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Phuket Immigration Warns Of Drive On Foreign Stay Reports


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Can i still pick up a pretty girl in RCA and stay in her High floor Condo, lets say for 3 days/nights?smile.png

Must she report me then? cheesy.gif

Theoretically, she must report your arrival within 24 hours.

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So, in theory, if non-Thai, resident of Thailand, stays at your home for a couple of days whilst travelling you have to rush off to immigration, which maybe a hundred kilometres or more, to report their stay?

No, you go local police

"If there is no Immigration Office located in that area , the local police official for that area must be notified."

Difficult to know how immigration defines "in that area", but the report to immigration can also be made by mail.

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thats why people are paid for...to invent new rules and new staff.A good publicity for tat.

8000 baths fine ...i will tell my sticky friends to go to sleep and drink somewhere else then....just in case !

thats incredible they dont know how to do their job so they obligate us to do it for them.in hotels or public establishment i understand it but in privat homes......!come on man ...!again .....whats appening to this people?

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When you go for your annual 1 yer renewal for retirement you need to have the owner of the property or your spouse with you or a contract. I assume that this is in replacement to reporting...

Your application for "Extension of Temporary Stay in The Kingdom" with the form TM.7 is not a replacement for the "Notification Form for House Master, Owner, or the Possessor of The Residence Where Aliens Have Stay" with the form TM.30

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I am on a multi entry o visa ,I apply for this at Hull ,in England ,I put my Thai Girlfriends addresss on the form ,I also put my Thai Girlfriends address on the arrival form ,you fill in on the plane ,We live in Sattahip, Should my girlfriend register me at police/immigration ....????confused.

good idea ...2 times better than 1

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I'm sure immigration knows where I am, because I have told them over 18 times in the last 3 years alone. Also, the police should know with my driver's licence even my embassy renewing my passport and having to give this address (of course, it didn't come to me, it came to the owners of the building, lucky they are good people!).

I will mention this to the owner next time I see them. I don't know if they keep abreast of immigration policy changes.

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What a joke, the BIB can't even find a Swiss girl in prison for over a month while her mom is worried sick and they expect to communicate with all the local hospitality spots and organize all the paperwork from this. They claim its so they can "keep track" of people, but they can't even communicate with other gov. agencies. Unreal.

I think you miss the point. This has been the law in Thailand all along, but with the fine set at 2,000baht (not per day) there was little incentive for the immigration police or the BiB to get excited. Now that there is a bounty of 8,000 baht per day the whole exercise becomes one of great importance to all concerned. The potential for serious salary enhancement has now come into play so this is a major career activity from now on.

The poster who mentioned heavy fines as a way to reduce road crime was on the right track. The more salary enhancement opportunities that the BiB have then the more seriously they will take their duties.

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Glad my gf doesn't live in Phuket! This would be an incredible hassle every time I go up to spend time with her for a few days. Typically don't stay in a single place either. Sometimes at her parents house, some time in her room at her shop, some time at her grandparents house, some times at her friends' house... some times even on the farm! Would have to register all of these places? Insane...

The law applies to all Thailand.

It's not you that have to report it's your gf, parents and grandparents that has to report.

If far away from Immigrations office the report can me made at local police station within 24 hours of you arriving.

Yeah, so her 80 year old grandparents need to somehow go to the nearest village where there is a police station... an hour by the car which they don't have. Lovely. And if I stay in 4 different residences in a week, which is often the case, all have to report my presence? I will be real popular with family and friends....

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Yeah, so her 80 year old grandparents need to somehow go to the nearest village where there is a police station... an hour by the car which they don't have. Lovely. And if I stay in 4 different residences in a week, which is often the case, all have to report my presence? I will be real popular with family and friends....

As said it's the law.

I try to convince my wife she must report to Immigrations every time I come home from Tesco. wink.png

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So if you rent a house and relatives come to stay with you what is the requirement there?

Why is this topic causing so much confusion. If you rent the house you ARE NOT the owner, so it's not your responsibility to tell immigration of the foreigner staying there.. it's the responsibility of the OWNER.

Even if you rent, lease or have an usufruct you are still not the legal owner.

And how the hell is the owner supposed to be able to keep track of who is invited as a guest in one of his/her apartments.

Some guests are invited for only one hour at a time....

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Be realistic. Immigration are not going to raid private homes. Where's the money in that? And the tenant is doing nothing wrong anyway so it's not a problem for the majority on here.

For owners of small hotels it's a different matter. Even a 10 room guesthouse, fully occupied, 20 persons, that's a 40,000 baht fine (four times that if you prefer to believe the Phuket News). And maybe back payment for previously unreported guests and that is an amount worth a visit from the Immigration Office.

It'll probably be the usual 2 week crackdown and everything back to normal thereafter anyway.

