother removing the battery of an alarmed lock? So every time you are in a crowded, tight parking space, you remove the battery first - which i am sure not that easy - and then lock your bike? it sounds a bit stupid to me actuallybiggrin.png

Hi not sure if this post was for me or not smile.png... I don't remove the battery from my lock, I actually only put the alarming lock on the bike if I am parked outside in a place I am not familiar with or overnight at home in the drive. The Mall indoor parking and such, I don't bother, I can just tip the parking lot guard 20 baht and he will take care of it, 100 baht and he will wash it for me and polish my helmet. I agree, your 14mm lock is definitely heavy duty but my argument would be that unless you use the lock to tie the bike to a pole or other similar object than the thieves only have to drive their truck up to your bike, pick it up, load it in the back and off they go. This is how most bikes are stolen.

You have an alarm that is annoying to hear and locks the front tire so it wont role, this makes it more high profile to steal, you have noise, they can't role the bike (you shouldn't have this issue with your lock) - not to mention as they drive down the road with my bike loaded in the back the alarm is constantly going off because of the motion setting off the alarm getting peoples attention and the Thai's love to take pictures so you never know, might help your insurance claim and or police report. Of course everyone has an opinion, the reasons for your choice of lock are as good as anyone, strength does have it's advantages when used correctly. I prefer to annoy people with sound and inconvenience and not just brute strength for in the end if someone really wants to steal something nothing short of military action is going to stop them smile.png, the lock is damn loud and would be very hard to remove.

Edited by commande
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my words are for general commande.

Yeah, if i need an alarmed lock, i do not remove the battery toobiggrin.png like you.

I am living in detached house and my gate is locked during night so i do not have any trouble besides, i live in Bangkok so it is hard for them to bring a truck and load a locked big red bike allegedly here, yeah, they can do it in the middle of nowhere though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i asked that too and you cannot turn of the alarm and if you want to turn it off why buy it?

Thats why i bought the x2 model http://www.pandarider.com/XENA/product-disclock-X2.html - panda rider sells them.

also, x2 model has 14 mm lock and alarm models are 6 mm - 10 mm.

i also have an x1 - 6 mm - model that i was using with my cbr250 but x2 is better, safer, stronger and you cannot lock it without the key which is a cool feature x1 does not have. As if you forget the key of x1 at home and if you are not aware of this and lock the disc, it is badlaugh.png especially if you are far away from your home!

Just called them and tried to order the X@ model but unfortunately not available and also not able to order - typical thai style. Any idea where else i can get those? Thanks Mr. J

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I've got an XX6 coming from Panda (probably today or tomorrow)- they had stock on them last Thursday- maybe I got the last one.

It's true it only has a 6mm lock, but I picked it more for the shock value of the alarm than the actual protective properties- if someone wants your bike badly enough and they have some help lifting it (and they don't care if they damage it in the process) they'll get it.

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I have a no name version of this disc lock & like it.

The alarm as others have said is more sensitive at a 9 o'clock position than 6 o'clock position

on the disc.

But not a problem really. If the bike gets bumped it gives off 3 warning chirps

If it gets bumped or moved again in a short time then it goes to full alarm.

Full alarm lasts about 30 seconds then stops to conserve battery.

The cycle then starts again if bumped with the 3 chirps 1st

Nice thing about these types of alarms is the fit in the tray under

main or rear seat on most bikes.

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I brought my Xena lock over from Oz. It worked ok there, but after one month here the alarm started going off for no reason - even when hung vertically. I tried all cures I could find on the web, none worked. But I did finding people with the same problem, and some suggestions that high humidity was the culprit. I wrote to Xena and asked them if their alarm sensor was ok in high humidity, and if so could I please have contact for local distributor to order a new sensor. More than a year I have waited for an answer.....

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I brought my Xena lock over from Oz. It worked ok there, but after one month here the alarm started going off for no reason - even when hung vertically. I tried all cures I could find on the web, none worked. But I did finding people with the same problem, and some suggestions that high humidity was the culprit. I wrote to Xena and asked them if their alarm sensor was ok in high humidity, and if so could I please have contact for local distributor to order a new sensor. More than a year I have waited for an answer.....

I have this problem too. It seems better when hung vertically but still goes off continuously for 3-5mins sometimes. I think I've worked it out though. Humidity probably is a factor as it seems to go off more lately so heat is the common factor. I keep the lock under my seat,(Ninja) and if I've been riding for a long time, when I take it out it's very hot.(It was never hot under the seat of my CBR) This usually means it will go off almost immediately. At other times, I believe it's the heat from the brake disc causing it. Not straight away, but as the disc cools maybe it affects the sensor somehow. I think this because once the brake disc has cooled down completely, it never goes off again.
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I don't think it is a problem with heat on mine - I finally took the battery out (and use it as a simple lock) when it went off at 1am for no reason. The bike had been parked for over 5 hours.

I wish they were reliable, as they are otherwise solid and useful.

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I don't think it is a problem with heat on mine - I finally took the battery out (and use it as a simple lock) when it went off at 1am for no reason. The bike had been parked for over 5 hours. I wish they were reliable, as they are otherwise solid and useful.

I took out the battery on mine too, but then some idiot at my condo tried to move/steal my bike and dropped it. Fortunately just a few minor scratches. So now the battery is back in.
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I have one but stopped using it.

I found the alarm unpredictable. Sometimes it would go off at the slightest vibration and other times you could have someone sit on the bike and it wouldn't make a sound.

I suppose as a lock it is effective.

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I brought my Xena lock over from Oz. It worked ok there, but after one month here the alarm started going off for no reason - even when hung vertically. I tried all cures I could find on the web, none worked. But I did finding people with the same problem, and some suggestions that high humidity was the culprit. I wrote to Xena and asked them if their alarm sensor was ok in high humidity, and if so could I please have contact for local distributor to order a new sensor. More than a year I have waited for an answer.....

Maybe you find this odd and so did I but I find the one I got with the bike OK only when on compact surfaces.

Some types of vibration will set it off though and I find the position 6 o/c the best too.

Another funny thing I found is I raise back and front of the bike on stands when parked in my kitchen leaving the bike for more than a couple of days, armed the disc lock alarm goes off and won't stop.

Put back on the ground and it works OK again.

I still think a thick plastic covered cable or chain with a decent lock hooked wrapped around railings, lamp posts etc is the best way to go.

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