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How Do I Get To Police To Catch A Proven Thief?


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On 1/4/56 in the morning somebody entered our building by climbing through the window on the stairs between the first on second floor. There is CCTV on every floor. I have several video's of that person. He entered in the room of one of the people that stayed in the building (condo). The person in the room was sleeping. He stayed about 20 minutes in the room and stole his wallet. The person in the room woke up and clearly saw the thief and asked him what he's doing in his room. They had a short conversation and the thief ran away, followed by the person stays in the room. The thief could escape. We went to the police station and they made a report.

The next day I gave the police more clear images of the CCTV system but they didn't seem to be able to find the report of the day before. They kept the images and wrote down my phone number. I took the images of the CCTV system and went to ask teenagers around if they know him. Somebody gave me his name and told me his mother has a handicap. The name I got is Orarn. I went to the police station to report the information again but they said they didn't have time and that they would call me. They never called me and never wrote down his name.

So, knowing his name and that his mother has a handicap I went to ask around. Somebody pointed to me to where he lived. I went to talk to him. I showed him his picture. He said it was him, but when he knew who I was he started to deny. I told him I would send all the video I have to the TV channels and newpapers. After saying that he said it was him and that I didn't have to do that and he gave me 500B. He stole 2500B. He said he spent 2000B on going out. He is very probably the same guy that broke into another apartment nearby and stole 2 computers and other stuff there.

- I am 100% sure he's the thief

- I have very clear proof he's the thief.

- The person in the room also remembers his face very well.

- The proof is with many people.

- I know the name and the address of the thief.

- He most probably broke into several buildings.

- people that live around his house are either scared of him or defend him.

The police has no time for me or this case.

What can I do?

Edited by kriswillems
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Is is worth all this for 2000B?

Your advantage now is that you know where the self-confessed thieve lives. Just ask him to pay you back the rest soon and suggest some practical measure to sort out his life.

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The neighbor living nearby said he's almost immediately released every time he's caught.

Would it be smart to post his video on the thai pantip forum or send to a TV channel?

He's must stronger than me. He can knock me down in a second if he wants to. I will not go to collect the remaining 2000B. It's too dangerous.

Edited by kriswillems
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You're asking a thief to catch another thief?<br /><br />Haven't you heard of honor amongst thieves?

Sorry, there's only one thief in this story. Some of his neighbors might be relatives or sympathize with him because they refused to give me his address but they clearly knew him very well.

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Is is worth all this for 2000B?

Your advantage now is that you know where the self-confessed thieve lives. Just ask him to pay you back the rest soon and suggest some practical measure to sort out his life.

He knows me now and I know him. Chances are high he'll not come back to our building, but most probably he'll not stop stealing.

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Post it on panthip? Really? You want your money back so bad you'll risk some time in the hospital?

He gave you 500 already, and when you took it that was it.

Please don't go through all this extra trouble to get this 2000 back.

Please listen to Morakot - it isn't worth it.

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Is is worth all this for 2000B?

Your advantage now is that you know where the self-confessed thieve lives. Just ask him to pay you back the rest soon and suggest some practical measure to sort out his life.

He knows me now and I know him. Chances are high he'll not come back to our building, but most probably he'll not stop stealing.

Right, post something about him and you might get something more than you're 2,000 and it will come in a surprise package!

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The neighbor living nearby said he's almost immediately released every time he's caught.

Would it be smart to post his video on the thai pantip forum or send to a TV channel?

He's must stronger than me. He can knock me down in a second if he wants to. I will not go to collect the remaining 2000B. It's too dangerous.

And he didn't knock you down/threaten you the time you confronted him?

Why don't you send the person that lost the money?

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Yes, as Dhamma said, posting the clip would be too confrontages. If you decided to approach him again, it obviously needs to be done in a de-escalating, non-adversarial way. If you really depend on this money, you might like to take an (older) respectable person with you when you talk to him.

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The neighbor living nearby said he's almost immediately released every time he's caught.

Would it be smart to post his video on the thai pantip forum or send to a TV channel?

