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Pyongyang Declares ' State Of War' With South Korea - Agency


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I have the impression it's not the kid that's behind all this, but the long-time hardliners. I think they were really pissed off by the kid bringing that buffoon Dennis Rodman over, and now they are holding his feet to the fire regarding his lack of condemnation of the decadent ways of the capitalist scourge etc.

If the kid is suddenly reported ill, or in an accident, etc that will be a bad sign. I think the kid wants to be part of the world.

Also, I don't think they have nukes. That test two years was fake IMO, I think it was a regular bomb with some radioactive waste -- those who monitored it said "well, there was a blast and now there is radioactivity..." I think the world played along as a fakeout.

So the three separate agencies that monitored the tremor from the underground nuclear test explosion were incorrect and colluded to mis inform governments and the world wide media?

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RT@ChannelNewsAsia: JUST IN: North Korea's full war declaration statement - cna.asia/13FvnED pic.twitter.com/2n9EO7Alu5


I wonder if they wear big hats to make them look taller :giggle:


For a nation that has trouble feeding itself, the bloke second from the right looks like he's been grazing on a pretty grassy paddock. Yes a nation of stupid haircuts and hats.
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All special forces,from Nana and Pattaya,are to be mobilized,all leave is cancelled,forthwith.

Christ, the bars of Bangkok and Pattaya will be empty!

Payboy, go ahead and finish your beer and I hope all those special forces stay put in Pattaya and Bangkok, otherwise North Korea will surely win.

We should, however, try to stay on topic.

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Full war declaration statement from DPRK - KCNA

The moves of the U.S. imperialists to violate the sovereignty of the DPRK and encroach upon its supreme interests have entered an extremely grave phase. Under this situation, the dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un, brilliant commander of Mt. Paektu, convened an urgent operation meeting on the performance of duty of the Strategic Rocket Force of the Korean People's Army for firepower strike and finally examined and ratified a plan for firepower strike.

The important decision made by him is the declaration of a do-or-die battle to provide an epochal occasion for putting an end to the history of the long-standing showdown with the U.S. and opening a new era. It is also a last warning of justice served to the U.S., south Korean group and other anti-reunification hostile forces. The decision reflects the strong will of the army and people of the DPRK to annihilate the enemies.

Now the heroic service personnel and all other people of the DPRK are full of surging anger at the U.S. imperialists' reckless war provocation moves, and the strong will to turn out as one in the death-defying battle with the enemies and achieve a final victory of the great war for national reunification true to the important decision made by Kim Jong Un.

The Supreme Command of the KPA in its previous statement solemnly declared at home and abroad the will of the army and people of the DPRK to take decisive military counteraction to defend the sovereignty of the country and the dignity of its supreme leadership as regards the war moves of the U.S. and south Korean puppets that have reached the most extreme phase.

Not content with letting B-52 make sorties into the sky over south Korea in succession despite the repeated warnings of the DPRK, the U.S. made B-2A stealth strategic bomber and other ultra-modern strategic strike means fly from the U.S. mainland to south Korea to stage a bombing drill targeting the DPRK. This is an unpardonable and heinous provocation and an open challenge.

By taking advantage of the U.S. reckless campaign for a nuclear war against the DPRK, the south Korean puppets vociferated about "preemptive attack" and "strong counteraction" and even "strike at the commanding forces," openly revealing the attempt to destroy monuments symbolic of the dignity of the DPRK's supreme leadership.

Read more: http://english.ruvr.ru/2013_03_30/Full-war-declaration-statement-from-DPRK-KCNA-910/

-- THE VOICE OF RUSSIA 2013-03-30

I know it's not a popular opinion, but North Korea does have reason to be angry with the USA. The world media is very much concerned with making North Korea look bad.. I'm not entirely convinced that I believe a half of it.

Yeah I watched the declaration of war on the German channel today. At one point the presenter said 'that the South Korean government would try and solve the crisis by diplomacy', while the South Korean defence minister actually abused and threatened North Korea in a statement to the media in English. I wonder how many people watched this at the same time, and did not realize that South Korea (and certainly not the US either) are not into diplomacy.

