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Proof Of Income

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Wow, no need to show evidence? Could immigration still request additional evidence, e.g. bank statement printouts?

Yes immigration wanted to see the copy of the bank statement as well as the affidavit from the Cdn. Embassy. Amnat Charoen Immigration. The Canadian Embassy makes you show them a copy of the bank deposit for them to issue the affidavit.

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I renewed my non-0 visa last year on Aug 21 for Extension September 9 with an income statement from the Austrian Consulate in Pattaya dated June 06, 2012

Immigration Office in Udon processed info and no bankbook or bank statement was required.

This of course can change without notice...

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Great! Kill 2 birds with one stone.

was at phibuin yesterday and she told me no older than one month for stat dec

I've been told the same 30 days time frame from two seperate imm. offices.

The 30 day limit also applies to the address verification letter as well. After 30 days I was told i'd need a new one along with the mandatory ฿500 fee.

Your mileage may however vary.

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did we not all sign a paper last year, STATING that we understand we need 400k in the bank ?

wasn't there a story of a guy with same problems, one or two weeks ago on TV ?

Its 400 K in the Bank for 3 Months prior to application, i thought an income of 65K from overseas was the requirment for the option to the 400 K

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The outreach for US is once a year in January here in Ubon which is way to early for my extension due in August.

I normally make my annual embassy run to get my affidavit just a few days before I plan on going to immigration.

I'm curious "ubonjoe", given other comments I've read on TV on this issue...have you ever asked your immigration office how old this letter can be? I've read in some offices the letter can be several months old, even as old as yours would be. My outreach is in June and renewal in August. I'd probably be OK, but to be sure I should take a few minutes out of my day and check at the local immigration office. Could save an unnecessary trip to BKK.

Edited by oneday
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Yes, Immigration could ask someone to "show evidence" -- but there is no firm rule that they will nor what they want to see. Usually, they judge people by how they handle themselves at Immigration, how long they've been in Thailand, the age and educational difference between them and their wife, source of income, etc.

They aren't qualified (or really that interested) in looking over someone's 401K statement -- but they love to see official-looking documents from a mannerly person. Chance are they'll just wave it away, without looking, when the document is presented quickly, with a smile.

I'd suggest dressing up, or at a minimum, wearing business casual. If you look professional, they will probably assume that you have financial resources. Can't hurt!

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Only US citizens can do 'scouts honor'

the rest of us need proof with stamps,

but even that isn't enough if the immigration officer has a bad hair day

Wrong !!

Australians only make a Stat.Dec. at Embassy...no proof required. This is how it should be as the Stat.Dec. is a legal document and if made falsely, you could be in trouble. I find it absolutely ridiculous that any country would insist on proof of what you have said in the Stat Dec.

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I have deleted many off-topic posts. This topic is not about extensions of stay with money in the bank, but about how recent the embassy letter must be when applying for an extension based on foreign-earned income.

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If I transfer atleast 40k to my thai bank account, do I still need to get something from the US embassy in bangkok? Could I just show the local immigration officer my thai book bank showing that I deposit atleast 40k per month?

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When you bring your documents make sure they look pretty. Officers are real big on neatness. I gave them my SS statement showing my monthly income. It comes in one of those envelopes you rip open. Didn't want it, but took my private pension statement because it was neat with no jagged edges.

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I'm permitted to stay until May 16 and my proof of income is dated today so if I apply for the next extension early on say April 30, the proof of income will be less than 30 days old. How early can you apply for extension again?

Edited by ubonrthai
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To answer the OP's question, it should not be too early (if immigration offices are reasonably consistent on this point, which is a big "if"). I asked this very question at Khon Kaen immigration last year, and their answer was that the documents had to be produced within 60 days of the date you apply for the extension and present them to immigration. So if you apply 30 days before the visa expires (the earliest you can apply for a visa extension), then ultimately it would be up to 90 days before the expiration of the visa. Of course, doing it that early gives you a very narrow window of when you can actually get into immigration to apply for the extension and use the affidavit without being too early or too late, so think about all of those dates, weekends, and holidays carefully.

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Wow, no need to show evidence? Could immigration still request additional evidence, e.g. bank statement printouts?

I had to show UK consulate proof of my regular income, then they give you confirmation letter, which you show to immigration.

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I had to show paper of pension to consulate and get it stamped at consulate,

then i had to go to BKK somewhere and get another stamp for verification.

But that wasnt enough as it turned out, the woman in jomtien immigration kept demanding

first recipes that i had transfer into thailand, and when i returned with those,

she demanded a copy of my visa card + some other in-official requirements,

until my visa run out and i had to go to vientienne for valid visa

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Yes, Immigration could ask someone to "show evidence" -- but there is no firm rule that they will nor what they want to see. Usually, they judge people by how they handle themselves at Immigration, how long they've been in Thailand, the age and educational difference between them and their wife, source of income, etc.

They aren't qualified (or really that interested) in looking over someone's 401K statement -- but they love to see official-looking documents from a mannerly person. Chance are they'll just wave it away, without looking, when the document is presented quickly, with a smile.

I'd suggest dressing up, or at a minimum, wearing business casual. If you look professional, they will probably assume that you have financial resources. Can't hurt!
Proper atire and gromming can make all the difference in the world when dealing with government officals.
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If I transfer atleast 40k to my thai bank account, do I still need to get something from the US embassy in bangkok? Could I just show the local immigration officer my thai book bank showing that I deposit atleast 40k per month?

Wouldn't that be convient heavens no that simply wouldnot do much to easy and sensible. Just rember the samon and keep swimming against the flow and keep your goal in mind and deal with the obsticles placed in your path and go to the embassy pay the extorsion fees and get the letter oh dont foreget to make an appointment if you are are US citizen also call and make sure you have an appointment the system dosenot work very well. Good luck


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The outreach for US is once a year in January here in Ubon which is way to early for my extension due in August.

I normally make my annual embassy run to get my affidavit just a few days before I plan on going to immigration.

I'm curious "ubonjoe", given other comments I've read on TV on this issue...have you ever asked your immigration office how old this letter can be? I've read in some offices the letter can be several months old, even as old as yours would be. My outreach is in June and renewal in August. I'd probably be OK, but to be sure I should take a few minutes out of my day and check at the local immigration office. Could save an unnecessary trip to BKK.

I use the Phibun (Ubon) immigration office. If you go back to page 1 of the this topic you will see a report that they want them to be no more than 30 days old.

I have also received a PM from a member that reported the same thing. His friend got income affidavit in January and when he went in March they refused to accept it causing him to make a rush trip to Bangkok for a new one.

I have flight reservations already made for a trip in late July for mine.

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Wow, no need to show evidence? Could immigration still request additional evidence, e.g. bank statement printouts?

For over 2 centuries, the American Standard has been that 'a man's word is his bond'... Thus a sworn statement is sufficient.

Obviously not Thailand where the electrician who publicly guaranteed to show up today, arrives next week.

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