He's must stronger than me. He can knock me down in a second if he wants to. I will not go to collect the remaining 2000B. It's too dangerous.

And he didn't knock you down/threaten you the time you confronted him?

Why don't you send the person that lost the money?

No, he didn't knock we down. His mother was with him. I talked to his mother first. I can talk Thai and know which level of politeness to use to avoid escalating conflicts.

I gave 2000B to the person that lost the money. He lives in our building. I felt sorry for him and we want be responsible condo owners.

Edited by kriswillems
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He gave uou Bht500 and you accepted?!

You now have to prove you have not accepted compensation.

Game Over..... Doh!

I want the money back. It's not a compensation. He still has to give us another 2000B.

Accepting the 500 baht is a form of settlement..how can you be so naive..

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The neighbor living nearby said he's almost immediately released every time he's caught.

Would it be smart to post his video on the thai pantip forum or send to a TV channel?

He's must stronger than me. He can knock me down in a second if he wants to. I will not go to collect the remaining 2000B. It's too dangerous.

You can use a video pen or watch on sale at street market at the top of Silom most nights - buy one and record everything he says again. Show it to the police and again record what they say - if they don't act then tell them you will send all the videos to a TV channel/newspaper/youtube. But see a solicitor first. Edited by Card
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I am amazed the trouble OP has gone through, and still wants to proceed, for 2000 Baht.

I am guessing OP has a lot time on hands.

By the way, did OP communicate in Thai or English with the thief?

Does the Thief live alone with his handicapped mother? This is important to the Police, as they dont want to spend time and recourses dealing with a petty theft, ending up with his hysterical handicapped mother at the station. They dont want that publicity.

Anyhow, I aree with several of the members.

End it.

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If you can already speak Thai you must know the culture here, his Mom is handicap and he is possibly stealing since he gives her some money, the police will do nothing unless you pay them to do something but if he had the support of the community then you will not get anywhere consider moving to a nicer neighbourhood to avoid these issues and remember making too much noise could lead a friend of his to clear up the problem ie YOU

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How Do I Get To Police To Catch A Proven Thief?

In Thailand....

Firstly your contact(s) in the police must be 'bigger' than his


Your payment to the police must outweigh his value to them (fiscal, filial or familiarly)


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The police will only act if there is something in it for them. In this case there isn't, unless you are prepared to give them money. It's not nice to be stolen from, I know, but it causes me more harm to hold on to a resentment - kinda like me taking poison and expecting the thief to die.

Once, I was staying in a famous monk's temple with about 100 other foreigners. People were getting jeans and other clothing nicked from the communal washing line. After a few night, there was a huge commotion as the thief had been caught. Myself, my mate, and an English policeman wanted to jump on the guy, beat him up and take him to the police station. A couple of monks seemed pretty upset too. The head (highly respected) monk came and said to let him go. We we all there learning about Buddhism, compassion, loving kindness etc. There's a moral to this story, not exactly sure what it is, but worth thinking about. Every challenge in life enables me to learn more and improve myself.smile.png

I say let him go.

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Neeranam, so after all this time, you still aren't sure what the lesson was? Could it be that there was no lesson?

Did the head monk, have his jeans stolen? I'm thinking not because he probably wasn't wearing any clothes one would want to steal right? Were only farangs the victims?

I would agree/disagree with the "we wanted to beat him up" part, as that would be vigilante justice which is not right or legal in most cases. However, reporting the theft to the police probably would have been a good idea.

I would suggest, the the monk wasn't teaching you or anyone else, any lessons, but that he was just being typically Thai, and avoiding confrontation and problems, and since he wasn't a victim, who cares, and those farangs can afford it, so again, who cares? Thais vs. farangs, etc, make some excuse for the Thai criminal, he must have "needed the money" ...I am assuming the theft was done by a Thai, but you didn't state that.

It is very easy to start to fall into the Thai BS, that "we think to much" and start to believe that when we are on our honeymoon period in Thailand, but after some years, you start to wake up and realize that we are not thinking enough.

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