Agree ... But it could be a nice little " Grab " for the local Establishment , who may wish to " Enforce " the letter of the Law .

1/2 the correct Fine in Cash may just do it .

Could be a Nice little earner ..here and there .

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Glad my gf doesn't live in Phuket! This would be an incredible hassle every time I go up to spend time with her for a few days. Typically don't stay in a single place either. Sometimes at her parents house, some time in her room at her shop, some time at her grandparents house, some times at her friends' house... some times even on the farm! Would have to register all of these places? Insane...

Of course this is the law throughout Thailand and not just Phuket.

The Phuket Immigration are simply taking the time to inform hotel staff of the existing law.

it is the law throughout Thailand but some provinces such as Kalasin do not have a local immigration office, can the report be made to the Police?

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So if you rent a house and relatives come to stay with you what is the requirement there?

Why is this topic causing so much confusion. If you rent the house you ARE NOT the owner, so it's not your responsibility to tell immigration of the foreigner staying there.. it's the responsibility of the OWNER.

Even if you rent, lease or have an usufruct you are still not the legal owner.

And how the hell is the owner supposed to be able to keep track of who is invited as a guest in one of his/her apartments.

Some guests are invited for only one hour at a time....

"Some guests are invited for only one hour" - but some of those guests end up staying a lifetime. :) :)

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I did my visa extension at Chaeng Wattana 2 weeks ago. Along with my receipt I was given a printed paper (all in Thai) and told to "give to house-master" After working out that 'house-master' is Landlord, I passed it on - as requested. Apparently it states much the same as here that as owner of the property - they are required to notify immigration of ANY foreigners on THEIR premises - or risk a fine.

It was difficult explaining to her that I had just spent several hours at immigration - notifying them of my address, both for my extension AND for my 90 day report ...... but;......

The 'Landlord' told me she tried to it on online - but it was a nightmare and she failed (yes she owns a business)

I really don't think she will travel all the way to Chaeng Wattana to 'notify a competent official' that she has a foreigner or two renting a roomn from her.

I suggested she try by mail.

The problem could well be trying to find a "competent official".

nuff said.

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So if you rent a house and relatives come to stay with you what is the requirement there?

Why is this topic causing so much confusion. If you rent the house you ARE NOT the owner, so it's not your responsibility to tell immigration of the foreigner staying there.. it's the responsibility of the OWNER.

Even if you rent, lease or have an usufruct you are still not the legal owner.

And how the hell is the owner supposed to be able to keep track of who is invited as a guest in one of his/her apartments.

Some guests are invited for only one hour at a time....

"Some guests are invited for only one hour" - but some of those guests end up staying a lifetime. smile.pngsmile.png

Some hosts just get lucky...

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What is all about those immigration rules in 2015? Tourist would go to Cambo, get a 1 year visa and can they living all over any places?

To my knowledge, Thailand opted out of this because they knew neighbouring countries were offering long visas, without any of the BS like Thailand. Eg. Vietnam - married to a Vietnamese National - 5 year visa - if not married to a Vietnamese National - 1 year "tourist visas" available. No need for 850,000 baht in the bank for 3 months blah blah blah.

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So, when i stay at a party until 5 a clock in the morning and decide to not drive home and sleep at the girls place overnight, she has to report me to the immigration first? And where at 5 a clock in the morning?

BTW, not everyone is familiar with all this online procedures. I guess they have to plant a whole forest of trees to cover the upcoming paperwork

But how would she even know your name????

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So if you rent a house and relatives come to stay with you what is the requirement there?

Why is this topic causing so much confusion. If you rent the house you ARE NOT the owner, so it's not your responsibility to tell immigration of the foreigner staying there.. it's the responsibility of the OWNER.

Even if you rent, lease or have an usufruct you are still not the legal owner.

And how the hell is the owner supposed to be able to keep track of who is invited as a guest in one of his/her apartments.

Some guests are invited for only one hour at a time....

Correct ..Its Vitually Impossible .

And Its also not as simple as " Not being the Owner " , there are responsibilities to Report for Tenants ( To the Owner ) ..

Someone has written some good detail on Page 1 from Memory .

Its Confusing = Because it is very confusing . Its going to be completely impossible to enforce , and the whole scenario is pointless for Private appartments and Homes ..Far from Black / white and simple .

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I know we had the Ministry of Silly Walks in the UK ( thanks to the Monty Python team ), but where do they find these crackdowns ? Absolutely laughable having to report a friend staying overnight in your own home -- maybe they popped round and we all had a few beers. Now I have to go the main police station whilst intoxicated to report this immediately because by tomorrow morning ( within 24 hours ) they've already gone home. What a load of sphericals.....