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When will the human brain finally evolve?

The North Korean leadership is made up of very neurotic people.

But Human brains are rarely the problem.

Our neuroses are first and foremost entangled in our bodies, not our brains. Irrational thinking is usually a symptom of body related emotive problems not the cause. The irrational neurotic behaviour is body related and merely filters our thoughts to make it appear that our brains are coming up with crap.

The faster humans come to realise and deal with things in this way the better the world will become.

Even university academics 'brains' are so wrapped up in their own body-neuroses that they stubbornly refuse to accept it, despite the insurmountable evidence is that "regular psychology" has got it all so wrong. I mean how many people get angry in their minds without their body being involved in some way? The body has emotive reactions then the brain follows NOT the other way around!!

True "open mindedness" requires one to deal with their bodily neuroses in order to unfilter their perception of the world around them. Its hard enough for a well-to-do individual in the west; fat chance this will happen in the DPRK anytime soon!

See here rather than me rant any more on in this forum: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somatic_psychology

Bugger it ...just drop a bomb!!!

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I am no expert on the matter, but this is how i see things.

1. North Korea has nothing to loose and are crazy enough to start something

2. North Korean military is seriously outdated in all aspects

3. US does not want to go to War, but will have little option if South Korea is attacked.

4. Russia and China, are as surprised at the latest move as anyone else and i think will stay out of it, perhaps making a few statements.

5. Perhaps some missiles would be fired or some fighting will break out, however without the support of China and Russian, NK will stop. HOWEVER

my worry would be Iran, who will try to instigate NK to attack US bases.

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My focus here is on the deteriorating relationship between Pyongyang and Beijing. This loss of influence, control, Beijing has suffered leaves Pyongyang without any major government or factor to constrain or restrain its irrational passions.

During my recent three years in the PRChina I asked a number of the young Chinese university students and others I got to know well about the basic relationship between Pyongyang and Beijing. I guess by osmosis (for lack of a better word) I had sensed over time there, reading the Chinese press in English and in general conversation with some CCP's, that things weren't well between the two. The answers and conversations I got were disconcerting, to say the least.

During Kim Jong Il's reign, Beijing lost all effective control over Pyongyang. Yes, Beijing supplies 80% of the North's heating oil and propane gas cooking containers used in the home. Beijing is feeding N Korea;, provides cash dollars to a Kim regime desperate for bucks. In the interests of stability Beijing is substantially propping up Pyongyang's military - and kicking in to provide many other daily needs and necessities that keep the regime functioning, however marginally.

But Pyongyang knows Beijing has nightmares - horrific nightmares - about a collapse or a suicidal military action by the Pyongyang regime. Collapse or war would send a flood of refugees across the border into northeast China, a good number of whom would connect with missionaries and others in China to forward them to Thailand, which is the only SE Asia country that allows N Korean 'defectors' to travel on to a third country (S Korea, U.S.). PRChina Public Security Police would be scouring up and down eastern China trying to identify and arrest such defectors. There'd be chaos in China anyway if only because of the number of refugees streaming into it (think Syria's neighboring countries).

Then what of the Korean peninsula itself? As Beijing made clear during the Korean Conflict (1950-53), it absolutely shall never accept or tolerate the presence of U.S. armed forces on its border. Beijing entered the Korean Conflict only because Gen Douglas MacArthur, acting against directives from Washington, was pressing on to the Yalu River, which is the border between N Korea and the PRChina.

So if N Korea collapses or checks out in a suicidal military confrontation, does Beijing move into what is now N Korea to stabilize the place? That would be highly unlikely. Why? Because of the question of whether S Korea would move northward in armed force to secure the whole of its long divided country - S Korea likely would feel the imperative to take that action. So what about U.S. forces in S Korea? They certainly would have to stay put. lest they risk forcing Beijing to move its military onto the peninsula as its own unwelcome imperative.

