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Hi newby5 here hope all you experienced guys don't jump
on this and have a laugh but here goes I have been in contact with a Thai girl
age 34, (I am single 54 never married no dependents) for 3 years now via a Thai
dating site first and then normal phone and internet my brother visits there a
number of times and has said the visa process is more relaxed now with the new
government? So I thought I would ask my Thai girl over on visa 48r.

My story is I have been sending her about 3000 bath a
month to help her live not much and I can afford it but have felt maybe I am
paying for a friendship sometimes and no mon she might have taken off she seems
loyal and dose not like Thai men. She lives in a village so not much night life
there. She has asked me to come over many times but I have a genuine fear of
flying and am told I have a bad ticker and find it hard to find anyone trust
worthy to look after things here if I could go.

I run my own business here and are financially
independent own my home so can well look after her for the 3 months with free
accom food etc. I can also prove we have been associating for 3 years via money

She has on off employment but not stable but I would say
no saving either but she owns her own house and has a 12 yr old daughter so I
have expressed she needs to make sure she expresses her need to return for these
reasons it is just her to come over (have read some posts)

She a applied for a Australian visa about 12 years ago
and was rejected I said seems she did not know the guy in question long enough
maybe, they split.

Later she married a Irish guy and lived in Ireland for 8
years they split and she has been back in Thailand now for 3 to 4 years.

Q: Will I have any chance of getting her over here due to
the fact I have never been to Thailand and we have no pics of us together even
thou i have herd aof many with the pics rejected or would I be wasting mine and
her time doing the visa process.

Also she states she has to have a interview for visa and
travel to Bangkok to lodge I read she just mails it I think she had to do this
in the past?

Also how do you protect your info from being copied and
maybe used in Identity fraud.

I will need to do the whole invitation letter is it
better to state we have formed a emotional relationship

but not physical one or just say we are friends.

Any advise from people in know would be so appreciated
thanks for reading.

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This post is genuine and people do form relationships with out meeting the other person over the 3 years we have covered many topics and i know all about her family and her mine and know i did not use Western Union.


Has this scenario got you all stumped? she has plenty of
reason to return to Thailand she has a daughter owns her own house she can get
by with her parents support her family runs a business which she works in.
That's why i dont send her much money she can support herself.

I have known her for 3 years now can prove that by money
trans phone records etc.

The question is has the visa app easier now under new
government am I wasting my time or would you all be guessing.


Hi there OP (newby5) ... just something to consider and this may help you orientate your thinking.

It's your Thai friend who is applying for the Visa ... not you.

You are simply her guarantee/support in Australia.

What ever you do ... please don't send her money to place in her Bank for the Visa application ... she doesn't need it ... no matter what story she relays to you.

Nor believe any story that she has a friend who guarantees a Visa ... we just have to pay him 35,000 Baht ... that's pure and 1st class bs ... just so you know.

If you have the financial means and she doesn't ... that's enough for a Visa application.

Everything you write about this Lady screams to us the wrong things ... we name them 'Red Flags' ... warning signs ... but heck, who are we to judge what true love us ... just wish you luck.

Our collective experience is that the Australian Government really looks critically at the reason for the Visa applicant will return to her home country by the Visa's expiration and that she conforms to the Visa conditions.

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There are zillions of birds from all over the planet trying to get their feet planted in farangland. Sorry to say that any guy sending cash here to a bird really has made a mistake UNLESS a farang can ''perhaps'' vouch. If not, save your money, come and see whats what. I have seen so much heart ache it makes me angry. sad.png .

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There are zillions of birds from all over the planet trying to get their feet planted in farangland. Sorry to say that any guy sending cash here to a bird really has made a mistake UNLESS a farang can ''perhaps'' vouch. If not, save your money, come and see whats what. I have seen so much heart ache it makes me angry. .

I've seen so much heart ache it makes me laugh.


There are zillions of birds from all over the planet trying to get their feet planted in farangland. Sorry to say that any guy sending cash here to a bird really has made a mistake UNLESS a farang can ''perhaps'' vouch. If not, save your money, come and see whats what. I have seen so much heart ache it makes me angry. .