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Now we talk numbers biggrin.png

8,000 is finally something that hurts. Once immigration started checking and collecting the information will spread like fire. Things will change. Well, at least for some time.

I only wish they would ask such an amount for other things as well: jumping a red light, parking in third lane, burning... you name it.

Ya want your mom to come over here and live with you too?

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I know we had the Ministry of Silly Walks in the UK ( thanks to the Monty Python team ), but where do they find these crackdowns ? Absolutely laughable having to report a friend staying overnight in your own home -- maybe they popped round and we all had a few beers. Now I have to go the main police station whilst intoxicated to report this immediately because by tomorrow morning ( within 24 hours ) they've already gone home. What a load of sphericals.....

No you don't have to go intoxicated. You have 24 hours after they "check in"

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What if its one night stand? are we supposed to call you guys in the middle of the night to inform you of our fling?

"Yes, Hi its Mr Wattson calling. I would just like to inform you i will be staying in this run down motel with a hooker for the night."

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Meaningless "Crackdowns" are publicly announced but serious crackdowns are not.

It appears officials are going after foreigners that are not "specific" reasons now ( for years) . These ( in this OP) appear serious.

There appears to be levels or layers of government and their public announcements that have not appeared before.

It appears the Thai CAN get serious when they want to and it appears they are serious now. Something has triggered an urgency that has redefined the government's reaction to a "red line". Something has triggered the Thais over particular foreigners offending particular rules.

Pay attention people!!!! This is different than the past! The government is upset about something! We are the target!

If you are paying attention to other OPs then a trend is forming. Pay attention and let's report to each other!

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.... my girlfreind is from vnam ,we have been dating for over 2 years,she is 37 and a school teacher, while i am here in thailand,she rented a house,and when i went to visit her,she recieved a call from the local beat cop,he wanted to meet with her,she took all my documents to this ''meeting'',it seems someone told the police i was lving with her''out of wed lock''..this cop squeezed her for 100 us ,she came home crying and explained if she didnt pay ,they would make our lives impossible...i had all the proper visa's and paper work.....so beware if u visit vnam,someof the hotels wont let unmarried couples as guests,some will...but as usual their is always the ''cash under the table route''.....keeping tabs on who is in the country has my support....

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The last 3 houses I have rented the Thai owners did not have a contract or ask for a copy of my passport. I don't think my current landlord even knows my name. Just shows up once a month to collect rent.

simply avoiding tax , lots do it and will continue

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.... my girlfreind is from vnam ,we have been dating for over 2 years,she is 37 and a school teacher, while i am here in thailand,she rented a house,and when i went to visit her,she recieved a call from the local beat cop,he wanted to meet with her,she took all my documents to this ''meeting'',it seems someone told the police i was lving with her''out of wed lock''..this cop squeezed her for 100 us ,she came home crying and explained if she didnt pay ,they would make our lives impossible...i had all the proper visa's and paper work.....so beware if u visit vnam,someof the hotels wont let unmarried couples as guests,some will...but as usual their is always the ''cash under the table route''.....keeping tabs on who is in the country has my support....

if you search on google for "girl friendly hotels vietnam" and click on the most relevant ad at the top, you will get a list of hotels where guests don't get hassled.

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Okay lets take this one step further...

If you are living in Thailand, does this concern to Everyone?

You have retirement Visa...

You report every 90 Days at Immigration...

You are living in your Family Home...

Does your wife have to report you are living here? Would you not normally living in same house as your Spouse? This is already reported every 90 days on form submitted each time at Immigration...

Our is this another way to have some Official pocket 8,000 Baht?

Immigration in Udon Thani, makes my wife, Thai, do it for me once a year. Our house is almost complete and we will have to do it again because of the address change. Then again for the yellow book...... If the powers that be, would network here, they would not have so much difficulty in keeping track of everyone. They like to shoot each other in the foot, constantly here.

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So if you rent a house and relatives come to stay with you what is the requirement there?

Why is this topic causing so much confusion. If you rent the house you ARE NOT the owner, so it's not your responsibility to tell immigration of the foreigner staying there.. it's the responsibility of the OWNER.

Even if you rent, lease or have an usufruct you are still not the legal owner.

And how the hell is the owner supposed to be able to keep track of who is invited as a guest in one of his/her apartments.

Some guests are invited for only one hour at a time....

This will be a nice income for BIB , they can check if you had guests staying , lert s say a party of 10 guests one night , thats 80000 baht .

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The last 3 houses I have rented the Thai owners did not have a contract or ask for a copy of my passport. I don't think my current landlord even knows my name. Just shows up once a month to collect rent.

simply avoiding tax , lots do it and will continue

Let's just pray that tax avoidance still continues.

Otherwise, the government will have more money to keep on enacting more stupid laws like this one...

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