Pyongyang has Beijing between a rock and a rock, both of which belong to Kim Jong Un, just as his father Kim Jong Il before him had Beijing between his two rocks. Pyongyang plays on Beijing's horror of a collapsed N Korea to do as it pleases on the peninsula and internationally. Beijing also has nightmares about a nuclearized Korean Peninsula, however, Beijing can do nothing to stop Pyongyang from pursuing its nuclear program. What is Beijing going to do, cut off food or oil supplies to the North, a course of action that would precipitate its collapse and the ensuing chaos Beijing trembles thinking about?

Beijing is in a weak position concerning N Korea and everyone from Seoul to Tokyo to Washington knows it - feeble would not be too strong a word to describe it. The only sign of "strength" Beijing could find as a course of action was to support the UNSC Resolution placing further embargoes and sanctions on N Korea, except this time the sanctions hit the ruling elites hard, squarely between the eyes, which is why Pyongyang is carrying on at an unprecedented loud and belligerent level.

If there is any kind of a solution to the present, potentially Guns of August kind of situation in NE Asia, precipitated by Pyongyang, Beijing isn't the place to go to find it. The unspoken in all of this is the supposed statement given to Seoul by Beijing that, if push comes to shove, Beijing would recalcitrantly accept the South taking possession of the North, but only if U.S. armed forces in the South remain positioned south of the 38th parallel. The PRChina has become S Korea's largest trading partner and relations between Beijing and Seoul are quietly good.

However, if the North's regime collapses, the U.S. absolutely would insist on sending specialized military forces into the North to secure its nuclear weapons, missiles etc. The Pentagon already has the operation worked out in detail, the same as it has a similar operation ready to go if necessary in Syria. Beijing supposedly would accept that as long as U.S. forces moved out of the North even more rapidly than they moved in.

Thanks for that, from a western perspective it is easy to overlook just how worrying the situation is for China. The U.S of course has it's own nuclear basket case to prop up, which is Pakistan, but at least the geographic separation makes the nightmare scenario of an out of control Pakistan less worrying to the U.S than North Korea is to China.

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please wait so i can tune in the telly, as it will be something to watch for 5/6 mins until the yanks fry them

I am sorry to say America will not do anything. They will go to the UN and just tell the North Koreans they are sorry and give up.

Your probably right as North Korea has absolutely nothing we can use or want. If, however, they do launch a strike on South Korea, good bye Charlie. It would be a shorter war than when we drove the Iraqi's out of Kuwait. coffee1.gif

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Really ... all this rhetoric is aimed at the home audience in the hope it will stop their new Minnie Mouse from looking weak. Their news has been flooded with 'set up' pix of Mr Big at various military stations, apparently issuing orders to the NK military. The regime wants a permanent solution to the stand off. But they don't want to be seen to ask for it. So they're hoping the S Korean gov't will make the first move so they can be dragged, kicking and screaming, to a bribed end of the old conflict between the two halves of the peninsula. A little face saving. A lot of aid, and the little guy can claim some kind of victory to the starving masses of his own country. This is not about war. This is about the best deal they can get and a peaceful solution. The big hats are hurting since the new sanctions tightened the noose. They want out. A million strong army equipped with pop guns and inadequate rations isn't a threat to S Korea. Millions of refugees is. Both Park and the new Chinese suits know this. It's a facade! Watch this space. A deal will ensue and Korea will unify. Long, drawn out process costing the south a heap of Won. But the result will be a very strong N E Asian economy which will balance that of the Chinese.




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Just for drill, let's be clear on how an ICBM works. I'm sure most know. It is a space vehicle. It is launched into space and goes into orbit. It can stay there due to lack of atmospheric drag, and its speed overcomes gravity. It can travel as far and as long as its user wants it to, using no fuel while in orbit. Then at the appointed moment, it fires retro rockets and begins a descent to its target. The good ones are very accurate.

Therefore they can hit anywhere in the world. They aren't limited for range.

N. Korea doesn't seem to have this full capability yet, but they do seem to be able to get a rocket into space. They still seem to have limited range. The Western countries can hit anywhere in the world, and the sub launched versions come from deep under water where the sub is never seen and can't be defended against. The sub is nuclear powered, generates its own fresh water from sea water, and its own oxygen from sea water. It can stay down for months.