I've seen so much heart ache it makes me laugh.

Well yeh, l went through that stage too, but now l want to cry. sad.png


Hi there David 48 at last someone with some advise yes
can see what you are saying, I have some feelings there but not led by that. I
double check everything and know the application costs $115.oo Au about 3300
bath she knows this and no there has been no mention of a friend who can do this
for 35000 bath.\

What are the red flags you
speak of ?

With your knowledge If I ask her out here just as a
friend (seems they don't acknowledge internet relationships) according to the
feedback what advise do you have on the length of stay 2 months on a 3 month
Visa ?? Or dose it make any difference.

have you heard of any 48r being passed for a friend to
visit Australia under these circumstances.


If you could not get round to coming over and seing her I do not fancy the chances of Immigration considering there is a relationship that provides a reason to come and a good reason for her return.


Oh she did live in ireland for 8 years she has a current passport but i think it has been renewed since being back in Thailand dose this make any difference? Not sure what you are saying by apply online?


So you are saying I think if she renewed her Irish passport she can travel on that ?? yes she must have some sort of irish connection or citizenship after 8 years


So you are saying I think if she renewed her Irish passport she can travel on that ?? yes she must have some sort of irish connection or citizenship after 8 years

yes, im saying travel on the irish passport if she has one.

i know know if she can get a renewal, if she is down as a irish citizen then i presume she can, other on here might know? anyone?


The husband lost interest in her after 3 years she hung in there for another 5 until she felt loveless and she came back to Thailand.


and dose not like Thai men

Classic, absolute classic.

She has on off employment but not stable but I would say

no saving either but she owns her own house

Big Red Flag right there, where did she get the money from to buy a house?

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She dose not like thai men because she was bashed in a thai relationship when she was 20 when she had her daughter it lasted 2 years

when she was in Ireland she worked full time in age care and saved it up irish wages worth a lot when converted to thai bath.


My advice is to trust but verify before spending one baht. Thai women are famous and expert at scams . Rule of thumb, if a Thai woman says they do not like Thai men they are lying. More "red flags" is her former relationship with the Irishman and the simple fact you met her on a dating site.

I wish you luck but you seem to be letting your heart and expectations rule your objectivity.


Chatting for 3 years and you haven't visited her here?

Sorry, but I'm sure I read somewhere here earlier today about some cyber scam baring striking similarities to the OP...

A few hours later and BOOM! A troll is born...


Don't know about the troll thing is about but yes she lived in Ireland for 8 years have seen the pictures of her there, she has also friends visit her in Thailand from Ireland while I have known her have talked to them and she sent pics. You seem to forget webcams these days are like virual conversations she has shown me many things to back her story.

Why if she dose not like thai men a lie I dont like Aussie women for a relationships do i need to go into why you no why.


I don't think diac would give a visa based on phone chat. Seriously if I worked there I wouldn't grant her a visa. I'd tell you go visit her then apply.

But I'm not from diac so try an app and see how you go mate.

Good luck!


Ring diac and talk to them directly. They aren't monsters. Explain your situation. I wouldn't worry about the web link yet.


I tried to talk to the Thai visa place a while back and
all I got was a recorded message and led to believe they didn't take calls which
office are you talking about precisely do you have a number please.


My advice is to trust but verify before spending one baht. Thai women are famous and expert at scams . Rule of thumb, if a Thai woman says they do not like Thai men they are lying. More "red flags" is her former relationship with the Irishman and the simple fact you met her on a dating site.

I wish you luck but you seem to be letting your heart and expectations rule your objectivity.

@CharlesWayne & Others: You write: "Rule of thumb, if a Thai woman says they do not like Thai men they are lying."

Well; I beg to differ. Mind you; I've only lived/worked in Thailand for 21 years, but my experience tells a slightly different story:

When you're talking about 'Bar-Girls and/or Ex Bar-Girls; your statement might hold a certain amount of truth; however; when you're talking about the "normal" Thai girl/woman, they do most certainly have an aversion against Thai' Men, the reason being that the latter are very unreliable and very few are ever true to their relationships, and that's MY rule-of-thumb !


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