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Sad To Go , But We Will Return :)


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Your son will find it a bit difficult adjustment but if he can get over the initial hump and work hard academically his future will I'm sure be much more secure continuing from now on there rather than here.

Best of luck to you and yours!

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good luck chonabot,when you come back call at the loch leven hotel and get me a pair of smoked kippers and if its not too much trouble one of them lamb mince pies in a sheeps stomach. taffy

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Good luck chon, I can totally relate to the aged parent thing, we will be moving back to los in the next few years to look after my ailing mil & her sisters, it is becoming apparent that they will not have a good quality of life if we don't.

My own mother is very able bodied & young for her 65 years but if the time comes where we need to go back to UK to look after her too then we of course will do it. I don't think your commitment to your parents is that unusual, in my family anyway (Thai & UK sides), we look after our olds.

You will be teaching your son a valuable lesson & Thailand isn't going anywhere, when the time comes you will be able to move back easily after doing it once already. :)

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According to his profile the OP is only 47 years old. Still young and plenty of time for his return later on.

Some of us old one footers were not in a situation to live over here permanently until retired. Although I have been based in Thailand for over 30 years, was not able to fully lay down my hat without having to keep running off to my job overseas until I was 54.

My beloved parents departed a few years ago and I miss them so much. Make of the most of your parents and savor every moment with them, because it`s always later than you think and time goes swiftly.

Don`t worry, you`re be back soon enough, before you have time to even say; WTH, that was quick.

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Lovely words all - Thanks

I'm hearing less nice words from my 'mates' back home - jealous buggers they are smile.png


What you mean like "are you crazy? don't do it!" ?

I would agree with that sentiment, no I am hearing...'Oh so you couldn't hack it overseas then?'...that kind of negative <deleted> smile.png
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Lovely words all - Thanks

I'm hearing less nice words from my 'mates' back home - jealous buggers they are smile.png


What you mean like "are you crazy? don't do it!" ?

I would agree with that sentiment, no I am hearing...'Oh so you couldn't hack it overseas then?'...that kind of negative <deleted> smile.png

Ahhh natural Scottish pessimism. Counter that by smiling and saying you at least have a nice suntan. biggrin.png

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Lovely words all - Thanks

I'm hearing less nice words from my 'mates' back home - jealous buggers they are smile.png


What you mean like "are you crazy? don't do it!" ?

I would agree with that sentiment, no I am hearing...'Oh so you couldn't hack it overseas then?'...that kind of negative <deleted> smile.png

I'm hearing them saying "I couldn't ever try to live abroad and survive!" We've heard it from our friends too. Whatever, I hope you'll be back, nice poster, fair, balanced and confident in yourself. Good luck back in 'Ol Blighty....it's not all bad! The beer is better for a start!

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Lovely words all - Thanks

I'm hearing less nice words from my 'mates' back home - jealous buggers they are smile.png


What you mean like "are you crazy? don't do it!" ?

I would agree with that sentiment, no I am hearing...'Oh so you couldn't hack it overseas then?'...that kind of negative <deleted> smile.png
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