Some ICBM's have the ability to separate, having multiple nukes on the rocket, and hit several targets with precision. The ones in the subs can do this.

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Time to put the Samsung Sentry weapons on "Auto" - did anyone check they're all loaded?


Or did they put in DoDamms yet?


Oh yeah, that DoDamm with the 12.7 would make a nice mess of any NK infantry thinking about venturing into the dmz.

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please wait so i can tune in the telly, as it will be something to watch for 5/6 mins until the yanks fry them

I am sorry to say America will not do anything. They will go to the UN and just tell the North Koreans they are sorry and give up.

Your probably right as North Korea has absolutely nothing we can use or want. If, however, they do launch a strike on South Korea, good bye Charlie. It would be a shorter war than when we drove the Iraqi's out of Kuwait. coffee1.gif

Of course it will. US would just decimate NK's millitary capabilities through the air and be done. No need to step in and stabilize NK.

Leader or no leader, NK can fend for itself. The goal is just to remove their ability to harm others. That can be accomplished expeditiously and without on solider on the ground. Completely different scenario here compared to Iraq et al.

Edited by F430murci
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please wait so i can tune in the telly, as it will be something to watch for 5/6 mins until the yanks fry them

I am sorry to say America will not do anything. They will go to the UN and just tell the North Koreans they are sorry and give up.

Your probably right as North Korea has absolutely nothing we can use or want. If, however, they do launch a strike on South Korea, good bye Charlie. It would be a shorter war than when we drove the Iraqi's out of Kuwait. coffee1.gif

Of course it will. US would just decimate NK's millitary capabilities through the air and be done. No need to step in and stabilize NK.

Leader or no leader, NK can fend for itself. The goal is just to remove their ability to harm others. That can be accomplished expeditiously and without on solider on the ground. Completely different scenario here compared to Iraq et al.

You assuming the nuke are within bombers reach, What if the nukes are underground?

What about civilians?

What about possible explosion of the nukes?

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please wait so i can tune in the telly, as it will be something to watch for 5/6 mins until the yanks fry them

I am sorry to say America will not do anything. They will go to the UN and just tell the North Koreans they are sorry and give up.

Your probably right as North Korea has absolutely nothing we can use or want. If, however, they do launch a strike on South Korea, good bye Charlie. It would be a shorter war than when we drove the Iraqi's out of Kuwait. coffee1.gif

Of course it will. US would just decimate NK's millitary capabilities through the air and be done. No need to step in and stabilize NK.

Leader or no leader, NK can fend for itself. The goal is just to remove their ability to harm others. That can be accomplished expeditiously and without on solider on the ground. Completely different scenario here compared to Iraq et al.

You assuming the nuke are within bombers reach, What if the nukes are underground?

What about civilians?

What about possible explosion of the nukes?

No different than US taking out Iraq's millitary ability by air. Just got messy when we went in by ground to topple government and attempt to stabalize.

NK is just not that sophisticated and I have no doubt US could remove their ability to harm others with 24 to 48 hours.

Collateral damage sucks, but is really the responsibility of NK putting their own people in danger. Gotta break a few eggs to make that omlette.

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You assuming the nuke are within bombers reach, What if the nukes are underground?

The latest bunkers busters are somewhat secret, but a few of them would at least seal the tombs, and keep NK from getting into them.

What about civilians?

This is how we lose wars - worrying about such things. Remember Gulf War I when Iraq tried to invade Kuwait, and the result was a long highway littered with bombed out vehicles and people? Hardly any allied troops were lost, it was over fast. Remember the beginning of the Iraq invasion with the carpet bombing and the bombing of Hussein's palaces, the finding and killing of him? Remember the celebrating of the people in the square, and the pulling down of the statue? The war should have stopped right there IMHO instead of hanging around trying to change people's culture. (If there was to be an invasion in the first place.)

What about possible explosion of the nukes?

They won't explode that way, and if they did that would be NK's tough luck. What you would get is a dirty mess of nuclear scattering.

No different than US taking out Iraq's millitary ability by air. Just got messy when we went in by ground to topple government and attempt to stabalize.

NK is just not that sophisticated and I have no doubt US could remove their ability to harm others with 24 to 48 hours.

Collateral damage sucks, but is really the responsibility of NK putting their own people in danger. Gotta break a few eggs to make that omlette.

Exactly. Good post.

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Their nuke arsenal is outdated and most likely poorly kept as well. The explosions are very likely and it would not be ONLY NK problem but a problem for entire region, including South Korea.

Like it or not loss of civilian life due to bombardment is never excused and always critisized by International community.

As for bunk busters, as you said secret, so not sure how you know of its capabilitythumbsup.gif

Clearly there is a good reason why US and the rest of the world allowed them to breach every single sanction and allowed for every single test to take place.

Perhaps its not as easy as 1-2-3 as some like to believe

Edited by lemoncake
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Your probably right as North Korea has absolutely nothing we can use or want. If, however, they do launch a strike on South Korea, good bye Charlie. It would be a shorter war than when we drove the Iraqi's out of Kuwait. coffee1.gif

Of course it will. US would just decimate NK's millitary capabilities through the air and be done. No need to step in and stabilize NK.

Leader or no leader, NK can fend for itself. The goal is just to remove their ability to harm others. That can be accomplished expeditiously and without on solider on the ground. Completely different scenario here compared to Iraq et al.

You assuming the nuke are within bombers reach, What if the nukes are underground?

What about civilians?

What about possible explosion of the nukes?

The latest massive ordnance penetrator (bunker buster) is described here: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-01-14/boeing-s-30-000-pound-bunker-buster-improved-u-s-says.html

These are the ones going to Israel so the US will have a couple of them left over for use on the Korean Peninsula. They can be carried only by B-2's and we all know that little test run will work, based on all the furor from last week.

Should the North Koreans manage to get a missile in the air, it is unlikely it will ever go anywhere near civilization before being taken down. Even if they are nuclear tipped, it is unlikely Obama will have the fortitude to use nukes against the North Koreans for a number of reasons.

What the real worry is, IMHO, an artillery barrage into the South and Seoul before the artillery can be neutralized. A few well placed daisy cutters will do wonders taking out semi-exposed troops and artillery but, to me, the real threat is a conventional attack on the South and the possible large numbers of deaths before the South and the US can react.

Somebody made the claim no troops would be required on the ground, conveniently forgetting the US already has nearly 30,000 troops on the ground now. The need to react swiftly will be paramount to reduce casualties. Apache helicopters and A-10's can take care of the PRK tank corps but B-52's from Diego Garcia and the B-2's might be required for the heavy ordnance at some point.

I imagine the battle plan is already established and all contingencies have been ironed out by military experts much wiser than any of us.

I simply do not believe the North will launch nukes but they could go conventional.

If they do, I don't really believe the US will be trying to get compassion from any of our enemies to begin with. In war, the object is to kill your enemy, not seek compassion from them.

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Their nuke arsenal is outdated and most likely poorly kept as well. The explosions are very likely and it would not be ONLY NK problem but a problem for entire region, including South Korea.

Like it or not loss of civilian life due to bombardment is never excused and always critisized by International community.

As for bunk busters, as you said secret, so not sure how you know of its capabilitythumbsup.gif

Clearly there is a good reason why US and the rest of the world allowed them to breach every single sanction and allowed for every single test to take place.

Perhaps its not as easy as 1-2-3 as some like to believe

They were allowed to breach sanctions because US, UN world powers are not God and cannot make anyone do anything just by asking or commanding. Short of bombing or invading, how else were we or any to stop them. Eventually, the level if breach will warrant the use of overwhelming force and God help them when that happens. They have been given every opportunity to act peacefully and appropriately. Seriously, what they ate doing defies all reason and logic. People of NK need to rise up or their leaders are going to really put them in harms way.

US has weapons that can either destroy or seal up weapons silo and make them completely inoperable in addition to taking down all radar and guidance systems. I would be surprised if wehave some sort of emp capabilities if necessary.

Fact is, if we cannot protect ourselves any others from some peon country like NK, the world has huge problems.

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